Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3143 Silver Eagle and Golden Eagle (4)

Descartes was born in Brittany, France, at the end of the 16th century. His father was a local parliamentarian and magistrate.

His mother died of tuberculosis when he was more than a year old, and he was also infected. Descartes was sick since he was a child, but his family was wealthy and the school allowed him to read early in bed.

In 1607, his father hoped that Descartes would become a theologian in the future, so he sent Descartes to the seminary when he was eight years old. In order to take care of his frail health, the school granted him permission not to be bound by school rules and not to attend school in the morning.

An ordinary child would have been happy long ago, but Descartes chose to study obediently. During this time, he became interested in the stars.

Descartes once sat on the steps in front of his house, gazing at the dim horizon after sunset. A passerby approached him and asked: "Hey! Smart man, how many stars are there in the sky?"

He replied: "Fool! No one can embrace the immensity."

According to Berlin's Law, after continuous success, people tend to think that they can do anything.

Both Grindelwald and the mysterious man thought they could rule the world with magic, but that was impossible.

At this time, what Descartes said about "changing your own desires, not the world order" sounds much more reasonable.

After dark, Pomona came to the observatory. After catching owls all day, she was covered in owl feathers. She took a bath before coming, which made her feel much better.

The observatory had many homework assignments left by students observing "candlelight" variable stars. Pomona sorted them out and planned to make a gift for Sinistra according to Graplan's suggestion.

Descartes' cardioid function is very famous, but his most important contribution is the Cartesian coordinate system pioneered by him, also known as the Cartesian coordinate system.

According to the custom at the time, scholars all had a Latin name. Descartes (Descartes) was Latinized as Cartesius, which was obtained by removing the additional des from des cartes.

The word means "map," and perhaps one of Descartes's ancestors had something to do with maps.

Due to the use of so many shielding spells, Diagon Alley became unmarkable on the map, but the Dursleys, where Harry was staying, did not use shielding spells.

Of course, where Harry lives is a top secret, and Grapeland doesn't know. He only needs to use a shielding spell on that house, so he won't have to work as hard as he did today.

To make matters worse, it would continue tomorrow, and there would even be gifts arriving in the mail a week after Harry's birthday.

Her youth and summer vacation were all because of those birds...

"Where have you been today?"

Pomona looked up.

Snape, dressed in black, stood not far away, looking like a vampire in the castle.

"Nothing." She said perfunctorily, "How are you?"

"Moody followed me, I thought you found something for him to do." Snape said gloomily.

I almost forgot that Azkaban cannot be marked on the map. It was established by crazy people and is now used to imprison crazy people.

Compared with the experiments carried out by his master, his separation from a married woman was no longer a serious crime.

"Answer my question," Snape said.

"I don't think I have to answer your question." Pomona put down the student's observation notes. "You don't have to answer me if I ask about your whereabouts. We are all free men, Severus."

Unlike Molly's clock, she knew exactly where Arthur was, but this was hidden by the Weasley children who were often in trouble.

Poverty has not greatly affected the happiness of the Weasley family. Of course, Molly is not as beautiful as Lily, and she has such complicated emotional entanglements.

"What were your plans?" Snape asked.

"Send Alastor an apprentice, but I forgot to ask the student's opinion. He doesn't want to be an Auror," Pomona said.

"His opinion? What opinion can a student have?" Snape said.

Appeared again.

Pomona rolled her eyes.

"Are you staying with him?" Snape asked.

"Who? Random?" Pomona said confused.

"It's fun to play with kids?" he said sarcastically.

"I'm with Graplan, and we took care of the owl today." She said tiredly, "Is this okay?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She felt bored and he was in an equally bad mood.

"You think you're pretty clever, don't you?" Snape said.

"I didn't think about it that way," Pomona said.

"That clever idea of ​​yours is made out of nothing." He kept saying, "It's really whimsical."

She didn't ask him if he was successful.

Obviously if he had succeeded, he wouldn't be here talking to her in this tone.

"Screwed up?" Pomona asked.

"They asked me to go back and wait for news." Snape said coldly, "I don't need to worry about those documents."

She really couldn't tell that this was "good news."

"Have you ever done something that didn't mean standing high up like a bystander, for no other reason than to prove that you can do it?" Snape said.

Her mind was in turmoil.

"What are you afraid of? Being embarrassed or having your self-esteem damaged?"

"I don't want to hear it," Pomona said, planning to leave the astronomy classroom through another exit.

But he had to stand in front of her in stride.

"Get out of the way!" she yelled.

"Don't you regret it?" Snape asked.

"What do you regret?" she asked breathlessly.

“Life is short, take advantage of the moment.”

"Don't you regret it? Because of carpe diem, you were almost imprisoned, and now you've ended up where you are now." She said provocatively.

"We failed, there is no need to regret it." He said coldly, "Did the results you obtained meet your expectations?"

She said nothing.

After all, he is not from this school.

One day, he too will be gone like Salazar Slytherin.

"We will not never make mistakes." Pomona said softly, "But there are two rules that need to be followed. First, avoid unnecessary mistakes. Second, never make any mistakes before you are sure that your mind is clear enough. Judgments and decisions.”

"What is an unnecessary error?"

"People's pride and selfishness cannot be changed, and we try not to let these and pretentious thoughts fill our heads," Pomona said.

"Like a saint," he said disdainfully.

"But we are not." Pomona shook his head. "We are all just mortals."

He stared at her and slowly came closer.

"If you were a mortal, what would you want?"

She was seduced by his deep voice, even though he didn't speak Parseltongue.

"I don't want anything." She lowered her head and said with some pain.

"You can tell," he seduced. "I won't tell anyone."

She trusts his ability to keep secrets, but she runs away.

He ran after her and grabbed her hand.

"You don't believe me?" He grabbed her shoulders with both hands.

"No," she said shakily.

"Why didn't you say it?" He pinched her arm and almost wanted to shake her.

There is no trace of the generosity of fate, and if it had been, it would have been figured out long ago, making everyone as lucky as the Potters.

Of course, some people don't think so. They died so young and their children became orphans. They were obviously unfortunate.

"There's no need to cry." He held her face and said, "You don't need to be as cold and callous as him."

"I don't understand what you're saying," she cried.

"No one will love him except Grindelwald," Snape said. "He said it at the inauguration ceremony of the Wizards' Federation."

Pomona sobered up a bit.

"Don't think of him as a legendary hero." He smiled strangely, "It took me a lot of effort to discover his vanity."

"Dumbledore is not vain!" Pomona tried to break free from his control.

"Hypocritical gentleness." He didn't let go of his hand at all. "His only happiness is to die!"

Pomona raised her hand and slapped him.

But this sound was quite loud, which may have made him sober up, or it may have been because he didn't care.

"Have you taken a shower?" he asked a little frivolously.

She stared at him with warning eyes.

He laughed, an expression she had never seen before.

He took a deep breath.

"A little candy." He said as if savoring it. "And a little milk."

"My shower gel is worthy of you, stop smelling it!" she said angrily.

"I like the taste, what about you?" he asked with his eyes closed.

She didn't answer the question and left the classroom while his eyes were closed, and she had to hold on to the handrail to get down the steps.

"Have you ever done something that was not like standing in a high place like a bystander, for no other reason than to prove that you can do it." What he just said echoed in his ears again.

"Open the door, please open the door."

Pomona banged on the door, and a moment later Minerva appeared at the door in her nightgown.

"Merlin, what's wrong with you?" Minerva said in surprise.

Pomona hugged her and cried.

The red dragon is strong, but those muscles are not beautiful.

Because her legs were weak, she almost knelt at Minerva's feet and needed Minerva's support to stand up straight.

Perhaps, she cannot be considered a strong and independent woman, let alone a protector.

She is just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who can do some magic.

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