Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3099 imaginary number

In the collection of the Louvre, there is a Dendera constellation plate. Napoleon's army came here, but they did not move it. Denon, the curator of the Louvre, painted it, just like he painted it. Like many Egyptian artifacts.

He sometimes copied them in battle, leading to his nearly being captured. At that time, because the battleship of the French Expeditionary Force was sunk, they did not know how to transport so many cultural relics back.

Tomb robbers usually sneaked into the cemetery at night and quietly took away a few valuable things. Instead, later "archaeologists" blew up the constellation board and took it back to Europe.

Dorothy was right when she said her home was in a museum. "Moving" means moving the entire building, brick by brick, from the place where it was found to the home of the discoverer, leaving only A foundation.

Ali Pasha was indeed illiterate. As the sphere of influence he controlled in Egypt expanded, the area that Europeans could explore became larger and larger. Sometimes he would issue several charters to "convenience" the antiquities traffickers. , and at the same time, they will also ask partners in European museums to "convenience" Pasha.

Ibrahim is a different person from his father. He does not think of himself as an Albanian or an Ottoman. He thinks that he is an Egyptian. The army he leads is Egyptianized, including the officers. . These former Egyptian farmers were trained by French officers and could also repel the Ottoman Empire troops who were extorting money everywhere.

Many French veterans did not live as well as these "advisors" who stayed abroad. During the reign of US President Hoover, many veterans who participated in World War I did not even have a place to live. They could only build shabby buildings with wooden boards and tarps. "Houses", for a time the majestic Washington Capitol Building and the White House were all filled with such shabby log cabins.

In the Hollywood horror movie The Mummy, Eve meets American veteran O'Connor. O'Connor is in prison awaiting an almost certain trial, but Eve learns that he has been to Hamnapt and manages to get him there. He rescued him and made him his guide.

Due to massive disarmament, Egypt was filled with many veterans who had no way to make a living. These people often had to find their own way to make a living. At this time, Europe's enthusiasm for archeology and exploration in Egypt reached a peak. In the past, digging was done with bare hands, but now explosives are used directly. The tomb door blocked by huge rocks can be opened "very easily", and then there is constant "packing".

Sometimes "archaeologists" will give cultural relics to European dignitaries in exchange for political benefits. In early 1859, someone discovered the tomb of Akhotep, the pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt, Queen Kamose, and the funerary items included a dagger and many jewelry. .

The discoverer gave the jewels to Napoleon III's wife, Empress Eugenie, because the queen saw them at Queen Akhotep's jewelry exhibition. After receiving the gift, Eugenie provided him with a prestigious position, and even Gave him the job of writing her husband's biography of Caesar.

Caesar was assassinated by the senators of the Senate. In 1858, Napoleon III was assassinated and a bomb almost killed the couple. Although this incident did not immediately affect the relationship between Britain and the Second French Empire, As it soon emerged that the person who planned the conspiracy was actually in Britain and that the bomb used was also made in Britain, the Foreign Secretary of the Second French Empire immediately sent a stern dispatch to Palmerston.

The British people at this time supported the war. Obviously, they could not predict the imminent outbreak of the American Civil War and how much impact it would have on cotton and the cotton textile industry.

Ibrahim was originally Ali's heir, but he died in front of Ali. The reason was pneumonia. Ali, who was already seriously ill, was hit again and died in 1848. From then on, Egypt was in a state of decline. 30 years later The country has changed hands, but the "archaeology" is still going on.

In fact, there is also fierce competition in the circle of elegant and knowledgeable scholars. In order to make important discoveries as soon as possible, less important cultural relics are no longer protected. Even if there are written records on the temple pillars after the collapse, they will be Blast it to pieces and clean it out, then proceed to an anticlimactic "dig."

Visitors to the museum do not understand the hieroglyphs, but they marvel at the pharaoh's coffins and jewelry.

What marks the success of the excavation is no longer the recognition of academic circles, but the number of visitors to the museum and the coverage in the newspapers, just like the audiences who go to the opera house and the description of a certain star in the newspapers.

If you get closer, you will see a warm and bright line under the slightly closed eyelids of the mummy of Pharaoh Seti I. But that was actually the light emitted by the beads inserted into his eye sockets. This is strange again, because mummification with artificially burned paper eyeballs became popular after Ramses III, who belonged to the Twentieth Dynasty. Pharaohs, and Seti I and Ramesses II were from the Nineteenth Dynasty, with hundreds of years between them.

The tomb of Ramses II was said to have been discovered in Thebes, but the mummy also disappeared, so it is not known whether he used artificial eyes like Seti I.

Subsequently, there were sporadic archaeological discoveries. Nobles and commoners also used artificial eyes before Ramses III. Some of the materials were quite expensive, so this does not mean anything.

On the day the Suez Canal opened, many European dignitaries came, as well as their employees and tourists. They were rafting on the Nile, and then suddenly a group of bald heads swam from the river onto their boat.

The men were Egyptian monks and only the ladies were startled, and the incident was later recorded in the travel diary.

After being ruled by the Ottomans, Egypt had long had the custom of wearing turbans. The bald monks were dressed as priests in ancient Egypt, similar to Immorton in the movie. However, Egyptians have the habit of wearing wigs, and many scribe sculptures have it. hair.

The travel diary says that the monks spoke Egyptian. Are they speaking modern Egyptian or ancient Egyptian?

Every morning, the priests of Amun will sing hymns in the morning light.

So they can't be the "bad guys", right?

It is said that if the bodies of workers who built the Suez Canal were placed along the river, there would be one every one meter.

The River Styx leading to the underworld is filled with undead who cannot go to Osiris to be judged. They have been trying to climb onto the sun boat, just like the undead who overturned their clothes in the past so that they could go to the sun boat on their own. If the passengers want to keep the ship moving, they must drive these undead off.

Of course, this statement will only scare the cowards and superstitious people. For humans, the most terrifying enemy is not the resurrected mummy or the inferi. The bomb threat of assassins may be greater.

The Paris Opera House has a passage specially prepared for the emperor, but Napoleon III never used it. The opera house was built in 1874. The Franco-Prussian War was over, and the Second French Empire was also over. The Emperor of the Second German Empire was in Versailles. Crowned, the Tuileries was reduced to ashes in the fires of the Paris Commune.

Logically speaking, if she wanted to go back, she would have to go through a cabinet in the Tuileries Palace, but she remembered that she came here from the room of Dendera Constellation Board.

There was a beautiful woman waving to her. That person was Hathor, the Egyptian god of love in the image of Nefertari...

Six years is not a long time, it is almost equal to the time Harry spent at school.

A lot of things happened during her seclusion, and she had almost forgotten "that lesson".

Albus left Severus with a lot of research information, although she had not thought of it at the time.

In addition to saying "I think, therefore I exist" like a philosopher, Descartes was also a well-known mathematician.

In addition to the cardioid function, he also proposed the concept of imaginary numbers.

The square of an imaginary number is a negative number, which was considered to be a real number that did not exist at the time, because in mathematics the square is always a positive number, even the square of a negative number.

But the term imaginary number has been used forever, and real and imaginary solutions can be obtained in the wave equation of quantum mechanics. Real solutions are considered to correspond to the real world, while imaginary solutions are generally considered meaningless.

But the imaginary number solution is also completely consistent with the wave equation, so some people also have an "imaginary number space" corresponding to the imaginary number solution.

In other words, if it is not defined as existence, then the imaginary number space cannot be established.

It is not even a parallel world, just like the world in a mirror, it is an inner world. There is no "past" and no "future". There is no life. Only things with wave characteristics can pass through, similar to sound waves, light waves and water waves.

Albus used this trick when dealing with Credence in Berlin, and later also used this trick when dealing with the mysterious man, but he also had another purpose, using the Mirror of Erised to test Harry. Harry was in the mirror. He saw the Philosopher's Stone, and it appeared in his pocket.

Who would believe that there is a world behind the mirror?

Because by definition it does not exist, the mirror world cannot be established. What "trick" Dumbledore used still needs to be explored, but Harry, who is new to the magical world, feels that everything is possible.

Even if it is an imaginary number, it can still be used to represent coordinates. As long as the coordinates are known, you can then apparate.

To put it in a simple way, Albus's method of opening up space is a drop of water or a snowflake. Napoleon carried a snow globe with him and a scarab amulet in his coat pocket. She didn't know what they were for, but if she destroyed them, she might be able to go back.

Apparating requires 3 d:




When determination is enough, no matter how beautiful the goddess is, she cannot retain Odysseus, even though he encounters Poseidon's huge waves when he goes out.

She slowly opened her eyes.

What I saw was a gorgeous bed curtain. The silk was covered with exquisite French embroidery. This was not machine-woven.

"You're awake, ma'am."

Margaret said happily, as if she had been observing her sleeping face.

She sat up slowly. It was snowing outside the window, and Brussels was shrouded in snow, like a scene in a snow globe.

"No, I'm not awake yet."

Georgiana said calmly, then lifted the quilt and left the fluffy and soft cloud-like bed.

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