Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2949 Rain Listening to Zen (1)

In the dark, Pomona walked up the steps to the principal's office.

In Chapter 75 of A Dream of Red Mansions, Jia Zhen took his wives and concubines to enjoy the moon and eat wine in Huifang Garden. When it was almost one o'clock, he ordered people to play the flute and sing a song, and after singing, he began to give orders.

It was almost three o'clock, Jia Zhen's wine was already eight minutes old, and when she was adding clothes and drinking tea, she suddenly heard someone sighing from under the wall.

That direction was close to the ancestral hall, and there were no servants' residences on all sides, but suddenly they heard human voices, and everyone became terrified. Jia Zhen shouted, "Who's there!"

Without saying a word, there was only a gust of wind, and the fans in the ancestral hall opened and closed, and the moonlight became bleak for a while, not as clear as before. Everyone felt their hair stand on end, and Jia Zhen was half awake from the wine , but he felt that he was the head of the family and couldn't be inferior to others, so he reluctantly sat for a while before going back to his room to rest.

Early the next morning, Jia Zhen led her nephew to the ancestral hall to salute. Taking this opportunity to carefully observe the interior of the ancestral hall, she saw that everything was as usual, and there was no strange sign. For this matter, after the ceremony was over, the door was closed, and the door was locked.

The next time the ancestral hall was mentioned was 104 times. When Jia Zheng was demoted and returned, Daiyu was already dead. Daiyu has a foreign surname and cannot enter the ancestral hall of Jia's mansion. Baoyu is very sad, and the others don't care about Daiyu at all. Qingwen is a maid, and there is still Baoyu to sacrifice to Daiyu. If Daiyu doesn't even go, there will be no one to worship. It's just that I'm afraid I'll miss the "family reunion", and he doesn't want to. If you go, you will be called a heartless person again.

But this trouble didn't bother him for too long, because the next day was a banquet for Jia Zheng to cleanse the dust, and Jin Yiwei also came at the same time.

Jia Zhen drank at home during the Mid-Autumn Festival because it was the time of filial piety and could not go out, and the object of his filial piety was to become a Taoist priest Jia Jing.

When her daughter-in-law Qin Keqing died, Jia Zhen was willing to spend her entire family and hold an over-the-counter funeral, but when it was his father Jia Jing's turn, not only did it very simply, but also returned to his aunt's room during the wake. Said it was for his father's birthday, but in fact Jia Zhen took this opportunity to receive gifts and family money.

After the Southern Dynasties destroyed the country, Chen Shubao was "invited" to Luoyang. As long as he didn't delay his spending time, whether he was a king in Jiankang or a minister in Luoyang, it made no difference to him. Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty said that he was heartless. .

Jia Zhen's heart has grown, but it's not in the right place. Speaking of his coming to Pomona, he thought of old Paul. He also buried his father with a thin burial...

When Pomona reached the top of the tower, a gust of night wind blew and blew the bell. At this time, the fog had already begun, and the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest were shrouded in fog. Only the mountains in the distance were still clearly visible under the moonlight.

The scenery was very refreshing. She walked up the steps to the door of the principal's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in," said Dumbledore.

Pomona opened the door and walked in. The wizard in the fuchsia star robe sat behind the desk, and Fawkes seemed to be asleep.

"Good night," said Dumbledore, "or should I say good morning."

"I know it's early morning," Pomona sighed, "but I don't think there are some things I should wait until tomorrow."

"Is there anything you can't wait for?" Dumbledore asked.

"Can I sit down?" Pomona asked.

Dumbledore nodded, and Pomona sat down opposite him.

"I asked Peeves to stop the Celestial Ball from going on," said Pomona, and Dumbledore looked at her calmly, as if waiting for her to speak.

"I know, if people find out about this, their anger will not only be directed at Peeves, but also at me..."

"What is your reason for doing this?" Dumbledore interrupted her.

"Have you seen Zhouyi?" Pomona asked.

"I haven't seen it, maybe you can explain it to me."

"There is a hexagram called Bo Gua. According to the book I read, Emperor Ai of the Han Dynasty had a lover named Dong Xian. In the prosperous age, it is easy to appear such a villain. You can get huge benefits by selling your body and flattering you. , and doing evil, and these people you often can't get rid of him, because they are good at disguising themselves." Pomona said.

"Can I ask, who is that Dong Xian?" Albus asked confusedly.

"He's male, like Emperor Hanai," Pomona said.

Albus fell silent.

Pomona also wanted to use a different way to describe "fascinating", and then she said, "Peel off the false and restore the truth. There is a saying that goes like this, 'If you want what you want or don't get it, there is no gain and the truth' , Buddhism believes that seeking but not getting is a kind of suffering, in the face of this kind of suffering, we should maintain emptiness, so that we can escape from the sea of ​​suffering, but I think we can pursue the truth.”

"Excuse me, what do you mean?" Dumbledore said confused.

"I prevent the children from going to the ball, they must be very upset, but they can use this time and energy to pursue the truth, and Rohart participated in the ball, he is an indelible villain in the prime of life." Pomona explain.

Dumbledore was lost in thought.

Pomona raised his wand and drew a circle "If the inside of the circle is known to us, the outside of the circle is unknown."

Then she drew a bigger circle "When we know more, it seems that we know more on the surface, but we are exposed to more unknowns, and the less we know, we feel that we are useless." Little did they know, it was this arrogance and ego that got in the way."

"I heard you searched the dormitories," Albus asked.

"Oh, speaking of which, do you think world and universe are the same concept?" Pomona asked.

"I am so sorry……"

"Muggle cartoons, because of the limitation of perception, people think that the world is the universe, but our world is just a speck of dust in the vast universe."

"I don't think children will understand you." Albus shook his head. "How are you going to explain it to them?"

"Read more," said Pomona dryly. "Spend less time on idle things."

"But I think I can learn something from getting along with people, such as my current communication with you." Albus said.

"I know, don't overdo anything, this is the oracle on the Delphi Temple." Pomona said.

"Why didn't you stop the Slytherins from having the ball?" Albus asked.

"I thought it was indirectly preventing the Celestial Ball," Pomona said.

"What if the Celestial Ball doesn't take place next year?" Albus asked.

"Then there won't be a Dangerous Ball next year," Pomona said.

"You promise?" Albus asked.

"I promise," Pomona said.

"I fully understand your thoughts, Professor, it's late, you should go back," said Albus.

"Good night, Headmaster," said Pomona, just getting up.

"Oh, yes, Principal." Pomona looked back at him. "Can you tell me why Grindelwald was not executed, but locked up?"

"I know, he is a cruel man." Dumbledore said calmly, "But that doesn't mean we have to be as cruel as him."

Pomona nodded thoughtfully and left the principal's office.

At this time, the wind blew again, and her limbs and bones felt cold, so she hurried back, hoping to get into the warm bed sooner.

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