Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2992 The Secret Without a Trace (24)

At the end of each semester, the school's "black market" will be active, and "smart drugs" will be hot.

But the students know that these things don't work by the seventh grade, but that doesn't mean they won't buy these drugs.

About 60% of the students who are facing the newt exam will be taking calming draught. Its main function is to relieve anxiety, trauma and other emotions. Some people will also drink it before the exam, because graduation is coming soon, and some people have already found it. In the place of internship, some people don't know what they want to do in the future.

The biggest difference between it and the moderator is that it is easy to manufacture, and the materials are also easy to find. It only needs water, sap oil and bloodroot juice, while the moderator needs unicorn horns, moonstones, etc., and The production process of the easing agent is also much more complicated. If there is an operation error in the preparation of the easing agent or there is a problem with the formula, it will cause irreversible sleep.

Drinking the sedative potion will not have such worries. If you drink too much, you will sleep for a while at most, and you can wake up after the effect of the potion wears off. At least in Snape's potions class, no one thought about drinking the palliative potion you made yourself. But some people do drink sedative potions.

However, in addition to drinking too much, it has other side effects, such as making the drinker lose control of muscles. If you are about to participate in a broomstick competition, it is recommended not to drink it.

The other is Apparition. This time, a sixth-grade Ravenclaw boy drank a sedative to take the Apparition exam. As a result, he was "split" as expected. Most of his body moved to the correct position, but some One toe ended up in place, crying out in pain.

"Drink this," Madam Pomfrey said, handing him a cup of potion emitting purple smoke.

After the boy drank the potion, he soon stopped crying and fell into a deep sleep.

What he drank was actually the sedative potion, but lavender was added to it. Without his screams, the medical wing was much quieter.

"Is there anything else missing?" Pomona asked Madam Pomfrey.

"It's almost enough." Madam Pomfrey looked at the clump of lavender she had just picked and said, "Recently, the demand for sleep potions is also high."

"If you're missing something... Oh, hi, Felius." Pomona greeted Headmaster Ravenclaw with a smile when he saw him walking in.

"How is he?" Feliway smiled at Pomona, walked to the hospital bed, looked at Madam Pomfrey and asked.

"He didn't bleed too much. After drinking raw bone water, he can recover after a night's sleep, and his other exams will not be delayed." Madam Pomfrey said briskly.

"Relaxed now?" Pomona asked.

Fei Liwei sighed, shook his head and left the medical wing.

Pomona glanced at the ward, and it seemed that there was nothing to do with her, so she followed Fei Liwei and left the medical wing.

"Don't be so nervous, Felius, it's just a school test," said Pomona lightly. "They've been sorted into Ravenclaw house and they've proven wise."

"I'm not nervous because of this." Fei Liwei said sharply, his brows were tightly frowned, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Even if you can't win the Academy Cup, the top ten in the exam will definitely be yours." Pomona said comfortingly.

"I'm not here for the Academy Cup either... Did you say 'they' just now?" Fei Liwei said sharply.

"Barnaby Lee, he seems to have gotten so bad grades that he couldn't even go to Hogsmeade," said Pomona.

"Who told you?" Fei Liwei asked.

"I often see him in the library, studying with Bill Weasley," Pomona said.

"I didn't disallow him to go to Hogsmeade because of his grades." Feliway said seriously.

"Why is that?" Pomona asked.

Fei Liwei looked around and seemed to be sure that there was no one before speaking.

"Someone was going to hurt him, or kidnap him," Fei Liwei said.

"For what, his parents?" Pomona asked.

"No, it's his family's collection. Actually, I don't know much about it. Dumbledore told me to warn him so."

Pomona couldn't help but rejoice. Fortunately, Barnaby's grades as a Ravenclaw were not good, otherwise it would be really difficult for Felix to find such a "perfect" reason not to let him go out.

"But we can only protect him for a while, he is about to graduate soon."

"His guardian is dealing with it, and he may have already dealt with it after he graduates." Felix sighed, "I hope so."

Pomona watched Feliwei leave, and then left himself.

She didn't intend to ask Dumbledore what caused Barnaby's disaster. She had a lot of business in her own college, so she had no time to meddle in other people's affairs.

==================================================== ===============

Back in the main house, Pomona found the emollient on the finished cabinet, lifted the lid and took a sip.

As the slightly sweet potion was swallowed into her throat, her whole body relaxed, and her muscles were not as tense as when she was dying.

She knew that there was sneezeweed syrup in the palliative, which was poisonous, and even if the dose was far from the poisonous standard, it would accumulate in the body if it was drunk.

She sat down on the chair next to the medicine cabinet, which was Severus' favorite chair, where she often saw him reading a book or reading the newspaper. There is no small coffee table around the chair, which is his habit, and he will not drink or smoke while reading.

He was one of those people who, by the time a person is focused on one thing, everything else, whether disturbing or painful, is forgotten.

It may be that she is really calm. Looking out from this position, she can see the scenery outside the window, and she can see the grazing sheep in the distance. They are being driven by the shepherd dogs, and she can vaguely hear the dogs barking.

When she was in XZ, she also saw a similar scene, but the Tibetan mastiff raised by the herdsmen could not herd sheep. It lay majesticly in the depression between the two hills, so that the sheep could not escape from these notches.

Herdsmen will not only raise one Tibetan mastiff, but often several, guarding those notches, the sheep can graze freely within this range.

On the top of the hill, there are often stone piles piled up with stones of different sizes, surrounded by countless colorful silk ropes, and some will erect a pole with prayer flags hanging on it.

This kind of stone pile is called mani pile. It takes the six-character mantra OM, MA, NE, BA, MOO, and coax. Each recitation is equivalent to chanting scriptures once. While chanting, some people will chant with a prayer wheel in their hands, praying to get rid of the suffering of samsara and get relief.

Once in Pomona, a herdsman let his yaks circle the hills of Youmanidui. His purpose of doing so was to hope that those evil people who were unfortunately reincarnated as animals would accumulate merit and get rid of the animal life as soon as possible.

Yaks are usually regarded as a symbol of wealth, and the herdsmen drive them away in order to let the cattle and sheep eat rich water and grass, but it was the first time she saw a herdsman like him.

No wonder people who have been there call it the Pure Land, not just the clear holy lake, the blue sky, and the untainted snow-capped mountains.

There are laws to follow in the six realms of reincarnation. Good deeds will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil. Do good deeds and accumulate merits and go to the upper three realms in the next life.

But impermanence means that the cause and condition will change and arise and die, and there is no law to follow, and you can only experience it in a "moment".

It never occurred to Severus that "something" would happen to him, just like some people never thought that they would die too.

It is precisely because I never thought that I would encounter impermanence, accidents and death that I pursue an infinitely expanding desire.

Modern people's cosmology believes that the universe is constantly expanding, and time is like an arrow shot out. Although they have fantasized about the death of the universe, that will happen tens of billions of years later.

The time of reincarnation is cyclical, and death is no longer something that is deliberately avoided in pursuit of inflated desires.

When Severus heard about the prophecy, he immediately told the Dark Lord that he first ruled out that Lily had something to do with the prophecy, how could she have anything to do with the prophecy?

The prophecy only mentions the boy born at the end of July, so many people are born every day on the earth, how could it be Lily's child?

The deliberate alienation from death, dead people, or his own death made Voldemort start to pursue immortality and eternal life. People like him have a characteristic, which is the ever-expanding desire, such as ruling the world and the like.

Grindelwald had the same idea, but Dumbledore didn't intend to save the world, it was like the other side of the coin, but he put on the resurrection stone ring and wanted to meet Arianna.

He actually had a chance to go back to that night with a time converter, and even earlier, Arianna hadn't been attacked, and she hadn't become a silent person because of her magic power out of control. Difficult?

The question is not how, but why not.

If the "future" Severus told his "past" self that he couldn't tell the Dark Lord about this prophecy, what would he do?

"Future" cannot kill "past", because without "past", "future" will be gone, but "past" can kill "future".

She thought of Henry again, one day she found him dead at the workbench where she used to stay, but his usual time switcher was gone, where did it go, or where did he go?

When using it, people will disappear in place, just like Harry and Hermione from Ron's perspective, they disappeared in the medical wing, and then pushed in from the outside of the medical wing, as if apparating.

Hogwarts does not allow apparation, but there are special times, such as learning apparation and exams, which require the headmaster to open the "window"...

"what's on your mind?"

Pomona turned her head and looked at the man in black who asked her a question. The setting sun shone on him without piercing through, and there was a hideous scar on his neck.

"Thinking about time and space." Pomona said with a smile, "Are you hungry, what do you want to eat?"

He looked at her calmly.

"If you're okay, I'd like to have goulash over rice," Pomona said.

"XZ?" Severus asked with an odd smile, tilting his head.

It is XZ, not XZ. Bhutan, which belongs to the Himalayas, became the place where Grindelwald and Dumbledore broke.

It's not just that they are against each other, but also because the "blood alliance" is broken there, and the oath they swore not to hurt each other is no longer valid.

"Albus is right when he says he wants to protect and Grindelwald wants to hurt?" Pomona asked.

He didn't seem to understand what she was saying.

It was too much trouble to explain, but she didn't bother to explain.

"Do we still have beef?" She muttered as she went to the kitchen. If there is no beef, how can I eat goulash?

Luckily wizards can Apparate and can buy them whenever they want, unless of course Severus does the errands, unless he cooks, as long as the food he cooks isn't as inedible as the potions.

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