Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3160 Sea of ​​Dreams (1)

Animals can do many things after being trained. Elephants can perform acrobatics or carry heavy objects, dogs can get through fire rings or act as shepherd dogs, and horses can also perform dressage or become war horses.

Of course, those golden-winged birds called "angels" can also be trained. They cooperate seamlessly with humans, as if they have really become the wings on their backs.

Georgiana returned to her tent, which looked like a palace because of the magical magic.

She took off her cloak and approached the cast iron stove in the middle to drive away the cold air from her body.

"Would you like tea? Madam." Carolan asked after picking up the cloak she had dropped on the ground.

Before she could answer, there was a noise outside the tent, and not long after, the "priestess" who was taken as a prisoner appeared in her field of vision.

The little girl was a little scared at first, but when she entered the tent, she was so fascinated by the exquisite decoration inside that she didn't notice the shackles on her feet and almost tripped over them.

"Go and get ready." Georgiana said to Carolan, then came to sit down next to a high-backed chair, and then looked up at the prisoner.

"What's your name?" she asked in a soft voice.

"Celia." The girl replied, although her expression was still unyielding.

"Do you have parents?" Georgiana asked.

"Of course." The girl sneered, "Where else would I come from?"

"I mean have you ever met your parents, who are also in the tribe?" Georgiana asked.

The girl didn't answer.

"Does anyone care whether you live or die?" Georgiana asked.

"Of course." The girl said seriously.

"The person who raised you? A friend? A lover?" Georgiana asked.

"What exactly do you want to ask?" The girl looked at her warily.

"Just chatting." Georgiana sighed tiredly, "I fought all day today and it's already dark."

"Your tea, ma'am," said Carolan, handing her a cup of black tea.

"I know a child. He is an orphan." Georgiana took a sip of black tea and felt even more tired. "Without parents or other adults caring about him, he was allowed to take risks and do dangerous things."

The girl frowned.

"There are very few of you, right? I saw many birds without 'pilots'." Georgiana said.

Birds are not like people. People leave for various reasons. For example, they leave the mountains and forests to live in the city. The living environment in the camp they first found was very bad.

When faith encounters the temptation of secular life, there will always be people who are weak-willed. Based on her past experience with such people, they will be exiled from the society.

"We call them 'nobody,'" Celia said.

"Why 'nobody'?" Georgiana asked.

"I don't know, that's what everyone calls them." Celia paused. "They are free to leave."

"Why are you so cooperative all of a sudden?" Georgiana said with a smile.

"I don't want to go back, they will let me marry Claude, he already has three wives." Celia said excitedly.

Carolan stuck out her tongue secretly.

"Just like this, makes you want to leave?" Georgiana asked.

"There are not many of us, as you can see." Celia said expressionlessly, "People in this world no longer believe in God."

"I think there are still many people who believe in God, but not like you." Georgiana said.

"Crazy?" Celia asked slightly hostilely.

"Loneliness," Georgiana said. "In the old days, that was how you protected yourself."

Celia looked at her confused.

"Since you are unwilling to go back, who can be the 'messenger'?" Georgiana asked.

"Theo, he's missing a front tooth." Celia said guiltily, not daring to look into Georgiana's eyes.

"Will he be in danger if he goes back?" Georgiana asked.

Celia said nothing.

"Does your accomplice think we used magic on him?" Carolan asked.

Celia hesitated for a moment and nodded.

"Anyone who shows kindness to a wizard feels cursed," Celia said.

"So you want Theo to go back?" Carolan said in surprise.

"He will definitely go back. He is responsible for watching over all of us." Celia said fearfully.

"Can you do magic?" Georgiana asked.

Celia shook her head quickly.

"Let her take a rest." Georgiana said tiredly, and Carolan personally sent Celia out of the tent.

She was alone for a moment, then stood up and walked over to the bookshelf.

She found what she wanted from many books and opened it.

This book is Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey". When Odysseus introduces himself to the Cyclops, he uses the name "Nobody".

No one can be anyone, or he is nobody, so he can escape the sirens' hymn to Odysseus.

"Where is my niece?" Rabastan asked.

"Are you looking for her?" Georgiana asked.

"I just came to see if she was doing her duty." Rabastan walked to the stove to warm himself. "What did you ask just now?"

"Kind of." Georgiana put the book on the table. "They are a bunch of ascetics."

Rabastan looked back in surprise.

"And he's good at hiding it," Georgiana said helplessly.

"It looks like we're going to cause trouble for them," Rabastan said, and then added, "Maybe we can borrow Madu's power."

She didn't agree immediately.

"I didn't expect them to be so good at running away." Rabastan said.

In fact, Georgiana did not expect that Garuda would have such a reaction after listening to Mary's singing.

"At least they suffered heavy losses." Georgiana comforted. "It takes a lot of time to raise those birds."

"As long as the eggs are still there, they will continue to hatch." Rabastan sighed. "Do you think they will agree to that condition?"

"Without those birds, what else could they do?" Georgiana smiled. "They don't use their magic to improve their lives, because this power was given to them by God to destroy evil."

Rabastan did not laugh.

"You think my method won't work?" Georgiana asked.

"Let's take a look and talk." Rabastan said, glanced at the book on the table, and then left the tent.

Georgiana continued to look at the illustrations in the book.

Although the Cyclops in this painting is tall, he is hunched up in the cave. Although Odysseus is short, he stands upright, and because he stands closer to the picture, he looks almost like the one-eyed giant. Almost as tall as a giant.

Looking at this painting, she remembered something.

Odysseus blinded the Cyclops, causing Poseidon's wrath, and the legend of this Cyclops was Polyphemus.

There is another story related to him. Polyphemus fell in love with a sea nymph, but the sea nymph fell in love with a shepherd. Polyphemus killed the shepherd out of jealousy, and the shepherd’s blood It became a river and flowed into the sea. There is also a stream of the same name in Sicily, and the shepherd also became a river god.

I heard that there is a fountain left over from the Medici family in the Luxembourg Palace, which tells this story.

It is precisely because of that stream that people think that the hometown of the Cyclops, the fertile land blessed by Zeus that can be harvested without farming, is Sicily.

It's a pity that I didn't go to Italy last time. Maybe I will go there next time if I have a chance.

Then she walked into the bedroom, took off her boots, and jumped into the bed, which was as soft and white as a cloud, and had a good sleep.

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