Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 293 Ignorance

Because of Hermione's escort all the way, Pomona escaped the Auror's interrogation smoothly, and then entered Harry's house smoothly. The door was still opened by the Auror, but it was a female Auror.

Compared with the British Ministry of Magic in the 1970s, it is much better now. Newt Scamander’s wife Tina is an American female Auror. She and her sister Queenie have been dependent on each other since childhood. Leah died of dragon pox as well.

Compared with Tina, Queenie is more feminine, but in Pomona's view, Tina is stronger. She gave up her identity as an Auror to give birth to Newt, a weirdo who said she had a pair of "salamander eyes". Parenthood.

When a group incident occurs, it is too late for amnestics to erase Muggle memories individually, and group amnestics are needed at this time.

During the Obscure event in New York, Newt used the Winged Demon venom to erase the memories of American Muggles. This diluted venom is mainly used to eliminate bad memories. Sometimes Pomona will use a little on Severus, but the effect is not very great. Although he is a mixed blood, he is still a wizard. Use your racial gifts to help him through those sleepless nights.

In the middle of the night of November 1st, after Harry was transferred to Petunia's house, the Death Eaters suddenly fell silent, perhaps because they felt helpless, or perhaps for other reasons. After the break, the Department of Magic and Disaster Affairs and the Aurors "cleaned up" Muggle memories together. After she finished her work, that is, on November 5th, she would arrive at Hogwarts Castle. On the way, she ran into the former Death Eater West Fleurs Snape.

The moment he passed by him, he seemed to recognize her, so his eyes stayed on her for a second or two, but she ignored him, and she still wanted to ask the principal what task he had next. She was tired and wanted to rest, so much had happened in the last few years, murder, blood, human remains and green Avada Kedavra, and Sirius was a traitor, he betrayed Jen Mu, who led Voldemort to Godric's Hollow, she didn't believe Sirius did it, there must be some misunderstanding...

"James Potter!" a red-haired woman yelled, and with a "bang" shattering sound, a vase fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. The red-haired woman in front of her hurried to the baby. It suddenly overlapped with someone in her memory.

"Look, when crushed with a knife like this, the sleepy bean juice will be much more liquid than chopped." The red-haired and green-eyed Gryffindor girl said, looking at the two of them triumphantly, and Severus watched It was thoughtful, and Pomona had no interest in it.

"You cook potions the way Muggles cook again," Pomona grumbled. "Are you still a witch?"

A witch shouldn't give up her wand, Lily, where is your wand?


A voice called her back, and Pomona came back to her senses. This is the home of Harry and Ginny. The baby's name is James Rissport. It is now January 6, 2005.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked concerned.

She felt very cold, and a chill surged from the bottom of her heart, as if her soul had been torn apart, but she still answered that it was okay.

"Hi Ginny, is Harry home?" Pomona said to the witch who was holding the baby.

"He's upstairs in the study, he'll be down soon." Ginny looked at Hermione and said, "It's already this time, you still not going to work?"

"I'm the only one in the office, and no one cares if I'm late." Hermione and Ginny said indifferently.

"Sounds like a very easy job." Ginny said seemingly carelessly, "My dad often works overtime."

"Does Harry often work overtime too?" Pomona asked with a smile.

"He is willing to work overtime, especially when everyone in the Auror office is so busy." Ginny said calmly, "But the director asked him to spend more time with his family. I don't want to be a burden to him."

Ginny is a typical Gryffindor woman who fully supports her husband's career and takes care of all the family affairs by herself. She is very similar to Molly in this respect.

"I heard there was a Death Eater escape at Christmas. Are these Aurors here to protect you?" Pomona asked.

"Don't mention this in front of him." Ginny frowned, avoiding James' little hand reaching out to grab her hair. "He's used to running outside, and it would be boring to keep him indoors."

"I think he's just useful like Sirius, rather than being protected," Hermione said. "We used to stay in the Room of Requirement when we were in Da, and it was boring not seeing him."

Harry Potter really is exactly like his godfather Sirius Black.

At this moment, hurried footsteps came from upstairs, just like when Harry went downstairs at the Black house, she thought it was the savior who came down, but it turned out that it was a little boy with black eyes , pale face, and violet hair, Pomona immediately thought of Tonks, and his smile and slightly rounded jaw reminded her of Remus Lupin, a very Gentle werewolves.

"Morning, Ginny." The cheerful boy stood on the stairs and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "What's for breakfast?"

"That's Teddy, Remus' son," said Hermione softly.

"Go wash your hands, and don't change shape at the dinner table, you'll scare James." Ginny said as loudly as Molly.

"You're boring," Teddy grumbled. "Harry said you used to love watching my mom transform."

Pomona couldn't help but be filled with emotion. If Draco were to call Severus by the same name as Teddy, unless the world turned upside down, the way of getting along with the godfather and godson of Slytherin and Gryffindor would be completely different. In the words of someone in Slytherin, Gryffindor is "too many hugs".

"Nice to meet you, young man," Pomona greeted Teddy before he turned to the restaurant.

Little Bear Teddy looked at this short, fat, but kind-faced witch with weird eyes.

"I am Head of Hufflepuff, Pomona Sprout, and your mother, Nymphadora Tonks, is my student."

"Oh, hello." Teddy said nervously, looking as awkward as Tonks. "I'm Teddy Lupine."

"I've heard of you. Your father used to be a colleague of mine. He was a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts for a year." He, Teddy, was quick and quick to catch him.

"Ah, it looks like you'd make a pretty good athlete, sir."

"Thank you." Teddy took the piece of chocolate, blushing and said, "Is my mother a Quidditch player too?"

"I wish I could say yes to you, but the Hufflepuff girls are more interested in Quidditch players." Pomona turned her gaze to Ginny. "Anyone else bothering you now, Mrs. Potter?"

"That's a school thing." Ginny smiled and shook her head, then looked into James Siris Potter's face and said, "Besides, I've got what I wanted, and I don't care what people say."

"She's liked Harry since he saved her life in the Chamber of Secrets in the second year," Hermione whispered into Pomona's ear immediately.

Whether it's Ginny or Tonks, they are all girls who take the initiative to pursue their own happiness. Tonks is stupid. He found a man who was ten years older than himself, and he was a werewolf. He didn't even have a decent wedding. No, Ginny was envied, a lot of people thought she was ambitious, but in fact she just didn't miss those wonderful moments in her life.

Ginny became Neville's dance partner, and they all had a wonderful night. If the old bat hadn't knocked on the door, she, the one who arranged the ballroom, would have spent that romantic night alone.

"I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding." Pomona said with a smile, "Also, congratulations."

"Thank you, Professor," said Ginny, smiling, much like Fred and George when her jaw was still. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Why not?" Pomona said casually.

"Harry! Down to dinner!" Ginny called out, and then to Teddy the bear, "Put down the chocolate, Teddy Lupine!"

"I had chocolate for breakfast at Hogwarts once," Pomona said freely. "You can try it when you're in school, Teddy."

Everyone stared at her blankly.

"Didn't you do it when you were studying?"

"I can't believe it." Hermione Granger walked into the restaurant as if she had suffered some kind of trauma.

"Why are you rebuilding this house?" Pomona asked Ginny.

"It was Harry's idea. At first he thought that the house could not be rebuilt because of the use of black magic. Later, he found that it could be done, so we repaired it." Ginny looked at this not-so-luxurious building. "When I first moved in, I often heard women screaming, and then it turned into singing, especially when I was pregnant. Harry said that must be Lily's singing."

"Is it a Beatles song?" Pomona asked, frowning.

"I hummed it to him. Harry said it was more like a mermaid. We still have that golden egg."

"Does that sound like it to you?"

"No." Ginny shook her head, then yelled upstairs, "Harry, Professor Sprout is here!"

"Here we come." A listless voice came from upstairs, not long after a young man appeared at the corner of the stairs,

He really looked like James Potter, but he had green eyes. He looked at Pomona with a strange look, after all, they didn't know each other even in school.

"Good morning, Harry Potter," said Pomona politely.

"Good morning, Professor." Harry greeted her as he did at school. "I heard Neville say you're married?"

"You still in touch with Neville?"

"Of course, my son is going to study at Hogwarts in the future, so I have a good relationship with the professor in advance, at least I don't have to worry about him being like me, every time the professor makes things difficult for him in class." Harry laughed and said, "Who is that?" lucky person."

"I'm your elder." Pomona tried to help Harry one last time.

"We're all adults, we're equal." Harry said with a nonchalant smile, "Come and take him next time."

Hermione looked at Harry Potter sympathetically.

"You guys should keep a family pet, how about a cat?" Pomona said coldly, "It's the same as Crookshanks with the blood of a cat and raccoon, and can see through invisibility and Animagus transformation."

"That's right, Harry, your mother had one before." Hermione said immediately, "I'm working in the Department of Magical Creatures now, and I can apply for you."

"I'd rather have a dog..."

"Get a cat," Hermione yelled together with Pomona, Harry Potter looking very confused, and Pomona seemed to hear someone's smug sneer behind her.

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