Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 312: Product

Severus was 44 years old, and Pomona was 48 years old, and she would be 49 years old on May 15th. It was too late to get married at this age, and they didn't have much time to waste.

It took 34 years to get to this point, and there were only a few people who knew about the hardships. The common experience made them different from ordinary people, just like Hermione chose Ron instead of Victor. The right candidate in the eyes of the public is not necessarily the one that suits you.

When she came to classroom 11 wearing a white empire high-waist skirt that looked like a maternity dress, all eyes were on her.

Bill and Fleur arrived, standing beside Filch, as if in shock.

Mrs. Loris, Filch's cat, is now being held by Mrs. Pince, and Slughorn is also here. Felicity starts to play the wind instruments as soon as she sees Pomona, and her student Hannah Albert With a silly smile, he took her arm and walked along the carpet of roses to the altar decorated with a podium.

It would have been nice if the groom had a little smile on his face at the moment, but Severus was as stiff-faced as ever, and the best man next to him was Neville Longbottom, who was wearing a formal evening dress.

Lucius Malfoy is not his best man, which is really surprising. At this moment, Lucius and Slughorn are talking in a low voice. Narcissa is holding her nose with her handkerchief, her eyes are full of tears. Wilmina stood behind her, but it was a pity that Sinista did not come, but a lot of ghosts from the school came.

In short, this patchwork wedding was decent, mainly because the scenery of the Forbidden Forest was so beautiful that no one cared about those details.

In other people’s weddings, the bride and groom look at each other affectionately. You look at me and I look at you, but she is trembling with fear. The skirt sweeps the rose petals and makes a rustling sound. Surprisingly slow, she wanted to escape very, very much now.

Hell, they were here to pick up Drake back to the Black family, to inherit the Black family inheritance, and who would have thought it would end with a wedding?

Standing next to Drake was Astonia, and Pansy Parkinson missed Drake because she lived in the eyes of everyone, even though they spent seven years of youth in school together. Astonia doesn't care about this, Ravenclaw is such a person, just profound knowledge is not enough to become Ravenclaw.

They are self-eccentric, geniuses are usually at a different pace from ordinary people, and that college often produces freaks. Fortunately, Hermione was not assigned to that college, although she is very smart.

At the wedding, the bride and groom were going to exchange vows, and she didn't even have time to think about it. Hermione, who was following her, was also dizzy now. At this moment, Hermione was wearing a red dress, and after sending Pomona to the classroom, she walked to Slughorn and stood beside her. The disadvantage of getting married in winter is that the guests have to wear thick clothes. Of course, girls who love beauty don’t want to look bloated. Hermione’s arm-exposing skirt can’t keep out the cold at all. She thinks it’s best for them both to drink later Refreshing Potion.

"It's really strange that you two fools can get married like this." When passing by Narcissa Malfoy, Pomona heard Mrs. Malfoy whisper.

Normal people’s marriages are held during the day, and the bride is held by her father, who hands her over to the groom. Now she is walking alone on the red carpet of the flower shop, and Dumbledore’s ever-changing little tree is trembling in the cold wind. Something bright white moved slowly among the bushes.

At first Pomona thought she had misread it, but when she looked carefully, she realized that it was Dumbledore the White Wizard. He was shining like a pearl, and he was smiling at her at the moment. Wait until she rubbed her eyes before looking again. He was gone, and the oak branches were a mess, like the marks left by a lost man wandering through the forest.

"Hi, Pomona." The fat monk jumped out from the crowd. "I invited the bloody Baron, but he refused to come. Can I invite Peeves to your wedding?"

The only one who can control Peeves is Baron the Bloody Man. No one wants Peeves to mess up their wedding.

In 1980, Muggles announced that human beings had completely defeated and eliminated the smallpox virus, but they did not in that era when the fat monk lived. Like the Black Death, it is a severe infectious disease, and it kills many people every year. The fat monk was originally a student of the seminary, but he became a student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft when he was 11 years old. Learn how to be a wizard at Hufflepuff Academy.

Missionaries spared no effort in preaching. In the 8th century, a bishop cut down the tree representing Thor in order to preach in areas ruled by barbarians. This kind of purity of faith made them intolerable to others.

The fat friar became a clergyman after graduation and used his healing magic to treat smallpox for farmers. However, the high priests soon began to doubt his way of treating pox. was eventually executed.

After his death, he became a ghost and returned to Hogwarts. He was not at all depressed like the bloody Baron. He was optimistic and lively, and friendly to everyone. Will be executed like a murderer.

"Why not?" she said with a smile. "My groom is already the most hated person in school anyway."

"I knew you'd say yes," said the fat friar, laughing, and floated out to call Peeves.

Hogwarts is open and inclusive, and even a werewolf can enroll, provided that he controls his urge to bite people and doesn't forget to take his medicine on time.

Pomona saw Lavender Brown behind the crowd. She was still wearing the same pink headband as when she was studying. She looked at Pomona with envious eyes.

The behavior of Lavender and Ron kissing everywhere once made Pomona feel contemptuous, how can there be such a bold and cheeky girl, she is actually the same as Severus, the kind who likes to express passion with her body It's just that Severus was bound by strict aristocratic etiquette, while she expressed her love directly without any scruples.

Now Pomona herself often makes out with Severus in front of people, Lavender did nothing wrong, she was just bitten by a werewolf, and she hasn't become a werewolf like Lupine, but Pomona can't accept her Become Neville's wife.

Rose's mother saw Jack like a vermin, and she didn't want to be that kind of woman, and she tolerated Lavender's presence, as long as Lavender knew how to keep a secret.

A woman's heart is as deep as the sea, not only difficult to find out, but like the sea, it contains everything except another woman.

In the Tang Dynasty of China, there was a queen named Wu Zetian. She was a famous poisonous woman like the queen of the Han Dynasty, Lu Zhi. Because of a man's infidelity.

It is very difficult to share a man with other women, first love is often fruitless, and a man's first love is often unforgettable, which is why she can't help but want to punish him.

She hoped that he could give Lily his heart and soul, and hoped that he would give that affection to herself, ah~, a woman's heart is really complicated and contradictory.

"Why are you so angry?" He took her hand and asked inexplicably.

"Who said that, I'm very happy." Pomona immediately showed Hufflepuff's smirk.

"Ordinary women should say that I am very happy at this time. Is your happy face like this?"

"Choo." Pomona tried her best not to spit out her nose.

"Don't ruin your own wedding, Pomona." He twisted his thin lips into a malicious smile. "Be careful that the nickname Snotty becomes yours."

"It was you who ruined my clothes!" Pomona, who couldn't bear the violence, beat his arm hard in front of the guests.

The death gaze of the old basilisk swept over immediately, and she dared not move as if she had been petrified.

"Have you two had enough trouble?" Minerva was not so much presiding over the wedding, but more like punishing two students who violated school rules. "Haven't you learned how to control your behavior after being the dean for so many years?" ?”

The excellent student Pomona had a humble and remorseful look on her face, but the bad student Severus didn't respond, he obviously didn't listen to a word.

"If Dumbledore was here, I think he would have given a speech, oh, for the first time ever, the deans of two houses were married." Minerva clutched her chest, looking like she was about to faint "Oh, my God."

"If we announce it, it will be a very grand wedding," Severus said brazenly. "Like a royal wedding, this classroom will have to use an Expansion Charm to accommodate all the guests."

"Don't let me beat you up again, dear." Pomona said through gritted teeth, her smirk about to break.

"Oh, some people actually want to use violence to solve their problems." He looked at her hypocritically and sympathetically. "It's wrong to scold people, but using violence is right?"

"Before I lose my mind." Pomona held back her temper and said to Minerva, "Let's get started."

"We gather today for the sacred wedding of Severus Snape and Pomona Sprout, a precious treasure left by God from the creation of the world. On this holy occasion, If anyone knows of any reason why this marriage should not take place regarding these two unions, please speak up now, or remain silent forever."

Minerva McGonagall seemed impatient, she said while looking at the notes on the table with her square glasses.

Of course, no one objected, but Bill and Fleur looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

"Since neither of your parents can be present, I will skip this procedure, Severus Snape, do you accept Pomona Sprout as your legal wife and live with her according to the decrees of God? , live with her in a sacred marriage contract, and promise to love her, respect her, comfort her, cherish her, and be faithful to her from now on, until death?"

"I would."

"Pomona Sprout, do you accept Severus Snape as your lawful husband, to live with her by the decree of God, to live with him in holy marriage, and to promise to always Love him, honor him, comfort him, cherish him, remain true to him until death?"

Pomona wanted to say no.

"I would." She said reluctantly.

"From the beginning of creation, God created man as male and female. Therefore, man has to leave his parents and be united with his wife, and the two become one flesh. Since this is the case, the husband and wife are no longer two persons, but one flesh. If you don't want to Love, help, good or bad, high or low, disease or health, now you can exchange vows."

"Do you want to make an unbreakable vow?" Severus pulled out his wand.

"No." Pomona looked at the scar on his right hand. "One is enough trouble."

"Then what is your oath?" He took her hand and asked pretendingly arrogantly.

"I will be loyal to you, regardless of misfortune, fortune, high or low, sickness or health, I will love you, respect you, and cherish you, from the day I swear to the day I die."

"That's all for your oath?" he asked defiantly.

"Are you even going to compare this with me?" Pomona couldn't help jumping her feet angrily.

Her oath was quite formal, but it was the best she could come up with in her dizzy state.

"I have been invited by many people to leave Hogwarts, but I have refused. Some people think that because I dare not leave the asylum of the white wizard Dumbledore, I will be imprisoned in Azkaban for the rest of my life. Now I want to tell those Man, I'm not a coward, I stayed at Hogwarts for other reasons." He looked into her eyes and held her hand tightly "I stayed here for you, and I left for you , I still come back for you, where the treasure is, where the heart is, you are the treasure that is worth defending with my life, and I will protect you and cherish you until the day when my life ends."

Her vow was broken.

That was her only thought, and she didn't know if the other guests were whispering or if Minerva said he could kiss his bride, because she had been struck by lightning.

He didn't like the students at all, his office was like a dungeon, and who would like to live in a cell?

First love is very beautiful, but it is a pity that it is easy to be defeated by reality. The poor half-blood prince lost the gold coin of James Potter.

Lily decided to stay in the wizarding world when she was in the fifth grade. Her choice of James Potter was not very smart, but a rational choice. Not all women in this world can marry like Fleur regardless of Bill's external conditions.

Appearance is easy to confuse people. If the actor who played the hero Jack of the Titanic was not handsome, how many women would like to watch such romantic disaster movies?

Anyway, Pomona looked at Severus' yellow teeth and kissed the ground. Most people still like Lockhart's white and flawless teeth. After all, this is a world where beauty is justice, otherwise magical creatures like Veela , should be squeezed out by humans like werewolves, and dancing with Veela until exhausted is the same as being addicted to beauty.

But facing this kind of trap, male human beings are still willing to jump into it, just like Tom is obviously a devil, but there are many women who love him. Who told him to look so handsome, that face was the last gift given to him by his Muggle father. good gift.

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