Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 320 Ghost, Ghost or Human?

When China was very strong, it would always expand westward. They called the exotic place west of Chang'an the Western Regions. The name Zhangye was also taken by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The meaning of "Western Region", this word Zhang happens to be the same as Qiu Zhang's surname.

She was very confused. Is Zhang a place name? Later, after checking the information, I realized that Zhang was a surname, and it was also a hieroglyph. It was a person holding a bow and preparing to shoot an arrow.

There is a Confucius Institute in the UK. The teacher there said that archery is a kind of etiquette in China. She knows about Robin Hood. This legendary hero is well known not only in the UK, but also in many western countries. It is similar to Merlin and King Arthur. He is not a good archer. For etiquette.

There are huge cultural differences between the East and the West, and it is too difficult to digest and absorb at once. Azkaban, the isolated island that everyone fears, is related to fairy mountains in the East.

The vastness of the territory has caused inconvenient communication. The red bean is actually the fruit of the yew. Although the owner of the yew wand will give the holder the power to control life and death and the terrifying ability to duel and cast spells, it does not mean that the yew is evil. Avatar, the wizard best suited to a yew wand may also be a staunch protector. Tom is a pure-blood Guardian, even though he is a half-blood himself.

Pure-blood wizards do have abilities that are different from ordinary families. Lucius Malfoy saw the "stupid dog" that someone called Harry when he saw him off. Lucius told Severus Snape , when he returned to the meeting table of the Order of the Phoenix, he would sarcastically sarcastically.

In fact, he was expressing his concern in an awkward way. Sirius was indeed too careless in that action, but normal people would be angry when they heard him say that. Coupled with his greasy hair and gloomy temperament, anyone would attribute him to evil side.

Heck, it's so weird that she's married to him, and probably going to be buried with Lily James later on.

Too many things happened yesterday, making her a little confused, who am I? where am i What am I doing?

To clear her head, she decided to eat something sweet to calm the shock, and it was such a good feeling to eat chocolate for breakfast.

"I remember there was a piano in the house in Grimmauld Place, can you play the piano, Hermione?" Severus, who was drinking coffee with an adult posture while reading the Daily Prophet, said softly, and was talking with a jam bottle Hermione of the decisive battle was stunned when she heard this.

"I know a little," whispered Hermione. "I learned that when I was little."

"That piano isn't just for display, at least someone Harry Potter knows can play it."

Harry lived in a closet as a kid, so of course he couldn't play an instrument, did anyone in the Weasley family play an instrument?

Pomona recalled that Sirius Blake who played the piano in the warm winter sun, he was very free and unrestrained when riding a flying motorcycle, and the temperament when he played the piano...

"What were you thinking, dear?" Severus said with a "happy" grin.

"It's nothing." Pomona put down the chocolate and began to eat breakfast. It was really too bitter to drink coffee after eating sweets.

"Can you play the piano?" he asked with interest.

"I don't have time to study." She answered honestly.

"Do you want to learn?"

The person who played the piano was elegant, quite different from the person who went to work in the fields. Pomona waved her magic wand, and the record player left by Lupin began to play music.

It's not so elegant as a piano, but it's not the Weird Sisters, it seems to be some jazz music played by a small band that is not very famous.

"I'm not Felix, he likes to create music, I prefer to listen to it, by the way, Astonia is a member of the school chorus." Only then did Pomona remember that Miss Greengrass seemed to be very good at singing.

"Use your wand, Hermione." Severus had no intention of opening the bottle cap for Hermione, and turned his gaze to Pomona after saying something coldly.

"You actually forbade Ginny from going to Hogsmeade." Before he could say anything, Pomona said, "You also restored Umbridge's old rules, banning student gatherings of more than three and any informal gatherings." Student society, who do you think you are? The king of Hogwarts?"

"Are you going to start fighting against me again?"

"Do you have such a thing as pajamas?" Pomona continued to recall her own, "I have never seen you wear it, including Harry Potter getting into trouble in the middle of the night, and you showed up in a black cloak every time."

Severus stopped trying to talk to her, and looked down at the newspaper, while Hermione glanced at every move here with a strange look.

"Even Lucius has home clothes, but you don't, no, don't even think that the pajamas are also black. I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night thinking that a groundbat has appeared beside me."

"Don't think I'm wearing pajamas with cartoon patterns." He gritted his teeth and said every word.

"The sweater with reindeer on it that I knitted for you last time was hidden by you, so I'm not that stupid." She was in a happy mood thinking about what kind of pajamas she should choose that is stupid and won't let him notice. he wears.

Hermione shook her head in disbelief, waved her wand, and the jam jar popped open easily.

"I went to see Furong in the morning, what shall we do next?" He kicked her under the table.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, let's go shopping at Harrods with Mrs. Malfoy, Hermione." Pomona flipped through the photos of the Triwizard Tournament, and she wanted to see how Qiu Zhang wore her clothes.

"Should I still go with Mrs. Malfoy with you?" Hermione was obviously not happy.

"You have to learn to deal with ladies, because house-elves are there for them."

"Do you think you are a lady?" He propped his chin with his palm, put his little finger on his lips, as if... as if he was seducing her.

"Danger is in front of you, safety is in the back, the second on the left and the second on the right, although they look different, they taste the same, do you know what I'm talking about?"

Hermione and Severus laughed at the same time.

"That's the same flame that Floo powder makes, right? It's purple though." Hermione looked at the Potions Master. "What's in that smallest bottle?"

"Why didn't you ask yourself what you drank?" The Potions Professor froze, pointed his big nose at Hermione Granger, "Harry Potter didn't believe you at first, you drank those two things you thought were safe After the potion, he only drank the potion in that little bottle when he saw that you were fine, right?"

They were talking about breaking through the level to get the Philosopher's Stone. Pomona felt that the most difficult part was this logic problem.

"Confidence is a good thing, but what if you make a mistake? You only have one life, so cherish it."

The smile on Hermione's face quickly disappeared.

"You actually let an 11-year-old drink canyon water." Pomona scratched his pant leg with her ankle under the table. "Do you think it tastes good, Hermione."

"It's kind of cold," whispered Hermione. "Isn't that bottle of nettle wine?"

"Have you tasted sweetness?" asked Pomona.


"That's the canyon water sold by the Three Broomsticks. Children under the age of 17 are not allowed to drink it. Speaking of breaking the law, Hermione Granger, did you steal the Time-Turner from the Ministry of Magic?"

"I'm full!" Hermione got up quickly and picked up her embroidered bag. "I'm going to work, goodbye."

She disapparated immediately after she finished speaking, and Pomona felt disgusted just thinking about the entrance used by ordinary employees.

Public toilets, which genius came up with the idea?

"Why did you suddenly think of this topic?" Hermione left, and Severus sat directly next to her, holding her shoulder and said.

"You're too young for a politician, and more importantly, you're a good guy, don't be taken advantage of by those old guys." Pomona adds milk and sugar, turns black coffee into a latte "Hiding behind others , just like Lucius, don’t stand in the front by yourself.”

"Why are you all thinking about others and not about yourself?" Severus looked into her eyes.

"Hermione is because she wants to prove herself right. I just don't think it's necessary. I like a simple and safe life. It doesn't matter if I'm a nobleman or not." She shook his hand. "It's hard to compete with Lily, she's a Quite a formidable opponent."

"I've been wondering, where did the dragon egg that the Dark Lord bribed Hagrid come from?" Severus said. "There are no Norsebacks in Romania."

"Since you know it's a Norwegian spineback, why don't you know where it came from?" Pomona asked back in disbelief.

"Norway," he said with a smile, "you still haven't figured it out?"

Pomona froze for a moment. Karkaroff would definitely not help Voldemort get that thing, so where did this precious dragon egg come from?

"Let's talk about last night, I fell asleep, where did you go?"

"I don't want to talk about it," she said angrily.

"Why mention the Time-Turner?" he asked again.

She glared at the ugly guy in front of her, Sirius who can play the piano is so handsome! Why did she turn against Lily for him.

"I must be crazy," murmured Pomona, about to leave the table, and he held her firmly in place.

"Maybe we can do something mischievous without exhausting our energy." He pursed his thin lips, obviously thinking of bad ideas.

"Don't you have anything else to do?"

"It depends on whether you are honest." He moved closer, his hands and feet intertwined with her, and the smell of sage rushed to his face. "I can smell the paste on your body. Where did you set the fire?"

"The Room of Requirement." She was fainted by the warm breath, and curled up in his arms to answer any questions.

"What are you going to do?" He whispered in a voice that could be heard by two people, obviously they were the only ones in the house.

"Hide the past." She whispered, "I don't want you to go back to the past."

"The Time-Turner in the Room of Requirement?"

"Call back and forth." Pomona told him what Lucius told her yesterday.

"Lucius said that Lily didn't leave. If you find the resurrection stone, do you plan to resurrect her?"

"Do you still remember the Dreaming Grass that Wang Wei said?" He lifted her chin and made her look at him. "That Mrs. Li didn't let the emperor see her when she was seriously ill because she was afraid of herself." The appearance awakened the emperor from his dream. She was not the perfect woman in his imagination. What the emperor loved was an illusion, not Mrs. Li. She was just the carrier of his fantasy. She was perfected in the emperor's heart. Lily It's the same, I'm not the kind of fool who clings to the past and doesn't know how to cherish the present. I won't use the resurrection stone to resurrect a ghost. What's the use of resurrecting her? She won't necessarily live with me , she can still find her son."

"Why are you so cruel?" Pomona frowned.

"Lily would be unfaithful to James if she was with me. If Harry Potter finds out, do you think he will forgive me?" Severus sneered, "I'll become old Cows Lester Lankey, Harry Potter will kill me just like Karma to avenge his father."

"So you won't revive Lily?"

"Why revive her? I'm not a young man anymore."

"Wait! How do you know about the dream grass?" Pomona asked before he came to kiss her.

"You don't think it was Wang Wei who came into your room and put that seed on your bedside, did you?" Severus said coldly.

"I thought it was my roommate, oh shit, you sneaked into the girls' dormitory!"

"That camp is not a school, and there are not so many restrictions. Besides, you think that turning the stairs into slides can prevent boys from entering the girls' dormitory." I can catch quite a few."

"For example?"

"Cast a floating spell on yourself and fly to the door of the girls' dormitory." He shook his head with emotion. "It is said that the inspiration comes from Fei Liwei, and he often floats himself in class."

"I don't understand." She was very confused. "Why don't you study hard when you have the time and energy to do this?"

"Honey, this is the biggest difference between the female dean and the male dean." He said in a brisk and disgusting tone, "If you find the resurrection stone, will you revive Sendrick?"

She thought for a long time and couldn't find the right words to explain her mood.

"That's a bad idea," she said finally.

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a French kiss, and she still couldn't find the difference between the men's and women's heads. The only thing she could think of was Quidditch. Slytherin and Gryffindor were fiercely competitive, and there were much more body collisions. Heck, Minerva is obviously a woman, so why is there such a big difference?

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