Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2978 The Secret of No Trace (10)

The predecessor to 1987a was a blue supergiant star that looked like a sapphire in space. It has about 20 times the mass of the sun, and if it explodes as a supernova, it will form a neutron star. However, after it exploded as a supernova, it did not become a neutron star or a nebula, but "disappeared".

Science magazine said that it may be because there are too many gaseous substances around it, which blocks human observation, or a neutron star has formed, and the neutron star absorbs other things and becomes a smaller quark star, or the neutron star is too greedy and absorbs Too much matter has become a black hole, so there is no trace of it.

Originally, Pomona did not expect the European Space Agency to reply, but they did not expect that they would actually reply. It's not that they are unwilling to provide financial support, but since the Challenger launch accident in January last year, all space shuttles in the United States have been grounded, and all flight plans will be infinitely blocked until the cause of the failure is found and eliminated. However, the installation and maintenance of the Hubble Telescope must be completed by astronauts. Even if the main body of the telescope is launched, there is no way to debug it.

When they saw the word "indefinitely", Pomona and Sinista's hearts became cold. The Apollo program has been silent for more than ten years. At the beginning, there were related news reports everywhere on TV. After spending so much money to go to the moon, why didn't you think of installing a telescope on the moon?

Sinista plans to go to Australia during the summer vacation, where there is the world's top array telescope. Although he cannot witness what happened in 1987a with the visible spectrum, it is better than staying in the UK and waiting. If it weren't for the teaching task, she might have set off by now.

Pomona doesn't understand the passion of astronomers very well. If it weren't for his love for this aspect, Sinistra would not have persisted for so long, leading a life of turning morning and night upside down.

Of course, she also reminded Sinista to go to the Ministry of Magic to apply for a visa, although it is not that troublesome for British people to go to Australia.

"What are you talking about?" Minerva asked.

Pomona looked back at McGonagall who was wearing an emerald green robe. She obviously didn't really want to know what Pomona and Sinista were talking about, but just found a topic to intervene.

"Talk about your summer vacation," Pomona said.

"There are still a few months until summer, and now I am thinking about how to spend the summer vacation?" Minerva said with a smile.

The three were relatively silent for a while.

"I'm full, it's time to prepare for tonight's class," Sinistra said, and got up to leave the faculty chair.

Minerva took the seat that Sinistra had just taken.

"How's Severus doing?" Minerva asked.

"On his business," Pomona replied. "I've been taking French lessons every night during this time."

"Then do you know that he is in contact with Lucius Malfoy?" Minerva asked.

"No." Pomona shook her head. "What happened?"

Minerva glanced at the long table of the students, lowered her voice and said, "Miss Taylor has got a new internship opportunity, in the Legal Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic."

"Oh, what a treat." Pomona smiled sincerely. "Please congratulate her for me."

"Responsible for the position of court clerk." Minerva said blankly.

Pomona froze for a moment. "But I remember..."

"You remember well, Lucius Malfoy arranged for her to steal another guy's internship." Minerva interrupted Pomona. "Do you know why he did that?"

Pomona scowled. "You think I arranged this?"

Minerva shook her head. "I trust you, but I don't trust Malfoy, and neither should you."

Then Minerva stood up and left the staff table.

Pomona looked at "Amata" who was eating at the long Gryffindor table, and there was no smile on her face.

"I knew it was a bad idea." She muttered and left her seat.


The development of things is always unexpected, and sometimes the changes are so great that they are beyond the scope of human understanding and control. Even a space launch plan that is so thorough and repeated so many times may have accidents.

Georgiana returned to the hall. There were many furniture on the floor, but no one was there.

Humans tend to experiment when they try new things and explore uncharted territory, and experimentation is crucial to any creative process.

Time travel experiments are also unavoidable accidents, so the researchers involved in the experiments will be extra cautious. Few people will go back to the past and "change the future" like Harry and Hermione because they are eager to save people.

It takes a strong desire to turn a time-turner and make it work, curiosity is one. It was Hermione Granger who turned the Time-Turner that night, mainly because she had been using it for a school year and Harry had absolutely no idea how to use it.

Harry doesn't seem to have much thirst for knowledge. He thinks it's enough to master "enough" and "needed" knowledge. He doesn't have Slytherin's desire for power.

But after acquiring an old "Half-Blood Prince" textbook, he became obsessed. In fact, if he meets a teacher he likes, then he will learn quickly, just like he learned the guardian spirit in the third grade, and he is also a very powerful patron saint. But it was difficult when he was learning Occlumency because his teacher was Snape.

His family's ancestors also experimented with unsuspecting Muggles, which could be laughed off in that era, but modern researchers cannot conduct experiments without the knowledge of the subjects. They have to tell the subjects about the possible risks and possible reactions, in the ideal environment of the laboratory, of course.

Albus Dumbledore graduated from the adventurous Gryffindor College. If it were a different headmaster, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to make a risky decision.

In fact, thinking about it now, Fitzgerald and the others didn't stop Isidora from using that magic at the first time, and locked it up as a forbidden spell, but let it develop until they saw the results of the experiment. stop her.

Someone or a sage said that ignorance is a sin, but it is precisely because of ignorance that we are fearless. Sometimes we know too much and care too much, but we dare not do anything.

If it were someone else, maybe they would try to support the Duke of Abar, whose surname was Stuart, to become the king of Spain. Wasn’t the current king of Spain also supported by Louis XIV after the War of the Spanish Throne?

It was also an adventure when Napoleon crossed the Alps for the second time. The first time he crossed the Alps was because he had been to Genoa and had a field trip. If there was no guide to lead the way the second time, his army would also be in Pomona. The army that participated in the Spanish throne war encountered in the deep mountains of the Alps was also trapped in the mountains. At that time, he would not only be charged with delaying the war plane.

It is actually hard to believe that the king has so many mistresses, but only Mrs. Pompidou can joke with him and make him laugh happily.

Then Madame Dubarry was added, and though she was not very clever and told dirty jokes, she would be just another version of Les Miserables if she had no guts.

If anyone wants to bring down a powerful person, he must be patient, slowly accumulate enough evidence, and cultivate enough enemies. Everyone knows the reason why everyone pushes back against the wall. Mrs. Dubarry just looked at that If the wall couldn't fall down, she kicked up desperately by herself. When her backer Louis XV died, she would become the wall pushed by everyone.

There was a famous general named Villeroy, who was defeated and captured, and almost died at the mouth of the courtiers, but Louis XIV resisted all opinions and bluntly said, "Everyone is so fiercely opposed to him. , just because he is my favorite."

This was the only time Louis XIV said that, what should everyone do after that, the courtiers who almost killed Villeroy still smiled when they saw him, and saluted respectfully.

The war between women has always been a medicine without regret. Before that, remember to bear it, smile, wait until the ground is close enough, and then stab it into the heart.

The heart is protected by ribs, but there are gaps between the ribs, so you must hit the ribs, otherwise you won't be able to penetrate the ribs with a woman's strength.

If not, practice more, and remember to spray more perfume, otherwise the smell of blood will not be covered.

Georgiana turned her head slowly, and behind her stood the queen perfumer of "Queen of the Severed Head".

"Why are you here?" she asked quietly.

Farron bowed to her "I think you need me now."

She did need him, but it wasn't his perfume.

Experiments can be repeated, but some things only have one chance.

Fortunately, this is a mirror world and will not affect the real world.

This is actually a good thing. If you make good use of it, you can choose the "best" solution from the infinite possibilities. The premise is to override it. Don't be like the people in the Matrix and mistakenly think that this world is real.

Or, like that traitor, who would rather immerse himself in a fake world and enjoy a juicy steak that doesn't exist.

"Good evening," Georgiana said with a smile, "although I should have said that in the first place."

"Good evening." Farron also said with a smile, "I should have said that at the beginning."

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