Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3061 The Veil of Ignorance (2)

Pomona walked up the steps with the young man. After about two minutes, she began to feel tired and her breathing became heavy involuntarily.

"It's too late, it's too late!"

Pomona said as she placed the ingredients on the kitchen table.

She first took out the apples and placed them on a plate on one side, and then placed the dishes brought from the Hogwarts kitchen on the other side.

While she was busy, a man took an apple and gnawed it.

"Don't worry, there aren't many people in the house tonight." Sirius said while chewing an apple, "James and Lily just went home for dinner."

Pomona was stunned for a moment.

"It's just you and me here." Sirius smiled, then found a seat in the restaurant to sit down, put his legs on the table, and continued to nibble on the apple.

"Damn it, why didn't anyone notify me!" Pomona complained, no longer busy preparing dinner, but she didn't have the courage to sit at the table.

Now Sirius no longer wears school robes, and dresses more casually. In fact, when he looks like him, he looks good no matter what he wears, even a simple T-shirt with a phoenix pattern on it, but he looks like the lead singer of a rock band.

"I don't know where to tell you." Sirius said. "What's your name?"

Pomona sneered, put a beef pie on the table, and had dinner with the "famous" Sirius Black.

"Why don't you go to James' house for dinner?" Pomona said coldly.

"We need someone to stay here, not to mention they need two people's time." Sirius said expressionlessly, "Pregnant women are always emotionally unstable."

Pomona looked at the "culprit". If he didn't take James out often, maybe Lily's mood would be more stable.

"She needs friends." Pomona picked up a piece of pie. "She can't be alone."

"What about you?" Sirius asked.

Pomona didn't immediately answer his question as she chewed on her pie.

"I can't be alone." Sirius stared at a certain position in front of him. "Thank you for coming tonight."

"Isn't it because no one informed me that there was no one tonight?" Pomona said, glaring at Sirius.

He smiled, then put the apple in his hand on the table and ate the beef pie with his hands without any aristocratic appearance.

"Did you take James to those occasions?" Pomona asked.

"What occasion?" Sirius said, chewing on the pie.

"Not a place for married people," Pomona said, looking at the unmarried man.

"Are you interrogating me?" Sirius said coldly.

Pomona said nothing more and they shared the pie in silence.

This was a miracle. If Sirius felt unhappy, he would immediately walk away without caring about the feelings of others present.

After finishing the pie, Sirius did not leave. Even when she was washing the dishes, he was watching her thoughtfully.

Now Pomona is neither Gergon nor Knox, just an unknown person doing odd jobs.

She thought it was nice not to get involved in his feud with Severus.

Cicero said that rashness and carelessness should be avoided in all actions, and entertainment should be measured so that we do not abuse everything, become intoxicated with happiness, and fall into some ugly situation.

Intemperance is a sign of indiscretion in good times and bad, and even when things are going well and in line with our wishes, arrogance, arrogance, and tyranny should be avoided.

People will lose their temper and become overconfident after experiencing many successful things. At this time, they should be tamed by wisdom and philosophy, so that they can understand the uncertainty of human career and the changes of destiny.

Felixir's negative effects can cause dizziness, recklessness, and dangerous hubris.

Although Sirius did not directly participate in what happened after the OWLS exam in the fifth grade like James, but watched from the sidelines, he was the mastermind of the "accident" in the sixth grade, but luckily he was stopped by James.

Sirius and his cousin Bella have many similarities - the people they like love them like life-threatening things, and the people they hate hate them crazily and will not stop until they kill each other.

Black magic requires this kind of emotion.

Sirius didn't use Black's ancestral dark magic very much. He preferred to make some small inventions on his own. When he fought, he was similar to when he played pranks, but he smiled like his cousin.

Andromeda, Narcissa, and Regulus Black didn't have characters like them.


Pomona turned around when she heard the sound. The person behind her was not Sirius.

"I heard you were looking for me?" said the young man from the Ministry of Magic.

"Looking for you?" Pomona asked.

"Professor McGonagall told me," the young man said.

Pomona still didn't remember.

"I am Oliver Humbe's nephew," said the young man.

"Oh, I remember!" Pomona said suddenly.

"Are you asking me about Myrtle?" asked the young man.

Pomona wanted to be more tactful.

But now that the matter has come to this, what else can she say?

So she stopped and stood on the stairwell and asked him "Why did you say that to Myrtle?"

"I didn't say anything, I just introduced myself to her and I'm sorry for what happened to her," the young man said.

"Who asked you to come? Your aunt? Why didn't she come in person?"

"No, no one asked me to come. Ever since Myrtle made a big fuss about her wedding, things about her have become a taboo in our family. My mother even asked us to go to school abroad." The young man said, "She is worried that we will go to school abroad." Unexpected things happen at school.”

"Us?" Pomona asked.

"I also have a brother and sister. My aunt has never married in her life. She asked me to inherit her inheritance." The young man said.

Pomona calculated her age and found that Myrtle was about the same age as Hagrid when she was alive, which meant that Oliver Humbey was already over 50 years old.

"She told me, 'Is it because of an uneasy conscience? I will never forgive you!' Originally, I wanted to reconcile with her and let her leave that place." The young man said with lingering fear, "But she seemed to be crazy."

"Oh, yes, revoke the ban." Pomona suddenly realized.

It was Oliver Humbey who proposed to restrain Myrtle. As long as she or her agent could revoke the ban to the Ministry of Magic, Myrtle would be free.

"I will only apply when she returns to normal. I can't let a crazy ghost bring trouble to the world." The young man looked around. "It's embarrassing to have Peeves in this castle."

Pomona was thinking about Paul. If there was anything he hated more than a tutor, it was a strict boarding school.

We do not live with very perfect and wise people. If they still have images of virtue in them, that is a very beautiful thing. We should not have a contemptuous attitude towards anyone.

After James proposed that Sirius be Harry's godfather, Lily and the child in her belly were no longer a trouble or drag that prevented Sirius from going out with James.

He and Harry had a "bond", and Sirius's attitude towards Lily also improved.

"Give her some time," Pomona told the young man. "Myrtle will figure it out."

The young man didn't believe it at all, and Pomona didn't try to persuade him, so he continued walking up the steps.

When others regard extra points as a reward, such as raising their hands to answer questions, competing for honors for their own college.

Pomona told Hufflepuff's children that her extra-point rule was compensation for overcoming difficulties.

If a city is built on the seaside, a harbor is built to withstand strong winds and heavy rains. Doing so will attract ships to the harbor that also seek shelter from the storm, and prosperity is the compensation for fighting difficult circumstances.

Not everyone is so lucky. Some people will set up obstacles on the way to prevent the runners from running too fast.

Then there is the hurdle race. As long as you cross it, you can continue to compete. It doesn't matter if you don't come first.

However, this also caused Hufflepuff to be at the bottom of the Academy Cup all year round, but she felt that like Gryffindor and Slytherin, who had a tense relationship in order to compete for first place, it was more necessary to get along well with everyone.

Kindness is scarce in this world, even though most people think it is dispensable.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the headmaster's office. The door was open, and Thicknesse and Snape could be seen standing face to face in front of Dumbledore's desk.

Then Snape seemed to notice something and turned to look at her. Pomona could not see any information in his eyes.

There was something magical about magic, but it wasn't like radio, and she wasn't a telegraph receiver.

So she bit the bullet and walked over, hoping she wouldn't mess it up.

Cicero's "On Duties"

social justice and cities

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