Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2953 Rain Listening to Zen (5)

Ambali is a very good dancer, but she doesn't just perform for people. No matter how much money is given to people who behave badly or are not in her favor, she will not perform for them.

At the age of sixteen, she experienced a heart-rending love affair, and then she met the young Prince Basara, and they both fell in love. She gave birth to a son for him, but no one in the palace was willing to accept the two of them. One, some members of the royal family even threatened to drown Ambali's son in a vat like an abandoned baby.

The beautiful Amobali has been framed so much, and she feels that freedom is the only thing worth maintaining. Since then, she no longer lives in the palace, and would rather not go back than give up her freedom.

Pomona took down a picture album from the shelf, and just turned to Rembrandt's drawing of the Prodigal Son.

The Buddha said to Ambāli that the birth and death of beauty are like other phenomena, like fame and wealth, and are completely indistinguishable. Peace, joy and freedom can only be derived from meditation.

When Zhizhi chose to leave Mantouan and go to Qin Zhong, the master already knew what was on her mind. It is impossible to go back so easily after breaking the precept, especially without avoiding gossip from the people around.

"You want to learn this today?" The fat monk asked while looking at the album in her hand.

Pomona didn't know what to say.

The fat monk was here every day, so Severus couldn't come to study with her, and he had a chance to talk to her during the day by the snake window.

The youngest dean is a title that sounds glamorous, but it is not so easy to be. There is a small group of boys in Slytherin, although it is not as ostentatious as the girl group led by Isabella Sidney , There are so many people, but they really don't take Snape seriously.

They either think that their family has a long history, or they feel that Snape is Dumbledore's man, and the place where they will "shine" in the future is the Ministry of Magic.

Although the "Snake King" is sacred and inviolable, but...

"Pomona?" asked the fat friar.

"Do you think the Buddha was right when he said that the only beauty that does not fade away and cause suffering is compassion and hopeless love?" Pomona asked in French.

"There once was a farmer who pitied a snake frozen in the snow, and when the snake woke up in his arms, it bit him."

"I know the story," Pomona said.

"Then do you remember?" asked the fat monk.

She wanted to say that she remembered.

"May I ask you why?" asked the fat friar.

She knew what the fat monk wanted to ask.

"You don't think Slytherin should be accepted, either?" Pomona asked back.

"Salazar Slytherin chose to leave, like a prodigal son who left home. The key is whether he really wants to turn back." The fat monk said, "Otherwise you let the snake enter the Garden of Eden."

"You-Know-Who is beautiful, not just his looks," Pomona said. "He still has a following."

The fat monk looked at her.

"Rather than having them put on camouflage and hide in the flock, they're free to be together," Pomona said.

"It had better be so," said the fat friar.

"Of course it is," Pomona said.

Then she put the picture book back on the shelf and continued with French lessons.

She had heard that none of the Death Eaters could use the Evocative Guard, but she knew that Snape could, although not as powerful as Aeneas' Patronus of the Rats, and could drive away many dementors.

He was special, and not just to Death Eaters.

There is another story. A long time ago, there was a young man named Micah who lived at the foot of the Himalayas. He was hardworking and kind-hearted. Although he was penniless, he still set out to study. When he arrived in the capital, Devopati, he found that a celebration was being prepared in the city, so he asked passers-by to find out what happened. At this time, a beautiful girl holding seven half-opened lotuses walked past him.

"What celebration is there today?" Micah asked her.

"Today is the day when the Enlightened Lantern Buddha came. It is said that he lights up the way for all living beings like a torch. He is the son of a great king. He once went out to seek the truth, and now he has returned. Because his way is bright and bright, So people here are celebrating to show their respect for him."

"How much do you spend?" Micah asked, he planned to use the money he earned from doing temporary work on the road to buy the flowers in the girl's hands.

The girl looked at Micah and felt that he was a careful person, so she said to him, "I only bought five flowers, and two were picked from my pond."

"How much did you pay for five flowers?"

The girl refused to sell, "I bought these flowers in the hope of offering them myself, and I didn't intend to sell them to others."

Micah tried to persuade her, "You can still take the two flowers picked from the pond as offerings. I beg you, let me buy the five flowers. I really hope to have something to dedicate to the master. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. , if you let me, I will be eternally grateful.”

The girl didn't answer, Micah continued, "You asked me to buy these flowers, I would do anything for you."

There is a very romantic saying, although it is not necessarily said by the Buddha: Looking back five hundred times in the previous life, it is only in exchange for a chance encounter in this life.

The girl may not have heard this sentence, but she felt that she had met Micah in the previous life, and she could give him these flowers, on the premise that he promised to let her be his wife in this life, and in life after life.

She said the flowers quickly, almost out of breath with embarrassment, Micah didn't know how to respond, and after a while he said, "You are very different and very honest, and I felt the same way when I first met you. It's a bit special, but I'm pursuing Taoism, if I get married, there will inevitably be obstacles."

The girl said, "If you agree to marry me, then I will be destined to practice Taoism. I will not prevent you from leaving. On the contrary, I will try my best to accomplish your Taoism."

Micah was very happy to accept her request, and went to find the Burning Buddha with her. The crowd was so crowded that they couldn't see the front, the girl was protecting the flower in her hand, and Micah was protecting the girl. But the crowd was too rough for them to move.

Then Micah threw five lotus flowers at the lamp, and the girl also threw two of hers, which landed on the master's arm.

The lamps let out the flower-throwers, the crowd made way, and Micah and the girl came forward hand in hand to salute.

Ran Deng looked at Micah, "I know the sincerity in your heart, and I know that you are determined to practice Taoism to achieve enlightenment and save all living beings. Don't worry, one day, in the future life, you will get your wish."

Follow the burning lamp and look at the woman next to Micah, "You will be Micah's confidant in this life and all future lives, remember your wish, you must help him achieve his wish, in the next life and the next You will all be husband and wife for many lifetimes."

When a husband seeks the spiritual path, his wife supports him, and he owes her immense gratitude.

Ran Deng said that fame and wealth are not the most important things in life, understanding and love are the most precious things in the world, if you have a deep understanding of things and love, you will realize happiness.

Because of understanding and love, Micah and his wife have shared happiness and happiness for many lifetimes, and with understanding and love, everything can be accomplished.

Later Micah became the Buddha, and the girl holding the lotus became Yasodhara, the wife of Prince Siddhartha.

When he first heard the story, Pomona wondered whether he loved her more, or appreciated her more, and loved his way more.

The world is safe and secure, and it is worthy of Tathagata and worthy of Qing.

When he first became dean and needed support, Pomona felt she had to support him, even though she suspected that the man who cast the portrait curse was from his house.

But she wanted him to stay at school, and he wanted her to leave school with him and go to Malfoy Manor for Christmas.

She refuses, even though doing so displeases him.

But she felt like the shriveled fig tree whose roots had penetrated into every crevice of the school. Leaving meant uprooting her. Not only would it be hard for her to live, but even the school would be reduced to ruins.

She didn't know why she had such strange thoughts, maybe she would go with him that day.

It wasn't that she had abandoned the castle in ruins and was unwilling to help rebuild it.

In fact, there is another way to wisdom, and that is to drink poisoned wine. Maybe in time, the two will meet again on the way to Huangquan, but she may not be able to continue the reincarnation with him.

How about elopement and being a wandering ghost together?

This will inevitably be hunted down by the ghost police, and the two will be punished if they are caught.

Baoyu can call Qin Zhong back, why not Zhizhi follow suit? I have jumped out of reincarnation, why should I be afraid of ghosts?

Then she heard a long sigh.

She looked up at the fat monk, who was watching her worriedly.

Obviously, the sigh just now was indeed made by him, so what's so scary about it? Although he is a ghost.

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