Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2919 The Language of Butterflies (9)

There is such a tempera painting in the Gallery of Florence.

The Son was not crucified on the cross, but on the tree of life, with 48 golden "fruits" on it, telling 48 stories of his life, and creating at the bottom of the tree in Genesis The story of Adam and Adam and Eve being expelled from the Garden of Eden.

It was a very large and shocking painting. Although Pomona did not witness it with his own eyes, he only saw it from an atlas. All the characters seemed very small under the support of the Holy Son in the middle.

Da Vinci also has a very famous work "Vitruvian Man", in which the man in the painting opens his hands and puts his feet together just like a cross.

When Vitruvius describes how the primitive man who built the first house differed from animals that could build a dwelling, such as ants, bees, swallows, and badgers, what he first mentioned was not their extraordinary manual ability, nor their imitation, but Its posture of walking upright. This not only made them stand up from the horizontal earth, but no longer looked down at the earth like animals, but gazed at the brilliant sky full of stars.

William Blake, in his portrayal of the Babylonian king, depicted him on all fours, prostrate like an animal.

The length of the outer circle of the sketch of Vitruvian Man is 26.4 inches, while the average rotation period of the sun is 26.4 days, and the total length of the four sides of the outer square is 28 feet, which is exactly one complete moon phase cycle. At the same time, the areas of the circle and the square are exactly the same. This used to be a problem that troubled many people. The calculation formula of the circle and the square contains an infinite non-recurring constant, which leads to a complete calculation of the same size circles and squares are not possible.

Da Vinci used Vitruvius and the golden ratio to solve this problem. Generally speaking, the sun represents men and the moon represents women. When the two are combined into one, they become what Plato called hermaphrodites. The original people were spherical, half It's male and half female, bonded back to back.

But from the front of "Vitruvian Man", only a male body can be seen, and the human is not spherical, but in a spherical shape.

Da Vinci would use a type of script called "mirror script" in his manuscripts, which can only be read with a mirror, but not backwards like the Mirror of Erised.

The image in the mirror reflects the back, just like someone holding a toy with Batman and Superman symbols from different angles to the mirror. Because of the different angles, the mirror is different from what you see. Sometimes it is Batman and Superman. Superman, sometimes Superman and Batman, not in perfect symmetry.

Mirrors in Venice in the 16th century were not so popular, but that doesn't mean they didn't exist.

Neo-Platonism was popular in that era, which roughly means that heaven, man, all animals, and hell are in a chain, and man is in the middle.

Because God took Adam's rib when creating Eve, the "perfect man" was no longer perfect, but he and Eve had many children. The snake once said to Eve, "When you eat the fruit, your eyes will be opened with wine, and you' Then you will be able to 'know good and evil like God'."

Satan fell because he was so proud that he could replace God and be the same as God.

Although they all created man, the man "created" by man is perishable, while the man created by God is immortal.

Pomona stands in front of the tree that was once full of tree monkey frogs, now gone and no longer glowing like a Christmas tree in the dark.

But she felt that its branches were covered with golden fruits, like snowballs, with miniature landscapes inside.

"Why are you here?" Severus asked.

"Come for the unseen fruit," said Pomona.

He looked at her in bewilderment.

"How old were you when you saw the Thestrals?" Pomona asked.

He declined to answer the question.

"Helena can see, she's only eleven years old." Pomona looked at Severus and said, "She saw her grandma die."

"How?" Severus asked.

"On the hospital bed, she has cancer. Her grandma is very kind to her. She often makes jam pies for her. I also made her a jam pie."

"You bought her off with a jam pie?" Severus asked.

"I guess that's the problem," Pomona said after a moment of thought. "Everyone thinks she's so smart that no one treats her like a little kid."

Severus smiled.

"Childhood trauma can have a life-long impact on a person. For normal people, childhood is a very good memory, even though it is naive." Pomona smiled and said, "If you can't remember, I will let the unicorn come back again." How about kicking you in the head?"

"Sev" stopped laughing.

"High school is like a zoo. Helena worked hard to get out of there early and graduated early, but she didn't want to go to college so early." Pomona looked at Snape in black, "She actually thought of herself Healing childhood trauma, and her parents agreed, after all...they don't know 'us people' very well."

He looked down at his clothes and sneered contemptuously.

"If you can't find a contestant for the Potions Contest, let her enter, her father is a chemistry professor," said Pomona.

"She'll be in second grade next year."

"Is there a minimum age limit for the Potions Contest?" Pomona asked.

He was silent for a while.


"You can give her extra lessons, or ask her to help you deal with those potions. Aren't you short of manpower?"

"I don't want that," Severus said coldly.

"You still want Bill to play?" Pomona asked.

He didn't speak.

"Because she's a girl?" Pomona asked again.

"The next Potions Contest is in Durmstrang, do you think it's safe to send a Muggleborn there?" Severus asked.

"Isn't there you?" Pomona said.

"I'm here for the academic exchange, not to watch the children." He said grumpily.

That's it, James will change Harry's diaper, this guy must be like Lucius Malfoy, stay away from the "baby", leave the care of the little baby to the ladies until they can be polite enough to show up to their father in front of them.

They are not born with the ability to control their bladder and bowels, they need to be trained, and the more she thinks about it, the angrier she gets.

"Even if you get angry, I won't change my mind." He said firmly.

"You don't know why I'm mad, do you?" Pomona said with a laugh.

"Isn't it because I didn't take her to the Potion Competition?" Severus asked strangely.

Pomona smiled even wider.

"Then why are you angry?" He asked "patiently".

The shy rose bears a thorn, the docile lamb has frightening horns, the white lily revels in love, and neither thorn nor menace mars her beauty.

This is a poem written by William Blake, although many men do not understand women...

"What are you angry about?" he asked.

"How about you promise to give her extra lessons first?" Pomona said. "We'll talk about the Potions Contest later."

He reluctantly agreed.

There was a scent of flowers from afar, a smell she was familiar with, it was the smell of the "Road to Hades" that bloomed outside Barber's tuber field.

She thought of that "famous saying" again. That person said it really well. Everyone needs a "background." Isabella Sidney gave up her prominent background in the Muggle world and started from scratch in the wizarding world.

"Where is Isabella going to intern?" Pomona asked.

"Ministry of Magic," Severus said.

"Which department?" Pomona asked.

"You don't have to worry about this." He said coldly.

"So do I," she sighed. "Emily Taylor seems to think I've cost her her internship at the Daily Prophet."

"What does she want?" Severus asked defiantly.

"Let's see." She said dryly, and walked back.

The people who went to Hogsmeade are almost back, and she wants to "interrogate" what happened.

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