Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2970 Secret without a trace (2)

In 1476 there was a Florentine Muggle scholar who once wrote such words in his dissertation.

Born from the crown of the creator Jupiter, the goddess of wisdom warned her admirers that if they really desire to have what they love forever, they should always seek the highest peak of things, not the lowest place; Pallas, a descendant of the god of God, often visits the towering castle she built. Going up step by step along the ladder, we will finally understand what beauty is.

But this time they didn't go to Ravenclaw Tower. Feliwei came to the history of magic classroom to have a meeting together. He put on a cloak, apparently to strengthen the school's defensive magic.

"So you think that the stone was caused by some kind of black magic item brought in from outside the school and cast a spell on it?" Fei Liwei asked.

"That's right," Russ said, "and we think that its purpose is not just to cause trouble, but to turn this school into a training ground for dementors."

Feliway looked at Ruth in surprise, then at Pomona and Severus.

"I think he's right," Pomona said, looking down.

"What about you? You think so too?" Felix looked at Severus, who maintained his usual stiff expression.

"What's your basis?" Fei Liwei turned to look at Ruth.

"We believe that Extis, the creator of Azkaban, left a legacy on how to make dementors, not only the Ministry of Magic had the technology, mass-breeding dementors in the late 1950s, and others People who have mastered this technology." Ruston paused, "What do you think of Isidora Morgana's magic that can remove human pain?"

Fei Liwei froze for a moment, then fell into deep thought.

"He's much better than you." Severus said, looking at Feliway.

"Shut up," Pomona said angrily.

It had never occurred to her to compare Isidora's magic with the dementors. If it is said that Isidora removes pain and makes people no longer suffer, then the dementor sucks away happiness and leaves only pain, although Isidora removes the memory of happiness when removing pain. To be taken away, to turn a person into a shell, but at least one is at peace, not tortured to madness like a prisoner of Azkaban.

Extis lived not far from Isidora, so is it possible that there are two kinds of fruits on the same fruit tree?

There are many similarities between dementors and disturbing spirits. They are both non-existent, and both rely on human emotions, and they also need to rely on some kind of entity.

But these were Ruth's speculations, and it was too bold, even more than Pomona could bear, and she refused to admit it at first.

"If its purpose is to turn every stone of the school into the same as Azkaban, why should we be reminded?" Felicity asked.

"I don't think this is a warning, it may be that Hogwarts itself is asking us for help." Ruth said.

"Oh, Merlin." Fei Liwei took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I understand how you feel, Felius." Pomona said calmly.

I'm afraid only this "person" who lives in the North Pole all year round with a vampire reindeer would come up with such a crazy idea.

"Did you forget what you said last night?" Snape smiled, as if he was eager to remind her how she lost her composure last night.

Hogwarts was founded in the 9th century, 600 years earlier than Extis. If Hogwarts' defensive magic can really resist the dementors, then human beings will have another protection besides calling gods. A way to drive away dementors.

That's why Russ found Felix, and they sat in the History of Magic classroom for a meeting.

"So... what do you think caused it?" Fei Liwei asked.

The three of them shook their heads together.

"There are no clues, no witnesses, it's just speculation at this point," Ruth said.

Feliwei did not walk away.

"So the worst result is that the whole school becomes a training ground for dementors, because it can turn all the bricks into that?" Felix said after a while.

"That's right." Ruth said softly, "If the legend is true."

The school was built by ancient magic.

Pomona Xin said that in fact, the low temperature of the school already shows the possibility of this happening.

"Last semester, I heard that the students had learned to call the gods for protection. How did they master it?" Ruth asked Fei Liwei.

"That's not a compulsory course, not to mention that many adult wizards can't really master it." Fei Liwei said.

"What's your Patronus?" Severus asked Russ.

"You want to see?" Ruth asked.

Severus nodded.

"I'm sorry, I can't show it to you. It's better to use it as a secret weapon in an emergency." Ruth said with a smile.

Pomona almost laughed out loud as she stole a glance at Severus, the corners of his mouth twitching as if trying to force a smirk.

After the meeting, Russ and Felix left. Pomona was about to leave when Severus stopped her.

They stood under the stained windows, although the History of Magic windows didn't depict gigantic monsters like the Serpentine windows, but Merlin's portrait.

"How about we make an exchange?" Severus said. "I'll patrol for you, and you send the girls to my place for confinement."

"What girl? What confinement?" Pomona asked confused.

"Those girls who brewed the love potion, you don't plan to punish them?" He frowned and asked.

"Oh, you said this." Pomona suddenly realized, "By the way, is the pot of love potion poisonous?"

"You're pampering them like this." He said through gritted teeth.

"I don't think it's safe for them to be in detention with you," Pomona said with a smile.

"Are you worried that I'll eat them?" Severus sneered.

Pomona smiled and shook her head.

"Then what are you worried about?" He asked puzzled.

Pomona looked at the dense buttons on his clothes, which looked difficult to undo.

Death Eaters don't eat death. Death represents rot and maggots, which are only found at ghosts' banquets.

It's not corpses either, they don't take things from their victims as trophies like serial killers, or bloody scenes like werewolves.

If death is inevitable, why not indulge in pleasure?

Before Bella was arrested, she was a big laugher.

Pomona had never liked people who killed for fun, but this one baffled her.

Only pure souls can use the God-Calling Guard, how did he remain pure in such an environment?

"What are you looking at?" he asked with a playful smile.

"I'm looking at your soul." She looked up at him "Can I see your Patronus?"

"There's a price to pay for that," he said, taking a step forward.

"This is the classroom." Pomona took a step back.

"You don't even know what the price is?" He took another step forward.

"Didn't you just say that? Let those girls go to you for confinement." She took a step back.

He was getting impatient.

"If you can't call God to guard, I can't let you patrol instead of me," Pomona said. "You can't even protect yourself. How about I instead?"

"Are you provoking me?" he said with a smile.

"Am I provoking you?" She also asked with a smile.

He took his wand out of his sleeve.

"What would you like for Christmas?" he asked with a smile.

"Christmas is over," Pomona said.

"I want to give you a gift, but I don't know what you want." He reached out and raised her chin along the lines of her face. "Such a beautiful girl, turned into this by that old fool."

Pomona opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Little wizards are often out of control because of excitement, which is how Prince Jr. killed his Muggle biological father in the house in Spinner's End, although he did it partly to save his mother.

It was a nightmare, she helped him forget it, and dealt with the "evidence".

And Erin, like the Muggle woman, could no longer speak.

Life is as fragile as a delicate flower, which will wither with a little rain and wind.

Life is as strong as the roots of a tree, no matter how small the cracks in the rocks are, they will germinate and take root, and grow big trees.

"What are you thinking?" he asked dreamily.

"You can't like those girls." She said like IQ regressed, "even if they look like Lily's age."

"Then what should I like?" He asked triumphantly.

Pomona pushed his hand away and turned to go, but he pulled her back and put his arms around her.

"You don't need to see my soul." He whispered in her ear "You can listen."

Pomona leaned into his chest, listening to the pounding of his heart, and it was strange how calm she was.

It's a shame he's a Death Eater, if only he wasn't.

Suddenly she felt that he was the foolish farmer in the story of the farmer and the snake, and she was the frozen poisonous snake. Her stiff body was gradually softening, but she was too lazy to bite him.

Almost everyone was sleeping during the history class. This place must have been blessed by the God of Sleep. No wonder she was so sleepy that she could hardly keep her eyes open.

Just then, a silver-white stag appeared not far away, looking at her with big eyes.

The moment he saw it, Pomona woke up from that half-dream state, and then pushed him away.

"What's wrong?" he asked inexplicably, still holding his wand.

Pomona wanted to bite him, his tongue stuck in his teeth like a snake letter, and he turned his head and left the History of Magic classroom.

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