Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3064 The Veil of Ignorance (5)

When he first ascended the throne, Numa was still a foreigner. It is said that he often took off the purple clothes that symbolized royal power, wore a white toga of a priest, and went to the forest alone. At this time, people spread rumors that Numa Talking to the goddess and accepting the will of the gods.

Therefore, after he came out of the forest, his suggestions were not only adopted unconditionally by the citizens' assembly, but also unanimously approved by the Senate.

But the Roman kings behind him were not like that. The king's political power came from the extent to which he could overcome resistance from the people and the Senate.

This is a bit like Dumbledore's situation in Wizengamot. Although he is the chief, he cannot ignore the opinions of other members. The two biggest controversial issues so far are the arrangements for in vitro fertilization and Harry Potter.

Whoever sheds blood, his blood will be shed by others.

Anyone who uses the sword will die by the sword.

Although the Avada Kedavra Curse does not cause bloodshed, the magic that protects Harry is related to blood. When everything was initially chaotic, Harry was sent to the home of his only Muggle relative who had blood relations with him.

Now that calm has been restored, people feel that it is inappropriate for the "Savior" to continue living in a Muggle family. There are many families willing to adopt him, but Dumbledore once again objects.

Only a few people know Harry's whereabouts, and the specific ones are still a secret. If Dumbledore doesn't reveal it, no one will know.

The only one who also knew the whereabouts of Tom Riddle as a child was Dumbledore, although many people objected to using a time turner to return to when he was still weak and eliminate him.

If someone went back in time to kill the baby You-Know-Who, wouldn't they be the same as You-Know-Who who killed Harry in order to eliminate the threat?

Of course, some people think that these people are overthinking it. They are action-oriented, which has led to the Ministry of Magic's control over the Time Turner being tighter than before.

Moral absolutism means that no matter what the circumstances, no matter how legitimate the reason, it cannot be violated.

There was "blood of guilt" in early church theology. "guilt" is a more serious sin than "sin". It even goes beyond the scope of justice and injustice. Even if there is a legitimate reason for self-defense, believers will Do not kill or injure the robbers, for that is absolutely forbidden, and if they do that, they will go to hell.

Of course some people will find this unreasonable, especially non-believers, but the influence of the church is so great that it even changes the judgment of God.

The 9th-century scholastic philosophers found a good reason to oppose divine judgment: God protects the innocent, just as the flood destroyed the wicked but saved the righteous Noah, and the cold water divine judgment caused the innocent to sink In water, this goes against the metaphor of Noah’s Ark.

After centuries of spread, it was not until the 14th century that the oracles were gradually withdrawn. The decline of divine judgment is largely due to the fact that the moral responsibility for judgment has been transferred from God to humans. Based on the traditional "due process" of canon law of "blood sin", fact authenticators must carefully and rigorously examine the evidence of each witness. Testimony, thus avoiding the trouble of conscience caused by miscarriage of justice.

St. Augustine said that if the body does not have peace, it will affect the peace of the irrational soul, so maintaining peace between the soul and the body is also conducive to a normal and peaceful life. When they are not chaotic, they will be in harmony with their situation. get along.

If the Ministry of Magic regains control of the school, the first thing it will face is the problem of centaurs. They have not had a good relationship with centaurs for a long time.

If the wizard's numbers were overwhelming, they could be driven away, as well as the mermaids in the Black Lake. Pomona didn't know if they had an alliance with the centaurs. Anyway, the ceremony of taking a boat to the castle for new students was probably gone.

The mermaid is gone, and so is the giant squid, although it's quite docile for now.

Druids want to live in harmony with nature. All species diversity has been eliminated, and only humans are left. It is indeed "orderly".

Then we discovered the "diversity" of humanoid species. After vampires and werewolves have been eliminated, what's next?

Animals avoid death to the point of longing for safety. When the irrational animal within us calms down, it becomes less restless.

Hogwarts and Gringotts are both the safest places in the world. If Harry wants to grow up in the wizarding world, what better place than Hogwarts?

Atricia Black's daughter is a squib, and no matter how hard Atricia pushes her, she just doesn't have that "gift."

Why force people to do something they can't do? The Blackwoods could have another child, or adopt an adopted child who had awakened to magic.

Later, her daughter led the witch-hunting general to her "home", and a fire burned the manor completely.

Newt Scamander is different from an animal trainer in that he doesn't use whips and rewards to make animals obey his commands.

It was his gift, for thinking of him calmed the raging beast inside Pomona.

Socrates had a wife who was known as a "shrew", but their relationship was not as bad as people thought. She cried very sadly when she knew that Socrates was going to die.

"Socrates, you are unjust! You cannot die without guilt!"

She did not curse in the streets of Athens after Socrates' death, cursing the Athenians who regretted losing a wise man.

Pomona wanted to lose all reason and become a shrew, but she resisted at the last moment.

Now she came to the music terrace. Although she knew she had to find Kelly Wharton now, she needed peace.

But when she looked at the seat where Sirius had sat before, she couldn't help but think of the "Young King" whose eyelashes were shining in the sunlight. She wondered how he was doing in Azkaban now?

At this time, a dark figure blocked her sight. She raised her head and saw Snape, who was "acquitted" and still had a gloomy face.

"Can you explain it?" he asked questioningly.

"Explain what?" she said tiredly.

"Your 'first principle'." He smiled sarcastically, "Have you followed it?"

"It's not like the Oracle of Delphi, which was engraved on stone." Pomona said weakly, "I can no longer watch an innocent person being wrongly accused."

He didn't speak for a long time.

She still couldn't believe that Sirius would betray James. If he wanted to kill someone, the only one who could stop him was James, just like...

"Can I ask you a question," Pomona said.

"go ahead."

"When James saved you, he..."

"Are you trying to say that he's an illegal animagus?" he continued her words.

Isn't this obvious? It was impossible for James to use his human form to confront the transformed werewolf Lupin. He could only transform into a deer in front of Snape and use his antlers to hold Remus back.

"Who did you tell?" Pomona asked.

"I didn't say anything to anyone," he said flatly. "If I did, he wouldn't be punished."

"Just because it won't do you any good?" Pomona asked.

He took a deep breath.

"I'm telling you, you can't tell anyone."

Pomona nodded carefully.

So he bent down and whispered in her ear.

She couldn't help but laugh.

"Enough?" he asked majestically after standing up straight.

She nodded.

"Let's go find the girl." He said coldly.

Pomona stood up and followed him away, taking a souvenir look at the seat before leaving.

"What are you looking at?" Snape said grumpily at the door.

"Here we come!" Pomona said, walking up the steps and leaving the music room.

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