Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3113 Chapter 31

Pomona placed all the souvenirs she bought on Baker Street on the table, then took out colorful wrapping paper and wrapped them one by one. Although it was a little early, she thought these would be good Christmas gifts.

What she gave to Felivi was the complete works of Sherlock Holmes. After wrapping them all, she suddenly wanted to read them again. Then she waved her wand and let the wrapping paper wrap themselves. Then she went to pick up a book from the bookshelf and read it. .

This is a collection of short stories. In 1894, three years after everyone thought that Sherlock Holmes and Professor Moriarty fell into a waterfall together and died, he disguised himself as a tramp and returned to Baker Street, and solved multiple cases one after another. , one day he received a commission from a manor owner named Cupid. His American wife Elsie recently received mysterious messages one after another - a string of chalk written in graffiti that looked like little dancing figures. Then she became uneasy.

Mr. Cupid loved Elsie very much. Even though Elsie said she had a bad past, he was still willing to marry her. Later, according to a series of investigations, Elsie turned out to be the daughter of a Chicago gang boss. She had been with a man named Abe. Slaney was engaged to a man who was a well-known gangster and had a phone at the time. Holmes confirmed this by calling the Chicago Police Department.

But the most exciting part of this story is the process of Holmes deciphering the code. Pomona held the book and sat down on the sofa.

This password is not complicated, at least it does not require a cipher machine to decipher and encrypt. You only need to remember the letters corresponding to each villain, just like memorizing a new alphabet, and you do not even need to memorize the key like the Caesar cipher.

But it was not easy to decipher it. Holmes was familiar with English spelling habits and quickly deciphered the villain with the letter "e".

She looked at the little people as if possessed, and unknowingly she seemed to see them moving, as if they were really dancing. Then her eyelids felt heavy, and she soon fell asleep.


Cicero once wrote in "On Divination": When people lose reason and consciousness and are dominated by free and uninhibited impulses, the brain will be stimulated in two ways, one is madness, the other is It's a dream.

She didn't know how she could dream in her sleep, especially when she first came to this world, she didn't need to sleep or eat at all, but now she eats and rests like "others", and sometimes she can't even tell the difference. Do you really need it or are you just pretending to not look weird?

Mons does not have a rich nightlife like Paris. Once it gets dark, there are no pedestrians on the road. Only the singing of choir rehearsals comes from the church, as if Christmas Eve has arrived early.

But this is not always the case in Mons. It is said that the "Dragon Slaying Festival" is held here every June, and everyone will try to snatch the hair from the dragon's tail because it can bring good luck to people.

The dragons that Georgiana knew often had barbs and scales on their tails, but she wasn't going to correct them. She might just join in the fun and watch others snatch the fur from the dragon's tail. Who can have too much good luck?

She put aside the information about the Knights Templar, picked up a quill and paper, and tried to record the pictures she saw in her dream. Later, she discovered that she was really not good at drawing. Was she drawing a tree or a broom?

Finally, she took out her wand and took out that "memory" from her brain. Even though it was just a dream, it was still the same as the memory in the memory bottle. The only thing she lacked was a pensieve.

By the 20th century, even a little girl on her birthday could wear a crown and receive congratulations from her friends like a princess.

But Josephine was scolded by Napoleon for wearing a wheat-ear-shaped crown in Lyon last time. Someone also gave Georgiana a crown, an emerald one and a pearl one, but she tore them apart. Not just because tiaras are taboo, but because they all bring back bad memories for her.

The emerald was dismantled and made into a necklace, which she gave to Matilda to pay off her debt. Now she was completely relieved.

Then she looked at the graffiti on the paper. Voldemort went to Albania to find the Ravenclaw diadem hidden in a tree hole.

If you want to hide a leaf, it is best to put it in the forest. How did he find the target among so many trees?

Then she thought of Neville. When the resisters lived in the Room of Requirement, they all lived in "tree houses." When did a tree grow in the Room of Requirement?

A thousand years have passed since Helena hid the crown until an Albanian farmer discovered it. As a thousand-year-old tree, it should indeed be as strong as the one in the Room of Requirement.

The Room of Requirement is not impossible to connect to the outside. Through the secret passage, you can reach behind Arianna's portrait in the Pig's Head Bar.

Voldemort met Quirrell in Albania, and Ravenclaw's diadem was destroyed in the Room of Requirement.

At this time, she fully understood Helena's mood of wanting to wear the Ravenclaw crown. She really needed more wisdom.

She let out a long sigh.

Why is Grindelwald so difficult?

But in a sense this is also a clue, because Ravenclaw's crown is made of metal, unlike the crown of thorns, which is really a thorny thorn.

Everyone has something to be afraid of. For Brick, who has been trapped in an unknown space for a long time, it is really difficult for him to face the disappearing cabinet that also leads to an unknown location.

When Nietzsche said "God is dead", he did not mean that God was really dead, but that since the reward and punishment mechanism of good deeds being rewarded and evil deeds being punished is gone, human beings no longer act according to this social moral standard. Of course, it is better than Given nihilism, most people would choose another path.

Malfoy's main rival, Peabody, established a trust company in the UK. All the money he earned was donated to schools such as Harvard. This is very different from British charity trusts, such as Mr. Cupid's wife Elsie , she chose to help the poor after Mr. Cupid's death. This is the British way of charity. Americans are more willing to invest money in schools and hospitals.

If Mr. Cupid has no other heirs, he will also have a trust, which is different from an American trust company. The biggest feature of American-style trusts is their strong commercial nature. One of its backgrounds is that the United States uses "trusts" to raise funds when developing new lands. The trustor uses it as an investment tool with the purpose of benefiting from development.

The British trust can at least ensure that Elsie can live a life without worries about food and clothing, because she and Mr. Cupid have no children. After her death, Mr. Cupid's inheritance will be inherited by other relatives, such as poor country people like Dorian Gray. boy.

Real estate must be divided into land and houses. Out of the nobles' passion for land, Malfoy established a real estate company. What Peabody wanted was money, which he would bring back to the United States to continue local development. This is also a characteristic of American trusts. Expand immovable property to movable property.

After having money, Dorian Gray relied on his youth and beauty to become the darling of the upper class. He could not worry about his livelihood at all. If he only had expenses and no income, then he would spend all his money like some widows. After his inheritance, he was left penniless.

Some widows also worry about the "future", buy trusts, and use the proceeds from the trust companies to continue their extravagant lives.

Until one day, the "bubble" burst, and you couldn't even think of withdrawing a single word of the principal.

Elsie broke off her engagement without permission because she didn't want to live the life of a Chicago gangster, and even ran from the United States to England, but Slaney wouldn't let it go.

He doesn't know how much he loves Elsie, but by marrying the daughter of the previous boss, it would be more "justifiable" for him to succeed as the new boss. Sherlock Holmes forged a letter from Elsie and asked Slanney to meet him. , he went there after receiving the letter. Felivi also sarcastically wondered how Elsie could write to ask him out after being shot in the head.

First of all, it was night when the incident occurred, and there was only candle lighting. It was also from this that Holmes deduced that the window was open and the maid upstairs could smell the smell. In the dim light, Slanney could only confirm that he hit Mr. Cupid. He was not sure where he hit, especially the second gunshot. He thought Mr. Cupid was not dead, so he got up and shot again. .

Secondly, Elsie's shot in the head was self-inflicted. She did not want to live after Mr. Cupid died. Holmes and Watson arrived the day after all this happened. The police had not had time to investigate, so the news should not have been leaked. Slaney, who lives in a neighboring town, may not necessarily know about Elsie's serious injury.

If a person has caused a lot of "trouble" and cannot solve it on his own, the best way is to "escape", especially a weak woman. Silani thought that Elsie wanted to go back to Chicago with him and leave. Before that, the manor might have been ransacked and all the valuables taken away.

If Elsie hadn't done it to herself, this would have been almost a perfect scam. Why did Slaney have to go back to Chicago? Wouldn't it be better to stay in England and become a manor owner?

People in the past thought that heaven was in the clouds, but with so many satellites scanning every part of the earth's sky, where is the trace of heaven?

As for hell, doesn't that count the Chicago gang that Elsie is desperate to escape from? No matter how much she loved Mr. Cupid, in what capacity would she continue to live in the manor after he died? Rather than "go back" and be controlled by Slaney, Elsie would rather shoot herself in the head with a gun.

Pomona didn't tell Livi about all this. She gave him the set of books for fun, so there was no need to put everyone in a bad mood just to be more serious.

Then the next day she went to Scandinavia for Christmas, where she went dog sledding.

It was rare for her to be so happy, and Snape even gave her a drink mixed with sad bug honey.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," said Georgiana.

After a while, the door opened, and the brother of the mayor of Brussels opened the door and walked in.

"What's the matter with you?" Georgiana said with a smile, while carefully identifying whether this one was the "possessed" one.

"My brother wants to know what you plan to do with it." Henry Holt said seriously.

She said nothing.

"Are you going to execute them?" he asked again.

"You mean hanging?" asked Georgiana.

"You can use torture, it's legal in Belgium," he said.

She smiled bitterly.

"Because they're planning to kill me?"

This time it was his turn to be silent.

Georgiana thought again of Charles Dickens.

"The bystanders will not feel fear." She whispered, "nor will they feel pity. They no longer think that their souls will be judged. You have more important things to do."

"What's up?"

"Do you know who Pericles is?" Georgiana asked.

"He was an archon in ancient Greece."

"One day, he encountered a solar eclipse on his way to the Peloponnese battlefield. The sailors were frightened and said that this was a bad omen and they should not go on an expedition. Then Pericles took off his cloak and covered it with "It hit one of the sailors on the head." She stood up slowly and put her hands on the desk. "Do you think it's scary to do this? Pericles asked the sailors, and then he said, 'Except for objects that prevent us from seeing sunlight. Bigger than my cloak, what difference does it make?"

"I do not understand……"

"Celestial phenomena are magnificent sights, sir, but to the ignorant and superstitious they are terrible omens. You know who Pericles is, but many people do not. This is what your brother and his colleagues are. work." Georgiana said, "The judge and the court should be responsible for the trial issues."

"I understand," said the mayor's brother.

She remembered that he didn't like being called that, but she couldn't remember his name at the moment.

Napoleon remembered the name of a soldier from many years ago. No wonder his nickname was "The Corsican Monster".

"Do you have any other questions?" Georgiana asked.


He came to his senses, bowed to Georgiana, then turned and left.

When the door closed and the room became dark again, she let out a long sigh.

"Do you think I made it clear?"

"Clear and loud, ma'am." Carolan said with a smile. "If there is still a misunderstanding, that's his problem."

"Where is the cupboard?" asked Georgiana.

"Are you going to see it?" asked Carolan.

"Take me," said Georgiana, and followed Carolan out of the room.

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