Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2945 Can't ride the wind (12)

In Chapter 23 of A Dream of Red Mansions, the imperial concubine Jia Yuanchun had already returned to the palace. Jia Zheng was busy carving letters on the millstone in the Grand View Garden. Jia Zhen was busy supervising the work. The book boy Mingyan went outside to get some banned books.

The elders made him literate so that he could read the Four Books and Five Classics. Even Yuan Chun was selected into the palace as a female historian because of his filial piety, not Feiyan and Hede who are good at singing and dancing, and the poems they write are also dignified, unlike these miscellaneous writers. Coquettish and frivolous.

But Baoyu was with the girls in the Grand View Garden, and they didn't shy away from him, they didn't understand Baoyu's troubles at all, and he regarded the books brought by Mingyan as treasures as soon as he saw them. Although he was ignorant, he also knew that some books that were too vulgar could not be taken into the courtyard, and could only be read secretly when no one was around. Books such as "Hui Zhen Ji" were brought to the side of the Qinfang gate bridge, and he chose a piece of paper under the peach blossoms. Read on the stone.

This book tells the story of Zhang Sheng and Cui Yingying. Just when they saw the "falling into a formation", a gust of wind blew off more than half of the peach blossoms on the top of the tree, and fell on Baoyu's book and body like rain.

Baoyu shook the flowers down, and was afraid that his feet would be trampled on, so he had to pick up the petals, came to the pool, and poured them into the pool. The petals floated on the water and flowed out of the Qinfang gate.

That scene reminded her of "Poetry inscribed on Red Leaves". Shangyang Palace is adjacent to Luoshui in the south and Forbidden Garden in the north.

However, this place is just one of the cages where tens of thousands of court ladies lived in dismal life. During the Kaiyuan and Tianbao years, the total number of court ladies in various palaces exceeded 40,000, and they entered the palace at the age of sixteen until they became gray-haired The old woman has never seen what Xuanzong looks like.

At that time, Tang Minghuang only favored Yang Yuhuan, and the six palaces had no color, not to mention the maids of Shangyang Palace. These maids wrote poems on the red leaves, letting them flow out of the palace wall with the flowing water like those peach blossoms. .

Once you enter the deep palace, you don't see spring every year. Talk about a leaf and send it to a lover.

If anyone finds it and intends to reply, he will also find a red leaf and go to the upstream of the flowing water, so that it can flow along the water into the palace wall. It is unknown which palace lady got it.

Baoyu was watching there when he heard someone talking, and when he turned around, he saw Daiyu holding a flower hoe.

Cui's surname used to be one of the five surnames. Daiyu buried the flowers because she didn't want them to fly into ordinary people's homes like "Wang Xietang Qianyan".

Baoyu is a flower protector, and he gave those flowers freedom, but he couldn't protect them either.

If it is said that the singers in the pipa are more fateful than duckweed, then why don't these flowers drift with the tide like duckweed?

Daiyu is not as popular with servants as Baochai, because she is noble and pure, and she has such a non-human appearance, she can come and go clean if she wants to. When she saw Baoyu reading a book, Baoyu quickly said that he was reading "The Doctrine of the Mean" and "The Great Learning". Read this book.

When Pomona came to the potions classroom, Severus was sitting with his back to the door reading, and she tiptoed over, covering his eyes with her hands.

"Don't read it!" She threatened, "Did you accept other people's books, and ended up reading them yourself?"

"Look carefully." He said coldly.

Pomona saw that the book in his hand turned out to be a very profound magic book, so she let go of it.

He put the book on the table, stood up, and looked down at her with a sense of oppression.

"What are you doing here?"

"What did you come to see?" Pomona said, her eyes wandering. "And those magazines you searched?"

"I burned," he said.

"I don't believe it," said Pomona, who searched around the Potions classroom and finally found them next to the gargoyles washing the labware, and a silver cauldron containing the still smoking potions. medicine.

"What is this?" Pomona asked, pointing to the silver cauldron, which she had rarely seen Snape use to make potions.

"Veritaserum," he said stiffly.

Pomona stuck out her tongue and glanced at the cauldron. There were seven feathers floating in the crimson liquid.

"It's the feather of the soundless bird," said Pomona, "but I remember it being heated and stirred."

"What are you going to do?" He said coldly again.

Pomona felt a little unhappy, so he randomly found a book among the books he had found.

This is actually a women's magazine, which talks about how to wear clothes, but these photos are another interpretation in the eyes of adolescent boys.

She flipped through it for a while, and finally came to "Divination", which talked about the "horoscope of this month" for each constellation, but that was several months ago.

"Do you have any favorites, Severus?" Pomona asked, looking at the magazine. "Do you not feel anything when you see these pictures?"

He was so angry that he snatched the magazine away.

"Hey~" she grumbled.

"You should go." He said blankly.


"I'm not good at making friends," he said indifferently, and left with the cauldron of Veritaserum.

"It's not the first day I know you." She followed behind him and said, "I think you are a good friend."

He put the veritaserum on the table with a thump and stared at it.

"What are you doing?" Pomona asked.

"Observation." He said silently.

"You're going to stare at it until it's a deep purple?" Pomona asked.

He didn't speak.

Though bored, Pomona found a place to sit and waited with him.

Of course, it would be even better if he could return the magazine to her, so she could read it while waiting.

She waited bored for two or three minutes, and then felt that she could also watch the color change of the potion together. It was forming a purple-red color similar to Tyrian purple, which was very obvious under the support of the silver cauldron.

"You're blocking my light," Severus said coldly.

Pomona sat down again, looking at the bottles and jars containing terrifying potion ingredients.

"Is the Stealth Beast really made of the Stealth Beast Tincture?" Pomona asked.

"Tsk." He threatened, as if telling her not to speak.

"Give me the magazine, and I won't bother you." She also said grumpily.

Then he tossed the crumpled magazine back to her.

Pomona looked at the models suddenly wrinkled and found it a little shocking.

"How old are you, Severus?" Pomona asked.

"I gave you the magazine." He said coldly, looking at the cauldron.

"I'm over 30!" Pomona yelled.

He froze for a moment, then turned his gaze to her, his expression as surprised as hers.

"How old do you think you are otherwise?" Severus asked.

She felt like she was wearing a school uniform not long ago, walking around the castle at night.

"Oh, Merlin," she said excitedly, "I'm so old!"

"I don't think you need to worry, you're back to your original self, looking less than 20 years old," Severus said.

She didn't feel very happy, and Fei Liwei looked very young.

But she didn't want to live in isolation like him, and get old for no reason without having a single love affair, just like those maids in the palace walls.

Then she burst into tears.

She was crying so sadly, but he still ignored her, his attention was focused on the pot of potion.

From a certain point of view, he is as "dumb" as those boys who are keen on Quidditch.

So she "self-reliant" and pushed him twice.

"Why?" he asked angrily.

"Hug me!" Pomona wailed.

But he ignored her and looked down at the cauldron again.

What should we do at this time? Lifted his pot? Or leave alone?

She leaned over very spinelessly and put her head on his shoulder, this time he didn't refuse.

Then they stood in this awkward position for a while, until he felt that the color of the liquid medicine was right, he fished out the feathers of the soundless bird, and washed it with clean water like a spring.

The blue feathers turned white, as if the blue paint had been bleached.

She still didn't understand what he was doing, and at this moment he had already put the brewed veritaserum on the shelf of matured potions.

"After one lunar cycle, it will become transparent," Severus said at this time. "I'm studying the difference between the beginning of a full moon and the beginning of a new moon."

"You didn't go to dinner because of that?" Pomona asked. "Do you want to come with me to the kitchen, or just eat here?"

"You came here to ask me this?" He asked again, his tone not as aggressive as before.

"I want rejuvenation potion and regeneration potion. Toots is selling too expensive. How about you deciphered his secret formula?" Pomona said. "You know, Carter hooked up with Mrs. Pince to find this formula."

"Don't say that word," he threatened.

"I'm an old woman, who cares what words I use?" Pomona said resignedly.

"I care." He frowned. "Don't talk like that."

Pomona shut up.

"I'm going to the library, are you going?" He said indifferently.

She nods.

Then they left the dungeon together.


Cyan is taken from blue, but it is better than blue; ice is made from water, but colder than water.

She always remembered the Gryffindor girl in the red sari who looked a lot like her Ravenclaw sister when she put on the blue sari, the first pair she knew in Pomona. A house twin, despite Phoebe and Joey's very different personalities, is also a house, let alone a twin whose mother can't tell the difference.

The indigo sari is covered with stars, like the layout of an astronomy classroom, and it is also a bit like the deep sea, covered with crumbled moonlight.

There's an ancient Greek myth about a young man who got wings made of wax and flew too close to the sun, and the wax melted, the wings fell apart, and he fell into the sea.

It might be tiring if you flap your wings by yourself, but if you ride the wind, it's too easy to soar up to 90,000 li.

Shang Shuyun: The sky cannot be trusted, my way is only King Ning Deyan, and the sky cannot be explained by King Wen's orders.

This sentence means that the sky cannot be trusted. If you can’t inherit the virtues of your predecessors forever, you will lose the life bestowed by heaven.

Vitruvius said that what is bestowed by fate can easily be taken away by fate.

The "unlucky knight" obviously got Amata's love because he soaked in the water of the good luck spring and became the lucky one, but he gave up on it. He deserves to continue to be unlucky.

And Amata doesn't love him anymore after losing the happy memory with her lover.

Did she really recognize him, or...

"Do you think love is happiness and happiness?" Georgiana asked the three people in the carriage.

"What do you think, dear?" Richard asked his wife.

"I feel very happy," said Mrs. Edgeworth, laughing.

Then she looked at Mary.

Mary looked at Georgiana expressionlessly, as if she wanted to drill two holes in her body.

So Georgiana stopped asking and looked at the scenery outside the window.

When will this car stop?

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