Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 317 Harmonia Nectere Passus

Before the Ministry of Magic was established for the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692, it was the Wizarding Council that managed the daily work of the wizarding world. At that time, the Malfoy family had been in it like a duck to water.

In the early days of Hogwarts, the chairman of the Wizarding Council, Alexis, brought his entourage to Hogwarts to congratulate him. The gift he gave was the Room of Requirement, also known as the Room of Come and Go. The person in charge of the installation was named Polixenes. A thought signal reception spell was cast on the portrait of the troll sticking Barnabas, as long as you walk in front of the portrait and think about what you need urgently, the room behind the portrait will be automatically prepared.

The Come and Go House was originally set up on the 7th floor of the castle. Later, because the originally hidden 5th floor appeared, it is now the 8th floor. Originally, the entrance of the room was behind the portrait, but now it is opposite, and the mind reception spell is not as sensitive as it was a thousand years ago. The user needs to concentrate on thinking about the desired site and walk through that section of the wall three times before the door appears.

In 1996, Draco joined the search team organized by Umbridge. They found that all members of Da had disappeared on the 8th floor. Annoyed, he wrote to ask his father if he knew about the situation.

The Reticent August Rookwood, who was working in the Department of Mysteries at the time, had successfully escaped from Azkaban. He happened to know this history. The Room of Requirement was originally a thing of the Ministry of Magic, and all the items in the room were in the Ministry of Magic. There are records, as long as the borrowed items are not returned once, the room will disappear automatically.

The Mirror of Erised was originally stored inside, but it has been placed in the abandoned classroom on the 5th floor. Somehow the old fool used some method to crack the secret of the Room of Requirement. Not only did the entrance of the room no longer be subject to the rule of "disappearing if borrowed or not repaid", but he also opened another entrance and exit at the Pig's Head Bar. It’s just that the original item details are recorded in the Ministry of Magic. Rookwood came up with a plan to use the disappearing cabinet to enter Hogwarts, but the cabinet has been in this room for at least a thousand years. It is unclear which era the Room of Requirement is from. Everyone knows that after Lucius was captured in Azkaban, Master Malfoy accepted the task of restoring the disappearing cabinet in order to save his father.

In addition to using the mind reception spell to open the door in front of the portrait, you can also use the wand to say "come and go" to the portrait in the corridor, so that the door of the house can also be opened.

In 1996, Draco used this method to open the door of the Room of Requirement. Platinum Malfoy could easily escape the frizzy Gryffindor. A Disillusionment spell would do, but killing people, especially It was because the price of killing the white wizard was too high. Draco couldn't bear the pressure when completing the restoration task, and finally cried in the boys' wash room on the 7th floor.

Myrtle could not go above the fifth floor, and Severus opened a passage for her, and then she could go upstairs, but after his "death", Myrtle returned to the entrance of the secret room on the second floor, Just as the spells cast by Voldemort disappeared after his death, only the Dark Mark did not disappear.

How important a person's face is. Even Hermione knew that when Marietta Ackmore became the informer and leaked the House of Requirement, purple spots appeared on her face. With this mark, a woman's life is destroyed up.

Qiu Chang defended Marietta out of women's sympathy, and she didn't realize how much damage Mary's informant behavior would cause to Harry Potter and Dumbledore.

The word treason is too far away for modern people, come on, how can this kind of thing still happen in the 21st century.

Although Qiu Zhang is of Chinese descent, he is not familiar with the history of his own country, and he probably doesn't know the idiom "Heinous Heinous", let alone what the prison is. Cornelius Fudge became Minister after Millicent resigned. He became Minister because Buddy Crouch Sr. lost his chance to run for Minister because his son was accused of being a Death Eater. He became Minister purely by luck. He didn't have much confidence in himself at first, but because "Albino Snake" Malfoy began to whisper in his ear, he began to lean towards pure blood, and believed that he was qualified for this position, so he and his "allies" wanted to bring Dumbledore down , because he suspected that Dumbledore wanted to usurp his ministerial position. In 1994, he wanted to use the death of old Buddy Crouch to frame Severus Snape. Old Buddy Crouch sent many Death Eaters to Azkaban, and Dumbledore happened to maintain a Unfortunately, it was finally discovered that the murderer was actually Buddy Crouch Jr., the son of Buddy Crouch Jr. The "rebellion" in 1996 has conclusive evidence, and the list is all there. The early members of the Death Eaters were also classmates at Voldemort's school. Harry Potter never realized how much appeal he had in the wizarding world. He thought he Is an ordinary person.

Except for him, no one has escaped the Avada Kedavra Curse. Some people think that they can get blessings by touching him. The world outside the school is going crazy!

Severus assassinated Bode, which certainly attracted the attention of the Aurors, resulting in insufficient defense against Azkaban, and the betrayal of the dementors, resulting in the big escape, but the Department of Mysteries Defense Strengthened, he was hidden, and at the same time his teacher, Slughorn was recruited by the Death Eaters, the useless "chess piece" Dumbledore would not pay attention, when he was taken by the Wizengamot and Sir Merlin If he was removed from the list, he had to find another way if he wanted to go back. In a very simple transaction, the improved wolfbane potion was given to Damocles Belbi as a "gift". He not only won the Prince Award, but also became a With the help of the members of Sir Merlin, the white wizard Dumbledore not only ousted Cornelius Fudge after confirming Voldemort's return, but also brought back everything he lost, and by the way, he also got a potion master With his support, Severus could become a sacrificial son and be thrown away at any time.

Killing a kind and great white wizard is a more serious crime than killing a unicorn. Until the last moment, Severus can't clear up his crime by paying him with his life.

Would the Half-Blood Prince fight for a mudblood witch who married another man and had children? Lucius Malfoy doesn't believe a word, Pomona is much more "reasonable", half-race Veela even the nobles are crazy about them, and she is devoted to Severus, rich and well-connected, or Hufflepuff Husband's dean, Lily protected Harry Potter, but it was Pomona Sprout who made Dumbledore the first headmaster ever to be buried in the school, and her words had "power".

This time, the ex-Death Eaters were able to fight back because of her. The people of Hufflepuff College are like a cabinet that no one pays attention to. Usually, no one thinks of it, but when it comes to the critical moment of wrestling, who gets the support of Hufflepuff? Whoever is the winner.

How much do men like to win? They don't even want their girlfriends for a broken game, this is their nature.

"The medical wing used to be in the Response Room, but then it was moved to the second floor. Do you know why?" The big villain loves to talk when he is in a good mood. Fu walked into the Room of Requirement with a smile. Everything that was placed in it before was burnt. Even after six years, there was still a strong smell of burning. In the spacious room, there was only a marble booth with a sparkling diamond on it. The Time-Turner of the Rays.

Pomona directly gave Lucius a faint.

The unique white light of the armor flashed around Lucius Malfoy, and he looked at Pomona with surprise in his eyes.

She had forgotten that Weasley's trick shop sold gloves with protective charms. Draco bought a lot of them last time as gifts for the guests attending the Halloween party. Of course, Lucius Malfoy also had them.

"How can a bride attack her guests on her wedding night!" Lucius Malfoy glared at Pomona who was still wearing an imperial high-waisted dress with cold gray-blue eyes.

"How can there be a guest stealing from the master on the wedding night!" Pomona screamed out of control.

"That's not yours. It was lent to Hogwarts by the Ministry of Magic. I'm just responsible for taking it back!"

"Are you going to use it to resurrect your master!" Hufflepuff's honey badger pointed his wand at the albino snake.

"Use your brain, I believe you grew that thing, in order to protect my property and house, I handed over a long list to Arthur Weasley like Igor, no one is worse than me I hope he comes back!" Lucius Malfoy said viciously, holding up his wand, "Don't force me to be rough on women, get out of the way!"

"When did you become a gentleman, Lucius!" Pomona smirked with Hufflepuff.

"I know that Rookwood will know about this thing here too, don't be stupid." Lucius said coldly.

"I'll transfer it, now, leave!" Pomona turned her back to the Time-Turner, glaring at the Platinum Noble.

"Oh, you're guarding this thing?" Lucius smirked and said slowly, "Are you on the White Wizard's side now?"

"Neither side." Pomona used the Flying Charm from her velvet pocket to get the seeds into the pot, and scattered the seeds all over the ground. The ashes left by the burning of these desks and books are very suitable as fertilizer. "I just You don't want to give it to someone who is going to use it in the wrong place."

"Don't do this, Pomona, I don't want anyone to get hurt," Lucius said glibly, scanning quickly as if looking for a weak spot in her.

"You can try." She sneered, with her hands behind her back without a wand, "Do you know what kind of seeds are under your feet?"

Lucius showed a look of fear. He obviously remembered the magic plants that decorated his garden for Halloween, and those pimple vines hadn't been cleaned up yet.

"Last warning, leave." Pomona put away her smile and said coldly.

"No." Lucius said in a cheerful tone, "I lost to him, I can't beat his woman."

"I don't belong to anyone, I belong to myself." She whispered with a singing voice.

"You are a woman, Madam Dean, no woman can escape the clutches of love." Lucius smiled even more cheerfully, "Severus is a lovely man, why don't you cherish him like an ordinary woman? "

"That's none of your business."

"Sissy is still worrying about what wedding gift to get you, how about this one?" Malfoy motioned to the Time-Turner behind Pomona. "But how do you know your husband won't use it to stop the Dark Lord from killing Lily?"

Pomona's chest began to heave violently.

"You showed him all your secrets, didn't you?" he said more and more triumphantly. "You want to know how he talks about you to me?"

"Shut up!" she said through gritted teeth.

"Give it to me." Lucius reached out to her. "I'll make sure it doesn't fall into Severus' hands and he doesn't use it to revive Lily."

The black ash stuck to the white skirt, and it began to change color.

"She never left, not all souls turn pearly white." Lucius stared into Pomona's eyes and said, "I can see her, and Sirius, James Potter, as the Dark Lord's killer When the curse hit Harry Potter, they blocked it for him."

"You lied." Pomona's voice began to tremble.

"Everyone knows how much he loves Lily, he has always loved her, and he said that to Dumbledore, always has been." Lucius said with a smile, "Were you together at that time? "

She thought of the silver stag Patronus who guided Harry Potter to get the Gryffindor sword, and the swan Patronus created to protect Draco. When did he change?

"Your husband is the best liar in the world, you should guard him." Lucius moved forward slowly, carefully avoiding those seemingly harmless seeds.

With a "click", behind Pomona there was the sound of glass breaking, and a drop of blood fell to the ground.

Immediately behind her came a green light mist, which looked like the wings of some kind of flying insect. When the mist fell on the seeds, they began to tremble rapidly, and they took root and sprouted.

"I can't get what I want, and neither can you." Pomona smiled and said, "Oh, Lucius Malfoy, why do you think so little of women?"

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