Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3145 Silver Eagle and Golden Eagle (6)

Pomona made some "Auditorium Chicken Pie." The official name of this dish is actually Tarragon Chicken Pie. As the name suggests, the difference between it and ordinary chicken pie is the addition of tarragon, which is native to Siberia and Western Asia. , legend has it that the Mongols brought it to Europe.

It gives a regular chicken pie a special flavor, but what Pomona is making today is different from what she's used to preparing for back-to-school banquets.

She came up with this idea under the influence of Sicilian restaurant owners. Italian dumplings are all square, and the Sicilian restaurant downstairs rolls their own dough. It tastes very crispy, just like "Auditorium Chicken Pie" Crispy pie crust, and then she came up with the idea of ​​making the round chicken pie look like an acceptance letter.

Harry showed talent for magic at a young age, which caused him a lot of trouble. Fernon Desley always warned him not to get into trouble.

He will definitely receive an admission letter, but that will be after he turns 11. Pomona was making it up to him by making these envelope-shaped Hall Chicken Pies, because she was planning on casting a shielding spell on the Dursleys tonight.

In addition to unraveling, "determination" also needs to be reconstructed cleanly. If alchemy reaches the stage of decomposition and does not continue, it will be a kind of destruction.

Using the Killing Curse also requires determination... If the person standing opposite was Bella, Pomona estimated that Snape would not dare to yell at her like he did last night.

Being hesitant not only means that you are unable to implement your decision. If someone offends you, but you only give a verbal warning, "Don't force me to take action," the other party will press harder and harder until you actually take action, or take off the pretense of bluffing. On the contrary, if Bella uses the Unforgivable Curse as she pleases, the other party will have scruples.

She didn't do this because of the despicable motive of being offended yesterday and then passing it on to the weaker Harry.

Descartes would not use "life is short, take advantage of the moment" as an excuse to act.

In a letter to the Princess of Prussia, he said, "We cannot argue everything correctly, but we must stand on one side and accept the view that is truest in our eyes."

Compared to toys, Pomona felt that safety was what Harry needed most at the moment. His mother sacrificed her own life to give him the magic spell to protect him.

When Charlotte accepted Collins's proposal, Elizabeth was very confused. Although she knew that she and Charlotte had different views on marriage, Elizabeth did not expect that Charlotte would pursue the marriage regardless of "beautiful emotions". "Worldly interests", she couldn't help but feel deeply saddened by her friend's self-humiliation and self-depreciation.

Every time she saw this, Pomona couldn't understand why Mr. Darcy was attracted to Elizabeth. Fortunately, because of Mr. Darcy, from the moment Charlotte accepted Mr. Collins's proposal, Elizabeth and Charlotte were not the same. They are equal friends, or their relationship has been adjusted. In the past, it was Elizabeth who sympathized with Charlotte who was not so good-looking. If Elizabeth really couldn't get married, it would be Charlotte's turn to sympathize with Elizabeth and take her in, even though " Collins' home" was once "Bennett's home."

This is the power of "worldly interests", which are protected by law. So what if Charlotte has no feelings for Collins? She knew that he proposed twice in three days. What he needed was a "pastor's wife" and what she needed was a "house of her own". They could both find satisfaction in this marriage.

Lily is not like Irene, she chose a better life for herself. Irene did not live well after marrying Tobia. Queenie married Jacob, at least she still had Jacob's love, but that At that time, marriage between wizards and Muggles was prohibited in the United States.

There is no secret about Minerva's marriage and love history, but Minerva said that she broke up with Doug because she abided by the laws of the time, unlike Queenie, who participated in the Grimm in order to "legally" marry Jacob. Devo's camp.

A natural Legilimency like her is very convenient for Grindelwald. Not only can he listen to what the people around him are thinking, but he can also know the inner thoughts of his "allies". He often takes Queenie with him, even including Some public occasions.

A small scandal can be used as a lever to make politicians switch sides, and they often have no idea how their secrets got to Grindelwald. So the German Minister of Magic at the time had been sidelined, not to mention that the people still supported Grindelwald so much. How could he "do what is just, not what is easy"?

Minerva never mentioned to outsiders that she had cried for Doug, nor did she say how her friendship with Dumbledore came about. In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that they had been one since the "birth of the world."

'The more clearly a person understands truth and goodness, the more freely he can accept truth and goodness. Only when a person does not know what is more true or good, he will have an indifferent attitude. ’

This was written by Descartes in another book. Pomona recalled Severus's indifferent attitude after he slapped her. This behavior obviously did not meet Descartes' standard of "free will."

Many people condemn free will and believe that it is human free will that leads to crime.

Descartes believes that if everything is false and illusory, there will be no external force to force us to submit, "I think, therefore I am", so the will is either free or no longer exists. Incomparably clear reason is accompanied by a strong tendentious will, that is, "the clearer you understand truth and goodness, the more you accept truth and goodness."

She didn't blame him for his rude behavior of sniffing the scent of shower gel on her body. He was very young and would not do this when he was over thirty. When he was a teenager, he rode a broomstick for Lily to see. Would he still do that now?

When people make decisions, they often weigh multiple options. Passion will use the desires it induces to make people take action. Just like Freud said about the horse pulling the carriage, the ego will control the reins and let the horse run into it. On a road, if you let the horse run freely... If you blindfold a human being and let him walk "straightly" by himself, he will not walk in a straight line in the end. The brain will correct it based on the information obtained by the eyes. Without information from the outside world, the brain cannot effectively control the direction of walking. Eventually, people will walk out of an arc, so walking in the dark or foggy wilderness will "go around in circles."

Army ants have no vision. Usually one ant takes the lead and leaves secretions for other army ants to follow. Once the leading army ant spins in place like humans, it will fall into a "death vortex" and the entire ant colony will stop. The earth spins in circles until death.

It wouldn't be that difficult to just create the Inferi. Anyway, it's just a repetitive action. It only takes enough time to summon an Inferi army.

The difficult thing is how to make these soulless Inferi move like legions. With Grindelwald's control, he can make the dead little unicorn look like he is alive, without feeling any stiffness.

Paul controls the trolls, who are actually still alive, and they will fight instinctively after putting on their helmets.

There was an illustration in "The Tales of Beedle the Bard" that Albus read, telling the story of the Resurrection Stone. This book has been published many times, and the illustrations are different, and some are still in full color.

The Grim Reaper in the illustration in that book takes away the soul of the second child like a marionette. The Philosopher's Stone cannot create a soul, it is just a perfect body without a soul. Of course, I have never heard that it can resurrect the dead...

"Kaz, Kaz."

Pomona followed the sound and found that it was Felivi eating the chicken pie she had just made.

"It's delicious." Livi praised, "Can I take away all this plate?"

"Do you eat that much by yourself?" Pomona asked.

"Of course not, there are so many of us," Felivi said.

Pomona remembered that Felivi had spent the whole summer dealing with the damage caused to the castle during the previous school year, studying the principles of the school's defensive magic against dementors, and those troll helmets.

Whether or not he has a holiday is meaningless to him, and he will not correct his homework himself. There will always be a "proud disciple" to do it for him.

Pomona recalled the "good old days" when she corrected Li Wei's homework, and she vowed never to do it again.

"Here you go, I'll make some more," Pomona said.

"Why are you making so many envelope pies?" Felicity said casually.

"Giving it away," Pomona said.

Fortunately, Felivi didn't want the answer that much. He levitated the plate with the envelope pie and left the kitchen.

Then Pomona had a new idea, and she sent a house elf to fetch Random.

She poured clear water into an empty basin, and then used a freezing spell. Mixing the dough with ice water would make the pastry taste better. It is said that this recipe spread from the palace, and it is now the standard procedure for chicken pie in the auditorium, but no one said which palace, the White House or Buckingham Palace.

Maybe she could look into it "on the way."

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