Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3088 freeze


Pomona turned around and saw that it was a Hufflepuff boy calling her.

She remembers him because he wanted to become stronger, so she introduces him to the centaurs.

"What's the matter?" Pomona said with a smile. She didn't think of his name for a moment.

"I want to know if I can live on campus during the summer vacation." The boy said to her.

"You know it's a rule that all students can't stay in school during the summer vacation." Pomona said seriously.

"I know, I should at least give it a try." The boy shrugged nonchalantly.

"You didn't go back for Christmas vacation, right?" Pomona said. "Aren't your parents worried after being away from home for so long?"

"No need to worry about this. I correspond with them regularly... Can I live off campus?" He said as if he remembered something, his eyes shining brightly.

"The castle is not open to the public," Pomona said.

"Thank you, professor!" the boy said happily, and then jumped away.

Pomona watched him leave.

Although there had been only one victim since the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened, for the sake of caution, Albus still asked the students to leave the school during the summer when snake activity was frequent.

She looked up at the ceiling.

After Livi's inspection, it was found that the damage to the castle was actually quite serious, but because of the freezing magic, some of the damaged pillars did not collapse immediately. Until he repaired it, the castle was still uninhabitable, and the exams were all held in the bell tower.

Although emotions are considered by most people to be the opposite of rationality, many emotions are related to survival.

When we feel fear, such as when we see a bear, we can choose fight or flight. There is no use lying down and pretending to be dead. It is a bear and not a fool. You can hear the heartbeat in the chest.

Sometimes it is not a distraction, but it makes life colorful and diverse. It can also help us pay attention to and deal with important things, and connect things that we "feel" important.

Another important thing is memory. Although the process of waiting in line at the amusement park is painful, the happy memories while playing and the fireworks seen at the end of the trip can create good memories.


She followed the sound and found it was Severus. He frowned and looked at her inquiringly.

"What are you doing?"

"I was just answering a student's question," Pomona said.

"There are only two of us here, where are the students from?"

She was in a trance for a moment, and then realized that she was in a secluded wooden house instead of a stone castle.

"Are you okay?" He touched her forehead with his hand.

"I'm fine." She blocked his hand.

He sat on the armrest of the sofa, grabbed her hand and said.

"Did what happened yesterday scare you?"

Pomona wants to say she's not that vulnerable.

But the sound of gunfire did make her feel very uncomfortable. The second half of the movie was almost entirely shot of gun battles. Partly because of this, she left the cinema early to avoid these shots.

"I really don't understand why 'Bullet Time' is promoted as a gimmick." Pomona said upset.

"Do you want to finish it?" Severus said.

"No!" she said angrily.

"Then are you going to continue to be dazed?" Severus asked.

Of course she doesn't want to.

"I want to heal," Pomona said. "Just pretend I'm the animal that was shot."

He looked at her in confusion.

She lay directly on his lap and continued motionless in a daze.

Then she felt a gust of wind, as if he had summoned a book to hold in her hand.

"Don't read so many books." Pomona said coldly. "You will become a nerd."

"I don't want to waste time like you." He said coldly while reading.

She didn't argue with him, she lay on his lap and listened to the sound of him flipping through the books.

"Tank" was different from those who were bred on the "Farm" and then placed on the "Tree of Life". He was born of love, or so Pomona believed.

The post-apocalyptic world is not suitable for "greenhouse flowers". Human beings will also evolve, but at a relatively slower pace.

In that world, there is no such thing as "class fall". The world is already like that, but people in the matrix are still busy.

Because there is no "interface", Tank has always viewed everything in the matrix from the perspective of a bystander. He has never tasted beef, so naturally he will not betray his companions for a mouthful of fake beef like Seifer.

People also have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, which is also a kind of emotion...

"Would you choose to live in the Matrix or outside the Matrix?" Pomona asked.

"Outside, of course." He said without hesitation, "What about you?"

Pomona thinks about the terrible "food" the crew eats, what sense of happiness can it produce?

"I'll find a new job in Zion." She said resentfully. "At least I'll find some 'edible' food."

He sneered and didn't answer.

"Why don't you ask me, 'Do you still think food can bring happiness'?" Pomona asked.

"That's not important," Severus said calmly.

"Then what's important?" Pomona asked persistently.

He stopped talking again.

Pomona was a little frustrated, but did not continue to ask, but was in a daze.

What's wrong with being in a daze? She didn't destroy world peace. The earth was still moving, and people she didn't know were still going on with their lives.

"What do you want?" Severus asked suddenly.

"What?" Pomona asked coldly.

"Jewelry, clothes?"

She thought something might be possessing him and decided not to answer.

No one spoke, and the only sound in the room was the crackle of the fire in the fireplace.

Their fireplace wasn't even connected to the Floo network, as if it were just a regular stove.

"I want a blanket," Pomona said.

This wish was easily granted and a blanket was placed over her body.

"Kitten, kitten, go to sleep..."

Pomona was a little drowsy at first, but now she was startled awake by Snape's singing.

She raised her upper body and looked at him.

"What?" he said, looking at the book.

"Were you singing?" Pomona asked in disbelief.

"No, I'm cursing you." He said in an arrogant and arrogant tone.

"You can actually sing?" Pomona's eyes widened in surprise.

If she told others, who would believe her? !

"My mother will sing to me," he warned darkly. "Do you want to continue 'healing,' or do you want to do something meaningful?"

So Pomona lay back down again.

It's just that there is no "singing service". Occasionally, I can hear his murmur after being fascinated by reading.

"Did you sing to Lily?" Pomona asked.

"No." He replied dully, "We're just chatting."

"So this is my special service?" Pomona asked.

He hummed twice, as if in reply.

Her heart was filled with panic.

Maybe it's because she's a woman and can't contain her jealousy.

But after a while she calmed down.

Then she had a bizarre dream, in which a "Sun Wukong" used a golden hoop to drive away all the monsters that wanted to harm her.

Even though it was a monkey, he was a hero to her.

She told it "It's great," but it bared its teeth at her and walked away angrily on somersault clouds.

Not only monkeys, but also orangutans and wolves all use the same expression when expressing anger, and some emotional expressions are consistent across races.

When Draco tried to get close to Buckbeak, he didn't understand Buckbeak's emotions. Buckbeak didn't raise his paws to attack Draco. He felt scared, so he wanted to scare off the arrogant approach. Draco.

Harry felt Buckbeak's emotions keenly, just like everyone else - nervous, all of them motionless like wooden figures, even holding their breath.

Once it felt safe, Buckbeak relaxed and bowed towards Harry.

So what was the psychology of that monkey just now?

It's really puzzling.

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