Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 295 hang over

"It's not that Harry can't do the Law Enforcement Department, he just doesn't have the patience to do it."

After breakfast at Harry Potter's house, Pomona and Hermione said goodbye together, and Hermione started arguing with Pomona as soon as the door closed.

"Who cares." Pomona stretched her waist, Harry is a responsible young man, he will not let Hogwarts close down, her goal has been achieved, what should she do next?

"You shouldn't have mentioned the fireplace, haven't you seen how uncomfortable he is?" Hermione clapped her hands and said, "He used Umbridge's fireplace to go back to 12 Grimmauld Place before leaving, and confirmed that West I went to the Forbidden Forest with me only when Reese was away."

"Then you dedicate a senior Ministry of Magic investigator to the centaurs, and then rescue her from the Forbidden Forest after Dumbledore resumed his headmaster position. Thinking about the scene you worked with her in the future really makes me It’s hard, Hermione.” Pomona smirked and said, “She was originally sentenced to life imprisonment, but because you used Mafalda’s identity to release the Muggle wizard, she was released again, and now she is transferred to the werewolf office. How does this self-inflicted taste feel?"

Hermione's face stretched out.

"I don't believe in Luna Lovegood." Pomona put away her smirk. "Her father wears Grindelwald's logo. I hope you will be more vigilant when dealing with him."

"Just a sign..."

"The Dark Mark is also a mark, but now people with this mark are discriminated against. You are still young, and you don't know what kind of storm Grindelwald caused back then. What I am most afraid of now is that he escaped from prison. The one who died in 1998 is basically It wasn't him, and now the White Wizard who is evenly matched with him is gone, I don't know just because we are his opponents." Pomona said worriedly, she was actually more afraid that Grindelwald would make trouble for Severus, and used The black magic flame burned him to ashes. "Maybe you think I'm old-fashioned, but I think it's a good idea to keep a distance from Muggles. You remember the witch trials in the 14th century, Hermione?"

"Why do you want Ron to join this operation, please tell me your real intention." Hermione asked resolutely.

"Why is he afraid of spiders?" asked Pomona.

Hermione hesitated and didn't tell her.

"It's okay, anyway, you and Harry will help him overcome it." Pomona didn't care about these details at all, she just wanted to see Ron froze in fright.

Feeling my conscience, it was really fun to see Ron frightened into incoherent speech. Pomona also had rebellious blood when she was young, otherwise she wouldn't have played with the predators.

"Harry is a good leader, but his strengths are not in clerical and intellectual aspects, which happen to be what you are good at. This spider-killing operation needs the help of the centaur. I think the kitchen at Hogwarts can be used as a house-elf. Asylum, Dobby brought Winky back."

"It was Kreacher who told Harry that Sirius hadn't returned from the Department of Mysteries," Hermione said angrily. "It lied."

"Harry forgave it, and let it work in the Hogwarts kitchen. In fact, if you recall, Sirius' attitude towards Kreacher was actually very bad, just like Malfoy towards Dobby. Dobby left Malfoy's house. There is no nostalgia at all, unlike Winky, who is so depressed that she has a drinking problem." Pomona was distraught when she thought of her experience of undoing a drunkard, "You can take Winky with her, she can help you deal with a lot of things, she Used to be Buddy Crouch's house-elf."

"Don't even you like her in the Hogwarts kitchen?" Hermione said dejectedly.

"She has experienced more than ordinary house-elves, of course she is different from them, just like you, Hermione, you can't be a housewife like Molly, it would be a waste to barely stay at home."

"Professor Snape seems to have used that excuse when he asked you to the ball," Hermione said with a smile.

"Didn't Ron use you as a girl to ask you out?" Pomona couldn't help but fight back. "I really think you should give Victor a chance. He values ​​your inner being."

"Will you give Sirius a chance?" Hermione asked back.

"He always made himself different." Pomona shook her head. "I want to get along with everyone."

"Professor Snape is the same." Hermione deliberately lowered her voice, imitating the old Slytherin bat, and said with a stiff face, "turn to page 394."

"Only you completed the homework assigned by him." Pomona sighed, "Do you think Lupine is afraid that his identity as a werewolf will be discovered, so he deliberately indulges you not to do the homework?"

"Do you think the knowledge of identifying werewolves written in the book is correct?"

Pomona shook her head, "What do you think is the difference between Remus and ordinary people other than being pale and weak?"

Hermione fell silent.

"James saved Severus, after Sirius played a nasty joke on him," said Pomona heavily.

"I heard Harry say it." Hermione said sadly, "That's why their conflict can't be eased, right?"

"You mean Sirius intended to murder Severus by taking advantage of Remus' turning into a werewolf and losing his mind? Yes, that's right. Fortunately, the prongs came to their senses at a critical moment, otherwise Severus would have died."

"So Professor Snape is most afraid of werewolves?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know. Who do you think is more terrifying, a werewolf or a mysterious man? One-on-one conversation."

Pomona fanned herself with her hands, and although it was cold and windy, she still felt very hot, because she remembered the time when Snotlite was protecting the three stinky brats behind her. He didn't have a wand at the time, but fortunately he remembered to use the Confusion Charm at the critical moment, so Lupine's fatal claw didn't cause him much damage.

What he did was not heroic at all, even after Harry came to his senses, he walked around him and took on Lupine with Sirius with his wand, but in that moment, her image of him completely changed.

Lockhart's bright smile was featured in wizard magazines, his white teeth were perfectly straight, Severus's teeth were not so white, and he never showed them when he smiled, the corners of his curled mouth were full of sarcasm, Otherwise, it is cold, and it is rare to see him laughing sincerely.

"What made you like Ron? Hermione?" Pomona asked.

"Mint." Hermione shook her head. "He reminded me of the toothpaste in the corner of my mouth."

Pomona found that Hermione really had weird interests, whether it was Ron or her cat Crookshanks.

"I was very nervous at the time, and he told me to calm down." Hermione blushed, "Your preferences are not very strange."

"Is he in wizard magazines?" Pomona said with a half-smile. "I'm sure he has a lot of fans now."

"You heard what Ginny said, don't care what others say." Hermione immediately persuaded, "It's not that I didn't care about her when Litaquist wrote scribbles."

"You put the beetle she turned into in a bottle, and you don't release it until the end of the semester." Pomona couldn't help shaking her head, "You're such an evil witch, Hermione, and you're not afraid of her dying in it."

"When the wizard is in the Animagus state, he will maintain the same habits as the transformed animals. Beetles don't need to eat and drink every day like humans." Hermione smiled sweetly, and said in a flattering tone, "This is really true. An interesting experiment."

Pomona felt deeply that it would be unwise to offend Hermione, she was as dangerous as the manticore, and now she was smiling at Pomona wagging her deadly scorpion tail.

Badger had an instinct to run away from dangerous creatures, and now Pomona was going to do that. Hermione was just as dangerous as Bellatrix.

The thick black robe appeared in front of her facing the cold wind, just like taking off the invisibility cloak.

The not-too-provoking Head Slytherin appeared in front of Hermione, still with a sneer of contempt and sarcasm on his face.

"When did you learn to bully the weak? Miss Know-It-All?" He dragged his tone and said slowly.

"I don't think she's weak." Hermione withdrew her gaze and stared at Snape's face. "Malfoy Manor's Halloween decorations are reported in all the wizarding magazines."

"Don't talk here," Pomona murmured. The Aurors were hanging around, and Snape's hook-nosed face was very impressive. After all, all Aurors had taken Advanced Potions.

"It's time for you to go to work," Severus said to Hermione, the wide black cloak covering Pomona's head, and the two of them Apparated together.

When they appeared again, they had already left the cold street and returned to the warm room. The fire in the fireplace was no longer burning, only sparks were still there.

"How does it feel?" he asked quietly.

"I saw the photos of their wedding. Sirius was James' best man, and Lily had no bridesmaid." Pomona said grimly. "I thought she would at least invite Mary."

"Mary is interested in Sirius, Lily wouldn't be so stupid." Severus sneered. "She invited Petunia, but unfortunately she didn't go, so there is no bridesmaid."

"Then she can invite me!" Pomona couldn't help asking this question, "Why didn't she invite me?"

Severus stared at her with his hands behind his back, as if wondering if he should tell her something.

"Even if it's not a bridesmaid, at least it's an ordinary friend. She can understand that Sirius puts the Order of the Phoenix first, why can't she understand me?"

"Don't you believe that she is afraid that you will cover her from the limelight?"

"Of course!" Pomona said without hesitation.

"You know, after the wedding, the best man and bridesmaid get together a lot." Severus finally said, "You and Sirius look very good together, she doesn't want her wedding to become your wedding. "

"What?" Pomona said incredulously.

"How about a date? To London." He smiled. "You'd love to see that movie Hermione was talking about?"

"You are indeed there! I feel someone is following behind me." Pomona said with her waist in her arms. "Why didn't Harry feel you?"

"How do I know." He turned his head and walked towards the bedroom. "He always wears an invisibility cloak to eavesdrop. Maybe he didn't expect that he would be eavesdropped by others."

"Why are you so free!" Pomona asked after him, "Are you going to be as idle as Lucius?"

"Beheading is out of the question, and Kingsley is still hesitating whether to hang the werewolf." Severus said without looking back, "I don't dare to act rashly until he makes up his mind."

Putting aside the resumption of the death penalty for humans, werewolves are magical creatures and can carry out the death penalty.

"Human beings love privilege," Pomona murmured.

"It's the same with other species. Goblins are also demanding to protect their rights." Severus said slowly. "Also, Lucius is not at home. He has gone to Gringotts."

"Then Sissy is at home alone?"

"With Astonia to accompany her, you don't have to worry about her." He stopped at the bedroom door and turned to face her. "Do you want to take pictures of the original or the current one?"

"Let me think about it," she said nervously.

He ignored her and went straight into the bedroom, where he dug out the Muggle clothes and changed.

That's the beauty of just being yourself.

Pomona looked at Severus Snape's back enviously and enviously. He had always lived a real life and never concealed himself.

"Give me the Polyjuice Potion antidote," said Pomona viciously.

"You want to be naughty again?" He turned his head, narrowed his eyes and curled his mouth, and said with a smile.

"No!" Pomona exclaimed, and that was absolutely the craziest thing she'd ever done in her life.

"What were you thinking about that outfit last time?"

"It's green, and you like leprechauns..." She explained in vain, until she couldn't explain it any longer.

Anyone like him has dirty and evil things in their minds.

"If you want to be naughty, be serious. Last time, I could only get an A at most. I won't risk my life for that."

Pomona turned and left the bedroom with a cold face.

The black wizard was really dirty and evil, and she didn't want to talk to him anymore.

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