Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2997 The ghost in the distance (2)

Dumbledore said, "Our hearts are like paintbrushes, which can paint all kinds of things in the world. Whatever material you give it, it can draw any kind of painting."

Before leaving for Bhutan, he did paint the scenery of Bhutan with "clouds" in the auditorium of the school like a painter. It is said that he only needs to listen carefully there to hear "the secret words of the past".

On the way back to the cellar from the principal's office in Pomona, I found that the corridors of the school were full of "fog". In summer, even Scotland is full of water vapor, but in the cold of winter, the water condenses up, and even formed ice crystals. They are like mirrors, reflecting the light of torches and stoves, like beams of light suspended in the air.

Even in the wizarding world, this was an abnormal phenomenon, and when she listened carefully, she also heard the "whisper" voice, but it sounded like something was leaking.

In 1932, when the eyes of the world were on Bhutan, a wizarding family went to Evram for vacation. At that time, a Welsh green dragon attacked the beach. The wizarding family not only protected the Muggles, but also performed a big The scope of the Oblivion Curse, which is different from the venom Newt used in New York. Pomona was trained by the Ministry of Magic before becoming an amnestic, and the instructor who was in charge of the training at the time talked about it.

If it is a long and distant memory, people often cannot remember so many details. For example, if someone went to an amusement park, the popular facilities in the park need to be queued for a long time. Most of the day's play time is spent queuing up. .

This is definitely a bad play experience, but after a long wait, they can enjoy the ultimate joy, just like riding a roller coaster, only remembering the scene at that time, as if the long queue was "worth it". After a long time, the memory of the queue disappears, and people tend to remember the experience when they played, which makes them want to experience it again, so they go to that amusement park again.

The same is true for horrible memories. If a person is terrified to the extreme, he will still remember it. In the case of Ifram, one Muggle persisted in remembering that a "flying lizard" had broken his rubber raft. Jacob the Muggle also remembers what happened in New York, although most people have forgotten it, although the common explanation at the time was that the escaped magical animals brought bad things to Muggles. memories, but good ones for Jacob.

Riding a roller coaster is terrifying, and you may even be scared to scream. How can it be remembered as a happy memory?

To "eliminate" the memory in a person's subconscious, it cannot simply "take it out" like Isidora did, not to mention that she didn't just take away the painful ones, but also took away those happy memories .

If it is a memory of a recent period, then the human brain will delete most of the "useless" information through sleep every day. Many people do not remember what dream they had last night when they wake up.

Because it is "useless", it is discarded. To write off memory, the first thing to do is to lower the "peak value", just like the boring life every day, which brings you only boring emotions, or the process of queuing up and waiting for your turn to play game items.

First of all, they must be calmed down, just like when a black cat pops out of an alley in a daze on the way home from get off work, anyone will be startled. Then let them feel that something good happened, such as shopping in a nearby supermarket, and a handsome or beautiful opposite sex smiled at them, but unfortunately they didn't come forward to say hello, and with the replacement, they would not be so concerned about what happened in the dark alley. "Fresh in my memory".

Although they still remember it subconsciously, it becomes another story, and the rationale for those emotions has changed-it was just a boring day, and then the next day continued with normal life, even the interests raised by colleagues and friends nothing.

Because it is important, it will be remembered. Seaside vacationers often do so to create happy memories, substituting that "flying lizard" for a seaplane that flies too low, and people scatter to avoid it.

The planes often had strange paintwork that looked like a dragon, and people were dazzled in retrospect, making fun of the reckless pilot and becoming part of the "holiday memory".

"Forget Nothing" is a very powerful oblivion spell that is irreversible and can even cause brain damage, the one in Ben Cooper is very similar, but how is it cast without a caster?

In order to prevent the "Luminescence" from occupying her wand, Pomona decided to move forward in the dark. Fortunately, she would use the silent levitation spell to make the ice crystal lampposts floating in the air follow her forward.

Hopefully the ice won't melt so quickly.

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In the year Harry was born, a movie called "Raiders of the Lost Ark" was shown in the Muggle cinema. Apart from the strong priest Immorton, the most impressive thing about Pomona was the place where the treasure was hidden, not Those gold and silver jewels, and the "scarabs" that guard them.

At that time, it was pitch black inside, only the lighting equipment in the hands of human beings. A person turned the mirror, and the sunlight was brought in. Through the reflection of the mirror, the whole treasure house was brightened. Adding the reflection of the gold itself, it suddenly swayed. her eyes.

She was very busy when the film was first released, and she found time to watch it later. There were other people in the theater, most of whom were old fans of the film. Pomona was the only one in the hall who was amazed.

She didn't feel ashamed, the auditorium was pitch dark, so they couldn't see who she was.

But now that she has the time, why not see the hit movie when it's first released?

"Why do you suddenly want to watch this movie?"

Severus asked, holding a crumpled movie poster.

Life is not like a movie, you can make up for it.

She had missed a lot of things, and she didn't want to miss it again.

In fact, it's okay not to watch the movie, she just thinks that boys will be interested in movies with this theme, and he won't refuse her that's all.

"Because I want to know what a 'hacker' is," Pomona said as he wiped the table. "Do you know what a hacker is?"

The old bat looked at the poster and said nothing.

"I don't want to fall behind..."

"It's not because of the boy?" Severus said suddenly.

"Who?" Pomona asked back.

He turned the poster upside down to face her.

"You can't carry out secret missions when you grow up like him. You can't hide your identity by wearing black clothes." He said coldly.

"I heard that 'hacker' was a cool job," Pomona recalled. "It seemed like they knew a lot of secrets."

"What's he wearing sunglasses for?" Severus finished, putting the poster on the table. "It's so dark around here, I suggest he wear myopia glasses."

"I think it's the light of the display," Pomona said.

"Ridiculous," he said contemptuously. "I wouldn't waste my life on this drama."

"I want to see it!" insisted Pomona.

"Except for this play, the others are up to you." He raised his chin arrogantly and looked at her.

"Oh, I know your tricks. When I talk about other movies, you'll talk about other reasons and call it 'ridiculous'!" Pomona said without giving an inch.

"That's the actor you want to see, right?" Severus asked with a sneer.

She gritted her teeth for a long time, and finally decided not to argue with him.

Although the actor is indeed handsome, why does he wear sunglasses in the rain?

She was shaken, but she would never admit it, she would not let him succeed so easily!

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