Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3097 Hiding and Appearing (Part 2)

In fact, according to the technology at the time, Casablanca could be shot in color. Two years before this movie was released, the movie adapted from "Gone with the Wind" was released. Pomona always remembered Scarlett's emerald green dress. curtains sewn skirt.

She was going to see Rhett Butler wearing this outfit, but even though Scarlett was still beautiful, Rhett Butler immediately recognized that she was no longer the pampered young lady she used to be.

Her face was pale due to long-term malnutrition, and her hands were rough from work. Then Rhett Butler angrily drove Scarlett away and did not lend her money.

Scarlett was so poor that she had nothing to pledge to Rhett Butler, but Pomona felt that she didn't mind. If that idiot hadn't suddenly had a trance after rescuing her and Melanie from Atlanta and ran off to join the defeated Confederate army, he could actually live with Scarlett and the others, and there would be no need for Scarlett to shoot him with a gun. The deserter who ran into the manor.

Then Scarlett married Frank in a blink of an eye, who was going to be her brother-in-law. She fell in love with the lumber business run by the grocery store owner. At that time, a large amount of lumber was needed to rebuild Atlanta.

Unlike Europe, the United States does not have so many "historic cities" and "historic buildings." It is not that troublesome to demolish them and build supermarkets and shopping malls on the original land, and they can be repaired in a few years.

The same thing in Europe takes more than ten years to get approval for demolition. New buildings cannot be too out of tune with the surrounding buildings. In some places, even outdoor air conditioners are not allowed to be installed. It will take more than ten years to repair the house, and the completed shopping mall may not be as profitable as charging admission tickets as a historical monument.

Rhett Butler was smart, at least he saw through Scarlett's disguise, but he was not smart enough not to expose her.

In other words, he doesn't want to make a "one-shot deal". If it's just a show, it doesn't really matter if it's true or false. What he wants is "the future is long", so he cannot tolerate Scarlett's deception.

Scarlett is not like Melanie, or unlike many well-educated girls, she can lie without hesitation.

She persisted for so long until Rhett Butler drove her away. She may not have married Frank just for the lumber business.

There is a black-and-white movie in which a professor receives a phone call at two o'clock in the morning. The woman on the phone yells at him, "Take care of your dogs and stop them barking," and then hangs up the phone.

The professor calmly waited until two o'clock in the morning the next day, then called back and said to the lady, "Madam, I forgot to tell you last night that I don't have a dog." Then he hung up the phone. .

To the professor, this was tit-for-tat, but he didn't expect why the other party had his phone number.

Fortunately, this is a love story rather than a suspense thriller... In order to prove that she can live well without Rhett Butler, Scarlett marries Frank, who has investment prospects. And she had been guarding the manor for so many years. It was possible that she was waiting for Rhett Butler, who abandoned her and Melanie and went to serve as a soldier. Maybe he could come back alive after experiencing the war, just like Ashley.

Scarlett would not be like her sister, crying when she knew her fiancé had betrayed her and married her sister.

The means of revenge is not necessarily to destroy the betrayer's life, but to live better than him and make him regret for the rest of his life what he missed.

No matter how many times Scarlett has been married, she is still as obsessed with Ashley as a girl. This is the purest part of her heart.

Except for Ashley, she would not pretend that she was not married and have a love story with another man. Later there was Rhett Butler, and she didn't know how important he was until he was gone.

A sense of honor and good morals rarely make a real difference, so the Germans came up with "knight's honor" to make "dishonorable" behavior manifest.

Some properties of things will be revealed by their opposites. For example, the Invisible Beast Tincture will burn violently after encountering pearl powder.

Metallic sodium is often placed in kerosene. When placed in water, it will burn violently, glow and heat, and even explode violently.

Wizards and Muggles have different understandings of "individual ingredients".

According to Gobarok's third law, the antidote of a mixed poison is greater than the sum of the antidote of each individual component. This problem is not to find the antidote for each poison component in a one-to-one correspondence.

Do not add entities unless necessary.

Each time an antidote is added, the ingredients of the poison become more complex, and you don't know if the antidote of one substance will react with other poisons to produce another poison. According to Paracelsus' "dose determinism", antidote will turn into poison if it exceeds a certain dose.

In addition, Paracelsus opposed "panaceas" containing multiple ingredients. He advocated a "universal solvent" (alkahest), which had similar properties to the Philosopher's Stone and could melt and reduce any substance.

Understand, break down, and refine again.

If it is only decomposed without being refined into other substances, then its effect is the same as destruction.

This also means that this "universal solvent" cannot be stored because there is no container to store it.

Regarding potion bottling, students tend to overlook it. If air or water enters an unsealed container, the potion will also change or even become ineffective.

Crystal bottles also come in many colors, and some medicines need to be placed in dark bottles to avoid direct sunlight.

Felixir needs to be stored in a dark place, even though it comes in a transparent container.

Although "luck" is important in war, there are other factors that determine victory or defeat.

Police Chief Renault, who was once powerful in Casablanca but obeyed the Germans, chose to leave. He gave up much more than Rick's cafe.

But he didn't hold on because he had lost too much, and continued to stay in the "camp" that was bound to lose.

On the contrary, Rhett Butler knew that the Southerners could not win. The census data from 1840 had already shown people's choices. Cotton manufacturers had been preparing for the "fallback road" since then.

Shortly after the British and French withdrew from Egypt, the Ottoman Turks reoccupied Egypt. They levied violent levies on Egypt. The soldiers robbed the Egyptians of their goods at will because no one paid them.

After several years of unrest, violence, and excessive taxation, Cairoans finally broke out, closing all their shops in protest and demanding that the Ottomans appoint a governor they recognized.

After Ali Pasha's reform, Egypt quickly became stronger. At that time, a group of French officers who had followed Napoleon but chose to stay in Egypt suggested Ali Pasha recruit soldiers from Egyptian farmers. This made Albania and mercenaries accustomed to using Ali Pasha was surprised, but he soon found that he had no other option.

Egypt, which was rapidly rising and had prototypes of industrialization, not only became a threat to the Ottoman Empire, as Thucydides said: Because Athens was too powerful and the fear this power caused to Sparta, the Peloponnesian War It is inevitable that a newly rising power will inevitably challenge the existing powers.

The Turkish-Egyptian War and the Commercial Agreement of 1838 were inevitable, and Ali Pasha did not have many options.

Europeans also have the concept of excessive consumption, but they are not as crazy as Americans.

Canals, trains, and telegraphs can indeed make Egypt rich and powerful, but the debt caused by their construction has caused the Egyptians to lose territorial sovereignty.

Continuing to repeat the game at this time will not only be unprofitable, but also cause great losses. The pashas could actually choose to be like the kings of France and England and not pay back the money to the bankers who lent them money.

Of course this would lose credibility, and how could people in civilized, progressive countries be the same as people in the Middle Ages?

Since magic recognizes that deception does not count as harm, no matter how deliberately Albus Dumbledore tried to deceive Grindelwald, the blood oath would not punish him.

Just like when his son refused to take medicine when he was sick, his father lied to him that the medicine was sweet and delicious.

The bone spirit was bitter, but Harry drank it anyway. He understood that it was medicine and was good for him, because he didn't have a father to lie to him.

A Russian once said that the most difficult person to communicate with is not the uneducated people, but the people who have been taught standard answers.

If Severus had determined that the line in the middle of the Deathly Hallows symbol was one line and represented the Elder Wand, and had not recognized that it was composed of two parts, then they would not be having the conversation today.

The fact that he was able to replicate the Sword of Gryffindor to the point where it was unrecognizable to the naked eye was a testament to his skill.

He clearly chose the right side, but still almost died because the "master" believed that the Elder Wand belonged to him because he killed Albus Dumbledore.

The Dark Lord didn't know that Draco Malfoy had used "Expelliarmus" to disarm Dumbledore, and then Draco was disarmed by Harry, and the Elder Wand belonged to Harry.

The rules of magic are different from what people think, and the Elder Wand, like other wands, is just an amplifying device. It was Voldemort himself who destroyed Hogwarts' defensive magic. Despite the Elder Wand's lack of loyalty, he did not turn around and accept Voldemort as his master.

In fact, the Dark Lord finally lost to Dumbledore, but Dumbledore was "not present" at the time, and it was Harry who dueled with the Dark Lord.

And Harry, like many others, is Dumbledore's pawn.

Compared to Harry who has always trusted Dumbledore, the two of them have been calling him an "old fool" behind his back, especially Severus. Who knew that he would actually act according to the "old fool" script until then? The game of chess is over.

Everything was over, everyone thought so. Only Pomona was still thinking about the "seventh Horcrux" with incorrect logic.

If Harry still said "Voldemort is back", Pomona would still believe it.

Because this is the world of magic and anything is possible.

"That's it for today," the great "former principal" announced.

"Merlin's beard is finally over," Pomona wailed.

"Continue tomorrow, how are you doing in math?"

She looked at him fearfully.

"It doesn't matter, we have plenty of time." He twisted his lips and smiled weirdly, "Or do you prefer to sleep in the precious daytime?"

She shook her head unbearably.

At this time, she missed her children very much. With them here, he could spend his energy on "educating" them instead of torturing her.

"Where are you going?" he said irritably, as if she had offended him.

"Cooking! There are no takeaways or restaurants here. If I don't cook, will I be drinking from the northwest?" she said angrily.

This time he was silent.

She was on guard. She wouldn't provoke his revenge because she said the wrong thing again this time, right?

But the next second she stopped thinking about it.

At worst, he really drank the northwest wind, who asked him to disturb her cooking.

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