Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3196 Flashing Mosaic (4)

"Mrs. Sèvres."

She turned her head following the sound, and Father Grégoire was walking quickly towards her.

Her mood was extremely complicated, because she could guess why he followed her out.

He was a little breathless from running, but when his breathing calmed down a little, he said, "I feel that this auction is very inappropriate."

Look, it's true.

"Do you think this place is a source of corruption and a manufacturing place of evil, just like the palace in the old days?" Georgiana asked.

"Do you really understand what you are doing?" asked Father Grégoire.

She didn't answer immediately.

"Do you want to talk?" the priest asked.

"Like in the warning booth?" She smiled sarcastically, then turned around and continued walking backstage.

Talleyrand said that women always say "please tell the truth", so he will not be fooled.

A woman's age is a secret. If the person introducing the painting on stage didn't say that it was painted by Isabella in her 60s, others might think that it was just a more serious girl in her 20s, just like Titian's. "Flower God" is always young and beautiful.

Men's focus is different from that of women. When appreciating paintings in the Louvre, they always guess the identity of the woman in the painting based on the height of the model's collar.

But why do women wear heart-neck clothes instead of round-neck clothes? Just like the illegitimate daughter of the Pope who walks on the clouds, she has a wonderful chest-to-neck ratio, and wearing high heels is also to increase the length of her legs.

They were all frightened when Georgiana proposed this theory.

Of course women also know the golden ratio, although they have suffered a lot for that damn ratio.

It was rude to discuss a woman's age in public, but Georgiana asked them to "honestly" tell the buyer about the painting. She just hoped that similar misunderstandings would not happen again in the future.

When she came to the backstage, the situation inside was in a mess, including actors who had not left and people taking care of the paintings. The actors gathered around the paintings and discussed them eagerly. There were particularly many people watching one of the paintings.

It was painted by Raphael's disciple Giulio Romano. He assisted Raphael in completing many works in his youth. He was not only an assistant in the studio, but also an assistant in interior decoration painting. After Raphael's death, he completed it independently. Some of his unfinished works include the famous Raphael Room.

Titian lived a long life and created more than 1,000 works in his life... In short, Giulio Romano is a representative of Mannerism. His most important work is Mantua. The people of Mantua feel that he made them The residence is no longer muddy and damp, and the city has become clean and healthy.

When Napoleon was fighting in Mantua, he was stuck in a swamp. The French army could not save him, and the Austrians could attack at any time.

When he captured Mantua against all odds, the Arts Council took away many works. They even planned to take away the "Clash of the Titans" painted on the ceiling.

It was a mural, and Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper" was therefore not rolled up and taken away like "The Wedding of Cana". The fresco was also painted by Giulio Romano. The theme was the Titans trying to retake Olympus, and Heracles was participating in that war.

The oil painting watched by the actors is about the "birth" of Hercules, which is the scene of Zeus and Alcmene together. The difference is that Zeus here is a handsome young man, and Alcmene She is not an innocent girl, but a mature young woman.

Mannerism pursues an unstable and sensually stimulating artistic effect. It was once popular in Mantua, Florence and Rome, but it had little influence in Venice because Titian, Tintorito and others were popular when this style was popular. Still there.

"Give way." Denon said at the door, and he quickly came to Georgiana's side.

Most of the actors gave in, except for one person - Miss Georgina, although she is only 17 years old, but has a mature figure that is not for her age.

The actors, who had first looked at the picture with theatrical eyes, now looked at them both with the same eyes.

She felt that she was trapped in a strange circle. She obviously wanted to find a "simpler" man. She didn't have to worry about his deviant behavior or being trapped in the situation in front of her. She could spend her energy on things that were more needed. .

While she was distracted for a moment, Miss Georgina curtseyed to her, and stepped aside.

Although she lowered her head humbly, she kept smiling.

Georgina is French and she has a reputation. Georgiana cannot just throw her on a ship and send her to the end of the world like she did with Miss Campini.

She lost her rationality at that time, and it was too scary to do this. Fortunately, Diloch stopped her.

Then she recalled the last time she was at the Trianon Palace. She didn't know why she was angry again and wanted to hit him with a stick, but his advisers stopped her.

Nietzsche said that God is dead, because the reward mechanism of "do good things and go to heaven, do bad things and go to hell" is gone, and the entire belief has collapsed.

But Nietzsche felt that instead of worrying about what to do if you lose your faith, it is better to think about why people would establish it.

Bonaparte fell in love with her because of her "emotional stability". She was not 26 years old after all, although she looked very young.

She turned her attention back to the paintings.

These paintings are not so much auction items as a display of achievements, covering almost all the cities in the Italian wars led by Napoleon, and now also include those in Flanders.

She had naively thought that the money spent during the Napoleonic Wars belonged to the Knights Templar. What Talleyrand just meant was probably to extort another sum of money and exchange these "defective products" for other people's real money.

Nietzsche said that the reason why the weak obey the strong is to become the master of the weaker one. Even the slaves have the will to power that wants to be the master.

This is the case for Peter Pedro, he is a mixed-race, and the Sorting Hat had a "hat embarrassment" in order to sort him into Gryffindor or Slytherin. He followed James in school and later Voldemort, not really wanting to learn anything from them.

When we are betrayed by someone we love, we feel disappointed, painful, and even the sweet moments in the past become unbearable, as if everything has lost its meaning.

There was a grenadier who committed suicide because of relationship problems, but Georgiana was sent to "teach" the woman a lesson.

If it were Josephine, Bonaparte would not have given such an order. She was protected. Josephine had been beaten by her ex-husband and even hid in a monastery. After she married Napoleon, she had no regard for her ex-husband. No attachment.

In Medea's lines, women are made for love.

The problem she has to face now is how to get rid of all this and reshape a new "pillar". Otherwise, she would imitate Socrates and tell the young people that being rejected means that she gives you more freedom, which is nothing more than chattering.

She had always wanted to protect the boy in Severus' heart.

Lily once severely rejected him, and later did not contact him. After she died, she would be even less likely to give him any message...

"Madam," Denon said, "Do you want to stop the auction?"

"I've only recovered twenty thousand francs, why stop?" Georgiana pointed to another painting, "This is it."

It was a Flemish genre painting - "The Money Merchant and His Wife".

Of course, this painting is not the treasure of the Louvre. There are many Flemish folk paintings of this theme, in which a monogamous couple sits and counts money. The difference is that the clothes and table furnishings are different.

"Why did you choose this one?" someone said at the door.

Georgiana looked over and saw that it was Chateaubriand.

"Is it because this kind of painting cannot be considered high art, so it cannot be placed in the prestigious Louvre?" Chateaubriand said.

"No." Georgiana looked at Denon. "Wait a minute when you introduce this painting. Kant once compared free will like this. When we act autonomously, we are no longer tools for instructions given to us by the outside world. There is a shopkeeper. He When he meets a layman, the shop owner knows he can give that customer a little less money without penalty.”

She walked to the picture, "Have you seen the inscription on it? May the scales always be fair and impartial. This contractual spirit based on equivalent exchange is commendable, and it is exactly the same as this serious and pragmatic businessman. It was Antwerp’s merchants who made the city prosperous.”

She didn't know if they understood what she said.

"How about I help you polish it?" Chateaubriand said with a smile.

"The shooting will start soon, next time." Georgiana said, and then continued to search in the painting.

However, Chateaubriand didn't care so much. He found a chair and sat down, took out the stationery he brought with him, picked up his pen and started writing.


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