Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3016 The ghost in the distance (21)

The police had reason to put the "Joker" case aside.

Though the case was bad and Thomas Wayne was following closely, there was a strike and more police were needed.

There are many great events in history, but people's attention is on those leaders, and people pay attention to every word they say.

Beneath them are many nameless believers, who in humble taverns, keep instilling some ideas into the people around them, so that these people also become fascinated, although they rarely understand, but people feel that following those words Do it, and all your hopes and dreams will surely come true.

No doubt among the early followers of the movement there were adventurers who hoped to take their chances at fame and power, but such leaders did not last long. Its vibrancy and growth require a passion that satisfies its members, not the positions and positions that the movement provides. Hitler once said that the more bad people are attracted to a movement that "provides posts and jobs," the more political climbers will end up filling a successful party so that formerly loyal fighters no longer recognize it for what it is. face.

In fact, the "clown" is still the poor actor who is not good at telling jokes. People who are dissatisfied with the status quo can join the strike or join other activities. They don't have to be followers of the "clown". This is not uncommon in places where there is competition. .

Arthur once pulled the trigger on himself, but he didn't die, he was just infinitely close to death.

People have been instilled, "how do you live better", and spend their lives working hard, accumulating wealth, buying what they want or items that can improve their lives. No one told them how to deal with the pain of not getting what they want, or they were told on TV that they need to work harder to get it, just like the top of a mountain, as long as they work hard and know how to endure, they can climb to the top.

Thomas Wayne just condemned the "clowns" who hurt his employees, those who were shot on the subway like him who "have a lot" through hard work, people like "clowns" who have nothing and don't want to make progress Jealous of what they have, and their luck, that's why they hide behind masks and commit cold-blooded killings.

In fact, if Thomas Wayne shut up instead of condemning, or trying to use his influence to pressure the police to quickly solve the case and let the clown turn himself in as soon as possible, Gotham would not become what it was later.

When others did not accomplish something as he expected, he felt that he could accomplish it with a little pressure.

"Joker" has inspired people like him and provided another way. Wearing a clown mask can not only hide one's identity, but also release the real and suppressed self, which includes A lot of death and destruction. Everyone didn't know it at first, but it was Thomas Wayne who told everyone that there was such a person, and the "imitator" appeared. Different from ordinary masked robbers robbing stores and banks, these people wearing clown masks specifically attacked "rich". The newspaper also used the headline "kill the rich" to make the front page headlines, saying that this was a post-strike strike. new sport.

With the chaos like this, it would take a lot of police force to calm them down and restore the original order, not to mention that the citizens didn't want to restore the original order at all.

If people are only ruthless and blindly doing great things, history will not record their figures, nor will they leave a record about them.

People caught in the collective unconscious don't make the calm, rational "smart choices" they would when they were alone, and the "Joker" is cast as a hero who brings about reforms, even though he isn't, but he's still cast as an accomplice to Thomas Wayne. Same mayoral candidate.

Think about it first, why would politicians running for elections need to hold a banquet?

First, they need to promote themselves. People like Henry Shaw Jr. whose father is a newspaper tycoon also need more channels to speak out and promote Prohibition in New York.

Thomas Wayne used his influence to "promote" the clown, even though "the clown" was just a clown and a criminal in his eyes.

If people who put up placards in favor of clowns as mayor seem like a joke at first, then there are more of them, and they vote more than people who close their doors and have dinner parties with well-dressed people in a palatial "palace" up.

In Crisis in the Infinite Universe, there is a "universe" in which Gotham is ruled by evil, which sounds incredible, but is that possible?

Second, orators need money, and through banquets orators get donations from rich people.

Thomas Wayne is already rich, he may not need donations from others so much, but he needs support from others.

"We don't need Batman!" the Joker tells his followers.

Whenever the Bat light is on, the Batmobile can go on a rampage in the city without restraint, just like the "green light", and when it is on, the "drivers" will slam on the gas pedal.

But Batman abides by the "fruit of the poisonous tree" rule. If the evidence is obtained through illegal channels, it will not be used in court. Every time he received a signal, he would communicate with the police before acting, understand what happened, and act after thinking about it.

He's angry, but he's trying to control himself.

His parents died at the hands of an out-of-control mob.

The "Batmobile" driven by Batman is not a car, but the cost of this kind of chariot is too high, even the military does not have enough budget to install it.

Technology has made Bruce Wayne the first superhero without superpowers.

If other people were as rich as him, would they do the same thing?

Although Gideon allowed the poor to have free lawyers and obtain legal aid, he was lucky. His first lawyer once served as the Secretary of the Interior in the Roosevelt cabinet, and he helped Gideon obtain the qualification for review. Will others be so lucky to get such luxurious legal aid?

This has created a phenomenon that although both the prosecution and the defense have lawyers, the poor cannot afford better lawyers, and can only watch the other party triumphantly escape legal sanctions and leave the courtroom.

There is a movie called The Godfather. At the beginning, the owner of the coffin shop finds the "Godfather" and asks him to avenge himself, for which he can do anything.

Everyone can be a masked Batman or a masked clown.

In this dark reinforced concrete forest, people are like animals that may be hunted at any time. No one knows who will come first, death or dinner.

"Mom has already experienced it for you. This world is happy, so I brought you into this world."

Don't disturb her peace, just like Lily, she used to be so happy, if it wasn't for the mysterious person, she would continue to be happy.

Even though Helen Keller is deaf and blind, she has many social resources, and light is injected into her dark world.

Gideon is physically and mentally sound, but he has no resources, until after he is imprisoned he has time and a library for him to study. Others need to be busy with their lives, dedicating energy and time to the desired "future", and some people have those things from birth.

Why am I not so lucky, like them?

In love and bread, everyone has a choice.

Although Pomona felt that Lily chose James not because of his family's gold coins.

James has changed for Lily, and he is willing to help Remus Lupin and become friends with him. This is not a kind of love cultivated by rigid regulations that must keep pets.

He wanted to be a knight, just like the boy who went to sea at the age of 17. He chose to be a sailor instead of working in a factory or other occupations on land.

No parent would tell him, this is a dangerous profession, you can't do it.

He is free, but he was unlucky, and encountered shipwreck on his first voyage.

There is a ship named Titanic, she was known as the unsinkable ship at the time, but no one thought that she encountered an accident on her first voyage, and people have stipulated the number of lifeboats since then.

People who were directly frozen to death by sea water or drowned naturally did not need to consider the problems faced by those people waiting for rescue on lifeboats.

What if the survivors of the Titanic were unlucky and went a long time without a ship passing by?

Radio was invented in 1895 and the Titanic sent a distress signal before it sank so other ships could receive their location.

Parker and the others didn't have any, so they could only float and wait in the sea.

Life has a limit but knowledge not. If there is a limit, follow the limitless, it is almost over.

Don't say that there is no limit to the sea of ​​learning and hard work, there are roads and diligence in the mountains of books. If you want to pan for gold, you must first hear that there are gold mines in this mountain. No matter how much you dig in a mountain where there is no sign of gold, if you spend your whole life here, it is impossible to find gold. Otherwise, how can there be geology?

Yugong moved the mountain to remove the mountain blocking the way. Didn't he know how to dig a hole in the mountain? Digging a tunnel is also easier than removing two mountains.

The reason why he is called "stupid" is that he doesn't know how to dig tunnels. During the process of digging tunnels, he must provide support, otherwise the dug holes will collapse and bury people in them. From this point of view, it seems that it is wise to move the mountain away. is it?

Pomona pityed Severus Snape's talent, but he had his moments of madness. No matter what Lucius Malfoy had instilled in him before, his stubborn personality made her want to drill a hole in his head.

"How do you want to convince me?" He asked triumphantly, as if preparing to have a defense with her.

"People change, Severus, and Victorians didn't think they deserved the death penalty," Pomona said quietly. "That's a maritime custom."

He looked absolutely amazed.

"What do you think I'm going to say?" she asked coldly.

"Discuss sacrifice." He wrapped his cloak around himself, looking like a giant bat.

"Why do you think that?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"Like you." He sighed. "Do you think it's worth sacrificing one person to save more?"

She didn't think it was time to say "yes" or "no."

"Do you think people will change?" Pomona asked. "I met Paul just now, and he said that human beings haven't changed after all these years."

He didn't answer.

"He's such an old ghost," Pomona laughed. "And it's not from afar."

"What's the meaning?"

"When we look at a forest from a distance, what we see is a beautiful scenery, but when we walk in, we don't feel so much, and the same is true for happiness."

He frowned at her.

Lily looks happy, and James can bring her happiness, but if Sev is willing to "correct", she will still love him.

Sirius hated her, and if James hadn't intervened, they wouldn't have become friends at all.

Lily is beautiful and popular, but Sirius has always been very popular with women. If James broke up with her for this reason, Sirius would definitely teach Lily a lesson.

The dog will wag its tail towards its owner, but it will also bite the "enemy" to see blood, even if it pays its own life.

He has everything others want, handsome face, prominent family background, why did he run away from home, and even become a prisoner now?

"You blame me?" he said suddenly.

"What do I blame you for?" Pomona asked.

"I don't know, you tell me." He said with a smile.

"Why do you think I'm blaming you?" Pomona asked.

"Your eyes tell me." He sighed softly. "What heinous thing did I do that you hate me so much?"

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