Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3094 good house

The tomb of Seti I is located in a mountain instead of a pyramid. This is a rule that has been in place since the 18th Dynasty of Egypt. The last pyramid built for Ahmose I was not used for a tomb - even if He had that plan, and because he was the last pharaoh of the Seventeenth Dynasty, he had no choice but to make the decision himself.

The name of Seti I comes from Seth, the god of the desert who killed Osiris with a trick in the myth and was later killed by Horus. His son Ramesses II was named after the god Ra. "son" means.

According to ancient Egyptian funeral customs, the eldest son of the deceased would dress up as Horus, even for royal funerals.

If the deceased had no sons, a funeral priest dressed as Horus would burn incense or sprinkle purifying water in front of the coffin procession. Because according to mythology, Horus also helped Isis retrieve the remains of Osiris so that he could be resurrected.

According to the reliefs and murals left in ancient Egypt, we can see that the priests would preside over the "mouth-opening ceremony" before the mummy was buried. The "Book of the Dead" also recorded incantations, which meant to give it life or to protect the deceased in some way. function,

However, the mouth of the mummy of Seti I was closed. His mummy was well preserved and you can see that his face was peaceful. Of course, it is also a good thing to die with such an expression.

Seti I, like Ramses II, loved large-scale construction projects. Even the young prince's first job was as a quarry supervisor, working on the tombs of Thebes, the Temple of Amun at Karnak, the Temple of Abydos, etc. Provide building materials.

The heavy work caused a small riot in the quarry, which Egypt's future successor easily quelled. From a certain perspective, the riot was actually innocuous, but by that time Egypt's gold resources were already having problems. .

Many people are saying that Seti I's burial objects were very rich, and a large amount of gold and silver treasures were buried in the tombs in the Valley of the Kings, but these treasures have not been dug out yet.

After Ramses II succeeded, he paid great attention to the gold mining in the eastern part of the desert and even went to verify the situation in person. After all, it was an important source of income for the pharaoh. He ordered a well to be dug at a suitable location, a temple and a number of temporary huts for the miners to be built around the well.

The miners at that time were working as corvees, and they would go home after completing their work. However, due to the water-scarce climate, only half of them could return to their hometowns.

In the final stage of the royal funeral, there is a treat that common people do not have. Two priestesses will dress up as the goddesses Isis and Nephidis, chant incantations to Osiris in the temple of Amun, and recreate the plot of Osiris's resurrection.

After the singing is over, it is the turn to offer sacrifices. The waterway leads to the underworld. Every day, the sun boat carries the setting sun and the departed souls to the underworld. The temple's sacrificial sea was responsible for building the holy ship. It not only appeared at funerals, but also at grand festivals. Along the Nile, it docked in various villages where sacrifices were made.

By the 18th century, this custom had long since disappeared. During the Mamluk rule, there was no dredging of rivers or construction of irrigation canals. As a result, once the Nile River ran dry or was not flooded enough, a large number of farmland would suffer from drought and water shortage, and farmers would have to leave their homes. Go to town to find food.

Ali Pasha reformed this, although he still used forced labor to let farmers build irrigation canals, at least unlike his sons who borrowed usurious loans from foreigners to repair them.

Ahmed is the son of a shipbuilder. He witnessed with his own eyes the scene in which a large number of farmers, herdsmen and craftsmen were deprived of everything and their families fled because of various exorbitant taxes imposed by the Egyptian government and usurious loans from foreign banks.

However, the Europeans and a handful of Egyptian officials in the town lived a life of debauchery - the managers sent from the British mainland "never" interacted with the Egyptians. They only appeared in communities and clubs where Europeans gathered. , much of the practical business of running Egypt is carried out at the club.

In the novel written by Agatha Christie, she once wrote: "There is no peace wherever you go. There are always people asking you for money to rent a donkey, buy pearls, explore the local village, or hunt wild ducks."

If tourists follow them, they will be treated as "ducks." In addition to extreme poverty, corruption in the Egyptian government is also partly to blame. Anyway, the Europeans have extraterritoriality, which means it is none of the Egyptians' business. There are so many deserts in Egypt, and so many people "disappear" every year due to exploration. If you expect them to send people to find them, it is better to organize an expedition team yourself. Go search, you can easily hire "mercenaries" and "archaeologists" there, provided they are "real".

There is a saying that "when in the land do as the Romans do", the "spirit of contract" can be rolled into paper balls and thrown into the trash can in the same manner as throwing blue. The "Ten Commandments of Moses" were written after the exodus from Egypt. It stands to reason that the Egyptians are still victims.

Pearls are also fake, just like the small stone statues sold in Lusoke. They may have been waiting for mining in the mountains last week, but when they are sold to you, they are cultural relics from more than 2,000 years ago.

The person who rents the donkey is generally an honest person, but once you rent his donkey, be careful if he takes you to a hotel he knows, and then you will be like the Weasley family, paying the money and receiving terrible service. .

After Molly and Arthur arrived in Egypt, they called for a rental flying carpet, and then the driver enthusiastically took them to the hotel. It was very "exotic" and should have been quite luxurious two hundred years ago. Now...it has a sense of history. There is only one waiter in the hotel, who is also a relative of the boss.

Arthur and Molly were happy to meet Bill, but George and Fred were very dissatisfied. After observing for a while, the twins asked the boss to add more waiters, otherwise they would move to another place. After a while of bargaining, it was impossible to increase the number of waiters, but the boss could refund half of their "tips", provided that the Weasley family would do more publicity for him when they returned.

Yes, publicity. Ron loved to show off that briefing everywhere. The employees of the Leaky Cauldron found their confidence. At least there were more of them than the Egyptian hotel.

"Tick tick tick~~~~~~"

Pomona was awakened by a blast of trumpets, loud enough to wake the dead.

"Good morning."

While she was still in a daze, Severus Snape stood beside the bed, fully dressed, holding a "toy trumpet" from Weasley's Trick Shop.

"What?" Pomona asked angrily.

"It's time to get up." He curled his lips in a polite manner, "We have something to do."

She glared at him.

This must be his revenge, who made her say "there is nothing to do tomorrow" last night.

"What do you want to do?" she asked as calmly as possible.

"Get up first and then talk." After he said that, he lifted the quilt. The cold air made her shiver, and the remaining sleepiness was driven away.

Before she could complain, a table of sumptuous breakfast floated in front of her.

"What do you think?" He stood up straight like a waiter.

Except for the lack of sleep and the fact that I almost suffered a cardiac arrest due to the "wake-up service", everything looked good.

Don't worry about the Potions Master's cooking skills, at least he has perfect control over the heat and the dosage of seasonings.

"What time did you get up to make breakfast?" Pomona said while lying on the bed.

"Before you get up."

The Potions Master often stayed up late to match the moon phases or some other special request, as if he didn't need sleep.

She didn't ask any more questions, picked up the knife and fork, and started cutting the French toast.

"I thought you had improved," she muttered.

"Improve what?" He heard it and raised his voice.

"Your cooking skills," she said half-heartedly, chewing her food.

Who told him that he was an old bat who knew that there was Quidditch the next day, but had to arrange so much homework on the first day.

"Really?" he asked doubtfully.

Pomona nodded quickly.

"My cooking skills really haven't improved?" he asked thoughtfully.

"Keep it steady, your formula hasn't changed, right?" Pomona said after swallowing the food, and quickly picked up the orange juice and took a sip.

He looked at her incomprehensibly, as if he believed her, but also as if he didn't believe her.

Pomona continued to eat breakfast as if nothing had happened.

At least she can be sure that he didn't poison her. After all, she is still alive, right?

She subconsciously rubbed her ears and looked at the old wooden house again.

It was a miracle that it didn't collapse after the sound just now. Maybe after eating, she could check where the air was leaking besides the bathroom.

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