Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3127 viaticum (5)

This is a very strange phenomenon. When women fall in love, they often like to buy a lot of things that make them look "gogeous". The whole process is very pleasant and they don't feel distressed at all.

Pomeranian took a sullen sip of his iced latte.

Many people envy Mrs. Malfoy for having a handsome and considerate husband like Lucius Malfoy, but in fact Lucius is a busy man, especially after the war when he was not imprisoned in Azkaban and resumed his life. After being "on track", how much time will he spend with his wife and son?

This was originally someone else's housework, but she could roughly figure it out without asking. Many family holidays were treated as social activities by him, including Christmas and the day when his son recognized his godfather, as well as so many family businesses, School governors and Ministry of Magic matters.

In fact, like his "friends", he thought that women would be happy if they shopped. Arthur was always there when Molly needed him, even though he held a lowly position at the Ministry of Magic and often had to work overtime because of an order from above.

She didn't expect that Severus would live like this one day, but even Spencer Moon, the Minister of Magic who had a good relationship with Churchill, started by making tea. Could she still expect Severus to live like this? Like the "airborne troops", getting a good position all of a sudden?

Henry Shaw Jr. didn't know where the confidence came from. He actually thought that by virtue of being in New York, the territory of the Democratic Party, he could implement the Republican Party's Prohibition and then defeat Roosevelt and Hoover, who was running for re-election, and become the President of the United States.

Climbing up from the bottom is a difficult process, just like Cato. Villa is a manor in Latin. The steward is called vilicus. He is the leader of all the slaves in the manor. When the manor owner is away, he is responsible for giving orders and carrying out punishment.

In the villan system that was prevalent in medieval England, dependent farmers were called villaein, and later villagers became villagers. This manor model is almost the same as the Italian manor, except that the manor owner became a lord in the Middle Ages.

In the old Cato model manor, the manor owner also has to engage in management. Unlike other manor models, the manor owner leaves everything to the butler, and then relies on the wealth gained from the manor to enjoy himself in Rome.

The way these manor owners control their housekeepers is by not allowing them to get married or own their own property. After all, housekeepers are also slaves, unless they work hard and wait until the death of their predecessors and become freed slaves through a will. When they are free, sometimes they will directly replace the original owner and do the business he has been doing for many years. As for the next generation of owners who have been robbed of their business...doesn't he still have an inheritance?

Some Roman scholars also proposed that housekeepers get married and have their own assets. Cato the Elder even proposed that housekeepers marry housekeepers. Housekeepers are very similar to the combination of cooks and housekeepers in the Victorian era. Cooks are in charge of food rooms, poultry farms, etc., which are related to the kitchen. The housekeeper is responsible for managing the residence and servants. Anyway, as long as the two of them stay in the manor, they will take care of their own home as well as their own.

But who would like "housekeeper"?

Pomona took another sip of her latte. Unexpectedly, the straw made a loud sound when she emptied it, and everyone watching the exhibition focused their attention on her.

"I'm sorry." She said awkwardly, trying to find a place to throw herself and the empty paper cup in her hand.

She went to the Victoria Pier earlier. Due to the opening ceremony tomorrow, the area around the airport has been cordoned off. No one except the staff is allowed to enter.

To prevent herself from looking suspicious, she bought a cup of iced coffee, saw a poster for the jewelry show on the newspaper rack next to the dining car, and then she appeared in the exhibition hall with a bang.

The jewelry was so gorgeous that it looked out of place with the paper cup of coffee.

"Do you need help?"

Just when she was at a loss what to do, a gentleman with a beard came over and smiled charmingly at her.

This beard is shaved carefully and is not sloppy at all.

"Thank you." Pomona said, handing the paper cup into his hand. His attitude made her feel like the countess who accidentally dropped her garter but was rescued by the king.

"Are you alone?" the gentleman asked politely.

"Can't you see the exhibition alone?" Pomona asked.

"No, I was wondering if you need an explanation. I am in charge of this exhibition hall." The gentleman stretched out his hand towards her, "Gerard."

"Molly." Pomona shook his hand. "So you work for the government?"

"No, I'm a private contractor, commissioned by the Royal Collection Trust," Gerrard said.

"Excuse me, what trust?" Pomona said confused.

Gerald looked around and said, "Don't tell others, this trust is specifically responsible for maintaining and displaying royal art and furniture."

Pomona watched Gerald carefully.

"Is this a secret?" Pomona asked.

"Of course." Gerald said as he took a promotional material from his jacket pocket. "Look here."

Pomona took the promotional materials and looked at where Gerald pointed, where it said "Organized by the Royal Collection Trust".

"Why didn't I see it just now?" Pomona complained.

"Because it's a secret." Gerald straightened his stiff handmade jacket, "And this secret will not be discovered if you don't dig carefully."

"Do all these people know?" Pomona looked at the other viewers in the exhibition hall.

"Some people know it. They are interested in the history behind the jewelry rather than the jewelry itself." Gerald said, "Which aspect are you more interested in, Molly?"

She looked around and saw that the nearest set of jewelry was an emerald crown and matching earrings and necklace.

"I heard that emeralds are fragile and will break into pieces if dropped to the ground." Pomona withdrew his gaze and looked at Gerald, "But diamonds will bounce back."

"You want to try?"

"You can't even afford to keep me company even if you sell me. I'm just curious."

"I see what you mean, how about this?" Gerald said, leading her to the next aisle. "Do you know what that is?"

"The King's Apple." Pomona said. "This ball represents the whole world and will be handed over to the King when he is crowned."

"Then do you know why it was divided into three parts?" Gerrard asked.

"Three?" Pomona said, confused.

Gerald pointed at the golden jewelry ball through the glass.

"1, 2, 3." He counted one by one. "Do you think I am right?"

"I never noticed," Pomona said.

"In ancient Greece, this small ball stood on the goddess of victory. Zeus held it, symbolizing control of the world and the victory or defeat of war." Gerald said, "The three divided parts represent the three known kingdoms in the Middle Ages. continents, Europe, Asia, Africa, and no new continents discovered later.”

"But this ball was made in 1661." Pomona looked at the introduction and said, "The New World had been discovered by then."

"Satisfied your curiosity?" Gerald asked with a smile.

"It's better to say you aroused my curiosity." Pomona also smiled.

"How about we have dinner together? Maybe we can find something else that will arouse your curiosity." Gerald said.

"That's not okay... I have a 'roommate' waiting for me to go back to dinner." Pomona said.

"London is a big city, I don't think he will starve to death." Gerrard said seriously.

"How do you know it's 'him'?" Pomona asked.

"Girls today are so capable." He complimented unabashedly, "Queen Victoria once held this ball."

"Is there any Queen Elizabeth apple?" Pomona stopped smiling. "I want to see it."

Gerald watched her carefully.

"Did this exist back then? I remember people back then thought the earth was flat," Pomona said.

"Not in this place." Gerald smiled, "But I can take you to see it, unless you have dinner with me."

"You don't even know who I am," Pomona said.

"Didn't we just introduce you, Molly," Gerald said.

She suddenly realized that he didn't really want to know her that much.

And she is like the Sicilian restaurant owner who never thinks that the pizza she sells is "fast food."

"Thank you for the introduction, Gerald, I want to see it myself." She smiled politely.

Gerald was not angry, he still smiled like a gentleman.

"I wish you a pleasant visit." Gerald said, then left her and went to explain to other guests.

Pomona turned to look at the "apple" in the glass cabinet, but in her mind she thought of the "travel guide" inlaid with marble in the cloisters of ancient Roman buildings.

At that time, people could not yet describe the shape of the world in which they lived. They could only draw roads with Rome as the center.

In the movie "The Godfather", the Sicilian landscape is desolate, full of mountains and rocks, and there is no fertile land at all as mentioned in history.

But Mike, who grew up in the United States, lived there like a Sicilian. He didn't mind the monotony of his hometown at all. He even married a local bride according to Sicilian tradition, even though he already had an American fiancée. .

If it hadn't been for the car exploding, he might have spent "forever" with her.

In the next Godfather movie, Victor Creon doesn't leave his homeland longing for the outside world.

Perhaps because it is too isolated, after so many years, it still maintains the "past tradition". At that time, ancient Roman manors were spread all over southern Italy. The south not only had a mild climate, but also had convenient transportation. When the manor owner wanted to expand, in addition to organizing his own people to open up the land, another way was to invade other people's land. If a soldier did not return home for many years, the manor owner would send his men to drive away his parents and wife.

Little Victor ran away under his mother's protection, although he suddenly became an orphan.

He arrived in the New World and started a new life. When he grew up and started a family, he returned to the place where he lived as a child. Nothing seemed to have changed, except that his enemy had grown old.

He had no compunction about killing an old man, and the old man revealed his true colors after recognizing Victor.

He is still the same person he was before, and time has not made him repent of anything, even though he lives in a land ruled by God.

"What are you looking at?" her "roommate" asked behind her.

"Looking at a symbol," Pomona said calmly, then turned and took his arm. "Let's go look at something else."

"You don't want to have dinner with 'Gerald' anymore?" Severus teased.

"I don't want to have dinner with him, but I do want to see something special." Pomona smiled sweetly at him. "Can you think of something? Mr. Security."

He smiled heartily and led her around the royal jewelry exhibition, as if he was rich enough to buy one of the sets in the next moment.

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