Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3038 hue and cry (3)

When the coffin is properly parked in the tomb, there will be a muffled sound, and then the gravediggers will wave their shovels and fill up the excavated soil again. It seems that everything about the person lying in the coffin has been cut off from this world.

However, the living people are still alive, especially the widow with children. She can't be as innocent and romantic as she was when she was a girl, and she is still wearing bright skirts.

Village "village" may have some connection with villeinage (villeinage). belonged to the lord.

Theoretically, a Vilan cannot dispose of the land by himself, he cannot leave freely, he cannot sell or sublease, and he cannot make a will or inherit the land after death. The land should be returned to the lord, and then redistributed by the lord according to his own wishes.

But the actual situation is more accommodating. Wieland's basic obligation is to keep the land from falling into disrepair. There is a case in the manor court where a gardener was allocated 20 acres of "Williams" and left it for a year. Then The big housekeeper asked the gardener to make up the subsidiary obligations of the land, and the gardener would not pay the payment when he was not in court. Later, the big housekeeper distributed the land to others.

Still the tenant farmer "William", he has three sons, two older sons have grown up, and one younger son. The management rights belonged to his older brothers, who would give him the land when he grew up. The two sons handed over 16 lire and obtained the inheritance rights of the land.

It was not an inheritance tax, but a privilege of the feudal lord, from whom William's sons had bought the charter.

With the disintegration of the Vilan system, the public property holding system and the relatively free public property holding farmers have replaced it. There is a kind of public property holding that is hereditary. As long as the manor exists for one day, the land belongs to the man of that family inherit. Jim occupied the land that Gray left to his son, and the widow went to the manor court to sue. She first had to cry and tell how the man died.

Generally, in order to win sympathy, she would tell how honest and diligent the man is. If he died fighting with the lord, then she would say how loyal the man was to the lord. Maybe not only will he come back, but he will also be arranged assistance.

From the moment the couple walks out of the church, the widow can inherit one-third of the man's land, which is called "widow property". Of course, Jim who bullied the widow and took her land was wicked, but that was not uncommon in those days. Queen Constance, the mother of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, was originally a princess of Sicily. Later, when she returned to Sicily, the mother and son were often bullied by the minister Tuogu. Frederick II had been wandering the streets like a street child since he was a child.

If a widow cries that her widow's property has been taken, she will most likely not come back. She will say that her son's land has been taken, and only then can she go to court and ask for her return. And you can't cry and cry as soon as you come, you have to keep calm and narrate like those actors, and then shed two tears silently.

Tears are a powerful weapon to win over the camp. You must be strategic when using weapons. Women in this era assume the role of "good mothers". She not only bears the responsibility of raising children, William has two grown sons, they can take on If the widow's children are not adults, these things will be carried by herself alone.

The disintegration of the Viland system is still related to the Black Death. If the big cities lost half of their population at once, then when it comes to villages, sometimes the whole village is gone. For example, Yam Village in the Derbyshire Valley, the village The villagers originally decided to evacuate north, but were opposed by the priest. If they could stay, it might be possible to prevent the plague from continuing to spread.

Later they did stay, and only 70 survived in the end, and a small estate is probably only one or two villages.

There are more dead people than living people, and there is no time to dig graves and bury them, let alone grow food and build houses.

In order to solve the problem of labor reduction, Florence approved the import of slaves, and England implemented the "Labor Law", prohibiting craftsmen from raising wages during this time.

It's hard to say how effective this is. If wages are not raised here, craftsmen and serfs can go to other places. At this time, no one will care about the capture of escaped slaves.

So in the 15th century, the Wieland system in England had basically disintegrated, and no one recognized the ban of the manor court.

The manor is the property of the lord, and he has many privileges in the manor, but he is not a privileged class in this manor.

In "Pride and Prejudice", there is a man named William Ham, whose father is the pastor of Mr. Darcy's home church. The other is to go to war with the lord, because the knights who have made military exploits and become knights, dealing with these two waves of people cannot be the same as dealing with serfs.

First of all, priests, they have the right of immunity. If they are accused, then there will be a magistrate, and the death penalty is exempt, not the death penalty. For example, there was a pastor who sued a village woman for slander. It turned out that he had falsely accused the village woman.

But if someone provoked him, such as a villager, he suddenly wanted to wear a priest's robe, because it didn't fit, he cut it himself, and it broke, and then he was sentenced to hang.

The process of the ecclesiastical court does not take as long as the secular court. It is impossible for the witches in Lancashire to wait until the king has read the trial records and found doubts. Then the messenger galloped from London to Lancashire to deliver the king's instructions for circuit judges.

Then there is the jazz. The lord's privileges include hunting rights. If a farmer is so hungry that he poachs one of the lord's rabbits, he will be reported by the forest officer. Well, since this person has always been of good moral character and has no record of poaching, the lord will forgive the farmer with "no loss".

There was a Sir Richard who poached a stag in the lord's forest with 4 Vilans. The butler couldn't handle this matter, so he had to ask the lord to handle it himself.

The stag was no ordinary animal, its huge horns looked like a crown, and Sir Richard didn't hunt it because he was hungry.

At the beginning, the manor court summoned him to appear in court. He paid 106 lire, of which 6 lire was paid for himself, and 100 lire was paid to the four Vilans. This money has already bought a lot of meat, and he paid this money. The purpose is only to postpone the hearing.

At this time, the local law and order was no longer maintained by the manor owner. During the Black Death, the king gave the magistrates a lot of power, and even gave them the right to adjudicate, changing from military command to judicial power, and these magistrates were Richard Knights like Sir De, the only difference is whether they have received the king's commission.

In the dossier that Pomona saw, the lord forgave Sir Richard and the four Vilans who followed him. A dead deer turned up there shortly after, it was found in high decay, a woodcutter saw a mother and daughter picking berries, the two were brought to the scene, as soon as the mother approached the deer, it started "bleeding.

The little girl's mother was taken away, and the girl stayed and hid in the forest. The wizard council sent someone to take her away, but it was too late by then, and she had become a black wizard who caused disaster.

No one taught her, all the powers she mastered were learned by herself, the most important thing is that she is born with Parseltongue, she often ordered poisonous snakes to bite passers-by and livestock.

In the end, it is said that she died of eating poisonous mushrooms by mistake. At the place where the deer died, her body was taken away by the Wizarding Council disguised as a royal commissioner, and she was buried later. There is no place in the file.

At that time, there was no international law of secrecy, and wizards did not need to hide in XZ in order to abide by the law. Some people would directly set fire to a village, just like the place where the Black Death had invaded, and then set the fire to "sterilize".

Who doesn't want to live freely and freely?

"Good morning, Sinista." Pomona came to the teacher's table. The professor of astronomy looked a little sluggish, drinking black coffee and reading the newspaper.

"You stayed up all night?" Pomona asked.

"I'm preparing the materials to bring to Australia." Sinista said sullenly.

"How far away?" Pomona asked casually.

"Look at this." Sinista said, pointing to a corner of the newspaper. "There are still marriage advertisements."

Pomona leaned over to see that it was a witch's marriage advertisement, and the first line was "Widowed Do Not Disturb".

Pomona thought the marriage ad was not funny, but thought she was smart.

"The living can't compete with the dead," Pomona said as he cut the sausage.

"How old do you think she is? 70?" Sinista said with a laugh.

"I guess it's impolite to guess a lady's age." Minerva suddenly appeared behind the two of them. "You too will grow old one day."

Sinistra was speechless, and Minerva turned to Pomona.

"Come with me, Professor."

Looking at Meg in the emerald green witch robe, Pomona regained the feeling of her school days. When she got up, she glanced at Sinista. No one was worried like her in school, and of course Pomona was not. got in trouble.

She followed Minerva to the preparation room.

"I heard what happened last night," Minerva said slowly.

"Oh, really?" Pomona smirked.

"You disagree?" Minerva asked.

"Disagree on what?" Pomona asked.

"Severus' way," Minerva said.

"So do you agree?" Pomona asked back, unable to maintain a smile.

"He was just talking about it, and that blood-sucking moose wasn't a property of the school," Minerva said.

"It's unbelievable." Pomona put his hands on his hips. "You're rooting for him?"

"Severus was very helpful, he helped me with a lot of things, otherwise what better idea do you think?" Minerva said.

According to the records in "A School History", Hogwarts used to belong to Salazar Slytherin's castle, then theoretically Hogwarts could use the Manor Court to resolve disputes between the school and its surrounding areas, as well as the village.

But guess what? It's the 20th century! The lord has already entered the grave.

A person who already has a lot, he obviously wants everything, but because "only one thing is missing", he is more likely to be dissatisfied than a person who has nothing, and he will not be patient and wait.

The Dudleys bullied Harry so much, Minerva wanted to take him back, but... Albus Dumbledore convinced Pomona first, just like Minerva convinced herself now, let Pomona convinces Minerva not to bring Harry back.

"He framed an innocent man," Pomona said, holding back his anger.

"I don't think so." Minerva pulled the collar of her robe, "The animal was brought by Professor Ruth."

"Spark is not dangerous!" Pomona said, rolling his eyes.

"It's not like you're dealing with angry parents," the vice-principal said. "Do you know how nervous they are after watching the news?"

She felt that she and Minerva were not on the same page.

"So it's going to happen again with Patricia?" Pomona asked.

"No... I think Professor Ruth also wants to continue his research quietly." Minerva said, "The teaching life did not make him feel happy."

Pomona shook her head and turned back to the auditorium.

She hasn't eaten breakfast yet, and she has the strength to fight when she is full.

The first round is over.

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