Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3179 Giant Whale and Elephant (3)

It is said that after the plague broke out in Florence, many people fled the place. There were 10 young men and women. They went to a villa in the country. Each of them took turns telling a story every day for 10 days. A total of 100 stories were told. These stories were After being collected into a volume, the Decameron was created.

But no matter how long the story is, there is always a beginning. The first story of the Decameron is a story of confession. A French businessman with many evil deeds was about to die due to illness. Two loan shark brothers took him in. They were worried that the death of the Frenchman would bring bad luck to them, so they discussed driving him away.

The patient heard their conversation and summoned them to find a highly respected priest. This priest was holy and wise, and was deeply loved by the citizens. When other churches were unwilling to accept the sinner, they would rather let him die like a dead dog. When he seemed to be thrown into a pile of deserted graves outside the city, this respectable priest came to the patient's bedside to listen to his confession.

He burst into tears as he spoke, as if he was sincerely repenting, but the two brothers were lying outside the room, hearing what the sinner said clearly, and almost laughed out loud. It turned out that he did not repent even to the point of death and continued to lie. In the end, he was not only buried in the church, but also received the title of saint.

The priest who listened to his confession was very prestigious in the local area. He introduced the life of the new saint at the altar. The people who listened to his sermon really believed it. Not only were they so pious that they kissed the dead man's hands and feet, but also put his body on his body. He tore all his clothes, thinking that if he could grab a piece of rag, he would be blessed.

So the body was left naked for a day for everyone to pay their respects. At night, it was put into a marble coffin to prepare for the most mourning. The next day, people came one after another to worship and worship.

Later, his holy reputation became more and more popular, and everyone insisted that God had performed many miracles through his hands, and as long as he was sincere, everything he asked for would be answered.

Of course the saint is going to heaven, but the storyteller thinks that he will go to hell. Only in this way can he show how profound God’s grace is to mankind. Then the storyteller calls on everyone to pray together, hoping to praise him. He started telling stories in the name of his wife, and then lived happily and safely through this disaster.

There was also a group of Italians who migrated further than these noble men and women and came to the Rhine region, which was still ruled by "barbarians" at that time, and established a sect called "The Pious".

This sect is not the one in the 18th century. There is information about them in the church library, all of which are "forbidden books".

This kind of banned book is different from the banned book like the Decameron that was burned. Strictly speaking, it can be classified as apocrypha.

For example, Adam and Eve listened to the temptation of the snake and tasted the forbidden fruit. The snake was transformed by Satan, and Satan acted as the tempter here.

But their scriptures say that because God put humans in charge of the fish in the sea and the flying objects in the sky, Samael, a member of the angels, was very unhappy. He was jealous of human power, so he brought a kind of angel down to the earth. Find ways to make humans in the Garden of Eden make mistakes.

Because of God's warning that eating from the tree would result in death, humans did not dare touch the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

When Samael entered the paradise, he first touched the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and then said to the woman, "Look, I am not dead." Then he asked Eve to touch the tree. After she touched the tree, she felt that she was about to die. As it got closer, I thought about letting Adam touch it too.

Eve was not Adam's first wife, Lilith was. Eve thought that if she died, Adam would have a new woman. If Adam also ate the forbidden fruit, they would live or die together.

Samael taught mankind to disobey God's commands, and he represented rebellion.

Seraph Gabriel usually serves as the messenger angel, while Michael holds a lightsaber and fights with the dragon represented by Satan.

However, Gabriel represents severity. Fire can bring warmth, light, and cooking food. To remove these acts of kindness is severe punishment. Gabriel also has the responsibility to destroy all filthy things in the world and destroy Sodom. brimstone and fire were used.

Before the city was destroyed, two angels appeared in human form and took away the righteous Lot and his family in the city. But Lot's wife couldn't hold back her curiosity and looked back. The whole city was like a kiln. , Lot’s wife also turned into a pillar of salt because she disobeyed the angel’s warning.

The "devotees" believe that the fruit on the tree of the knowledge of good and evil does not directly make people bad, but gives humans the possibility of turning bad. There is such a problem in the scriptures circulated among them.

Who is more worthy of praise, a person who wants to do evil but actually does good, or a person who thinks about doing good but actually does evil?

For example, the pawnshop owner in Kant's example actually wanted to buy the things pawned by the ignorant pawnbroker at a low price, but because he was afraid of losing his reputation, no business came to his door, so he gave a reasonable price.

Pious believers believe that successfully resisting evil impulses is more worthy of admiration. Satan represents the hurdles in a peaceful life, and the ability to resist evil impulses is regarded as an ability.

A person who lives among wicked people and does not sin is better than a person who lives among righteous people and does not sin. A person who lives among righteous people and sins is worse than a person who lives among wicked people and sins.

Sirius was rare in the Black family, but not unique. Andromeda could not tolerate some of the family's views. She married a Muggle and gave birth to Tonks.

However, God was so partial to Sirius, with his handsome appearance and prominent family background, just like Job before he was "tested". He was not only a rich man but also full of descendants.

In fact, Satan did not particularly want to harm Job like Samael wanted to harm mankind. He was just wandering around. God asked him to "test" Job.

在伊利亚特中,赫拉指使雅典娜揍爱神阿芙洛狄忒一拳,赫拉其实已经有盖亚送给她的金苹果了,她只是没有得到代表“最美女神”的金苹果, But Aphrodite didn't want this apple.

The person who tells the first story of the Decameron is like the elder brother who never left home. He cannot accept that the sinful younger brother will be forgiven after he confesses.

He deserves to go to hell, not to heaven and back to the Father's arms.

If he does not get such a result, even if God blesses him and allows them to survive the disaster safely, he will still feel it is unfair.

Normally, a person will feel angry when being insulted by others, but devout people are required to be humble and be able to endure insults calmly, because they abide by the "law of heaven" and do not live the life of ordinary people. They feel that ordinary people Obeying the laws of the world is due to the fear of punishment, which is fundamentally human selfishness. Pious people obey the "laws of heaven" out of their reverence for God. God is intrinsic to all things, rather than overriding them. A form of royal authority above which the pious should behave selflessly and purely.

Of course, there are always people who cannot persist in such a strict religious life. In the story of the prodigal son, those who know their mistakes and can correct them are more likely to be favored than those who never made mistakes in the first place.

In everyone's eyes, werewolves were evil, but James felt that Remus was not that kind of person.

Severus is special among the Death Eaters. Not only can he summon the Patronus, other Death Eaters worship Voldemort as a god.

He is powerful and immortal, and once he proves that he is further along the road to immortality than anyone else, this technology can be replicated and he can bestow it on his followers, since they are all wizards.

But before that, they have to feel the presence of the "soul" in order to cut it.

She subconsciously wanted to "go back" just now. No one told her what the situation was now, but she still knew that what she wanted to go back to was the location of her body.

It was an "instinct" that Ravenclaw's diadem was closer to Voldemort, but he went to Albania and later possessed Quirrell.

What is in the crown is a fragment of the soul. The two fragments of the soul do not desire to be combined, and the "container" of the crown is different from the container of the physical body.

"Are you listening to me?" the old man dancing with her said in French.

"Of course, Penguin, right?" Georgiana said immediately.

Bougainville was a gentleman and did not expose her, and continued to talk about what he had experienced during the expedition.

Who else is not interested in the adventures of explorers like her? Not to mention he gave her an expensive Tahitian pearl necklace.

Of course, this is not necessarily true, because Ravenclaw's diadem was placed in the Room of Requirement and destroyed by the Fire Curse.

When there is a conflict between Gabriel, who represents severity, and Michael, who represents kindness, Uriel will mediate. He represents truth.

Fierce fire is a fire that lacks mercy and can destroy all filthy things in the world. At the same time, there are also some strange spirits attached to it.

The fire summoned by Grindelwald was harmless to his followers, and three identical "dragons" once flew over Père Lachaise Cemetery.

In fact, she doesn't need a social life that much, but if she lived in seclusion in the Linderhof Palace like Frederick II, she would probably be regarded as a lunatic.

She wasn't a damn Ravenclaw.

"I have a friend who has been to the North Pole," Georgiana said to Captain Cook of France.

"Has anyone been to the North Pole? Why haven't I heard of it?" Bougainville said in surprise.

"He had an elk pulling his sleigh, just like Santa Claus," Georgiana continued.

"When did Santa need reindeer to pull his sleigh?" Bougainville asked.

She felt... there must be some misunderstanding here.

"But I like your idea. Maybe we can try to explore the Arctic this way." Bougainville said with a smile.

Then Georgiana felt that dancing with him was not so boring.

Then a pair of dancers passed by them.

The two looked very young, but they were more eye-catching than the young Georgiana and the silver-haired Bougainville. After all, they were handsome men and beautiful women.

But the "beauty" Georgiana was already wrinkled the last time she saw her.

There were many middle-aged women around who looked at her jealously, and then looked at Georgiana enthusiastically.

"Uh-oh," Georgiana whispered.

"What happened?" Bougainville asked.

"Has anyone ever found the Fountain of Youth for you, Captain?" asked Georgiana.

Bougainville looked around.

"I think I understand what you mean." Bougainville said helplessly. "Being your guardian is really a difficult task."

She felt sympathy and also found it funny.

"We are surrounded by merfolk. Do you have any advice? First mate." Bougainville said with a smile.

"I'd rather be a lookout," Georgiana said.

"It's cold standing on top of the mast," Bougainville said.

"I know, but I can watch the stars alone. Where is the most beautiful starry sky you have ever seen?" Georgiana asked.

"We will discuss this later. Let's first think about how to get out of trouble. Sailor, can you find a way out?" Bougainville said.

Georgiana looked around and finally selected her target.

"Do you think he can do it?" She motioned Bougainville to look in one direction.

"Cardinal?" said Bougainville.

"Still the First Consul's uncle." Georgiana said, "I swear, I didn't mean to cause trouble."

"You don't need to apologize." Bougainville said softly. "Treasures will always attract competition. No one cares about the uninhabited island I found, so we need the army."

She thought about how to answer.

"I think I have a better idea, sailor." Bougainville said with a smile, and then suddenly stopped dancing, pulling her away from the dance floor.

"Where are we going?" Georgiana asked, holding up her skirt.

"They say you are a witch, are you?" Bougainville said.

She looked into his eyes, there was no fear or anything in them, they were crystal clear.

"What are your plans, Captain?" asked Georgiana.

At this time they came to the door, Bougainville suddenly opened the door, and the cold wind rushed in.

"Come out as a sleigh," Bougainville said. "I'll get the horses."

Then the old man ran vigorously to the stable and untied the reins of the cart horse.

"Merlin," Georgiana complained. "It's a good thing not all Muggles are that crazy."

After complaining, she looked around for materials to turn into a sled.

In the process of searching, she remembered the last scene of using magic elk to pull a sleigh in Godric's Hollow. Harry was also there. He was waiting at the door as soon as he received the message from Da's fake gold galleons.

Although he is a father, he is still a child at heart, which is exactly the same as his father.

At least James did save your life, Severus, and whether you admit it or not, the magic is there.

she thought breathlessly after using her wand to turn a saddle into a sled.

Just like magic does not consider deception as a harm, Dumbledore was able to ignore the punishment of the blood oath and go to great lengths to deceive the person who swore never to harm him.

However, if Dumbledore could find the loophole, wouldn't Grindelwald find it? Therefore, we can hang the blood oath around our necks with confidence and boldness.

He is such a brilliant liar.

"Well done," said Bougainville, leading the horse over.

"We can't go into the forest," Georgiana said quickly.

"Help, sailor," Bougainville said as he tied the rope.

"Yes, Captain," said Georgiana, and immediately took up the reins and tied the rope to the other end of the sled, as if she were a real sailor.

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