Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2994 The secret without a trace (twenty-six)

The seventh graders didn't feel very happy when they received the news of the graduation party. Even if they were not busy with internships and newt exams, they were still exchanging alumni records. People from the Photography Association took pictures of everyone and posted them on the graduation album. Leave a graduation message below the photo.

Those immature faces in the photo at this moment will become completely unknown in a few years, especially girls, who have changed even more after learning to make up.

Pomona also secretly bought some witch cosmetics. Although she knew she wouldn't need them, what woman doesn't love beauty?

Those cosmetics are designed to be very flattering, it looks like a paint box.

A wizard poet once wrote that life and death are but changes of hue.

People of color became pearly ghosts after death, and their portraits remained in color.

Whenever he sees Barrow and Lady Gray, Pomona feels very emotional. Even if it is blood, it cannot be reflected on the ghost. If you don’t tell the traces on Barrow’s robe, no one can see that it is blood. .

After fiddling with cosmetics for a while, Pomona returned to the desk and looked at the French materials left for her by the fat monk on the desk.

This time he did not tell the story of famous paintings and painters, but a treatise written by Robert Gloucester, bishop of Lincoln in the 13th century.

He was said to be "possessed of the spirit of the bull" and a "difficult man to follow", having denounced corruption, worldliness, and greed in the presence of the pope and cardinals at the Synod at Lyon in 1250. He was 75 years old at the time, and it was not as easy to fly from England to Lyon as it is now. Considering his age, the pope and the bishops all chose forbearance. In fact, this is also an art of governance, because the conduct of princes at that time was their ruling principle and template, and "bluntness" was regarded as "possibly" valuable and useful.

The old bishop died in 1253. Before his death, he discussed the situation of the church in pain, but this did not change anything. The church was still keen on "pastoral care" and spent a lot of money on ceremonies and mass. The big buyer of trade, on the contrary, his achievements in physics have influenced future generations.

First, he invented spectacles, which greatly improved vision, a by-product of his experiments with optics, although the lenses were still colored rather than transparent as in Galileo's day.

Aristotle created the "first form" and "first matter", and regarded the "primary form" as eternal, that is, it will neither increase nor decrease. Ether is assumed, and ether is considered to be something close to fire.

Later, people thought that the "primary form" was ether, and Gloucester proposed to regard the body as the first substance. Patronuses are known as "corporeal patronuses", where "corporeal" and "corporeity" are derived from the English word "corpse".

In the Middle Ages, "death" was very close to people. There were many churches and cemeteries in towns, just like Godrick's Hollow, but there were no churches or cemeteries near the community where the Dursley family was located.

The clergy, priests, pharaohs, kings, etc. in the feudal era made up a world after death, that is, "equivalent exchange". After a person lives for a lifetime, how he lives, he will go to the corresponding place after death, as the judge The God of God is absolutely fair, whether or not he holds a balance to weigh a human heart and a feather.

After expelling death, people only think about "living" and how to "live better". If there is a natural disaster, someone must be responsible for it. Feinon thinks that any strange phenomena in their house are caused by Harry. There was no doubt that it was his son's prank.

Dudley bullied Harry at school, and deliberately framed Harry when he returned home. Of course, this is not what she should consider now.

Halloween is a festival celebrated by people and ghosts, and it is also a new year for wizards. In the Celtic world, life and death are equal forces. The dead are another form of family and will come back to reunite with them on Halloween. . The Obon Festival has a similar meaning. In the East, ancestors are believed to protect their children and grandchildren and bring them good luck.

There is also this recognition in Scandinavia, "hamingja" is usually understood as luck, similar to his power, when a person dies, his luck is reincarnated to one of the descendants to help him in dangerous tasks, And these tasks especially require luck.

In the world of expelling death, "death" represents a kind of failure, and the Boggart of the mysterious man is even his own corpse, because the Boggart will become what a person fears most, so it is failure plus fear.

If you want to live and live well, you have to abide by the rules like Feinon. Therefore, Feinon has a firm foothold in society, and according to the "Happiness Manual", he has a car and a house and lives a happy life. "Life in the Middle Class".

If a person does not live according to the "happiness manual", he is abnormal. In ancient times, "abnormal people" were deformed people, or mentally ill or leprosy, and they were all expelled and isolated. If a person doesn't work hard, get promoted, or get rich, he is also "abnormal", because he is lazy and poor is what he "deserves".

In addition to "laziness", there are also habits such as alcoholism and gambling that can also lead to poverty. In fact, when Tobias Snape and Irene first got married, they also lived according to the "Happiness Manual". They quickly used up Irene's "dowry", and Tobias' work could not pay for those expenses. Those things, especially electrical appliances, depreciated quickly, and they quickly couldn't make ends meet. They had to sell the most valuable house and moved back to Spider's End. It didn't take long for Severus to be born.

Tobias felt that Severus had brought him "bad luck", and magic could not turn gold. Even if he lived with two wizards, he didn't feel lucky, but had a lot of inconvenience.

This is "luck" and not luck. Fate is made by oneself. Sybil always "predicts" that others will die. If others believe her and act like the mysterious person, then the prophecy will really be fulfilled.

It is also a cow, and it also represents wealth. The herdsmen on the plateau let the cow circle the mani pile, hoping that it can leave the animal road.

The value of the cattle in the farm is to provide meat. In order to save costs, cattle bone powder was mixed into the feed. As a result, "mad cow disease" was caused. Not only the United Kingdom, but also European countries were infected. People don't do cannibalism, so why let grass-eating cattle do that?

Some people regard gaining wealth as salvation, and of course they will live better with money.

But in another kind of value, the cattle and sheep perceive the Buddha nature and get salvation, and the herdsmen also get salvation.

What kind of salvation do you want?

If there is no heaven after death, why not enjoy yourself in time? Especially after the outbreak of the Black Death, no one knew who would come first for dinner or death.

If the fear of death is suppressed, it will often pile up in the subconscious and wait for an opportunity to "retaliate". When we were young, we were not allowed to eat "junk food" or play too late. When we grow up, we will "revenge" back, but middle-aged you Will you still be so happy with the remote control toy car you wanted so much when you were 10 years old?

Some people will, because the innocence is still there. Some people don't, he hopes that his children can get what they want, don't be as miserable as he was when he was a child, no matter how expensive the toy is, he will buy it for him.

Gloucester's call was to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and lead men to active and sacred duties, while also condemning and, if necessary, punishing the heinous.

Even though Ruth asked the students to write papers on the Patronus, hoping that they could master the "Calling the Guardian" earlier, the effect was not obvious, especially when the atmosphere in the castle was so depressing.

The formulas for pleasure and happiness are not equal, and superficial pleasures are no defense against dementors, let alone hordes of them.

Suddenly the door of Pomona's office was pushed open, and a large cloud of black smoke poured in.

She was taken aback, and she was relieved when a human hand stretched out from behind the door, but when she saw the other person's face clearly, her heart sank again.

Not knowing who messed with him, the old bat looked like he wanted to duel someone, and that "someone" was unfortunately herself.

"Is something wrong?" Pomona said with a smile.

"Are you involved?" Severus asked sternly.

She quickly remembered the "encounter" in the corridor not long ago.

"If you're talking about Percy Weasley." She put down the document in her hand and looked at him. "Yes, I got involved."

"Why did you do that?" He wrapped the cloak around himself, looking imposing.

Of course a normal teacher would intervene, but who asked Pomona to send him to the horseman so that he could protect his dignity by himself.

She also couldn't say Patsy was a "nerd" because Snape was a "nerd" as a child.

"Because he's a Gryffindor?" he asked with a sarcasm.

"Because he's one person and there are two standing across from him," Pomona said, subconsciously knocking out seventh-grade Isabella.

"Me too." He said angrily, "There are more than two standing opposite me."

"Severus, don't put yourself in it," Pomona said weakly.

He didn't say "it's not fair", and left her office with a black air like a black whirlwind.

In a world where the strongest are respected, if you want respect, you have to be stronger.

But if the strong bully the weak, when people kill tyrants, regicide is considered legal and admirable.

People would sing and dance to celebrate his death, and some would even defend their right to revel.

Pomona sighed, not knowing what to do in this situation, so she left her office and went to wise people for answers.

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