Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3067 The Veil of Ignorance (8)

If for James, "justice" is his highest principle, then for Lupin, not harming others is his highest principle.

Sirius took advantage of Remus' irrational werewolf state to attack Severus. Even if Remus escaped legal punishment, he could not escape his own conscience, even though he was "blood related" like Sirius in a sense. The traitor to the relationship.”

Before Fenrir Greyback appeared, werewolves were not as fond of biting as they are now, and their goal in life was to infect as many people as possible with "wolfsbane."

"Blood is what the werewolf deserves, and the werewolf should take revenge on normal people."

A wizard called the current form of werewolves a "community of life" in the Daily Prophet. The only subject that exists in this community is the "existence of the community itself", and the important task is the inheritance of blood.

Although human families are also based on the connection of life, for contemporary families, this pure model of life community is no longer visible. If a member of a life community wants to realize his individual wishes, what he needs to do is to leave the shackles of his family.

Andromeda was also removed from the list because she was unwilling to comply with her family's wishes, married Tonks, a Muggle-born, and gave birth to less "pure" children.

Sirius's betrayal of the family was largely due to his mother's "tyranny". She expected Sirius to "obey" her, especially in terms of "mate selection standards."

Sirius's mother was satisfied, but Sirius was not. Even if his mother made a "concession" later, as long as he could give birth to an heir of his choice, he could continue to live "freely". For the eldest son of a pure-blood family, his first priority is the continuation of the bloodline and the interests of the family, and the two are often inseparable.

Then Sirius used the Permanent Sticking Charm to paste many photos of Muggle girls in bikinis on the bedroom wall.

The list of 28 pure-blood holy families gives the families on the list an "identity". As long as "I am still alive", they will always have some kind of identity attribute. For example, Don Quixote was still a noble in his hometown. But when he arrived at the court, he became a clown who made people laugh.

Identity is given to its members by a community as a whole. Without community, "individuals" will have nothing to rely on. Community gives a person existence and real existence. Even if a drunkard falls unconscious and cannot feel his own existence, People around him will still be with him. And when he is "sober", he can also realize that he and many members live in a whole.

Co-presence is the essence of human beings. While experiencing oneself, one also experiences being with other personalities.

In a human society as a whole that has certain commonalities, there must be a collective personality.

Collective personality and individual personality are like the two sides of a coin. In the comics, the followers who wear clown masks are influenced by the clown. They are united by their emotions. They wait for the crowd to get angry and vent their negative emotions and then immediately go their separate ways. thing.

Either they have sympathy for suffering people or animals and take care of them, or they are people who work towards the same goal and come together to achieve this goal. Even if the event ends one day, they will still maintain some kind of contact.

This common value orientation brings people who are not related by blood together, and the cohesion principle in the original life community has been replaced, especially after Sirius became Harry's godfather, he had a family who were not related by blood.

The worldview dominates personality choices. If each personality has its own world, like a "small universe", "I" will be the master of this world.

Only those who can experience mastery over their own bodies can transform their bodies according to their wishes.

This is what Pomona saw from a book about the transformation of Animagus, although she did not quite understand why Peter Pedillo actually succeeded as an Animagus. But both Sirius and James are the kind of people with character. Dogs are usually very loyal. Sirius's loyalty to friendship prevented him from losing himself in the process of turning back into a human. Although Remus was unwilling to hurt others, and was even willing to hurt himself, that was beyond his control. Regardless of his identity as a werewolf, the physical torture caused by the transformation into a werewolf was enough for Remus to endure.

Remus and Sirius were two completely different people, but under the influence of Sirius and James, he became much more cheerful, although still a bit bitter.

The mysterious man likes to mention "family", but his attitude towards "family" cannot be called tolerant.

If Dumbledore was an intolerant person and rejected students who did not meet his standards like Salazar Slytherin, there would be no "flawed people" like Remus and Hagrid appearing in the school.

Of course, there is Snape. Dumbledore not only vouched for him, but also gave him an identity - potions professor and the youngest headmaster of Slytherin.

Lily said he wasn't grateful to James for saving his life, and Pomona originally thought he was excusable.

His failure to report James' identity as an illegal Animagus also gave her hope that maybe he wasn't so inhumane after all.

When people feel sympathy for others, what the person with overflowing sympathy feels is not the other person's true emotion, but the other person's expressed emotion.

When you see a person crying, does something bad really happen to her?

"What's wrong?" Severus asked.

"That goal was set by you," Pomona said. "I didn't say I accepted it."

He frowned.

"I want to open a restaurant and use my food magic, and you think I like greenhouses and taking care of plants?" Pomona accused.

"Don't treat your hobby as a job." He curled his lips and smiled, "Don't do things you're not good at."

Pomona put her hands on her hips angrily, "You think my cooking is not delicious!"

He didn't directly say yes or no, but for a Hufflepuff, it was humiliating enough.

She turned and left, making up her mind never to give him anything to eat again.

Before she had even taken two steps, he grabbed her arm.

"Let go!" she said angrily.

"I like it." He looked unconscionable, "But that doesn't mean everyone likes it."

"Who doesn't?" Pomona asked aggressively.

"What would you do if I told you? That person would not be allowed to attend the opening party?" Severus asked.

"No one allowed him not to sit on the bench..."

"Others are eating happily, and he is watching there with an empty plate?" Severus said in surprise, "You really can imagine it."

She punched this "evil Slytherin" bitterly, although it was not justice.

"If I go to open a restaurant and don't cooperate with you, will you still invite me to go with you?" Pomona asked angrily.

He thought for a moment.

"Let's go find Miss Wharton." He said evasively, "Maybe we don't have to think about what we will do after leaving school."

She stared at him for a moment, then continued her search through the school.

She was not satisfied with this answer, but Severus at least said "don't consider leaving school" and continued to be a teacher with a low salary. This was a great progress for him. It was a pity that he was no longer a student, otherwise Pomona Two points for Slytherin.

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