Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 307 The Forbidden Journey

Each college has its own style of confinement. Old Bat confines students to work for themselves, squeezing leech juice and digging out frog brains. Ravenclaw cleans the trophy room, and Hufflepuff It allows students to fully experience the true meaning of "hard work". It is not just a greenhouse, but also a large nursery and vegetable field to take care of. Gryffindor allows students to go to the Forbidden Forest. In 1999, Draco Malfoy went to the Forbidden Forest with Harry Potter for confinement.

This was deliberately arranged by the headmaster. His purpose was to let Harry see what a werewolf is. This kind of dark creature that is dangerous to humans does not pose a threat to Hagrid, but they did not expect that they would encounter Quirrell on the road. Plans were disrupted.

Hagrid has an unpleasant smell. This smell is very useful in the Forbidden Forest. Most animals need urine and glands to mark their territory. Other animals can judge whether they should enter the territory of marked territorial animals based on the smell , plus Lu Wei behind them, as long as they don't encounter eight-eyed spiders, they are safe.

Before leaving the elder tree, Severus and Draco used shielding and disguising spells on it, and the area looked like a clearing from a distance. Harry Potter's journey to salvation made many places Famous scenic spots, who knows if tourists will accidentally enter this forbidden area.

"Why are you called Harry Scarhead!" Pomona thought it necessary to remind Draco that it was impolite for him to call someone like that.

"Every time he talks about scar pain, something bad happens," Draco said as he fed the cockroach pile. "Like he doesn't think he's annoying enough."

She glanced at the Potions Professor with a gloomy face. Thestral Wuwu was right next to him. Even Hagrid's size couldn't carry it for a long time. Impatient.

"How about we go dog sledding?" Pomona said suddenly. "What do you think, Hagrid?"

"How did you get there?" Draco said strangely.

"I see there's a dog here, and I'm a witch again, why not?" She then whispered into Severus' ear, "It bit you, I know you remember."

The old bat immediately showed a satisfied smile.

"Fluy's not a sled dog." Hagrid looked at the huge Cerberus, the black dog that was gazing horribly at Pomona with its six eyes.

"Just walking slowly like this is too slow, it can run as much as it likes, and we can go back to school as soon as possible." Pomona was hairy all over after being stared at by Lu Wei, and ran to the side of the road to find a log that fell on the ground, and put it on the ground. It becomes a sled "Besides it only drags you, we have other options."

"What do you think, old man!" Hagrid asked Fluffy, and the sentient animal purred and seemed to agree.

"If the goblins dare to abuse it," Pomona whispered to the old bat, "that little furry creature will destroy their underground vaults, and it's not a dragon to bully."

"That's not what we're thinking about." He pinched her nose. "How do you clear Hagrid's memory?"

"Wait until Lu Wei turns around." She pulled off the invisibility cloak on her body. "It's not like Aragog, it can communicate with people with spiritual power."

To command the basilisk, you need to use Parseltongue, and the wizard uses the ancient method to command the eight-eyed spider. In ancient runes, the number 8 is represented by a spider.

Although the myth about Odin is now called Norse mythology, he actually spread throughout Europe very early. It was the Anglo-Saxons who brought about Odin and his language to Britain.

The Celts are older than the Anglo-Saxons, and they once multiplied on the mainland. Now they only exist in Britain and some parts of France. Druids are Celtic priests. Before the birth of Christianity, they were the Roman state religion. Women could act as druids, and men gradually joined them later.

Around the first century AD, the Romans who believed in Christianity attacked the Celts who believed in Druids. As the victors, the Romans bloodbathed the Druids. From then on, the Druids fell into a slump and began to hibernate, hiding in England far away from the mainland.

Compared with black wizards who are not easy to mess with, white wizards are always easy to be bullied. The believers and believers slaughtered by the Romans are mainly white druids. They are very gentle and kind, and use the power of nature to maintain balance and protect life. Black These noble priestesses are called black robe Banduri. According to the records of Tacitus, the greatest historian of ancient Rome, they lived on Mona Island in Wales.

Back then, in order to resist the invasion of the homeland by the Romans, the black robe Banduri cast some kind of black magic on himself, thus becoming extremely brave and good at fighting. Outnumbered, they were eventually slaughtered by the Romans.

The reason why the International Law of Secrecy exists is to prevent wizards from being slaughtered by Muggles like druids. Cu Chulainn, the hero in Celtic mythology, is most likely an Animagus, the mysterious place that taught him fighting skills The owner of Skasha may be a black robe Banduri.

Only bookworms would dig into these fragments of ancient books. The reason why the Middle Ages were called dark is because all unorthodox books were burned except for all books related to the church and the Bible.

Thanks to the Arabs, the Europeans rebuilt their own civilization and started the Renaissance. They replaced the Europeans and preserved the documents of the Greek and Roman periods. Otherwise, the civilization that the Europeans are proud of today would have been destroyed in the millennium darkness.

Common sense needs to be subverted. People in the Middle Ages actually believed that the earth was round. On the contrary, it was spread to the fifteenth century that Muggles did not believe that the earth was round. In order to prove that the earth was round, Columbus had an expedition.

Early humans used geometrical methods to prove that the earth is round. The earliest calculation of the length of the meridian was the ancient Greek astronomer Eratosthenes, who deduced that the distance from Alexandria to Aswan was the earth by observing the position of the zenith of the sun. 7/360 of the circumference, thus calculating the length of the earth's meridian.

The first person to actually measure the length of the earth's meridian was a group of astronomers in the Tang Dynasty. At that time, the theory of the round sky and the earth was popular in the Chinese astronomy circle. He proposed that the earth is round, which completely overturned the existing common sense. In order to prove his point of view, the emperor organized a large-scale geodetic survey. The two dynasties that Chinese people are most proud of are the Han and Tang dynasties, and these two dynasties had vast territories. Chang'an is the starting point, from Tiele in the north to Linyi in the south, 90 years earlier than the length of the meridian measured by Arab astronomers.

China is a magical and outstanding country, and their wizards are even more peculiar. The experience of going to XZ really opened her eyes. She likes this kind of international exchange very much. Tomorrow is Friday and Freya’s Sunday. She is the god of love, fertility, fertility and magic in Germanic mythology. People look forward to her arrival, because it represents the end of the cold winter and the arrival of spring with blooming flowers.

Tomorrow she must buy a nice dress!

After Hagrid fastened the "reins" to Fluffy, Pomona jumped onto the sled and sneezed loudly.

She still ended up with a cold.

"I hate you, Severus," she murmured, wiping her snot.

"Liar." After he used the illusion spell to make himself invisible, he said in a brisk and complacent tone, "You obviously like me very much."

Paris is the most suitable city for dating in the world, and the British accent is the sexiest accent in the world. It was nothing when she was a teenager, but the deep and melancholy voice of an adult man with that accent is extremely lethal, and she has no way to get angry with him.

"Run, Lu Wei!" Hagrid sat on the sled and said to the huge three-headed dog. Lu Wei galloped happily on the forest path. At this time, the three-headed dog looked like a husky. Dogs are no different.

Although Lu Wei likes to sleep very much, he still has to take him out for a walk occasionally. Who will do this "walking the dog"?

"Woo hoo hoo!!!" Pomona cheered, throwing up her hands. "Is dog sledding fun, Draco!"

Master Malfoy held onto the sled tightly, looking terrified.

"Who would think it's fun to pull a sled with a three-headed dog!" Draco shouted boredly.

"That's why I think your godfather is more fun than you." Pomona raised her wand and pointed it at Hagrid's head. Although she could already use silent spells, Hagrid was a giant, so she read out The mantra "All eyes are empty..."

"NO!!!" Draco screamed.

Hagrid, who was under the spell, froze all over, staring blankly ahead.

At the same time, there was a devil-like laugh from behind them, and that laughter made the snow on the branches beside the road fall, and it echoed in the Forbidden Forest like a loud voice spell.

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