Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3136 delirium (six)

At the current speed of the broomstick, it can no longer catch up with the Muggle jet plane.

It is also becoming more and more common for Muggles to travel by flight. From a certain perspective, it can be seen that the progress of wizarding society has almost stagnated.

However, some things still remain traditional. In 1838, Queen Victoria took the royal carriage back to Buckingham Palace after her official coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey. The road was crowded with onlookers, and because she was a young and unmarried queen, her admirers were waiting by the roadside to throw love letters into her carriage. Some people even visited Buckingham Palace with a proposal of marriage.

The current Queen also rides in a carriage after her coronation. From George IV to the present, all British kings have taken this carriage to attend the coronation ceremony for more than two hundred years. The wood used in the car body comes from fragments of Henry VIII's warship "Mary Rose" and the apple tree where scientist Newton discovered gravity. The wood used in the door comes from historical sites across the UK, including the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and Kensington. Royal Palace etc. Also inlaid are the badges of World War II ace pilots, bullets from the Battle of Waterloo, silver ornaments from the British Arctic expedition sleds, etc.

Anyway, Pomona and Severus are now in Buckingham Palace.

"I thought you said to go back early after dinner." Pomona lowered his voice, fearing that his voice would echo in this luxurious and empty room.

Severus ignored her. They had been sitting on the sofa in this hall since they were led through the door. Tea was not even served.

"Do you know where Lucius went?" Pomona asked as she had nothing to say.

"Your Auror friend asked you for information?" Severus asked sarcastically.

"I guess he's already on the plane," Pomona said. "Besides, private planes don't have fixed routes."

If the UK borders other countries like countries in Eurasia, then planes flying through the airspace of these countries will need to apply, so that they can roughly know where Lucius's plane went.

However, Britain is surrounded by high seas, and of course the airspace is also open. Only the destination of his trip knows where he is going to arrive, and he can also change his destination midway.

"I heard he wanted to visit schools abroad," Severus said.

"You mean they go to Durmstrang?" Pomona asked.

"How do you know it is..."

"Where else could we go?" Pomona interrupted, "No wonder, going to Scandinavia in the summer..."

"Sorry for keeping you waiting."

A man's voice came from a distance.

Pomona and Severus stood up and saw a middle-aged man wearing full formal attire even in the summer walking towards them.

"You must be Mr. S." The middle-aged man looked at Severus and said.

"You must be Mr. A." Severus said seriously.

Pomona almost laughed, but luckily no one paid her any attention.

"Thank you for coming. People in the palace are very nervous about this matter now." Mr. A said anxiously.

"What?" Severus asked.

"Please come with me." Mr. A said, and then led them both out of the room, explaining the situation while walking around Buckingham Palace.

In 1838, a 14-year-old boy named Jon sneaked into the palace, hoping to meet Queen Victoria in person. He got into the palace through the chimney.

But for some unknown reason, he probably got lost, got tired of searching, and fell asleep on a chair near the Queen's bedroom.

After being discovered and taken away by the royal family, he was sent directly to prison, and then his father was called over to confirm his son's identity.

In fact, Jon has been playing in the palace for more than half a year. Queen Victoria lived in Windsor Castle when she first took the throne, so Jon certainly couldn't find her in Buckingham Palace.

So he wandered around the palace, hiding behind furniture or in chimneys during the day when there were many guards.

At night, he began to wander around and rummage. He once read leisurely in the palace library, went to the kitchen calmly to find food, ran to the throne to take a rest, and even walked into the queen's room and stole it. A portrait of her.

Jon lived like a ghost in the palace for nearly a year, and finally one day, he was discovered.

In the end, perhaps the judge felt that this matter was too ridiculous, and the Queen herself was not actually harmed by Jon. According to reports at the time, the trial was full of "laughing" and "questions." "It ended in a voice. The jury thought it was all a joke and found Jon not guilty, with the officer even turning around to congratulate him.

Unexpectedly, Buckingham Palace, which had been peaceful for two years, became "haunted" again. In 1840, Queen Victoria and Prince Albert had just welcomed their first child. On December 3, one of the Queen's governesses discovered Jon again under the sofa.

He was arrested for the second time and sentenced to three months of probation. Although Jon's father once pleaded that his son was mentally ill, it was dismissed because Jon had always been conscious.

But after being released, Jon remained unchanged. He still returned to Buckingham Palace again and again, like a ghost.

At this point, the courts were at a loss as to what to do with him because Jon's actions were not felonies at the time, so they couldn't put him in jail.

For a time, the whole of Britain was panicked. People called Jon "Boy Jones", and limericks, songs, and reports about him spread all over the streets.

No one knew what Jon's purpose was, so various speculations arose. Under collective condemnation from the public and the media, Buckingham Palace decided to appoint three more palace guards to strengthen security and expel Jon. He was sent to Australia, where Jon spent the rest of his life.

Until 1893, there were no more "hauntings" in Buckingham Palace.

"Why is it so haunted in that year?" Pomona couldn't help but ask.

"Because he died." Mr. A said, "It is said that he was drunk and fell off the bridge."

Pomona found it incredible.

"What kind of poltergeist?" Severus asked.

"Usually tourists will hear voices in unoccupied rooms. This is usually caused by vents and air flow." Mr. A paused. "But some staff reported that seeing a dirty child would By showing up at the palace at a time when it was closed to visitors, he wanted someone to find him."

"Hide and seek," Pomona said.

"Yes, hide and seek." Mr. A said, "The Queen does not live in the palace now. We have to find the child before she returns to the palace."

"How can you be sure that the child is Jon?" Severus said.

"Because he left this behind." Mr. A said and stopped.

In front of them was a wall with luxurious wallpaper and a line of words written in charcoal.

Jon is here.


"I personally tend to think this is a prank." Mr. A said helplessly, "But to put others at ease, I hope you can investigate."

"What else did he do?" Pomona asked.

"I'm sorry, you mean..."

"Throwing water balloons and chalk at people." Pomona listed the "great deeds" Peeves had done.

"We will investigate," Severus said to Mr. A.

"If you need assistance, you can find me at the Guards office." Mr. A said with a smile, "Of course you can't go to some areas. When you see the guards, you will know which places are not allowed to enter."

"I understand, sir," Severus said.

Pomona looked at him in surprise.

Then Mr. A used the excuse that he was busy at work and left, leaving Pomona and Severus alone.

"I'm going back too." Pomona yawned. "I got up at four o'clock today. I'm tired."

"Do you sleep during the day?" he said irritably.

"Just the two of us searching such a big palace, stop dreaming." Pomona smiled mockingly, "I went to your apartment, maybe I can find something meaningful to do."

"You think this is pointless?" he said to her back.

Pomona shook his head.

While many houses had Rattle Spirits, she didn't think Jon was one.

He was in Australia at the time of his death. Is it possible that he traveled such a distance just to be "mischievous"?

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