Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 303 I'm Not a Coward

If Pomona had really said yes to Severus' invitation, they might end up sitting around watching other people dance, just like Ron, Harry, and their partners, bored.

She liked the atmosphere of Titanic's third class, and if Muggles could be like them, Pomona would like them as much as Arthur, but they weren't all like that.

It's better to hang out with Gryffindors when enjoying the party fun, they don't put on airs like Slytherins.

Severus doesn't like to talk, doesn't like to dance "like a madman", what's the fun with someone so boring?

He is the kind of person who likes to express his enthusiasm with his body. Gryffindor Marauders are often pointed at by him with his wand. He is usually gentle with girls, and top students like Hermione are sometimes ridiculed by him. It is better to expect the sun to rise in the west than to expect decent sweet words from his mouth. Who knows when a miracle will happen? But such a vicious man was very good at kissing, but now he had to keep an eye on his godson and couldn't be distracted, so Pomona had to play alone.

She also has Honeydukes Blowing Bubble Gum in her bag. The blue bellflower-colored bubbles filled the tree house. Although the Forbidden Forest prohibits students from entering, there are still many people coming and going, and it is not safe to live in tents. So there is this simple tree house.

Pomona made tea with a travel kettle, and the hot air from the spout warmed her a lot. After searching in her bag for a long time, she finally found a piece of clothing that could keep out the cold—the invisibility cloak, plus She finally didn't worry about the old bat's thick wizard robe that she would freeze to death. Like the old man, she leaned against the warm human-shaped stove, enjoying the quiet time while blowing bubbles.

When the Titanic sank, 1,500 people fell into the water. At that time, there were 20 ships nearby, but no one dared to approach. It was not until the "quietness" came that a ship rowed over, and a total of 6 people were rescued.

Jack Dawson was not in the passenger list, and the expedition to find the Heart of the Ocean couldn't find any news about him. He only existed in Ross's memory, and Ross didn't even have a picture of him, only the safe The paintings in here prove that what she said is true.

Sirius didn't put all the money in the Gringotts 711 vault, and some of it was hidden in the safe at home on Guihua Street. He was not in a hurry to make his life better, but instead tried to make Harry happy He is such a shining person who does not care about personal gains and losses.

Standing next to such a handsome Sirius in beautiful clothes must have attracted the attention of the world, but that was not what she wanted.

Unlike Lily, she is very concerned about being called a mudblood. Hufflepuff has been called an idiot and a trash academy for many years, and she is used to it. She set out to change this situation and cultivated a group of outstanding talents. Among them, the best one is Cedric, who has surpassed the other three houses and became a contestant representing Hogwarts, which shows that her hard work for so many years has not been in vain.

"If there is no Cedric, who do you think will represent Hogwarts as a player in the Triwizard Tournament?"

"It's not from my house anyway." He said coldly, "It's probably from Gryffindor and Ravencrow again."

"It seems that we have all been stepped on by others." Dean Hufflepuff, whose lounge was in the ground, said to another dean whose lounge was in the ground.

"Fleur's last pick was Ravenclaw's Quidditch captain, she probably thought that kid was smart and athletic." He smiled sarcastically "Roger Davies, laughs like a clucking hen. "

"How do you remember it so clearly?"

"They went to the Quadrangle and stayed there for a while. They didn't come back until the last group of people went back to sleep. At that time, Dumbledore and I were chatting in the hall." He rolled up his sleeves and revealed the Death Eater mark on his arm. It came out, "Karkaroff was very nervous, and his Dark Mark also turned black, but the mark didn't burn, so he didn't run away."

"What did Dumbledore say?"

"He asked me, do you want to run with him too?" His black eyes stared at the half-race Veela. "I told him, I'm not such a coward."

"Then you came to see me?"

"No, I took a euphoria."

"What are you drinking that for?"

He didn't speak.

"I feel magic every time your Polyjuice Potion fails," he whispered. "It's like a rain of silver sequins."

"Really?" She tilted her head, unable to imagine the effect of that.

"Your neck is like a swan." He said blankly, "Your lips are like a sneezeweed, and your eyes are like a lake on a snow-capped mountain with the blue sky reflected. I can't think of any reason for you to hide yourself. Furong is not as beautiful as you."

Pomona felt struck by lightning.

"If you want the heart of the ocean, I will find a way to get it for you, but you said that all you need is a crystal necklace. Can you ask for something that is hard to find in the world and is priceless?"

"Sniffleweed," she said without hesitation. "Slughorn rescued a Niffler one night while walking, and it had Sniffleweed leaves in its pocket."

"Plants? Not jewelry?"

"I don't need that kind of thing, the money needs to be spent in the right place, and I like sniffing." She gritted her teeth while laughing. "That naughty little thief."

"In the fifth grade, a student put three sniffers in Doris's office to make trouble."

"They're relatives of Newt's Sniffers, oh, and they look like Hermione's Patronus," Pomona recalled. "Has Hermione ever stolen anything?"

"She stole medicinal materials from my warehouse to make compound soup, and turned into an owl herself." He snatched the flannel bag from her without authorization, found Bibi multi-flavored beans in it, and chose a chocolate Put it in his mouth, and his stiff face showed a pained expression.

"What flavor?"


Pomona couldn't help but be thankful he'd had the peppermint euphoria, for if he'd kissed her with a mouthful of garlic it would have ruined Christmas Eve.

Pomona also took a savory bean and put it in her mouth.

"Punch," she said smugly, except for the nail polish-flavored beans once in the Muggle community.

"Looks delicious." He said, staring at her with a smile.

"Look at Draco." She deliberately pretended not to know anything, and continued to blow bubbles.

"Do you still remember the woman who helped Jack attend the prom? Molly Brown is a gold digger. There are many people who go to the United States to pan for gold, but few actually make a fortune. She was Jack's goal at the beginning." He dragged her chin, let her look directly into her eyes "She is a lonely woman, so she does a lot of ridiculous things to attract attention, but compared with the other nobles on the ship, she has a conscience and humanity, and she likes Jack very much , She knew that Jack liked Rose, so she used the excuse of helping her son to touch him, and you couldn't find a reason to touch me at that time, right?"

She began to recall the scene at that time.

"She just wants to help Jack, she doesn't have the ideas you said."

"It's not all because of Lily that I betrayed the Dark Lord. I've grown up, senior sister, and I'm no longer the stupid kid I used to be." He stroked her lips with his fingers. At least she doesn’t have to go to Azkaban to live and suffer, Bella is proud of it, she can’t do anything in prison, she just shows an attitude, what’s the use of that? The only thing she can do that I can’t do is in the bedroom, so the Dark Lord handed her the Hufflepuff Cup."

"Not the Gaunt ring?" she whispered, her tongue avoiding his fingers so that her words were slurred.

"He put a curse on the ring, how do I know if he cursed it on the wand." He didn't know what to think, his eyes were cloudy, "That wand is the most obedient to his orders, he can do whatever he wants."

Tears flowed down her face.

"Why are you crying?"

"Don't go into the dark, Severus, you're a good man," she sobbed.

"I begged him for mercy. I never said that when I was dealing with James Potter." His cloudy eyes became clear, but he looked angry. "But I have to do it, or my life will really be ruined." Yes, I was only twenty years old, you understand, right?"

But Sirius is the same age as you, and he spent his precious youth with dementors.

He could have gotten married, had children, continued to ride his motorcycle, played Quidditch with his friends, and even worked at the Ministry of Magic's Sports Department.

"Look at Draco, there are werewolves in the forest. If he is bitten, you will break your oath." Pomona said coldly, "James didn't play with Harry immediately when he should be on guard." escaped."

He laughed, "It's not a full moon today, and it won't change if you get bitten. Besides, Draco has been on the battlefield, so he knows what to do."

"What about the dementors!" she exclaimed. "Hagrid doesn't know how to summon a guardian."

His face was so close to her that she could see his eyelashes. Long eyelashes were one of his few advantages, just like the patron saint of silver dew that he turned into.

"Expecto Patronum."

He waved his wand, and this time the silver mist turned into a swan. Instead of walking clumsily on the ground like last time, it flew out of the window of the tree house gracefully and lightly.

"I don't need to look at Harry Potter anymore, he is no longer the savior." He said coldly, "What I owed Lily was paid off at the moment I died."

"You're not dead!"

"Then prove it for me." He gritted his teeth and said sharply, "I want to make sure I'm still alive!"

She looked into his eyes, not knowing what to do.

He moved closer, just as he had danced that night, only this time his mouth was full of garlic and reminded her of Quirrell who claimed to have seen a vampire.

In fact, Draco Malfoy was also chosen, but the one who chose him was not Dumbledore the White Wizard, but the Elder Wand. In the eyes of the Elder Wand, the boy who looked cowardly and incompetent, who dared not even kill anyone, was Bislet Dean Lin is even better.

What is the basis for its choice?

The kettle made a sharp sound, and the hot air from it made the small tree house look like a bathroom. This sound seemed to warn her to be careful that the tree house collapsed. Falling from here to the ground is different from falling off the sofa. Ended up with Dumbledore.

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