Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3024 queen's pleasure (3)

Since the Norman and Plantagenet dynasties, the court has always been the "heart" of England, and all the blood of England flows to it. Surrounding the king were bishops, lawyers, learned writers, poets, explorers, artists, but also gamblers, fallen nobles whose lands had been confiscated, and charlatans masquerading as astrologers. All these people sought the king's favor at court, and wherever the king went, he attracted a crowd to follow him, even in the time of Elizabeth I, and not being at court was like a curse of eternal punishment.

Elizabeth I's mother was the famous Anne Boleyn, and her successor was Mary Stuart's son James Stuart.

There are already so many heirs, Elizabeth I can choose at will, why should she risk her life to have one?

On the contrary, there is only one throne, and how many people squeezed their heads to wear that crown.

The church did not recognize Henry VIII's marriage to Anne Boleyn, and they did not even recognize Henry VIII's divorce from the first queen, let alone crown Elizabeth I, which put Elizabeth I in an "illegal" position.

The queen is more focused on consolidating her ruling power. She knows how to get the love of her subjects, and she can also use her marriage as a bargaining chip to balance power between the two great powers of France and Spain, and seek maximum benefits for Britain. After she succeeded to the throne, it is said that she wore the coronation ring on the ring finger of her left hand as a symbol of dedicating her life to the country and the people.

Queen Anne is the last monarch of the Stuart dynasty. She married Prince George of Denmark and had 17 children, but all of them were short-lived. Regent" power.

This couple is a bit "indifferent to the world". It is said that drinking tea is popular in Queen Anne's court, and she prefers to discuss London's gossip with the ladies at the tea table.

There is a poet who also wrote satirical poems, although the satirical poems he wrote may only be understood by himself. In short, it is difficult for people to get together and talk about these, and then these people bring the information they got at the tea table , to other tea tables to pass around.

Queen Victoria's mother, the Duchess of Kent, was married twice and had three children. It was not easy for a woman to raise three children, although she had her brother Leopold to help her with her debts and her daughter's inheritance , but women always need someone to accompany them.

Gradually, the ambiguity between her and Sir John Conroy began to spread in the palace, and when the adults said this, they did not shy away from the little princess, so Victoria began to distance herself from the Duchess of Kent, even though Victoria shared a relationship with her when she was a child. bedrooms.

Before the 19th century, people had no concept of defamation. Even after the "Defamation Act" was promulgated in 1847, judges would not prohibit the publication of a certain book or article before trial.

This is enshrined in Title IX of the Bill of Rights 1689, which prevents any court from charging or challenging the freedoms of speech and debate or parliamentary matters.

In English common law, "truth" cannot be used as a defense to defamation charges, and the establishment of defamation needs to prove the existence of "actual harm".

Even if it is a defamatory work, the court cannot restrict its publication. When the publisher can use compensation to compensate his personal reputation, the court will pay more attention to the value of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, unless it involves public interest. The defendant wants to defend with legal actions and demands fair comments, but also needs to prove that it is related to the public interest, and "truth" can be used as a defense ground.

That is to say, even if the article written by Rita Kiest is not true, the court cannot prohibit her from writing it, not to mention that the circulation of the "Daily Prophet" is so much lower than that of the "Times Daily", the court will not consider this. A request that is considered "little harmful".

So what if you don't go to the Muggle court to sue, but to the wizard's court?

The plaintiff also has to prove that because of Rita Kist's article, he has put himself in a situation of "being hated, ridiculed or despised". ’s article is also in this situation, how can I prove that my injury was caused by Rita Kiester’s article?

Since it can't be proven, there can be no defamation charges, and reputational damage can be covered by damages, which are usually settled out of court.

The public interest includes many things, including public order. In theory, written defamation should be included in the criminal law, but criminal punishment is rarely initiated due to written defamation. On the contrary, it is a criminal offense for a fan to issue vulgar and inflammatory shouts on the stadium during the game, causing a stadium riot. , because of his remarks posed a threat to law and order.

Severus Snape was spared interrogation because of Albus Dumbledore's protection, and he was considered to be Albus Dumbledore's personal spy.

But Albus Dumbledore is the chief mage of the Wizengamot, but not a judge, let alone a king. Who gave him the power to protect people?

Or is he trying to become the "ruler" (ruler) of the wizarding world like his "old friend"?

Of course, such words will not appear in the newspapers, but they have been spread by word of mouth and spread everywhere.

What appeared in the newspaper was the news about his younger brother Aberforth Dumbledore. Rita Kiester knew how to control the "property", which made people imagine but could not find any real evidence. Obviously, she went to the International Wizard After the federation, the "writing power" has improved.

As for the Inspector-General's ban on newspapers publishing books written by ex-MI5 agents, when private obligations of secrecy, the public interest of secrecy and the public interest of disclosing information conflict, taking into account Article 10 of the European Bill of Human Rights, The courts cannot prohibit newspaper reports, nor can they rule that a newspaper publishes such information without the prior consent of the Attorney-General and the court.

Limiting the filing of leak lawsuits can limit the government's release of secrets. Newspapers in Switzerland's "Last Witch Case" have released some of the dossiers, clearing the case for the falsely accused woman.

So this piece of legislation has become a tool for disclosing classified information to disloyal security service personnel.

The publication of top-secret files is the responsibility of the newspaper itself. If the newspaper violates its confidentiality obligation, it will be sanctioned for contempt of court.

For example, the list of those working in the secret intelligence department, the Order of the Phoenix once leaked the list, resulting in the killing of a large number of members.

Of course, the feeling of keeping secrets is different from "speaking freely" while drinking tea, not to mention that Prince Albert is not even qualified to "sit down". If Prince Albert couldn't help in the matter of having children, Queen Victoria couldn't help in this area either.

When the queen is unable to handle many political affairs in person due to pregnancy and other issues, of course someone needs to do it for her. In fact, from 1689 to 1832, the monarch still had a lot of power, because the number of voters was small, and the favor of the king could determine the success or failure of the Whig and Tory parties in the general election. The Reform Act of 1832 not only eliminated corrupt constituencies, but also With more voters provided, official positions and favors cannot influence the election results.

In addition, although the qualifications of voters have changed, the power of the nobility has not been reduced because of the reform. Instead, it has determined the process for the House of Lords to review and amend bills proposed by the House of Commons. Rather than having time to entangle the scandal between the queen and the prime minister, the prince might as well think about how to break this deadlock. Besides, after the "Regent Act" was proposed, it was not that no one raised objections. One of the Queen's uncles, Augustus Frederick, did not support it very much and interrupted the approval of the House of Commons until the Queen granted its second commoner His attitude eased somewhat when his wife took the duchess title, and then Prince Albert sat in an armchair next to Queen Victoria for the "first time" and shared the treatment of a monarch.

Before the hospital began to popularize hand washing, it was called the "death house", and mothers would rather give birth at home than go to the hospital.

Queen Victoria's first child was born naturally, a girl, and all went so well that the Regency Act seemed destined to be shelved, were the Queen not so soon pregnant again.

Working in the palace would certainly involve a lot of secrets. Fortunately, this matter was beyond Pomona's ability, and she had nothing to do with it except to give advice.

When a person is "invulnerable", people tend to start from him. Barty Crouch Sr. was once a candidate for Minister of Magic, and it was not because his son was implicated.

The current female minister of magic has also reached retirement age, and if it wasn't for the war, it would have been a long time ago.

If you have time to meddle in so many nosy things, it is better to check yourself, so as not to become a "flaw".

"What were you thinking?" Severus asked.

Pomona thought of Rita Kiester's overly affected face.

"Even if I had to wear makeup, I wouldn't do it like she did!" says Pomona.

"Who is she?" he asked lazily.

"My arch enemy," Pomona said, gulping down the wine in his glass.

It was sweeter than she expected, more like grape juice.

"Is this sherry?" asked Pomona.

"No, it's made by house elves," Severus said. "Do you like it?"

Although she didn't know why the elf wanted to give him his own brew, she passed the glass to him to fill it up.

This sweet wine should not be intoxicating.

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