Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2931 Burning Wasteland (5)

Pomona took down the tome for entertainment from the bookshelf, and she flipped through it casually, and it happened to be the part where Van Helsing led the young commissioner into Rice Castle unarmed.

It is unwise to use wisdom and soul to fight against "vampires". However, Baron Rice was once a hero, but he fell because of making the Philosopher's Stone. Why did he suddenly want to pursue immortality?

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Pomona said, putting the book back on the shelf.

Felix walked in.

"What a rare visitor." Pomona couldn't help but say, "What brings you here, Felius."

Fei Liwei had to climb onto the chair opposite her desk.

"It's about the Celestial Ball." Felix said calmly, "You want to stop this tradition?"

Pomona didn't know what to say, after all, she once maintained a "tradition".

"Please sit down." Felix said politely to Pomona, "I'm not here to scold you."

Pomona sat down opposite the professor who had taught her Charms in the past.

"Socrates once said that there should be windows open in people's breasts, so that they don't hide their knowledge, but open to see. I'm glad to see the recent project of the Astronomy Club. I heard Sinista say that you told her? "Felix said.

"Yes, as you say, with the windows open in our minds, we can't stay closed and ignorant of Muggles," said Pomona.

"And what about Miss Aiken?" Felix asked.

She sighed, "I let her choose."

"Like Ifamone?" Feliway asked.

"The Sorting Hat thinks she wants to be an ordinary girl, but she herself is very talented, and sometimes the hat does not listen to other people's opinions at all."

Fei Liwei was silent for a while, and glanced at the bookshelf behind her.

"Have you seen Wilde?" Feliway asked.

"Saw some," Pomona said.

"A headmaster once said that truth is not the opposite of lying, but the discovery of the unknown. Truth and disclosure of the truth are always more important than realism." Felicity said, "Oscar Wilde said a word to be yourself, because everyone else That’s how it’s done (be yourself, everyone else is taken), so you’ll find that there’s always been a lot of mavericks in Ravenclaw.”

"Thank you for your honesty," Pomona said with a smile.

"That's because they are busy exploring, even if it is some unrealistic fantasy." Fei Liwei said calmly, "You are more inclined to the opinions of the public."

"Don't say that, Felius, Hufflepuff has a lot of weirdos too," said Pomona.

"Sometimes I also think that they are too independent and don't care about other people's opinions, so I think it is necessary to have a group of people get together, so we won't feel so lonely when we are deep in the crowd." Felix said, "You're always a crowd pleaser."

"I don't think so." Pomona smiled wryly.

"This is my opinion. Similarly, I will be like you, not interfering with whether the students attend the celestial dance or the lake bottom dance." After finishing speaking, Fei Liwei jumped off the chair.

"Oh, that's right." Just as Felix was about to leave, he suddenly said at the door, "Severus seems to be constipated recently, what's wrong with him?"

"Nothing." Pomona said coldly.

Fei Liwei just asked casually, and then he left her office.

After the door closed, Pomona stood up, intending to read some of Wilde's books.

"Can I ask what's going on?" A voice sounded.

"Paul?" Pomona asked.

The puppet appeared in her field of vision, and the smile on its face disappeared, although it smiled horribly.

"I'm not happy," Paul growled. "It's all your fault."

"How could it be my fault?" Pomona asked back.

"What the hell is going on!" he said angrily.

She didn't want to talk about her personal affairs with a puppet, but she felt that she should be a little fair.

"He said 'I miss you' to me in the bathroom," Pomona said dryly. "I wasn't expecting flowers and candlelight dinners, but is it that hard to pick a normal place?"

Paul stopped talking.

"Do you have any more questions?" Pomona asked.

"No more." Paul said, not as confident as before.

"Get out!" said Pomona.

"Can you open the door for me?" Paul said politely.

Pomona then went to the door and opened the office door for him.

"I didn't want to take care of this." Paul said at the door before leaving, "but I want to leave this place."

"How did you change your mind?" Pomona asked.

"Your principal... I don't know what to say about him, anyway, I don't want to see him." Paul said lacking energy, "I see that he can't be happy, he suffers too much."

As far as a person who thinks that happiness can heal pain, it does make sense, but Albus Dumbledore also smiled occasionally, much more cheerful than Severus, how could he...

At this time, Paul left her office, a puppet, looking a little lonely from the back.

At this moment, she remembered the words Grindelwald yelled at Dumbledore at the inauguration ceremony of the International Federation of Wizards.

Who else will love you?

She suddenly felt so sad that she could hardly bear it, so she closed the door.


She returned to that dark room again, probably because she was used to the darkness, those people who had only outlines in the darkness gradually took on color, and it could be seen that the two people on the left and right were wearing red clothes.

"We've changed," said the cardinal on the left. "Can't you see that?"

"What?" Georgiana asked.

"Whether the center of the universe is light or darkness, we are not the same as before." The cardinal on the left said.

"Isn't it because your power is different from before?" Georgiana asked.

"Don't think that we can't do anything to you." The cardinal on the right threatened.

"A wise man told me that there should be windows open in people's breasts so that they don't hide their knowledge, but open to see. Truth is not the opposite of lying, it's the discovery of the unknown, and truth and disclosure are always more important than realism. Lying It’s easy, just like many people tell you that they believe in God, even if they don’t believe in God, even if they believe in the devil, but how much effort will it take to tear off that layer of disguise?” Georgiana said, “Shall we save some effort? "

"Can you tell me why you want to reconcile? Wizard." The cardinal on the left said.

"Total chaos is not good for us. We still hope to live in an orderly world." She said coldly.

"I know the first half of your sentence just now is the inscription in the Temple of Delphi, what about the second half?" said the cardinal on the left.

"A headmistress who has been misunderstood by the wizarding world," Georgiana said. "He also said that telling the truth is not a form of defiance."

It's an earth broken revolution.

It's a pity that although the lounge at the bottom of the lake has windows, they cannot be opened, otherwise the lake water will pour into the lounge.

She was a little tired thinking about it, although she knew she shouldn't be distracted at this time.

"You can go," said the cardinal on the left.

"Can I ask why?" Georgiana asked subconsciously.

"It's not opposition, it's not resistance, what is that?" said the cardinal on the left.

"Brightness" is not always good. The solar wind caused by sunspot eruptions will affect many aspects of the earth, especially in the 20th century with a high degree of electrification. For ancient times without electricity, it may be just a small-scale aurora.

But she felt that that was probably not what they wanted to hear.

"A different perspective," she said. "Sorry, I'm not smart enough to think of a better answer."

"Thank you for your honesty," said the bishop on the left.

"Thank you for your tolerance," said Georgiana.

Then she turned and left the dark room.

Seeing the light again, breathing the fresh air made her feel like a human again. She looked back at the door decorated with the embossed "Goddess Pillar". It was closing slowly, as if she would not open it unless she left. of.

Although she knew they were wearing red clothes, but there were so many people wearing red clothes in Rome, how could she know who they were?

On the contrary, she herself has been exposed.

She smiled wryly, and led everyone out of the corridor.

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