Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3111 The bottom hero

The house in Snape's hometown has changed a lot since the last time he came here. Many new things have been added and a lot has been thrown away - all Muggle-related things, such as the TV set facing the sofa is missing. , so that there is no "modern" feeling in the house at all.

Pomona used her magic wand to eliminate the dirty water in the bucket, and then added clean water from a spring. The magic rags immediately rushed in to "take a bath."

It had not been cleaned for many years, or it had never been cleaned carefully, and bucket after bucket of dirty water was replaced. Fortunately, she had the foresight to buy magic cleaning tools in Diagon Alley, but she thought it was just a symbolic cleaning. After all, how dirty could the newly moved house be?

She muttered dissatisfiedly that everyone else had tidied up the house and then invited friends to her place to hold a housewarming party, even though doing so would make the newly tidied house messy again.

"Here," Snape said, holding a drink in front of her.

"Thank you." Pomona took the drink, and Snape went to do his own thing.

He illegally used a space expansion spell on the house. From the outside of the house, it looked like there was plenty of space in a place that was not spacious. On the contrary, all the sofas in the living room were gone, and only an armchair remained. It was probably for the owner to read. It is almost impossible for guests to sit down and chat.

Pomona stared at the "throne" and thought she might as well drink the drink standing up. After taking a sip, her eyes widened immediately.

"Where did you get the shriveled fig juice?" Pomona asked.

"It's wine," Snape corrected.

The wine tasted very good. Pomona drank it all in one sip and suddenly felt full of strength.

"Where are your children's toys?" she asked politely, wanting to see what Snape played with as a child.

"I don't have any toys," he said dryly.

Pomona felt that he had lost it. After all, he was old enough to drink black coffee and wine.

"Why do you want to clean up your hometown now?" Pomona said.

"I didn't have time before!" he said fiercely.

Although she was used to his bad temper, the time spent in Spider End Alley made him more temperamental and more fond of darkness.

"How do you want to decorate your house in London?" Pomona asked.

He ignored her again.

"How's Draco doing?" she asked, looking for something to say.

"Does Dumbledore know you are coming?" He expanded a space and put a bunch of debris in it.

"It's the holidays and I don't need to tell him where I'm going," Pomona said.

Pomona saw a Hogwarts suitcase among the miscellaneous items, but it was very old, as if it had been used by his mother Eileen, and was then given to Snape like a family heirloom.

Most people like to use new ones, new wands, new textbooks, no one likes those second-hand things.

"Are you going to disobey his order?" He moved the bookshelf over, blocking Pomona's view.

"He didn't order me, why should I disobey him?" Pomona said coldly. Seeing that the magic rags were unwilling to come out of the bucket, she kicked the bucket, and the rags climbed out unwillingly and continued before continuing. work.

"Are you really here to help?" Snape asked.

"Otherwise?" she asked inexplicably.

He looked at her with cautious eyes.

"I'm not interested in your 'little secrets'!" Pomona said angrily, disappearing the dirty water in the bucket, and decided to clean the first floor before leaving.

Since others don't welcome her, why bother being sentimental?

"We have a guest coming tomorrow afternoon." Snape said coldly. "You can come if you are free."

"What am I here for?" Pomona asked.

"Play my assistant."

"What?" She couldn't help but raise her voice.

"Quiet!" he said threateningly, hissing.

"What kind of assistant do you want?" Pomona shouted again.

He got angry and walked away, this time Pomona followed.

"Why do you need an assistant?" she asked reluctantly.

"That's not necessary now," he said without looking back.

"Can't I play your roommate? Like Sherlock and Watson," Pomona said energetically. "How about we go to London in the afternoon?"

He didn't speak.

"You don't have to go to Baker Street, you can also go to Buckingham Palace..."

"I won't go!" he said fiercely.

"I helped you clean the house, you should pay me!" Pomona stopped. "Or do you think a glass of wine is enough?"

He stopped and looked back at her.

"Get some sunshine, Severus. Ordinary people will get tanned during the summer vacation." Pomona said seriously, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I'm not an ordinary person." He said coldly, walking up the stairs to the second floor.

Pomona didn't follow. The second floor was the bedroom, and she had never been there before when Erin was alive.

"Neither are you." He suddenly said, "You are a witch."

Pomona looked at his back. After going up to the second floor, he pushed open the door of a room and then didn't come out.

Pomona remembered it wasn't his bedroom, but the master bedroom.

"I know how to get back," she said into the room, then returned to the living room.

Not all plants like the sun. If a plant that likes shade is exposed to the sun, it will kill it. It may be better to leave it in a dark corner.

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Not far from Lambcondu Field, there is Great Ormond Street. There is a children's hospital on the street. It is the most famous children's specialist hospital in the UK. Among them, the children's cardiac surgery department is world-class. Every year, there are thousands of children from all over the world. Children and families from all over the country go there to seek medical advice.

It was first used to treat children in orphanages and orphan homes. Children's hearts and blood vessels are much thinner than adults, so the operation is more difficult. However, these doctors may be able to repair the beating hearts of orphans, but it is difficult to repair their hearts. .

When Tom Marvolo Riddle first entered Hogwarts, everything was second-hand. Although the school gave him a bursary, the amount was very limited and did not allow him to buy new things.

Except for the phoenix tail feather wand I bought at Ollivanders.

Georgiana looked at the Vanishing Cabinet strapped to the carriage. There must be a pair of them, like the one in the Room of Requirement and the one in Boggin's Bock's in Knockturn Alley.

When Harry emerged from Knockturn Alley in his second year, he soon encountered some wandering wizards selling him "talismans."

Severus once believed that magic could change his destiny, but life in the academy was not as smooth as he and Lily imagined under the old locust tree, even without James Potter.

Where there is success, there may be more success. In fact, more people have failed to open a shop in Diagon Alley than in Hogsmeade. There are only a handful of people who have become as famous as Weasley's Trick Shop.

Those two young people are very talented. Fireworks often disappear in a flash. The short and momentary beauty only exists in people's memory, but the Weasley brothers' fireworks preserved the beauty of that moment. Not only that. They also invented their own fireworks show, which Fred performed in front of Pomona when she was upset.

But they did not apply for a patent for magic fireworks. Instead, they applied for a daydream spell. The latter did not sell as well as the fireworks. After all, reality is already so beautiful, why do we need daydreams?

Lily was 21 years old when she died. If placed in the Muggle world, she had not even graduated from college and had not truly experienced the pain of life, but she had experienced all the beauty and joy, and sacrificed herself in a heroic way. Remember.

It's so gorgeous and long-lasting, like magical fireworks, why pursue immortality and immortality like Voldemort?

Lily is remembered as Mrs. Potter, the mother of the Saviors, who gave up her gift after being with James.

In fact, there were many people like her. Severus once brought a Ravenclaw boy over and asked Pomona to educate him fairly, instead of just favoring Neville.

Neville's grades were not good, at least not what everyone recognized as excellent. In the 1968 Olympic Games, a Tanzanian marathon runner was injured. Everyone thought he would withdraw. Not everyone could finish the race. 18 people had withdrawn before him.

But he said, "My motherland sent me here from 5,000 miles away to let me finish the game."

Then he limped through the entire race. When he ran into the sports field, an hour had passed since he finished the race in first place. He finally finished the race in 57th place.

The Ravenclaw boy who was more talented than Neville later became a clerk in the Ministry of Magic's multi-purpose hall. If Pomona failed to cultivate bubble pods the first time and gave up, she would not have cultivated many more in the future. Bubble pods.

Before Dickens became famous, he also wrote other novels. In 1837, he completed "The Pickwick Papers" in his current former residence. The single old gentleman traveled with a few followers and experienced some of his People and things that they all found funny, finally everyone felt that they had traveled enough, the "Pickwick Society" was disbanded, Mr. Pickwick retired, and the story ended.

After cleaning the house in Spider End Lane that day, Pomona traveled around London alone. She first went to Baker Street and bought a deerstalker hat of the same style as Sherlock Holmes. She originally wanted to give it to Severus as a gift.

She had a great time, even though she was alone. Later, she learned to treat the book as a living person, as if the author was right in front of her, and she felt less lonely.

This time they went to Paris, and at Victor Hugo's former residence, she also saw many people while dancing, as if in a dream.

Now this dream is becoming more and more like the "abyss" slipping away. She originally had nothing and lost her pure soul. Why?

She didn't want to go back to Paris. She would rather go to Spain. Although there was the famous Inquisition there, there was also a lot of alchemy information there, as well as Ficino's star magic.

In fact, there is another way to produce the same power as black magic. Dumbledore is an example. When he drove away the corpses in the cave, the "Vulcan opened the way" was just like the real Vulcan coming to the world.

Snow falls on the body, taking away body heat as it melts.

When the fallen leaves flew up, the bodies of many frozen animals also appeared, including frozen snakes.

It is very painful to use a rope to tie the limbs bitten by the snake, because it stops the blood flow to the heart and prevents the venom from spreading all over the body.

But if you are like the farmer and put the snake in your arms and wait for it to wake up and bite you in the heart, this method will not work.

"I actually saved a poisonous snake, so I deserve this kind of retribution!"

The farmer shouted before he died.

How much experience will it take for her to remember this lesson?

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