Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3152 Savage Justice (3)

The novel "Oliver Twist" written by Charles Dickens does not actually state where the story takes place.

It was just a small city, like countless large and small towns. The protagonist Oliver lived in the workhouse for the first half of his life, until he escaped from the coffin shop owner and walked for seven days and nights to London.

If you look at the measles epidemic from the perspective of a coffin shop owner, it's a wonderful season because coffins are a hot commodity.

When he was organizing the funeral, Oliver also saw a variety of people's demeanor. Some were silent and had a resolute expression in the face of mourning. There were also young nephews and nieces who were grief-stricken at the funeral. When the funeral arrived, At the subsequent banquet, they talked and laughed happily, as if nothing happened that could upset them at all.

There is also a wife whose husband has just died. Not only is she not grieving, but she is still worried about whether the mourning clothes will fit her to add to her own charm. There is also the sadness of the husband, who becomes calm after a cup of tea.

What should Oliver learn under the influence of these "good people" as role models? At least Dickens did not dare to claim that he had learned to be resigned, and that Oliver left the coffin shop because of a fight. One minute ago, Oliver was calm and docile, but because of "senior" Noah's vicious slander of his dead mother, he turned into a furious beast. Not only the strong Noah, but also The other two adults, although they were all women, dragged Oliver into the coal mine until they were exhausted. After doing this, the landlady burst into tears.

Pomona looked out the window at the door of the former orphanage. Children often have amazing potential, and Credence also has it. However, his destructive power is much greater than that of Oliver, and he almost toppled Manhattan. It took the entire United States Ministry of Magic to "subdue" him.

Jack the Ripper also caused panic when he appeared in Whitechapel. The Department for the Control and Management of Magical Creatures dispatched a special operations team to execute a "bloodthirsty vampire" as if he was the murderer of those horrific serial murders.

Even Grindelwald didn't see that Credence was faking his death, but he might have known. Who knows, he has always been an excellent actor.

The United States Ministry of Magic executed Credence without a trial, although the Mom did not clearly classify the Obscurials parasitized by the Obscurial as humans or beasts.

Suppose a utilitarian comes to Whitechapel, or Manhattan at that time, and if he knows that arresting the suspect as soon as possible will stop the rioting, then he concludes that he has a duty to tolerate punishing an innocent person, even if it results in the punishment of an innocent person Sentenced to death.

Of course, some people will say that Credence is not innocent. He was at least used by Grindelwald and killed Henry Shaw Jr. But what if Jack the Ripper wasn't the vampire? The real killer would go on to commit further crimes, although no one would later become a victim of Jack the Ripper.

Agamemnon faced two choices, either to sacrifice his daughter, which would bring greater benefits to the expeditionary force - tailwind, or not to sacrifice, which would naturally prevent the expeditionary force from setting off, but it would also allow his family to survive whole.

As long as peace and order are restored to the streets, there is no responsibility for killing "terrorists" such as Credence and vampires, or at least no punishment is necessary.

Of course, some people disagree. So if Richard Parker dies, more people on the same ship will survive. Should he give up his own interests for the benefit of the majority?

Cannibalism is not allowed, and some believe it should not be done under any circumstances, which leads to an ending where everyone on the board of Cana Anders dies, which is considered a bad ending, even though they hold on An insurmountable rule.

If a utilitarian is given a rule, he cannot frame innocent people under any conditions. This is rule utilitarianism. Its advantage is that it will not undermine the rule of law and create a state of self-danger and fear for everyone.

For example, during the Salem Witch Trials, everyone was vying to be the plaintiff so that they would not be regarded as a witch trial. During the trial, the victim girls who were the plaintiffs "had hallucinations due to eating ergot." After detailed investigation, Johannes Kepler not only cleared his mother's suspicion, but also found the real murderer.

However, investigation and evidence collection take time, and people are anxious during this period, which is what behavior utilitarians want to avoid.

Someone once made the assumption that a plane was hijacked by terrorists and was about to hit a high-rise building. In order to avoid more casualties, should the air force pilots shoot down the passenger plane?

On the one hand, Air Force pilots have a conflict of obligations. Shooting down a plane means killing civilians, but only a few people are killed. Not shooting down a plane means killing by inaction. Passengers on the plane and people in high-rise buildings will die.

If an Air Force pilot follows the rules and is willing to let innocent people on the plane and people in high-rise buildings die rather than abide by the rule that "innocent people shall not be killed for any purpose," then he will fall into deontology. As an Air Force pilot, What are the obligations of a pilot?

There is a worse situation. There is a special passenger on this plane. He may be an important scientist, a member of the royal family, or even a relative of his colleague. When the pilot decided to crash the airliner, his colleagues killed him.

When the pilot or his superiors decided to crash the plane, they did not treat the passengers on the plane as human beings. The third party made a judgment that he thought was possible because his relatives were on the plane. The passengers on the plane fought with the terrorists. Rescued the hijacked plane and prevented the pilot from destroying the passenger plane.

At the same time, it is also possible that passengers on the plane, people in high-rise buildings, and the pilot died due to the obstruction of a third party.

So it can be said that whoever receives this mission will be unlucky. Unless the boss and the pilot have a deep hatred, the mission will be handed over to him.

If the rest of the bystanders believe that the plane cannot be shot down based on a certain rule, it is condoning terrorists using passengers as tools. Therefore, it is not appropriate to frequently use life as a means to criticize the viewpoint of behavioral utilitarianism.

Once there are "exceptions" to the rule, such as "I cannot lie" becomes "lying to protect more lives", then it will collapse into act utilitarianism, punishing innocent people for some unjust utility.

When everyone else thinks that destroying the passenger plane is for the benefit of the majority, and one person thinks that his relatives bring him more joy and happiness than the joy and happiness that other people bring him alive, he kills those who are on the mission. Pilot, this is the consequence of decisions based on his ideal rule system.

So the final outcome is that even if Macusa and the Department for the Care of Magical Creatures execute innocent lives, no one will be held accountable.

However, the situation Severus faced now was no longer the case. People were responsible for what they said, even if he did not slander or falsely accuse anyone, but made a hypothesis.

A Russian spy sneaked into Buckingham Palace for some purpose and left the words "Jon is here" on the wall. This was done to create panic.

Maybe some people would believe it in normal times - otherwise they would have to accept being haunted, but just a while ago someone published a book accusing the Director-General of MI5 of being a Russian spy. If there are Russian spies in Buckingham Palace, should the next one say that the Queen is also a spy in disguise? of?

Although Mr. A said that a certain "gentleman" was furious, he did not deny the possibility. Because two months ago, a young man from West Germany flew a plane and landed in the Kremlin. Then the number of Russian "air defense forces" increased sharply, and the number of missiles and fighter jets also increased.

The current Director General of MI5 is called "Martin Jon". There are many confidential files in his safe, and then the files in the apartment are gone. Severus continues to stay here "waiting for notification".

She didn't know how efficient the British civil servants were. Anyway, the KGB arrested the West German young man an hour after he landed. Of course, the plane with the German flag was not shot down.

In fact, in order to make the "play" real, you can really find a prisoner and let him drown, and let his lungs be filled with algae seawater. This is more "detailed" than the water produced by pneumonia.

However, when facing various moral responsibilities and obligations, we cannot ignore the value of individual life and deny the existence of individual life.

Had she been in that era, she would not have supported Grindelwald, nor would she have supported Dumbledore, even though she had to choose sides just like Scamander.

She closed the curtains to block out the sunlight and sight outside.

She planned to change clothes and go out. It was better to change clothes in the dark.


A funeral was being held deep in the forest. The people buried were only in simple coffins, and everyone around them had sad expressions.

She didn't know whether to go up or not, because the deceased was probably related to yesterday's chaos.

"Have you forgotten something?" Dumbledore said behind her.

"I remember," she said quietly. "You're dead."

"These people too," said Dumbledore. "They are long dead."

"What are they? Memories? Souls?" Pomona asked.

But no one paid attention to her, and when she turned around, there was no one at all.

She looked around among the people attending the funeral, but didn't see any familiar faces, so she walked away again.

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