Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 3000 The ghost in the distance (5)


Hearing this voice, Pomona and Trelawney looked at each other.

"I thought I heard thunder," Pomona said.

"I heard that too." Trelawney said seriously. "It's not your hallucination."

Pomona didn't know what to say for a moment, and walked forward following the sound.

Not long after they came to the auditorium, the door of the auditorium was not closed, and the thunder came from the auditorium.

But what's worse is that there is water everywhere on the ground, which seems to be caused by the weather magic "rain" above the auditorium.

"I remember the weather report saying it was going to be a sunny day," Pomona said.

"That's a lie," said Trelawney at once.

Pomona actually wanted to discuss something else with her. Although the weather forecast may not always be accurate, how could it suddenly start a thunderstorm?

"Oh, you're here too."

They turned their heads and looked at Professor Ruth who was rushing over, followed by Snape. He was still frowning, and looked as if he was still angry.

"What's wrong with this? It looks like it was ravaged by myrtle." Pomona joked.

"There is defensive magic in the auditorium, I don't think a ghost has this ability." Professor Ruth said seriously, and then looked at the rain in the auditorium, "I think what we should worry about is whether the defensive magic is damaged now. "

Pomona looked at the candles floating in the air, many of which had been doused by the rain.

It's normal, isn't it? The fire was doused with water.

But if Rowena Ravenclaw arranged the auditorium back then, she didn't expect that the auditorium would rain like the outside on rainy days, then the auditorium would not become the most frequently used place in the castle.

"You're still in the mood to laugh." Snape said, looking at her with a smile.

Pomona remembered the proposition she once said to him that "people can laugh". As soon as she finished speaking, a golden retriever with a "smile" was led past them by the owner.

"Why don't you laugh? If you're not happy, how do you summon the Patronus?" Pomona said lightly, waving her magic wand, and summoned her swan Patronus. It flew into the auditorium and circled the candles for a while. Circle, and soon "the rain stopped".

"Let's blow this nasty fog away," Ruth said, and a gust of wind blew from the end of his wand, blowing away the fog that had filled the corridor.

Without the fog that blocked people's sight, the things hidden inside would soon be invisible. A big-headed monster ran in a panic, as if trying to hide in the blown away fog.

"All imprisoned!" Trelawney yelled at once, but the spell missed the big-headed monster.

Snape also raised his wand, and the big-headed monster tripped over something and fell into the water on the ground, looking like a pebble in a stream.

The crowd gathered around.

"That's what it does?" Pomona asked.

"Torture will tell." Snape said blankly, raising his wand.

"No, you can't use black magic," Ruth said.

Snape showed a disgusted expression, "This is a dark creature."

"What do you want to get out of him by torture? Professor Snape, the big-headed monster can't speak human language." Ruth said.

"Look at his back," said Trelawney. "There's something there."

Snape and Russ stopped arguing and started examining the big-headed monster.

"Rictusempra," said Pomona, pointing his wand at the hairy-headed monster, and the hairy-headed monster laughed and shuddered.

Russ and Snape both looked at her.

"What? I just wanted to add a little humor," Pomona said.

"Oh, look!" Trelawney excitedly pointed at the big hairy monster and said, "It's out, it's out!"

Everyone looked at the big-headed monster. It had a bald head, but it was covered with hair. It couldn't be seen at first, but as it rolled on the ground laughing, the things hidden on it "run out".

"Grab it!" Pomona yelled, and stepped on it, trying to step on the black, slender object.

But I don't know whether it is too slippery or the water on the ground, it ran away, and then swam away quickly like a sensitive fish.

All of a sudden, everyone did their own tricks, some with wands, and some with their feet like Pomona, which caused water to splash.

"Are you playing in the water? I want to play too." said Peeves passing by.

"No, Peeves!" But Pomona's warning was too late, Peeves had already plunged into the water with a "violent force", splashing water.

Everyone had to take a step back, and at the same time the black thing returned to the big hairy monster, and it ran away at an extremely fast speed.

When they disappeared, the cold feeling also disappeared, not only the auditorium, but also other places returned to normal.

"I think we've found the culprit," Ruth said happily.

"Yeah, except let it run away." Snape said coldly, pulling his water-soaked robes, and chased in the direction where the big-headed hairy monster disappeared.

"Leave him alone," Pomona said to Ruth, looking again at Sybill Trelawney.

She raised her chin so proudly that she couldn't turn her head back.

"What did you do to offend her?" Ruth asked.

"I mentioned the weather report," Pomona said.

"What does that matter?" Ruth asked confused.

"There's always something elusive about 'prophets,'" Pomona said.

Ruth still didn't understand, but Pomona didn't bother to explain anymore, and she walked towards the office humming.

In addition to catching dragonflies, it seems that the children now have new goals to catch. She just hoped that the big hairy monster was as strong as a real stone, and wouldn't be killed by those "little devils".

==================================================== ========

There was no rain in the movie's trailer, and Pomona didn't know how Severus saw the rain on the poster, but she just saw the one in the back of the "bald" duo who was not pleasing to the eye. .

Pomona stuck the poster up on the wall and admired it with his waist stuck up.

There was a time when human beings regarded poverty and asceticism as virtues, so there were pilgrims and crusaders who protected pilgrims. Their goals were not only Jerusalem, but also other places where miracles had occurred.

When the Black Death broke out in Europe again, the church regarded all this as a miracle and a disaster from God. Copernicus wrote the theory of celestial motion, intending to change something.

After Columbus, every explorer regarded treasure hunting as the primary goal. For a long time, the Spanish and Portuguese used mining for the purpose of loading a large amount of gold and silver on treasure ships. Soon the New World replaced Central Europe. became the main source of precious metals in Europe.

But at that time, the Europeans had already lost Constantinople. Suleiman I, the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, even besieged Vienna in 1529. The Sultan brought 100,000 soldiers, while Austria had only about 17,000. .

This is indeed a war with great disparity in strength, and many people in history know it, but this is not the first time Suliman has personally conquered it.

In 1522, the same year that Magellan completed the first human journey around the world, Suleiman attacked Rhodes Island with an army of 200,000. At that time, there were only 7,000 hospital knights and one engineer on the island. Rhodes Island is isolated from the sea, which can protect the Knights from the direct interference of the secular monarchs of European powers.

In short, this makes them a religious order independent of other countries, but at the same time they face the dilemma of not having reinforcements. Facing the well-prepared Suleiman army, they stood firm on that island for a year. These knights were later incorporated into the island of Malta and established the Knights of Malta under the auspices of Charles V.

It may also be because of this war that Suleiman re-evaluated the combat effectiveness of the Christian world. In 1529, he only brought 100,000 people, but it is not the Ottoman army that is really worth mentioning.

At this time, artillery had replaced siege vehicles and became a weapon for siege, and these artillery were produced in Istanbul.

Those who made these cannons were expelled by Queen Isabella of Spain and Ferdinand II during 1492. Originally, the Portuguese had a milder attitude towards them, because the king wanted to marry Princess Isabel of Spain, so he agreed to the conditions offered by Spain.

In 1512, King Francois I of France and Charles V of Austria fought in Pavia. At that time, Genoese bankers were said to have provided financial support for Charles V. Then in this battle, King Francois I of France Captured, Charles V issued a harsh treaty to allow Francois I to leave. After being released, Francois I formed an alliance with Suleiman.

Tin of superior quality was required in the Ottoman manufacture of artillery, which happened to be of British origin. One thing that smuggling and exploration have in common is the desire to discover and try new things. With the full development of the great geographical discovery, smuggling has also begun to increase.

The English do not have the precious metals of Spain, but they will exchange tin with the Indians for cotton and cotton cloth, and then exchange their favorite cotton cloth with the residents of the Spice Islands, so that they can get the same spices that the Spanish and Portuguese bought with silver.

Feeling someone touch her shoulder, Pomona turned her head, and a kiss fell on her lips.

The Kiss smells of black tea and cardamom and feels refreshing.

"It's late, go to sleep." Severus said softly.

Who drinks refreshing tea before bed?

But she looked into his eyes, as if she was bewitched, she was obediently led away by him.

Before leaving, she looked back at the male protagonist on the poster. His sunglasses looked weird in the dark, like two black holes, so that his face didn't look so handsome.

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