Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2917 The Language of Butterflies (7)

A mother once wrote such a letter to her daughter: Mom has experienced it and confirmed that the world is happy and joyful, so I will bring you to experience it.

If there hadn't been that prophecy, if the mysterious man hadn't taken it seriously and chose to go to Godric's Hollow on Halloween, then Harry might have lived a happy life like the child in that letter.

In any case, James made Lily happy, and Lily did not live a "rich wife's life" after marrying James. She still maintained a middle-class lifestyle, which is the same as Penny .

Petunia was willing to spend money on Dali, not only buying him a lot of gifts, but also expensive things like game consoles. Of course, the broomsticks were not cheap, but she didn't spend much money on herself.

Women ranked first in spending power. Petunia and Lily's clothes were made of ordinary materials, not as fashionable and beautiful as Narcissa Malfoy.

Lily wasn't that "difficult to raise", and maybe when Harry grew up a little bit, she would be more than willing to go out and work by herself, but all this has changed since that night.

In addition to the red dragon, William Blake's paintings also include "The Behemoth and the Leviathan". On the fifth day of creation, two monsters, one male and one female, were created. The one on land was named Behemoth, and the one in the sea was named Leviathan. William Blake drew it as a coiled snake with a mouth. It was spitting out red, blood-like stuff.

Behemoth looks like a hippopotamus. Many people mistakenly think that hippopotamus is a docile animal. In the painting, Bechymos even turns his eyes round and looks back at Leviathan, but it is actually more ferocious than a crocodile. , but generally will not harm other animals.

It does not want to fill its stomach like a carnivore, but it has a sense of territory. Once it finds that someone has invaded its territory, whether it is intentional or not, it will open its mouth wide and attack with sharp fangs.

Bechymos and Leviathan are in a ball, two angels are in the sky, and between them is an old man lying on a cloud, pointing his left index finger at the ball formed by Bechymos and Leviathan.

In the Sistine ceiling painting, there is a piece of "God Created Adam". Adam and God stretched out their hands to each other, and their fingers almost touched, but Adam was still a "perfect man" at that time, and he had just woken up.

If the Sistine Ceiling is a "heaven reach," this painting is a "hell reach." God is explaining to Job the reason for the endless suffering of human beings. Job painted it with white paint, just like God and angels, but knelt on the ground, as if God was saying to Job, "Look, I created it with you. behemoth."

Opposite Job there are three more people, they look at the ground like Job, they symbolize living beings, have physical bodies, watch the unredeemed part of human beings, they all have long beards, they look like symbols of wise men, Beside Job is a woman, also white, who poses with Job and looks very young.

In the Book of Job, when Job was covered with sores, his wife said to him, "Do you still want to keep your faith? You should abandon God and die."

Job’s children were all dead, and he became ill again. Of course, it was his wife who took care of him. It’s hard to say whether she thought it was troublesome or she just couldn’t bear to let Job suffer again.

Job said to her, "You foolish woman, don't we receive blessings from the hand of God, and do we not also receive disasters?"

Women are always jealous. Even the goddesses fought over the golden apples, and Hera, the queen of heaven, was also jealous. But before she knew that Heracles was the child of Zeus, she also nursed him.

What Petunia is jealous of is that Lily has magical powers, but in the eyes of Isabella Sidney's mother, this "talent" is a "disease" that will affect her life and study. She didn't want to give up everything she had in the Muggle world and start over in the wizarding world. She carefully concealed her extraordinary place, and grew up, married, and had children like an ordinary high-class girl in peace and tranquility. Even Mr. Sidney didn't know that she was a witch.

Later, Isabella also woke up, and she had to tell the truth, but when she told everything, she seemed to be an embarrassing past.

Isabella did not choose to go to the women's school her mother had attended, but accepted the admission letter from Hogwarts. She did not feel that she was a "patient" and needed correction. Her dad thought so too, only her mom thought she was doing it wrong. Sometimes Isabella felt that her mother was expecting her to make mistakes, and then she cried and said she regretted it, and begged her mother to help her return to a "normal life".

She couldn't understand her mother, but she still acted like a good daughter at a holiday social event, after all, that's what mothers want. She felt that in her mother's eyes, Isabella Sidney was not so much a real person as a decoration in her mother's happy life.

Da Vinci said that in an outstanding painting, the distribution and arrangement of the characters should be consistent with the meaning you want these actions to express. She no longer did what her mother said. If she didn't maintain the surface, it would ruin the painting that her mother wanted to express.

This kind of pain is no less than the pain my mother felt when she found out that she was a witch. Unfortunately, the magic power cannot be removed by surgery, so every time I have a holiday, Isabella will choose to travel abroad. Unless there is an unavoidable reason, she is unwilling to go home. Both she and her mother could suffer less.

"Merlin's beard, she really thinks that?" Pomona said in surprise.

Severus sat relaxed against the sofa, seemingly acquiescing.

She didn't want to gloat over a happy person being unlucky and then tell her that was the way the world was.

She is looking for a balance. Only when the balance is for better expressing the meaning of art can its function be truly brought into play, not for harmony and balance, regardless of the meaning that this balance wants to express.

"What were you thinking?" Severus asked.

"The form and essence of happiness." She put the finished pudding plate on the floor next to the sofa.

"Let's talk about it." He said patiently, as if he suddenly became interested in this topic.

“If I were a painter, how would I paint,” Pomona said, taking a sip of the pumpkin soda through a straw.

"I don't understand." He said confused.

"Essence is much more complicated than individual things. Thomas Wayne feels that he has a lot. Anyone who has a lot like him is lucky."

"Isn't it?" Severus asked.

"We can't prove the existence of the invisible soul, so should we deny the existence of the soul?" Pomona asked. "Logic also has no substance. This issue has been debated since the Middle Ages."

"Do you think you're happy?" Severus asked.

"You might think I'm ridiculous," Pomona said, telling him about the "touch of heaven" and "touch of hell" he had in mind.

"What was that like?" he asked.


"Aren't you jealous anymore?" he asked.

"I thought, my Leviathan is alive, I can feel her, but I'd rather look up," Pomona said.

"I want to see, do you have those two paintings?" Severus said.

"I borrowed it from the library," Pomona said.


"I was still talking about form and essence to you just now." She said dissatisfiedly, "It doesn't mean that you have knowledge if you have books."

He snatched the pumpkin soda from her hand and gulped it down.

"You have it now." He smiled and returned the empty bottle to Pomona.

"Bad guy." She said angrily, and put the empty bottle on the ground.

"Hands up," he said, raising his hands himself.

"You want to imitate that painting?" Pomona said.

He didn't speak.

Pomona thought it was amused, and moved his finger closer to him.

For a moment, she felt as if there was an electric current in her fingertips.

Neither Leviathan nor Behemoth in hell did this. They lived in a closed circle and only had each other in their eyes, even though God stretched his hand through the clouds and reached their eyes.

She pulled her hand back, and Severus looked at his fingertips thoughtfully.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she snatched the pudding he hadn't finished eating, and finished it in a few strokes, which was regarded as "revenge" for the pumpkin soda.

Atricia Blake was once happy, too, until she found out her daughter was a Squib. They hurt each other, and finally the daughter called a witch hunter and burned Blackwood Manor to the ground.

It was once filled with the laughter of the whole family.

"What kind of person was the Dark Lord's mother?" Pomona asked.

He woke up from his meditation.

"Have you met her?" Pomona asked.

"No, she died shortly after giving birth to him."

"Oh." She said perfunctorily, and put the second plate of pudding on the ground, "Do you think the mysterious person will be happy if he gets eternal life?"

"Probably not," Severus said. "He's never been one to rest on his laurels and will probably continue to pursue other goals."

She suddenly felt that a little content could be added to that painting, but unfortunately, what should be used to express it? Is there such a monster in the Bible?

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