Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3047 Kiss of Honor (Part 2)

Such a story is told in Plato's "Utopia".

There was a shepherd named Guas, one day he picked up a magic ring while grazing. If he turned the ring 180 degrees, he could become invisible, and if he turned it back, he could appear. With this invisibility, he did many wicked things, cunning things, and even murder.

He is a rogue villain, but he is a well-known rich man. Guas not only made a lot of money by appearing to be a good man, but also made a lot of money by doing a lot of evil without punishment.

There is a novel named after "The Lord of the Rings", in which the "halfling" Frodo inherits a Lord of the Rings from his uncle, which allows his uncle to "perpetual youth", as long as he does not take it off. But that ring actually belonged to Sauron, the Dark Lord, and there were many who wanted it.

In the story, the "Supreme Lord of the Rings" is the owner of all the rings, but what Pomona cares about is what Frodo who got this ring will do, and whether he will use it to do evil like the shepherd Guas.

This ring is so tempting, if it is handed over to a fair and upright person, will he fall quickly because of it?

As the story goes on, in order to transport the Lord of the Rings to the place where it was born and destroy it, Frodo embarked on an adventurous journey under the escort of his friends. On the way, I did meet many people who were attracted by the Lord of the Rings, and many of them were upright and depraved.

In the wizard's fairy tales there is no ring of invisibility, but there is an invisibility cloak, which the youngest of the three brothers uses to hide himself from death.

In the 15th century there was a Muggleborn named Yunan Wood whose powers were used by his parents. The lord's enclosure will first let some craftsmen build a wooden fence on the common land, and knock on it for ten days and a half months. The tenant farmers dare not speak out when they see it.

When it is determined that no one will tear down these fences, the lord will repair a circle of hedges inside the fence "as decoration". When the hedge grew, the wooden fence was removed, but the hedge was often damaged.

It was a lot of noise, but the magic made the hedge move imperceptibly without leaving a trace on the ground.

If it wasn't because Yunan received the notice from the magic school, he would continue to be forced to work by his parents until they were satisfied. He later met Artemisia Black, a half-blood witch named Black, at school.

The carnival is not just for Muggles, who knows who is who after wearing a mask anyway, Artemisia's mother and a Muggle had her because of a dewy marriage, and she never thought of going to find her biological father.

She got along well with Younan, and the two even fell in love. Under the influence of Artemisia, Younan decided not to go back to his parents. They cooperated to design a terrifying maze to store treasures for wizards.

Once their careers stabilized, they began planning for a baby, and Artemisia conceived relatively easily, except that the daughter she bore was a Squib.

St. Augustine says that, because man is afraid of losing that which may perish against his will at any time, he uses it in a way which preserves the bonds of the society which is made up of such men.

Some people make good use of things, while others abuse them, and those who abuse them are obsessed with things and cling to them clinging to them. That is to say, things that should be under his control dominate him instead, and he thinks things are good in themselves. And the person who makes good use of things proves that things are good, but not because the things themselves are good, and things do not make him better or better, but he himself makes things good.

Therefore, he will not be confused by things, and will not be heartbroken and inexplicably painful when he loses them. He is above things, and while possessing them, he is more prepared to lose them.

Anyway, Artemisia was "crazy" and she tortured her Squib daughter so much that she called the Witch General and led them to Blackwood Manor to capture her "witch" mother.

Artemisia's first half of her life may have been unfortunate, but she has a new life where everything is perfect except "the same".

The man who has a lot is more dissatisfied than the man who has nothing but a little, and the man who lacks one thing is more dissatisfied than the man who lacks a lot.

The so-called perfectionist, the more she pursues "perfection", she not only tortures herself, but also brings torture to the people around her. Some things cannot be solved by manpower, just like Artemisia can't make her daughter into a witch , she could not accept that her daughter was "flawed".

In the end, Blackwood Manor was destroyed in the fire, although it was protected by a very complicated maze, even wizards could not enter.

In the case files of the imperial courts that included parental rights, there was a case where a lady was harassed by a drunk on the road and rescued by a passing soldier, and they met and fell in love.

At that time, there was no knight class in Germany, but the knight system was preserved. It is difficult to distinguish between "honor" and "morality" in the code, and it is also difficult to define the difference between "dishonor" and "immorality".

Dishonor comes into play when one speaks of "knightly honour", as well as "civilian honour", although usually "civilian honor" is diminished by "unethical conduct".

This soldier was not a Junker nobleman, he was just an ordinary soldier, and the highest was a sergeant, but he has always restrained himself with "the honor of a knight", became a "knight-type" character, and showed "knight-like courage". Superiors and colleagues are recognized as "knights".

This honor is parallel to German law and morality, independent of both, and cannot be protected by law.

The sergeant was later rehabilitated, became a "citizen" and ran a mill with his wife, with whom they had a child.

The wife had worked in a tavern before, and because of this experience, the husband was always suspicious of her behavior and sometimes yelled loudly. So the unbearable wife separated from her husband with their children and refused to return to him.

The husband asserted his own parental rights and claimed the child from the child's mother. The wife firmly opposed it. She knew that once the court awarded the child to her husband, she would never see her again in this life.

However, the mother has no right not to hand over the child to her husband, but she has the right to ask the Orphan Court to take appropriate steps to avoid the abuse of parental authority and ensure that the child is cared for.

At this time, parental guardianship is different from the model of personal authority and obedience in the Middle Ages. Parental authority is only the protector of the "infant", and the "infant" has the right to protest. The absolute obedience obligation in early law has already no longer valid.

Regarding the issue of "abuse of parental power", it is related to "misconduct". In the social ethics at that time, the newborn should be taken care of by the mother. If the husband did not give the newborn to the mother's care, it would be an abuse of parental power.

Correspondingly, if the father maliciously shirks his guardianship obligation, it is also a kind of abuse of parental power, which involves the "dishonorable" and "immoral" behaviors mentioned in the code, and "knight's honor" is needed. would be manifested, while "immorality" has nothing to do with "honour of chivalry".

Although morality is often put forward together with ethics, ethics is a natural law of human relations, just like mothers take care of babies, although there will also be widowers who take care of the children born to their wives who died due to dystocia. He has no milk and needs to find breast milk. Substitutes.

"Knight" is a real system formed according to customary rules. A sergeant is "recognized" as a knight, regardless of whether he has any ancestors who were knights, or which lord canonize him. He "acknowledged" that he was the father of the child and "acknowledged" that he had custody duties.

Morality can be narrated by Kant’s story about the relationship between the shopkeeper and the customer. The shopkeeper and the customer have never met, so there are no ethical issues. Even if she has a big belly, it has nothing to do with the shopkeeper.

The owner does not give enough money to the customer, which is his moral issue, but gives her enough money, but to avoid damage to his reputation, so that no guests will come to the door in the future, this is an ethical issue.

A person who is always selfish can be hated and bad for one's reputation, so it's more in the self's interest to be unselfish, but there's also the option of convincing others that everyone should always act in their own best interest And act without regard to other interests, unless the interests of others are in line with his own.

There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. This famous saying shows universal ethical egoism, and it is the same for people who do not "for themselves".

King Louis XV of France said that "after my death, even if the flood is torrential", it is a personal ethical egoism, at least the French people do not support it.

Solipsistic Ethical Egoism is easily confused with Personal Ethical Egoism because what they say may irritate others.

However, what solipsistic ethical immediateism says is sometimes unfavorable to oneself, and speaking out will even affect one's own survival, not "after I die".

For example, if a Slytherin pure-blood kid suffers a loss, he will say "my dad will know" proudly.

Of course, he has no ethical relationship with his opponent, but he has with his father, or as James Potter said, "rules are set for little people".

It depends on how much dad loves his kids, how many kids he has, and how big of a crime the kids are. Although the old Buddy Crouch said "You are not my son" to Buddy Crouch Jr. in court, he was also implicated. He was originally a candidate for the next Minister of Magic.

There is only one Malfoy family from generation to generation. Lucius Malfoy has only one son, Draco Malfoy. Although he has constant scandals, he has no illegitimate children. After Sirius Black ran away from home, he was soon disowned by his mother, and Regulus Black became the heir to the Black family.

With Sirius imprisoned in Azkaban and Regulus missing, it seems that Black's male lineage is about to be broken. Several families that are related to Black are gearing up, and many properties have been divided.

Except for the old house in London, which was disrespectfully spoiled by a mad house-elf, and in a bad location, and that house was left empty, and now it was the Black family treasury that was being fought over.

Although the Black family treasury is not like the Lestrange family treasury, daughters are allowed to enter, but out-married daughters can no longer enter. When the Dark Lord came to power, he gave Bella special privileges, allowing her to enter the Lestrange family vault.

Not all women, only Bella can, but the women of the Black family still have the right to inherit the property of the Black family.

If Phileas Black had been the headmaster, Severus wouldn't have lived in the cellar. Professor Dorothy's office used to house several potions masters and head Slytherins.

If the mysterious man became the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts as he wished, he would probably live there, although compared with the manor, the "luxury office" was too small.

The mysterious man doesn't depend on anyone, and he probably doesn't love anyone. He is very suspicious. Before giving Snape the Dark Mark, he used Legilimency to read Snape's memory. When he saw the "Sev "Happy about his bad relationship with his Muggle father, Tobias.

Besides giving Snape advice on potions and the Dark Arts, he spent his "after school hours" spouting bad things about Muggles. In fact, he would also say how inferior Muggles are in public, but he and Snape said it more "personally".

Every time "father" is mentioned, the mysterious man's handsome face will distort.

The last male of the Gaunt family was also in Azkaban. He died a long time ago, and I haven't heard that he was married, but to say that he had an illegitimate child... I'm afraid it's unlikely.

Besides the name Severus, You-Know-Who also called him "Prince", as if Snape's Muggle surname would dirty You-Know-Who's noble tongue.

Once the mysterious man talked about the excitement and said that he killed his father's family with his own hands. He didn't feel guilty at all, but rather proud, but Severus didn't match the compliment like the others.

Tobia also had good times for his family, which made Irene always believe that as long as the family is well-off, everything will return to the way it was before.

This reaction of Severus made the You-Know-Who suspicious, and although he was terrified, Severus didn't kneel down and kiss the You-Know-Who's robe.

He thought that the mysterious man would use Cruciatus or Legilimency on him, but the mysterious man didn't do that.

"He let you go?" Pomona asked as he walked along the forest path.

"I've been practicing Occlumency ever since." Severus said, looking at the road ahead. "Not only do I feel it's necessary, but the Dark Lord also thinks I need to keep his secret."

"What did he teach you?" Pomona asked.

"Something that won't be taught in books," Severus said quietly. "I probably won't need it in my life."

If it's useless, why did the mysterious man give it to you?

Pomona didn't say this question, and it was useless to ask. Severus was just a passive recipient, and he didn't have the right to say no. Only the mysterious person knew why he did that.

At this time, a crow flew up from the treetop, screaming strangely all the way.

This kind of bird is so dark that it sings so badly that it still echoes in the valley.

It's really like a scene in a horror movie, not like a princess in a cartoon, who sings with the birds while cleaning, how beautiful it all looks.

And all this was ruined by the vicious queen dressed as a witch. She gave the princess a very attractive poisoned apple, and the princess passed out immediately after eating it. She wakes up with a kiss.

If Zaozhi had become so passive, she should have held back, why couldn't she hold back?

"Sneeze." Pomona sneezed and rubbed her nose. Fortunately, no snot came out, although she was not accompanied by "Prince Charming".

Why is the "unlucky knight" unlucky? It wasn't his responsibility, but he was relied on by others.

So whoever is willing to be a knight can be a knight, only a fool like James Potter is determined to be a "knight".

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