Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3187 Giant Whale and Elephant (11)

If there were people who were jealous of the champions participating in the Triwizard Tournament at the beginning, all this emotion disappeared after the first game, and even Ron and Harry reconciled.

After all, in people's minds at that time, participating in the competition meant honor and...


Pomona looked back and saw Harry Potter.

"What do you want?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"Professor McGonagall asked me to give you this letter." Owl Potter said.

"Okay, thank you." Pomona took the letter.

Then he left the greenhouse with the other students who had finished class.

Pomona opened the envelope.

'I noticed those badges are gone, thank you, Minerva McGonagall. ’

The letter read this.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with her. The children took it off spontaneously.

But she still wrote at the back of the letter.

'You are welcome. ’

Then she found a school owl and asked it to deliver the letter to the Gryffindor Head of House.


No matter what the personal morals of Pope Alexander VI were, his aesthetics was still high. After all, he was a Florentine.

His illegitimate daughter Lucrezia was a beauty with thick golden hair and a pair of hazel eyes that often changed color, and she walked as if she were walking on clouds.

In addition, she has a docile personality and is not as notorious as the rest of the Borgia family. All this may be because of her mother, Mrs. Vanossa. Although she was the mistress of the Pope, she was actively engaged in charity and gained the respect and love of the world.

In addition, she also had some side businesses. In addition to the real estate and pawnshop businesses that were very popular at the time, she was also the hostess of some hotels next to the Flower Square.

According to the Florentine view of the time, the body is not just a container for the soul, but a work of art in itself.

Man is by no means a slave of the created nature, but a competitor of nature.

Michelangelo's David is full of power, but Georgiana's Heracles is not. He even looks stiff in his movements, as if he is bound by invisible chains.

The goddess of destiny is not as dynamic as the goddess of victory in the Louvre. Generally speaking, it is not perfect, or even a little unsatisfactory. After all, she is not a professional artist.

What she provided was only an inspiration and theme. Many people had sculpted the Pieta, but Michelangelo's sculptures became the objects of imitation by many contemporary sculptors. She saw it in the "Golden House" Museum in Venice. Lots of imitations. But even if they are the same form, the gap between them is still huge.

It takes more than a chisel to inject soul into a work of art.

Similarly, when Michelangelo received an order from the Sistine, he felt like rejecting it because he was a sculptor, not a painter.

But what else could he do? The order was placed by the "Pope of War," and in his eyes painting and sculpture may be the same thing.

You must leave something in this world while you are alive. Italian mercenaries will also leave their own equestrian statues or donate money to build churches, so that future generations will know what they have done.

These are all "public buildings" and stand in "public places" just like the temple of the Goddess of Mercy mentioned by Aristotle. However, they were not erected by the "city-state" as a favor to them, but they were erected by themselves. .

In addition to soldiers, there are also scholars, and the patent income obtained from their inventions and creations is only part of the favor. Schaptal also encountered a bad thing last Christmas. There was a newly debuted opera star. Her "mother" who was good at business gave the letters that Schaptal wrote to her to the newspaper, and then the newspaper published them. .

Everyone knew exactly why they did what they did. Georgiana was still at the Schaptal home at the time of the incident, and Mrs. Schaptal was entertaining her at the time.

Firstly, Schaptal was her guardian at the time, and secondly, she really had nowhere to go at that time. She would have to spend Christmas alone without going to Schaptal's house.

Therefore, if you want to live a life of wearing more gold and silver than others, don't think about getting much feedback in your love life, let alone become someone else's mistress for some more unrealistic reasons like her.

Even a poor wife can hold his ear and ask him if he went out to cheat again.

There is nothing wrong with Charlotte's life in "Pride and Prejudice". She lives a contented and comfortable life, at least she is not like those women during the French Revolution who had no choice but to take to the streets because there was no bread to eat at home.

Marie Antoinette's greatest failure was that she was both a mistress and a wife. Whether she was the wife of Louis XIV or Louis XV, they both existed and seemed not to exist.

Marie Antoinette was a foreign princess. She had to do as the Romans did. The first thing she had to do after arriving in Compiègne was to take off the clothes she wore in the German court and put on French fashions.

If she didn't wear it, she would be laughed at in the court. Even if she did, Madame Du Barry would laugh at her because she couldn't play the piano.

Versailles was decided by Madame Du Barry, and even Louis XV's continuation was controlled by her. A king who didn't even have a territory and although he was no longer the "sunset" of the past, he was still influential in Europe. Of the Spanish princesses, which one is more influential?

If it were Georgiana, she wouldn't learn piano like Marie Antoinette. Even if she didn't write a letter asking "mother" Queen Theresa to send troops, she would still find ways to exert pressure.

A person has a natal family, and her natal family is not weak. She has been wronged by her husband's family, why can't she write a letter and cry?

Even if the captain of the Bounty didn't want to imitate Captain Cook, he had no other choice. His father-in-law was too powerful, and because he had such a father-in-law, he became the captain in his 30s. It is also because of such an "uncle" that the 15-year-old midshipman was able to intern on a relative's ship and go to Tahiti, a relatively peaceful place, instead of braving the bullets and bullets on the battlefield during the Seven Years' War to gain qualifications.

The 15-year-old boy later went to court-martial because he was accused of not being firm in the face of the mutiny, but he found a powerful lawyer and escaped unscathed.

The crew didn't know this, so why did they care? Sailing on the sea is boring. If you get drunk and sleep, the day will pass. When they wake up, in addition to working, they just continue to look at the vast sea. Seeing the "broad sea and sky" scenery every day is boring. Let them calm down and read... It is better to find a violinist and let them dance in pairs.

When Napoleon became seasick, everyone else was playing cards. They circled around the Mediterranean Sea without hearing the so-called mermaid's song.

How many men did Odysseus have in his fleet? Their fleet has tens of thousands of people. If the mermaids lure them there, will the mermaids hunt them or they?

The person who can hear the mermaid singing is most likely a small boat, and it would be easy for the mermaid to overturn it.

If it was Odysseus, he would probably not look for them when he heard the mermaids singing, but the contestants followed the singing to the bottom of the Black Lake.

There is nothing interesting about this competition. The whole process is conducted underwater, and the judges give points according to time and the order of coming out of the water.

Then Pomona listened to the snake's whisper and followed him out of the stands.

There's nothing wrong with blowing the cold wind from the lake, at least it keeps you awake.

Odysseus ignored the mermaids, who not only sang beautifully, but also had sweet lyrics.

Come, glorious Odysseus, honor of the Achaeans, stop the ship and listen to our song.

Georgiana looked down at the letter with burnt edges in her hand and hesitated.

Curiosity led Pandora to open the magic box, and the mermaid sang to Odysseus.

We know everything about the fertile earth. As long as you listen to our songs, you will become more knowledgeable.

Whether it is humbly asking for advice or proudly believing that one knows everything, idiots are not easily controlled at this time.

At this moment, she felt the bed behind her pressing down. When she turned around, she found Bonaparte wearing a shirt and sitting on the other end of the bed with his back to her.

She put the letter away.

So she had to think of a way out for herself when she wanted to cause damage. She couldn't let the owner of the room sleep somewhere else, or summon the "bodyguards".

Or, she could sleep on the sofa in the study room, but there seemed to be a lot of confidential documents in there...

"How about putting your sculptures on display tomorrow?" he said as he took off his socks.

"My sculpture looks like that..." she said subconsciously.

"It's better than the equestrian statue that Fufu Porcelain Factory gave me last year." He said angrily. "That's it."

She seemed to have nothing to say.

"Can you tell me what proper love is?" he said suddenly.

This is the beginning of Chapter 10 of the Divine Comedy Purgatory.

At the door guarded by St. Peter, there are many who are not allowed to pass because of unjust love.

The angel warned Dante not to look back, so Dante did not look back after hearing the door open and close, otherwise he would be like the souls outside, looking for legitimate reasons to justify his mistakes.

"If a person has thoughts about a married woman, it is like a person who sees tempting fruits in someone else's orchard. He can think about it, but he cannot pick it."

He sneered.

"I'm not talking about you."

"Who are you talking about?" he asked.

We are talking about the man who never forgets Mrs. Potter, and Coius Lestrange who stole Mrs. Kama.

The Karma family was actually already very happy, but they came to France for more happiness and happiness, but instead their family was ruined.

Old Karma would either die in battle like James Potter, or hand over his resentment to his son and let his son continue his revenge.

But Joseph Kama didn't want to live a life immersed in hatred. Old Kama bound him with an unbreakable oath.

"I'm talking about myself." She lifted up the pink sheets and lay on them. "I always seem to be looking for a married man."

She lay down, but he didn't.

"What are you thinking about?" Georgiana asked, looking at his profile. This face was very three-dimensional and would not be blurry when engraved on a coin. It would be difficult to tell who it was.

"I am thinking of the few stars that light up the sky, and of the right kind of love that is kindled in moderation," said Bonaparte.

Dante met two men crossing the sea before going to the gate protected by St. Peter. They were traveling to obtain the afterlife.

"Lighting up the right kind of love" is preceded by the sight of the Viper flag of Milan and the Rooster flag of Sardinia.

"Faith, hope, love." Georgiana said, "and courage, justice, wisdom, and integrity. The seven stars represent these seven virtues."

"How about we add it?" he said suddenly.

"On what?" asked Georgiana.

He suddenly stood up, left the bedroom, and walked to the study.

"Put on more clothes," she said to the workaholic, and then lay down peacefully.

At this time, the sky outside the window was a little white, and it might be dawn soon.

No matter how long it is, get a few hours of sleep first.

Then she closed her eyes.

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