Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 314 Satan's Lover

The Scottish Highlands are sparsely populated and have the most beautiful scenery, especially the northern highlands, which have not been polluted by modern civilization. The hills and fields of the highlands are full of romantic, rough and lonely natural beauty.

In the early years, in order to resist the plunder of the Vikings, the wealthy and prominent families built many castles, which were gradually eroded and reduced to ruins in the war and the howling sea wind.

Hogwarts originally belonged to Salazar Slytherin. It was mentioned in a piece of Hogwarts school history that he never came back since he left at the age of ten. Later, he met Gryffindor, Larry Winclaw and Hufflepuff, in order to correct the wizarding world's habit of bullying and killing Muggles for fun, decided to build a magic school, so he returned to the castle he had left.

Slytherin's father was wild and unruly when he was young, he liked all kinds of novelty things, wandered around Europe, made friends and made enemies, and finally met Salazar's mother in Paris.

Those who start a family become stable, and Salazar's parents returned to England and bought Hogwarts Castle, which gradually declined after the original owner was beheaded by King Egbert. In the first few years, the couple did have a good time, but after a long life, Salazar's father wanted to go out for adventure again, this time he planned to go to India.

At that time, his wife was pregnant, seeing that he had decided to go, she only confessed "Come back early, remember the child I haven't seen with you" and let him go. He has been away for ten years. When he came back, he said: He returned to his hometown with countless spices, jewelry, silk and porcelain, and he even secretly installed a small dragon on the returning ship.

In this ancient castle, Salazar is the "master of the castle", and he has no friends in games except his mother, elves and ghosts, so Salazar sometimes sneaks out of the castle while his mother is not paying attention, and goes to Huo Germaud and Muggles were children playing together.

At that time, Hogsmeade was just a small village with more than a dozen peasant households. Muggle children were also very curious about castles, and they often went to explore the castle with Salazar. After Salazar's father returned, the castle There is a place where you can't go, and that is the basement.

The more they were banned, the more curious they became. Under the provocation of Muggle children, Slytherin led them to the basement, where they saw a huge dragon sleeping there.

The giant dragon was terribly frightening, and Salazar was terrified, but the Muggle kid looked fearless and continued to challenge Salazar to wake up the dragon.

Salazar took out his wand, and the dragon was enraged. It let out a terrifying roar and blazing flames from its mouth. Salazar's parents were awakened, and they rushed over immediately. The Muggle child was bitten in two, and several other children were also bitten to death by the dragon and torn to pieces. Salazar's mother rushed him like crazy, and threw him to his father, waiting for his father to settle Salazar. When Racha ran back to rescue his mother, the dragon had already rushed out of the castle. It swept towards the castle with its long tail, and a large area of ​​the castle fell down, and then rushed into the lake like crazy. His mother died in the disaster, and his father killed the dragon a few months later while it was sleeping in the lake, but the good old days of losing his mother were gone forever for both father and son. Everyone left the castle together until the four founding founders returned to the school.

Hogwarts is the home of Slytherin, and the phrase Sleeping Dragon in the school motto commemorates that mindless adventure.

Today's children can't feel the joy of reading. I'm afraid only bookworms like Hermione can read a piece of Hogwarts school history. Compared with reading, they prefer other ways to have fun. Weasley's Magic and Tricks Shop Toys are very easy to sell.

Pomona also loved their whiz-boom fireworks, and Fred often performed them for her. Music is a big part of setting the tone of the party, and she doesn't like the rock of the Weird Sisters, but she loves the party music of the third class on the Titanic. The same is the sound of the bagpipes, the Scottish bagpipes sound very sad, the Irish are very good at making joy, Neville and Hannah, Draco and Astonia, Mrs. Filch and Pince, and even Bill and Fleur are all happy Gotta dance, they look like they're having a great time.

Slughorn watched cheerfully from the side, with his walrus-like belly yelling at Professor McGonagall excitedly amidst the high-pitched music. It seemed that he was planning to invite Minerva to dance along with him, but in the end he He was stared at mercilessly by the stern headmaster.

This cheerful song made Hermione feel much better, and she also smiled when chatting with Lucius Malfoy.

In the end, Slughorn changed his target and invited Madam Pomfrey from the medical wing. Of course, the two old people couldn't dance like the young people, but they could still enjoy the party to their heart's content.

"What kind of juice punch is this?" Pomona took the glass of the suspiciously colored drink, green perhaps, but milky white in the orange firework light, from the silver tray held by the house-elf. It looked very weird.

"Irgi juice, Dean." The elf also replied in a yelling voice, "Professor Slughorn specially explained it."

Pomona felt struck by lightning again, and Snape took a sip from the glass in her hand, hiding the smug smile on his lips.

"Let's go." He put the empty wine glass on the dining table, took her hand and strode out of the classroom.

"Where are you going?" She staggered and trotted, holding up the hem of her skirt.

"You haven't informed your mermaid friend of your marriage yet."

She wanted to say something clever, but there was only one question on her mind.

"Will drinking gill grass juice grow fish gills like Harry's?"

He ignored her at all.

Pomona had warned the girls of Hufflepuff not to go alone with the boys where Filch didn't pass, and she led the foul herself. The bride and groom should have been the focus of the party, but now they were nobody. Attention to the target.

"No!" She struggled desperately, vowing not to follow him into the broom.

The impatient groom seemed unable to wait for the wedding to be over, so he directly held her face and began to gnaw. Their limbs collided like they were playing Quidditch, and their breathing also increased rapidly.

In the past, they were sneaky and acted like an affair. Although it was exciting at first, they wanted to make it public after a long time.

Things that are easy for others are very difficult for them. If human society cannot tolerate them, then they stay away from human society. They don't need to suppress themselves, for fear that others will know their secrets.

"You see what you've made of me?" Severus snarled at her accusingly after leaving the Black Lake stands into the Forbidden Forest.

"What did I do wrong?" she asked incredulously.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong." He suddenly laughed, "I'm like an ink blot on a white paper, you can't wait to get rid of me, right?"

"I didn't think so!"

"I didn't do anything wrong, why are you correcting me! Is it because I'm obsessed with black magic?" He walked back and forth in front of her irritablely.

Intuition told her that it was best to shut up at that time, but she opened her mouth to speak.

"Control your emotions, Severus, you are..."

Her last impression was his black robe fluttering in the cold wind, and his pale face. The long absence of sunlight in the cellar made his skin whiter and his eyes darker, like the water of a black lake.

"I'm a dark wizard." He gasped in her ear, "I'm different from you saints. I pursue my desires instead of looking at that stupid mirror and dreaming."

"Do you remember a piece of Hogwarts school history?" She seemed to have a cold, her voice became hoarse, "Salazar Slytherin does not allow the descendants of werewolves, giants, and Veela to enter Hogwarts read."

"That was a thousand years ago!" The Slytherin half-blood wizard hugged his newly married half-blood Veela wife tightly. "The other founders didn't allow the descendants of dark wizards to enter the magic school. Leitlin agrees!"

If human beings did not have this attachment to longing, perhaps they would not have developed so fast.

It is precisely because of this persistence that I broke through one difficulty after another and finally got what I longed for.

The person who wanted to climb ashore gave up struggling and was dragged into the lake by the monster in the water.

If Dumbledore really tried to understand the giants, he would understand that they are more interested in wine than the ancient fire, and they are crazy for food and wine. To invite them to join his alliance, invite them to hold A feast will do, no need for that high-brow Celtic ancient spell.

Too many years have passed, and too many people have forgotten how muggles accused wizards in the past. But as for the famous dark wizard, the descendants of his family also studied at Hogwarts.

"Don't be shy, let go of yourself." She was finally carried into the broom room. In this small space, the room temperature rose rapidly due to the body temperature of the two people. After hearing the encouragement, she felt as if she was being burned by a flame. Scream.

Priests often burn at the stake for “purification.” Before lighting the fire, he also prays that his Lord will forgive those “wicked sinners.”

These people don't really do anything terrible, but make wells keep rising, pumpkins grow bigger than wagons, hens lay two eggs a day, and rabbits come out of chalices, such "abnormal" things. It is beneficial to the survival of human beings. When there is surplus food, the giants can give them food, so that they don't have to eat people.

But Muggles burned them to death, leaving the real dark wizards behind, and used things like dung forks to deal with those dangerous people and animals.

why? Because their abilities only allow them to deal with weak, non-lethal wizards.

The holy are always the first to be sacrificed, then and now.

The Muggle soldiers rushed into the sacred forest, killed all the white druids, and executed the white wizard who could help him like a fat monk, and then obeyed the priest's guidance, prayed to God, and used his body to harden Resists the bubonic plague and smallpox.

It wasn't until they realized that it was useless to pray no matter how much they prayed, and even the priests died in the Black Death, that they knew they had been fooled.

What a poor Muggle.

In the dark Middle Ages, the brilliance of civilization and rationality is like a candle that can be extinguished as soon as it is blown out. Are you ready to believe it when you follow others' opinions?

The book written by Lockhart the Fool confuses a muggle-born wizard like Justin into thinking that the pompous trash is the real brave man.

She hated that Ravenclaw.

That day at the Dueling Club, the scene where the annoying Snape beat Lockhart to the ground looked very handsome. How could that fool Lockhart, like the Muggle kid in the school history, deliberately poke the sleeping dragon's eyes .

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