Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2911 The Language of Butterflies (1)

In the bitter wind and rain, a group of soldiers were fighting to the death in the rain and fog. They were wearing armor and holding swords as weapons.

The blood mixed with the rain, dyed the battlefield blood red. When the sun shone through the rain clouds and the rain stopped for a while, one of the warring parties immediately launched an attack.

However, while running, the coach of the attacking side suddenly fell off his horse. The offensive side thought their coach was dead, and immediately became confused, but fortunately, the coach stood up quickly and took off his helmet to let everyone know that he hadn't Die, this is the only way to stabilize your position.

At first Pomona didn't know where he was until someone shouted "For William the Conqueror".

Harold had been crowned King of England since Edwards the Confessor in 1066, after he had promised William the heir to the crown if he became king himself. In short, after Henry I ascended the throne, he promulgated the "Charter of Liberty", promising to continue to rule in accordance with the laws of Edward the Confessor after he ascended the throne.

In 1485, Richard III also caused the horse to fall on his back because a horseshoe was not nailed properly, but he was not as lucky as William the Conqueror. He was seriously injured and the horse ran away. Seeing the king fall, the entire army lost its backbone, collapsed in an instant, and suffered a complete defeat. Richard III was also captured as a result, leaving a story of a horseshoe, a general, and a country.

There are too many misfortunes about the Panama Canal, but it is indeed a super project in human history. In addition to using locks to resolve the height difference between the two oceans, the Muggles also used miter-lock locks, which are said to have been designed by Leonardo da Vinci.

Before he invented this kind of lock, people mainly used heavy gates to cut off the water flow. The construction of this kind of lock was not only poor in sealing, but also very laborious to open and close. However, this V-shaped lock gave it an initial stage. After the pressure, you can use the water flow to close it yourself. The most important thing is to seal it well. As the water level on one side of the V-shaped door gradually rises, the water pressure will also increase, and the two doors will be squeezed against each other to form a sealed gate. To open It's time to remove the water pressure, and the gate can be easily pushed open on each side.

In the practical application of the Panama Canal, the large locks are hollow, which can generate buoyancy and reduce the force on the hinges. In order to enhance the sealing, V-shaped steps are built on the bottom of the river, even if there is water leakage, it can be ignored.

Geniuses are like stars in the night sky, shining in the dark, but even the brightest stars of the future have their moments of infancy.

Waking up early in the morning, Pomona started preparing for the start-of-school feast. Although the Hufflepuff children would help with other banquets, she had to cook this meal herself.

The Hogwarts Express departs from King's Cross Station at 11 o'clock and arrives at the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in seven hours, and the school has been busy long before then.

In addition to creme brulee, there is also tropical fruit ice cream, mainly mango and coconut flavor, which is ordered by the old fool, he likes to eat these things.

Pomona felt that this little wish could be granted, plus the shrunken figs from the greenhouse were ripening, and some purple, suspicious-looking ice cream was also made.

Many children are not willing to try new things, and they will only eat them after they are brave enough to try.

Before the opening of the Panama Canal, if you need to take a boat from New York to San Francisco to Cape Horn in South America, the shortest voyage is six months. Before the Pacific Railway was repaired, the east and west of the United States were separated by mountains, and there was no communication line.

Because the canal was abroad, during the Prohibition period, Americans could take a cruise ship, board the ship from coastal cities such as New York or San Francisco, and travel while drinking and reveling. At the same time, the British Royal Navy also started a world tour called the "Empire Cruise". Just a year after Prohibition was signed, the Hood sailed through the Panama Canal. Shortly thereafter, in the same year, the American cruiser USS Colorado passed through the Panama Canal.

The Bahamas is only 60 nautical miles away from the mainland of the United States. First, during the Civil War, as an important cotton transit point, it made a lot of money by transporting American cotton to the United Kingdom. The United States has always regarded the Caribbean Sea as its back garden. The economic lifeline of Cuba, not far from the Bahamas, has been controlled by the United States, and with the help of the United States, it has convened a constitutional assembly and established a republic.

Bullying is not just a school issue or individual behavior, it exists in the adult world as well. The current Emily Taylor is because the "bully" of Slytherin is gone, and there is less support. When the "bully" of Slytherin was there before, she was able to stand up and fight it, not only brave but also She was pretty, and she did have quite a few admirers.

In the story of the clown, the three promising young people dare not challenge the system that bullies them, but they can take their anger out on Arthur. In Arthur's eyes, these little people have become "bully".

You can rest assured that if the bullies see the teacher working part-time outside cleaning cars, they will not sympathize with them, ask the teacher why he wants to work part-time, instead they will take pictures of the teacher in embarrassment and show off to their friends. If you don't listen, how can you listen to your classmates.

The salary paid by Hogwarts is not high. This is not because Albus does not want to change the public Quidditch broom. Anyway, after so many years, I have not seen a teacher union set up to ask for a salary increase.

The only good thing is that Hogwarts is located in the deep mountains and old forests, where unicorns can be seen. Getting used to the prosperous human world, returning to a place where game consoles are useless is a kind of torture. Let alone Hogwarts, children in the city will know what it is like to spend a summer vacation in the country.

Every year, the first week or two of school will inevitably be chaotic. After everyone gets used to this rhythm, calm and order will slowly return.

Petunia sent Dudley to join the Boy Scouts and asked him to make more friends, but she missed the root of the problem. Creating opportunities is not the same as being able to seize opportunities. Pomona knew with his eyes closed what Dali was like in the Boy Scouts.

In James' father's day, aggressive and athletic boys were easy to emulate, while academics were marginalized. When it's James' turn to study, being aggressive and good at sports is not so popular anymore, even if he doesn't bully everyone like Dudley, he can still be the president of the student body after the scene in fifth grade, let alone him and Sirius Violating so many school rules, how do those students who obey the school rules deal with themselves?

If others refuse to obey, use force to make others submit. How is that different from Death Eaters who abuse the Unforgivable Curse?

As long as social bullying exists, campus bullying cannot be avoided. In the past, it was Slytherin who bullied other people, but now it is Slytherin's turn to be bullied.

Or... stop sorting, cancel Slytherin house?

Everyone has their own aspirations, and if the magic society feels that it is necessary, Pomona can only choose to adapt.

It's also unwise to disagree with the majority, Hufflepuff has the most people, and she's safe as long as she remains "invisible".

Protecting yourself, protecting your children, falling back on individual strategies, that's the biggest problem social change movements face, and it's caused by complex reasons.

But Pomona also hopes that the kids at his academy will change a bit, at least fight back.

She put down the hammer and left the kitchen to find Minerva.

How the hell is Muggle post so slow? It's been so many days, and the letter hasn't arrived yet?

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