Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2984 The Secret Without a Trace (16)

In Cervantes' novel, Don Quixote used a windmill as a giant and fought it.

This book was published in the early 17th century, that is, after Bruno was burned to death, and it was recorded in Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations. In the early 16th century, neither the north of the Alps nor England knew such things as windmills and waterwheels. Prior to this, people put cloth in buckets and dehydrated it by trampling on it.

Adam Smith believed that because only Italy adopted this type of machinery, the Italian wool textile industry was more developed than that of European countries, and it also made fine and coarse wool fabrics more expensive than Adam Smith's era.

Lucius Malfoy didn't think so, it was incredible that the guy who looked like a white peacock could write such an article.

"How?" Severus asked.

Pomona looked at him with the pamphlet in his hand, not knowing what to say.

"Do you think this could be added to history lessons?" Severus asked.

"I don't know." She said shocked.

"Then go ask, as long as you agree to Lucius' conditions, he will 'return it to its original owner'." Severus smiled hypocritically, which was exactly the same as Malfoy's.

In fact, most people in the history class were asleep. Even if Professor Binns added such a section, no one would listen.

"About the animal," Severus said suddenly, "Any progress?"

Pomona regained its vigilance.

"Hagrid took it away." Pomona said that Hagrid actually hid Spark from humans to prevent him from being "disposed of" like other animals that threatened humans.

"That's good." He said lightly and left her office.

"Ah, good evening." The fat friar greeted happily as soon as Severus opened the door.

But Severus turned a blind eye to him and walked away.

"I thought pure-blood nobles understood etiquette." The fat monk said to Severus' back.

"He's not noble, and he's not pureblood," Pomona said.

"What did he give you?" asked the fat monk.

"Is there still French class today?" Pomona said, putting the material in the drawer.

"Otherwise what do you want to learn?" asked the fat monk.

"I don't know, whatever," Pomona said lightly.

"Oh, I hate 'casual'." The fat monk shook his head and said, "Don't ask me to make suggestions, just choose a topic yourself."

"Why?" Pomona asked casually.

"Have you heard of Occam's razor?" asked the fat monk.

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"What do you want for dinner?" Pomona asked.

"Whatever." The old bat who was concentrating on reading a book said absently.

Holding back her breath, she smiled and said, "How about some spaghetti?"

"Didn't you just eat it yesterday?" He said.

"And stew?" Pomona asked.

"It's so hot today, that dish is only warm in winter." The old bat said while flipping through the book.

"Then have a salad!" Pomona said.


Pomona slapped the table and "muted" what he was going to say next.

"Salad, right?" Pomona said with a smile.

He said no more, so Pomona went to the kitchen to cook.

The house of this northern farmer is not as big as the kitchen in Hogwarts. After all, there is only one middle-aged man to feed here, and Hogwarts has thousands of teenagers who are growing up. Their appetites are like giants, not only hard to fill It was full, and some people woke up hungry at three o'clock in the middle of the night, and they obviously ate as much as Xiaoshan for dinner.

She washed the cabbage harvested from the vegetable garden and ripened with the Farmer's Growth Curse in a spring of water, and then used the Crushing Charm to shape it into the shape needed for salad.

Of course, just eating salad is definitely not enough, even though they are not manual laborers.

She took out the flour, cheese, and ham, and planned to make a pizza, so that the staple food was also available, but she did not use an oven this time, but used gourmet magic, and soon there was a Maillard reaction on the surface of the pizza.

Food itself is also a chemical, and "alchemy" before transmutation was like a minuet between electrons, someone loses a partner, someone gets a partner, maybe your partner was redheaded at first, exchanging partners Then became blond.

It's possible that you and your new dance partner love each other, or you may hate each other, but either state is unstable. Because the dance is still going on, like the electrons are in motion all the time, if the electrons stop, they will disappear, but how do you know that your lost dance partner will come back, and not "love at first sight" with another guy?

The sugars and amino acids that participate in the Maillard reaction have already existed in the food put in the oven in advance, and no one needs to add anything during the baking process. The carbonyl group of the sugar participating in the reaction interacts with the amino group provided by the amino acid to form a new mixture.

But that's not the point at the moment.

Lucius Malfoy might not be that good at magic, but he knew money, and he hoped that Albus Dumbledore would agree to teach History of Magic classes about the Inquisition.

There is a proverb that goes like this: If a Spaniard wants to get rich, he must go to the church, the sea or the court to find it.

No country is so deeply influenced by the church as Spain. Even the Holy Roman Emperor, who needed the pope to be crowned, only gave fiefs to the bishops and princes, not the pillars of the national polity.

Pomona does not think that these children whose age is 17 years old understand what is a state government, but to put it another way, in Spain there is the "most" priesthood in the world, and there are about 400,000 people in charge during the reign of the warrior queen Isabella. The religious needs of more than 10 million people reached 1.14 million by the mid-17th century. There were so many of them that even the Mexican Parliament complained that there were too many priests who had no jobs but lived a pampered life. At the same time, about 440,000 people worked for the government on the Empire on which the sun never sets.

Such a large group of priests gave birth to a large number of religious inquisitions, and these positions were not appointed by the Pope of Rome. Since the reign of Queen Isabella and Ferdinand, the king and queen have the power to nominate candidates for the church. The royal family agreed that no papal bull could be issued in Spain.

There has been a long-standing discrimination against craftsmen in Spain. Charles III of the Bourbon dynasty even issued a decree, "The work of using hands is decent and honorable. People who engage in these occupations will never dishonor themselves or their families, nor hinder them." They get government jobs or aristocratic status".

But this decree has not brought much effect, and everyone still prefers to engage in occupations where it is easy to obtain glory and a comfortable life. Spain's local economy was depressed, and a large number of handicraftsmen left the country to find new opportunities in the New World, although the conditions there were extremely harsh.

The gold and silver shipped from the New World did not make Spain rich, but caused inflation, because Philip II spent manpower and financial resources in the war, and even bought arms from Italy and France. There is no civilian industry or military industry in Spain, and due to the heavy taxation of the king, the civilian power that could have industrialized Spain was also stifled, and there was no primitive accumulation process.

Some of the huge amount of silver flowed to the Levant for trade, and some flowed to Asia and Italy. They all faced the problem of monetary tightening. Italy, which had obtained a large amount of silver coins from lending money, took the opportunity to develop its industry, but the problem of inflation in Spain did not ease.

The king pinned his hopes on the alchemy of turning stones into gold. In the Inquisition, many alchemists with special skills were "pardoned" and extracted gold in the garden of the king's new palace.

Of course this article was not taught in the history of magic class, even after the "struggle", the purists managed to get the school to teach the witch hunt in the third grade, but it was not a compulsory part of the owls exam.

The examination papers are issued by the Ministry of Magic, and this is also a written examination for their selection of talents, not just for young wizards to obtain ordinary wizard qualification certificates. Teachers from Hogwarts and officials from the Ministry of Magic must invigilate the exams, and it is the Ministry of Magic who correct the papers.

Many students' handwriting is not only big, but also blurred, but after five years of recognition, the teachers can almost distinguish it, even if the name is covered, they can recognize who wrote it. In order to avoid "subjectivity", these papers were graded by outsiders.

In other words, Emily Taylor, who has an internship opportunity, is not afraid of the school teachers at all. Even if she has not yet taken the newt exam, the teacher cannot influence her grades and affect her getting a certificate. Although the recorder is a small position, she can get in touch with the "big shots" of the Minister of Magic and the Wissons, who are no longer regarded as "humble teachers".

Emily followed Umbridge for a while, and her whereabouts became a mystery because of the Wizarding War, but she was no longer that "little intern" after the war.

The Spanish church can get so much money, in addition to land income, tithe tax, and believers' donations and inheritances.

What does the Ministry of Magic rely on for its income? Wizards do not have taxes, and with such a small population, it is impossible to form a tax system.

Don't raise taxes if you don't have to.

When taxation exceeds the optimal point, taxation will inhibit the vitality of individuals and enterprises, resulting in a decline in tax revenue and damage to the vitality of the entire society.

"Don't think about it, eat!" Pomona said angrily, and sent the prepared meal to the "honorable" potions master.

But when she came to the restaurant, she found that he had arranged it. Usually they used kerosene lamps. He lit candles today, and it looked like a candlelight dinner atmosphere.

"What are you doing?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"Dinner," he said with a polite smile, even pulling out a chair for her.

"Thanks," Pomona said, taking his seat as the pizza and salad landed on the table.

Although Isidora wanted to heal the pain, there is a lot of pain in this world that cannot be cured.

Pomona looked at the scar on his neck, which was so hideous even with the collar covering it, and felt a sense of guilt.

She would be grateful to whoever saved him, although she thought it was all a dream.

He leaned over, put a soft kiss on her lips, and said, "Would you like some wine?"

"No need." Looking at the shabby food on the table, Pomona regretted why he didn't cook steak.

"I want to drink, how about drinking with me?" He asked.

Then without waiting for her answer, he went to get the wine.

Listening to the chirping of insects outside the house, she thought it would be okay to have a drink, so she went to get the glass.

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