Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3103 The Road to War (3)

The carriage team ran on the post road built by Louis XIV. Although it was built more than a thousand years later than the road in the Roman era, it was more seriously damaged than the road in the Roman era.

But the strange thing is that the description of the northern battlefield during the French Revolution did not come to Georgiana's mind. Instead, she thought of Scarlett. After marrying Frank and becoming a female timber merchant, she quickly became rich and escaped from the poverty of the past. , and then she met Rhett Butler again on the street.

Regardless of whether she had worn mourning clothes and danced with Rhett Butler on the dance floor, it was obvious that as a married woman, it was inappropriate to joke with him on the street. Scarlett was not in the mood to talk to Rhett Butler, and she drove the carriage alone. go.

She chose a shortcut, a dark path. Although the war brought good luck to some people, that road was filled with all kinds of less lucky people. They may think Scarlett's carriage is beautiful, and Or Scarlett was alone and attacked her carriage.

Scarlett waved the riding crop with all her strength, making it make a sound that broke through the air. Although the sound was not as loud as a gunshot, it could be repeated repeatedly. The gun of that era could only be fired once - she was not the kind of person who needed it in the Victorian era. Faint at any time, so that a passing gentleman can revive him with smelling salts.

She used so much force that she not only hurt others, but also possibly herself, but her struggle was not ineffective. The attackers dodged and Scarlett took this opportunity to escape from that place.

Maybe on that way home, the past once again came to Scarlett's mind.

She did not want to starve again, nor did she want to lose the estate, even though it had been sacked and almost in ruins when she returned, her father insane and her mother dead, and she knew she could no longer take refuge in them. On the contrary, there are many people who are counting on her and the manor to survive - Socrates' friend, because when the Civil War of the Thirty Tyrants broke out, no strangers came, he could no longer collect rent as before, so he asked Socrates what to use A way to feed the people who depend on him.

Scarlett committed murder, and after pulling the trigger she had no energy to think about anything else. She wanted to leave everything to "tomorrow."

The book says that Scarlett is not very beautiful, but very charming. She combines her mother's French blood and her father's Irish blood, which means she is delicate but ruddy and rugged. At the age of sixteen, when she was still wearing a pannier and sitting on the shady verandah chatting with her twin brothers, she would laugh out loud at their jokes.

By then the slaves had called it a day, and Scarlett's mother prepared to distribute food to the slaves as part of her "housekeeping" duties. If this matter is left to the overseers, they will line their own pockets and deprive the slaves of food. Either the portions will be reduced or the dishes will be worse, which will affect the work and further affect the income of the manor.

Scarlett is also not as kind to her poor neighbors as her mother... What's the use of that? Maybe they were among the "people" who ransacked the manor.

Wolves are ungrateful. Mr. Dongguo saved the Zhongshan wolf, but it wanted to eat Mr. Dongguo - after all, it was hungry. Why didn't Mr. Dongguo "be a good man and do it to the end"?

Now Scarlett has taken off her bustle. Wearing it to work is a hindrance. Women's clothing has changed after the Civil War. The way women change their destiny is no longer like Cinderella, who captured the prince with a skirt at the ball. heart.

Scarlett tried, making a skirt out of the curtains that the robbers had not taken away, but Rhett Butler drove her away.

Back then, she wore black mourning clothes and danced with Rhett Butler. Although she said it was to raise military funds, in fact she knew very well that she just wanted to dance and she was not willing to be anyone's widow.

At the same time, she also knew that her reputation was gone at this moment, but that didn't matter anymore.

Scarlett, unlike Melanie, is always full of energy, like a grumpy horse.

The coachman who drove Georgiana would also wave his whip, but the sound was small and fast, and was quickly lost in the sound of horse hooves and the rolling wheels.

The girls were still a little panicked. They had never seen this side of Georgiana.

Bellatrix liked to see others looking at her in "awe". The more scared others were, the more elegant and sweet she would smile.

At the back of the motorcade was a carriage specially designed to transport luggage. One of the carriages contained a dark cabinet, which was the "vanishing cabinet" found in the abandoned castle. It was together with other "trophies" purchased by Georgiana. As the army advances.

I heard that Madame Pompidou would also drive a carriage alone on the boulevards, but "Paris at that time" was different from "Paris later". No one would hold up a spear with a human head stabbed on it. Walk on the street.

"Honor and knowledge are undoubtedly the objects that everyone pursues, but if they are not accompanied by property, they will fall short of the ointment." Georgiana said looking at the plains outside the car window. In Pomona's era, the southern part of Brussels was also Ancient Battlefield "Wisdom, merit, and other illusions cannot lead to happiness, because happiness lies first in the possession of wealth."

"That's not what you said," said Matilda, smiling shrewdly.

"That's right, because that's not what I said in the first place." Georgiana also answered with a smile.

"Who said that?" asked Matilda.

Georgiana made no answer.

The names of French nobles are often very long. In addition to indicating a long genealogy, the long list of names also serves to distinguish them from others.

In addition to the mathematician Fourier, there was a philosopher named Charles Fourier in France at the same time. He was not much different in age from the other Fourier. He did not go to Egypt with Napoleon, nor did he hold an official position.

Georgiana asked the people in the library to look for books published by "Fourier", and they found Charles Fourier's. The content she just said was written in his book.

This man was originally from a wealthy merchant family. He inherited his due inheritance in 1792 and ran a store in Lyon. Then he lost everything because of the Revolution, and then he made a living as an employee, salesman, and exchange broker.

This experience gave him a deep understanding of the deceitfulness and anarchy of merchants. Once in Toulon, he saw with his own eyes that the grain arriving at the port was dumped into the sea, because in this way, the grain could be sold at a high price due to the "relationship between supply and demand" .

The method of barter exchange is quite troublesome, requiring people to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to transport goods around, so humans invented currency to facilitate the circulation of goods.

Then because coins were inconvenient to carry, with money orders and so on, the people of Lyon forgot that they could exchange the silk they produced with farmers for food. So what if the factories had no money to start operations? Food can also be used as salary.

When the price of food rises to a certain level, it can replace gold and silver as currency. Who would hang the mayor to prevent people from transporting food away? They also sent people to guard the granary just like they were guarding the treasury.

When Georgiana said this to the Lyon people, they didn't say anything, maybe because they thought it was just a woman's opinion, or maybe they thought peasants couldn't wear silk.

Who wears silk? Of course it was the people dancing with jewelry at the palace ball.

Tea was also drank by these people in the past. It was always regarded as a luxury product until William Pitt Jr. carried out reforms and lowered import tariffs and the selling price of tea. On the contrary, because there were more consumers, smuggling was unprofitable. , increased taxes and saved England's precarious finances after the American Revolution.

In his inaugural address, Lincoln did not define Southerners as "enemies" but rather as "criminals" who had committed treason and should be punished for treason.

When he announced the blockade of southern ports, the cabinet first objected. They believed that Lincoln's approach was a disguised recognition of southern independence. Their taxes, financial officials, customs clearance procedures, customs registration, etc. were all legal, coupled with the weak "capture capability" of the U.S. Navy It’s really not worth the loss.

But Lincoln believed that doing so could ease relations with European neutrals. When the federal blockade fleet had a maritime conflict with neutral merchants, there would at least be "a choice."

But no matter how weak the federal navy was, ships from neutral countries were still arrested. In other words, these British merchant ships had no intention of running away at all. They planned to see how the federal maritime court would deal with these "trophies."

Lincoln was different from the "Fathers of the Nation" in 1783. He was just an ordinary person who became a lawyer through self-study.

The laws of war are usually created after a conflict has ended to set the rules for the next war.

Lincoln promulgated the "Lieber Code" during the war. It also encountered opposition, but it became the key to the Union's "final decision."

In the era before international courts, since there was no single judge to adjudicate disputes between states, all sovereign states unanimously acquiesced that retaliation was an effective response to violations by other states.

But the problem with retaliation is that even if it is an essential step in enforcing the rules of the game, it can hasten the destruction of cooperation rather than promote it.

Or to put it this way, someone's partner has a third person that he can't help but want to see. Instead of crying, he chooses to meet someone else, hoping to make the other person change and stop seeing the third person. People return to the purpose of "cooperating" in running a family and marriage.

But the other party doesn't think so. Even if he doesn't divorce immediately, he won't continue to live his life.

If Frank didn't go to fight with those people, he could also have an affair with his ex-fiancée. They were going to get married, but Scarlett mixed it up. Now that her goal has been achieved, Frank can live a contented life with Scarlett's sister without having to endure Scarlett's control.

Without the gold coins that Rothschild obtained from the Bank of Paris, no matter how talented General Wellington was, the British army would not have left Spain.

When Napoleon crossed the Alps for the first time, he also encountered troops who wanted to mutiny because they refused to leave because they had no boots to wear.

If you want to stop the Louisiana Purchase, you must solve the financial problem, otherwise the Secretary of the Treasury will jump out and say that the treasury is long and short.

Originally, I came to Belgium this time to make a fortune, but unexpectedly, Napoleon canceled the tariffs between France and Belgium, as if he wanted to erase the "national border" in this way.

Louis XIV also did the same thing, but he encountered resistance from William III. In order to block the coalition forces between him and Charles II of England, he dug up the seawall.

The "Liber Code" is not only about slaves, but also about prisoners of war. The first congressional building in the United States was burned down in 1812 and became a prisoner of war camp during the Civil War.

The Geneva Conventions are the collective name for a series of international treaties dating from 1864 to 1949. This undertaking by Americans soon crossed the Atlantic and became a global phenomenon. In 1899, diplomats and international lawyers transformed the "American Code" into the laws of war. important provisions, so there was a convention signed in The Hague, but the "First Geneva Convention" was not long after the war between Austria and France.

Just chop off the king's head. Why chop off the queen's head and send the others back as they are?

Here’s the rub, who made Marie Antoinette the “deficit queen.”

She now needs Scarlett who can make money more than Melanie. A young man told her that Melanie was only pretending to be tolerant because that was her way of survival. She couldn't live on her own, not just because of her physical weakness.

Scarlett was alone in the end. She once tried to find Rhett Butler in the fog. If Rhett Butler still had any nostalgia, he would still look back when he heard her voice.

If the prodigal son doesn't look back, it's useless no matter how much he shouts.

Scarlett finally returns to the manor, her home.

Just like Hogwarts, which Pomona has always been attached to.

For a moment, the cabin in the north appeared in her mind, and the six years of dreamlike life she lived with a well-known "dead spirit".

Withdrawal is a painful process, especially if the drug penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

But no matter how painful it was, she had to quit. She couldn't continue to indulge in fantasy.

It is love that defeats the Dark Lord, but there are many ways to love.

If his wand was in her hand, she would place it in the library, where it would be a fitting grave for him.

No headmaster had ever been buried at Hogwarts, and no one except Dumbledore raised any objections, perhaps proving that at least she was good at choosing a burial site.

She believed that Scarlett could live well without Rhett Butler, and even without the owner, she still owned the land.

Earth brings strength, and that is the source of her strength.

At this time, the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, and the carriage drove into the dense forest.

It's like driving into a tunnel.

"Go and fetch Figl," said Georgiana.

"Now?" Margaret asked.

"Of course it's now, can't we wait until tomorrow?" Georgiana said impatiently.

If they had a tomorrow.

She thought to herself, but didn't say it out loud, maybe she was a false alarm, why bother scaring these little girls.

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