Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 298 Doomsday Clock

Grindelwald once said in front of many pure-blood wizards that Muggles are destroying the world, he showed the atomic bomb explosion in his prophecy, many people thought he was referring to the one dropped by the Americans, thanks to which WWII ended up.

At the end of the war, every country capable of producing atomic bombs was producing them. All the atomic bombs in the world exploded enough to destroy the world ten times. If they did explode, the resulting radiation cloud would cover the sky and the rain would make All life dies and Earth will become a dead star.

Rather than start to solve the problem, the Muggle rich are more willing to spend their money on how to build bunkers and shelters to survive alone after the end of the world. Even if the world is destroyed, they still have to live a life of luxury and pleasure, and there will still be champagne in the wine cellar.

This is Muggles. After Voldemort disappears again, if someone thinks of Grindelwald and his statement of letting wizards rule Muggles for the sake of world peace, someone will believe it, and it will be another disaster.

Now is not the time to sit back and relax and celebrate victory. The shipwreck is the end of the world for all the passengers on the Titanic. Everyone has to face the choice between life and death. Men in 1912 still knew how to give up the lifeboat to women and children. How many men can do it now?

She's sick of cowards who play tricks and pretend to be smart at those moments. Zacharias Smith ran away at the Battle of Hogwarts and knocked down the underclassmen in order to escape, and the way he looked in such a mess made her sick, especially when the other Hufflepuff students stayed behind fighting situation.

No matter how rich you are, or how famous your family affairs may be, sir, it can't hide the fact that you are a coward. Although James is careless and arrogant, he still stays and fights for Lily. What Zacharias did was actually a very normal reaction of a person, but Pomona didn't want to admit that he was her student, which was really strange. She could tolerate Draco Malfoy running away like a coward, but she couldn't Inclusive of descendants of the Hull family.

She is really stupid, Severus also begged for mercy from the white wizard, the white wizard even apparated with a white light, just like an angel, Dumbledore hates Severus maybe as much as Pomona Zacharias for one reason, if she knew that Hermione Granger gave up Ron Weasley for the gold coins of Zacharias or the Malfoy family, then Pomona would not rise up to support Hermione as Minister of Magic idea.

People in the world can't understand that Fleur married Bill, a poor boy, and Molly didn't accept her at first, but she still gave without complaint. Such a beautiful girl obviously has more and better choices, so why is she like that? silly?

Pomona can live in seclusion with him in the desolate wilderness, but she can't live forever in a cave with him at the end of the world.

The Philosopher's Stone was not made by harvesting human lives and collecting human souls, but the black wizard didn't believe it, because the Black Death was raging in Europe when Nicolas created the Philosopher's Stone.

Sometimes Severus is very stubborn. This stubbornness comes from his focus. A truly kind person should wish others happiness. Severus Snape was not this kind of person. Others would shake hands or show respect in other ways when they saw Harry Potter, but he had nothing to do to the Savior.

He was the kind of villain who couldn't live a happy life for himself or anyone else. Pomona didn't know what was the trigger, but this rational madman started to go crazy again. Hermione used 52 kinds of materials to make an antidote, and Harry used a bezoar to detoxify Slughorn's poison. The Philosopher's Stone is Severus' "coprolith". Using this stone should be able to undo the curse of unknown species on Pomona, and it can also help the two of them live forever, but the original one was destroyed and a new one was created. The Philosopher's Stone is about to destroy the world, and it just so happens that there are many Muggles who yearn for immortality, so he will become the new devil.

Malfoy's family motto, don't put yourself in front of everyone, but let yourself stand behind the leader where you can always coordinate the overall situation.

Lucius Malfoy is a cunning poisonous snake. He doesn't want Voldemort to come back, but he doesn't lead the crowd to stop Voldemort from coming back, just like Platinum Malfoy never competed with other Death Eaters after Voldemort came back.

He always stood in an important position in coordinating the overall situation, but he was so cunning that he escaped the liquidation after the first and second battles. Later, because he failed to capture the prophecy ball, Voldemort sent Draco Malfoy to assassinate Dumbledore. The mission, but he was in Azkaban at that time, there was nothing he could do, and he was finally rescued by the dementors after Draco agreed.

If Draco died, the Malfoy family would be over, and Lucius would violate the first rule of Malfoy's family motto: everything is for the continuation of platinum glory.

Severus only needs to tell Draco about the Astonia blood curse, and promise to use the Sorcerer's Stone to help Miss Greengrass lift the curse, and Malfoy will be obedient.

Strength is not the key to victory or defeat, but it is essential. Slytherin pursues strength, so there are the most dark wizards who study black magic. Extreme purebloods regard Muggles as ants, and all living beings are ants in front of the atomic bomb. After a few atomic bombs, all the annoying Muggles and werewolves will be solved together. With the addition of dementors, the population advantage of Muggles is huge. If it exists again, wizards who want to make the Sorcerer's Stone can take the opportunity to collect souls, and everyone will make money. This is how people with the highest interests think.

Pomona believed that Rose gave up such a luxurious and rich aristocratic life to sleep with a poor painter, not all to take advantage of Jack.

At that time, she had the heart of the ocean, lying naked on the sofa. Maybe it was for the purpose of seduction at first, but Jack only concentrated on painting. The young man let her appreciate him. He is different from those rich people who are greedy for profit. Very innocent.

If they had been on land, perhaps Ross would have eloped with Jack, but they were stranded at sea, unable to escape, like other passengers who were shipwrecked and unable to escape.

Their love was innocent, albeit short-lived, and Pomona hoped that Severus could keep that pure place in his heart, which was what made him different from other men.

The name of Orpheus is really unlucky. According to the myth, Orpheus is a noble doctor who has cured countless dying patients and won people's love. The more, the fewer people die.

There is life only when there is life, and there is life only when there is death. Life and death constitute the cycle of life. Severus, who has mastered the secret of resurrection and eternal life, will have many people loyal to him, but Pomona knows this is wrong, and it is a big one. Wrong, the last Tom Riddle who pursued immortality has not completely disappeared, and the disaster and fear he left behind have not yet ended. If there is another Dark Lord, Slytherin will really be branded as evil forever. imprint.

When facing other races such as werewolves, black magic is very necessary. It can act as a deterrent. At least under the rule of the Dark Lord Voldemort, werewolves are as obedient as puppies, and they dare not mess around like they are now. bite.

The last time he remembered that the Philosopher's Stone was made in St. Mungo's, she was in a deep coma at that time, although she couldn't speak but she heard, this time he drove himself to a corner again, obviously the person who was going to die was herself, why did she In turn to comfort the man who was planning to destroy the world?

Leta said to Newt, is there any monster in this world that you can't love?

Severus also said the same thing to her, yes, she thinks Tom Riddle and Grindelwald are also good, and she even thinks these dark wizards are very pitiful, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her own bottom line .

"If you cross that line, Severus." On the slow-moving carriage, she pushed away the man who insisted on kissing her, and whispered with the last of her reason, "You don't want us Same as Grindelwald and Dumbledore, right?"

"You white wizards are all crazy, why aren't you afraid of death?" He kissed her neck and said she was crazy, and Pomona didn't know who was more crazy.

"Because we are dealing with dark wizards like you." Pomona said helplessly, "Stop, we are outside now."

"You know I'm not going to stop." He slid his hand under her dress and began to explore the restricted area. "And you want me too."

"I like that brave man, even though he is dead." Pomona looked at the mouse-like hand under the sweater, and her mind began to lose the ability to think as if it was poured into darkness. "Don't do this."

"Just like what Petunia said to Lily." He said with a weird smile. "Why can't you be like her and just plain jealous of Lily?"

"I can't do it." Pomona said helplessly. "She took me on a tour of the Muggle world, and I learned a lot."

"She taught you Mossad?"

"No, she taught me Buckingham Palace, Sherlock Holmes, and..." With a snap, her tightest restraints were released.

"Dumbledore can't teach you this, who taught you?"

"Mrs. Evans." She whispered. Dumbledore taught her a lot, but this was something he couldn't teach. Minerva had to deal with a lot of school affairs, and with the baggy wizard robes, there was nothing wrong with her. People noticed changes in her body.

"At first I was still wondering why he wasted a treasure like you, but then I realized after reading his poems that he doesn't like women at all, no normal person would bury the heart of the ocean in the mud. "

"Don't say that word." She said in disgust. "Even the heart of the sea is dug out of the earth."

"Do you want to wear that blue diamond like Ross?"

"I know that diamond has magical powers, but I prefer crystal. We were just walking in Hyde Park and passed the Crystal Palace. It used to be the site of the Great Exhibition of Nations. It was destroyed in a fire in 1936," Churchill said. It was the end of an era." She grabbed the hand that was doing bad things in her dress "There was nothing left of that fire but two water towers, which were demolished when London was bombed, but the Crystal Palace It hasn't gone away, it's always in the memory of Londoners."

"You're telling me that you're dead and I can remember you?" His eyes widened in disbelief. "You want me to use the Pensieve, too?"

"Obviously, it doesn't work, right?" she gasped. "You'd rather create the future than dwell on the past."

"It never occurred to me to make out with a woman in a carriage." He said, narrowing his eyes. "Muggles do have a rich imagination."

"That's a car."

"Damn it, does that matter?" he said impatiently.

"The sapphire is wisdom, Ravenclaw might want it, I'm Hufflepuff, I don't need that." She took the opportunity to yank his hand from his clothes. "I like crystals, and I've got my I like it."

She showed him the black swan crystal necklace around her neck.

"I like it, although it's cheaper than real diamonds, get yours out."

He did not follow suit.

"Did you know that Tonks' Patronus changed, and because she liked Lupin, she became a wolf."

She realized what he was going to do "No no no, Severus…"

Pomona looked out of the car window. Here was a bustling city full of people and tourists. There were tourists with cameras everywhere. There was also a TV station recording, and a female Muggle reporter was speaking with a microphone.

"It's all your fault." He took his wand from his sleeve. "You made me."

"I didn't force you!" She quickly grabbed his hand holding the wand, "Don't do this, please don't."

"I've had enough." He said with a stiff face, gloomily, "Why do other people can do whatever they want, but I have to obey the rules?"

"What do you want?"

"Choose, Pomona, your death or Narcissa Malfoy's death." He pursed his upper lip and said fiercely, "When she dies, the oath will be invalid."

"Then have you ever thought that my curse has nothing to do with Sissy? If you kill her, you will kill the only person who can protect me!"

"And Andromeda, she's also from the Black family."

"But then you lose the only person you can call a friend." She hugged him tightly. "You can't be like Lily, without a best man."

"Why did it punish me like this?" he asked tearfully. "Everyone I love is going to leave me?"

Pomona wanted to say otherwise.

But after Irene, Lily, Dumbledore, and possibly her turn next, she wasn't sure herself.

It was probably Severus' fault that a man with a sacred birch wand should be obsessed with the Dark Arts.

Black wizard, why are you all so stupid to fall in love with the white wizard?

"Blake's house still has a collection of books. How about we move it away? Maybe we can find some clues." She patted him on the back. "Only by finding the cause can we find a cure."

He cried like a child.

Sometimes, Pomona couldn't figure out what Muggles were thinking. The Heart of the Ocean reminded her of the famous blue diamond "Hope". It was not only beautifully blue, but also full of strange and tragic experiences. , so it is called the diamond of doom.

Hope obviously brings good luck, why curse it?

The original owner of this blue diamond was King Louis XIV of France. It was not called that name at first. It was stolen from the treasury during the French Revolution and was sold at the London Jewelry Auction House 42 years later. Since then, the blue diamond The drill is named after "Hope".

Remus's Muggle mother was named Hope, and Remus had paid so much to change the way humans viewed werewolves, and Pomona hoped that his sacrifice would not be in vain.

It was difficult to accept that young men had died before her, and how had Pomona not realized that Tonks was also on Hufflepuff's death list?

Her responsibility is to take care of Teddy Bear, because she is Teddy's mother, but she still comes to Hogwarts, her husband needs her, the school needs her, and the college needs her.

Although she looks very much like a bad girl, she is easily criticized by decent people.

"Take me home, Severus," she whispered in his ear. "You can do to me whatever you want."

As soon as she finished speaking, Big Ben rang, and she looked back at the dial. It was one o'clock in the afternoon GMT.

With a squeeze, she knew he had Apparated.

It doesn't matter where he takes her, she wants to spend it with him when the end of the world comes, just like the old couple who hugged each other to die on the Titanic, no one died earlier than the other, that luxury ship The cruise ship is their coffin, and there is no sea burial ceremony more luxurious than them. Coupled with the heart of the ocean thrown into the sea by Ross, it will be more perfect.

It returned to the place where it belonged - in the mud of the deep sea, just like the lifted heart fell to the ground, it finally calmed down.

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