Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2913 The Language of Butterflies (3)

In addition to the City of God, Augustine also wrote a book titled "Time, Evil and Will", which collects questions that others asked Augustine.

The word passio was mentioned when discussing the seventy-seven questions of "Eighty-Three Questions", "On whether fear is a sin".

Every disturbance is a passion, and every desire is a disturbance; therefore every desire is a passion. When any passion arises in us, we suffer (patimur) because of that passion, that is, we suffer (patimur) only because it is a passion (passio). So whenever we have any desire in our mind, we suffer because of that desire, we suffer because it is a desire.

But not every passion—so far as we suffer from it—is a sin. So if someone says that if we suffer from fear, it's not a sin. That's like saying "if that's bipedal, it's not an animal". Obviously this inference does not hold, since many animals are bipedal; likewise the former cannot hold, because of the many sins we suffer. Here it is said that the inference "if we suffer from fear it is not sin" does not hold, but you say that the inference "if we suffer from fear it is not sin" does hold, although you also admit that some sins are Yes, isn't that contradictory?

Since the Muggle subway station where the accident occurred was very close to King's Cross Station, and it happened to be the day when the children took the Hogwarts Express to school, the "Evening Prophet" reported on the incident.

At that time, the subway station was crowded with 40,000 passengers who came and went in a hurry. They flocked here and took 5 subways in different directions. Suddenly someone shouted "Help, the elevator is on fire", and the crowd stopped There was a commotion, and someone hurriedly reported to the on-duty staff, and after a while, there was a piercing alarm in the subway.

The London Underground is run by the government. Because of the reduced budget, the subway staff has been cut. The lack of manpower and the panic of people after hearing the alarm make the passengers waiting in the subway chaotic. The central ticket hall is full of chaotic running. people.

The fire spread rapidly and quickly engulfed the entire ticket hall. The crowd fell into a panic for a moment, and people became panicked.

In "The Fable of the Bee", the author once mentioned that when we feel that disaster is approaching, the emotion that appears in our hearts is called "fear", which creates anxiety in our hearts, and most people think that they can overcome this with reason. cognition.

If a person falls down, passers-by will help him up out of kindness and politeness. But in the subway station at that time, some people fell but no one could help them up. One was panic, and the other was that the sight was blocked by the thick smoke, and the people who fell on the ground could not be seen.

When firefighters tried to go in to fight the fire, it was difficult for large equipment to get close to the fire because of the small underground space, and it was also difficult for them to go in and put out the fire before the surging passengers were evacuated from various exits.

As of press time, 27 people have died and hundreds have been injured, making it the worst accident on the London Underground since 1975.

The 1975 crash was the work of the Death Eaters, who cast the Imperius Curse on the driver so he didn't hit the brakes, causing him to hit a train that was supposed to be parked on the platform.

Although Severus, who went to assist in the investigation, has not returned yet, Felix has already prepared the school's protective magic, which will be activated when everyone arrives. At least people outside the school can no longer interfere with the safety of the school.

The more panicked I am, the more I want to do something, as if I am resisting the approaching danger.

Feliway was still the same, after the senior students came to the school in a carriage first, let the members of the frog choir perform the chorus, Minerva went to the dock to welcome the new students, and Pomona did not go Whispering students, talk to Sinista about Cepheid observations.

The more everyone is anxious to get out, the more likely it is that no one can get out. A similar fire happened in the United States before. There was only one revolving door as the exit in the whole bar, and it could only turn in one direction.

What's more, the Minister of Transport, the Prime Minister, and the Mayor of London have all gone to the scene in person. Even the Queen has made TV and radio speeches.

After almost all the students arrived, Minerva led the freshmen into the auditorium, and Pomona saw the tall and thin Percy Weasley at a glance.

He followed right behind Minerva, and Pomona couldn't help but look up Patsy's sleeve, hoping he hadn't brought his pet Scabbers into the auditorium. If people were at a party and found a mouse on the table, if Patsy insisted that it was a member of the family...

Pomona sensed that someone was coming beside her, and her gaze turned to that side involuntarily, and Severus sat calmly on the seat next to her, with a strong burnt smell on his body.

"How is it?" Sinista asked Severus in a low voice, across Pomona.

He motioned for Sinistra to watch the sorting ceremony.

Pomona also looked at the students. They were looking at Snape and the vacated position of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. They seemed to be more interested in other topics than sorting.

"Elena Aiken." Minerva read from the list.

A girl with shoulder-length blond hair came up the steps and sat in a chair, and Minerva put the Sorting Hat on her.

"Oh, I see." The Sorting Hat whispered, "You have great talent, but I think you should belong to Hufflepuff!"

"No!" Aiken yelled before Hufflepuff's children could clap their hands. "Again! You must be doing it wrong."

There was a sudden silence in the auditorium.

"You're mistaken!" said Irene Aiken. "Repeat."

"Well, many people have had the same question as you, but I stand by my decision." The Sorting Hat said, "You belong to Hufflepuff College."

"Come down, Miss Aiken," Minerva said. "There are others waiting for sorting."

Aiken stood up as Minerva ordered, but she seemed on the verge of tears.

Pomona is in control.

In the fable of the bee, the author believes that anger can overcome fear, which will make animals spare no effort to sweep away or destroy all obstacles on their way to survival.

"She doesn't seem to want to be a Hufflepuff," Severus said. "What are you going to do?"

"Take her to the Hogwarts Express and tell her to go back immediately." Pomona said coldly.

"Really?" he said defiantly.

"Of course not," Sinista said. "She's just being angry."

"Who's Isabella Sidney?" asked Pomona.

"What are you asking her for?" Severus asked.

"I want to ask her mother's tutor's contact information." Pomona replied, "Miss Aiken can continue to study in Muggle school like Mrs. Sidney, and at the same time learn to master her own power."

No one spoke.

"I'm just learning from Dumbledore, giving her another choice." Pomona said calmly, "Rules are rules, and there will be no exceptions because of Miss Aiken."

"I sent her over after the party," Severus said.

As this little episode ended and the sorting continued, Percy was finally sorted into Gryffindor, and Bill and Charlie breathed a sigh of relief. In the end, there was no "traitor" assigned to Slytherin in their family of pure-blooded traitors.

When it was all over, Dumbledore gave another speech, warning the students not to go to the Forbidden Forest, and also announced that the school had bred a large number of emperor dragonflies, and they were free to catch them.

Then there is the "Chorus" school anthem, to which Felix remains unmoved.

After the chorus finished, the banquet began, but for some reason, the tropical fruit ice cream was not delivered.

But without this dessert, the dinner party is enough, especially the chicken stew with morel mushrooms is very popular.

"You should come with me." Pomona was halfway through eating, and Minerva came in through the side door and told her to go.

Pomona put down the spoon angrily and left his seat.

She followed Minerva to the preparation room next to the auditorium, where the crying Aiken was waiting under Filch's watch.

"I'm the vice-principal, Minerva McGonagall. This is Hufflepuff's dean, Professor Sprout. What do you want, Miss Aiken?"

"Well, it can't be Hufflepuff." Aiken cried inarticulately, "You must have made a mistake."

"Then what do you think is right?" Pomona said as calmly as possible.

"Ifamony College can choose which college to study in," Aiken said.

"Sorry, this is Hogwarts." Pomona said coldly, "All of us have to accept the arrangement of the Sorting Hat."

"That's a dirty, stupid hat," Aiken said.

"That's Godric Gryffindor's relic," Minerva said.

"Which college do you want to go to?" Pomona asked suddenly.

Aiken twitched and refused to answer.

"Ravenclaw?" Pomona asked.

Minerva looked at her.

Where would a Muggleborn want to be if he didn't want to go to Gryffindor and Hufflepuff but "from Ravenclaw by the quiet lake"?

The door of the preparation room opened again, and in came Isabella Sidney in her Slytherin uniform.

"The Dean says you need me, Professor," said Isabella Sidney in a melodious voice.

"Is your mother's governess still available?" Pomona asked politely.

"What are you doing here?" Minerva asked.

"Offer an alternative," said Pomona. "Tell me, Miss Sidney, why did your mother decide not to attend the School of Wizardry?"

"I didn't say I wouldn't come to the magic school!" Aiken said.

"So how do you say the Sorting Hat got it wrong?" Pomona asked.

"You're going to throw her out?" Minerva asked Pomona.

"She rejected us first!" Pomona said sternly, "Why should I tolerate?"

"Let's vote first," Sidney said, "look at the results of other people's votes to decide whether to accept her."

"Do you agree, Miss Aiken?" Minerva asked.

Elena Aiken hesitated for a while, and finally nodded.

So Pomona had one more task, and she had to go to her prefects and ask them to organize a vote to decide whether to accept this little witch.

Before leaving, she looked at Isabella Sidney, and she also looked at Pomona, but neither of them spoke, and they returned to the auditorium in silence to continue the unfinished dinner.

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