Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 291 Good Luck Harry

How could she forget that October 31, 1981 was Halloween.

Godric's Hollow is a place where wizards and Muggles live together, the night was humid and windy, the shop windows were decorated with paper spiders, and there were strangely dressed people everywhere, so they dressed up strangely Even if the wizard is ostentatious on the road, no one cares, even a half-giant like Hagrid is just amazing.

Sirius appeared in Godric's Hollow, and then found the ruined Potter's house. When he was leaving, he met Hagrid who came to pick up Harry and the others. Yes, but the Potter family's secret-keeper is Wormtail, not Dumbledore himself, and he shouldn't have known that the Fidelity Curse was broken, unless Dumbledore was notified.

There were many weekends from July 31 to October 31, 1981, and with the murder of Marlene McKinnon, the time of Wormtail's defection can be determined around September.

It was Wormtail who broke the loyalty curse first, and then Voldemort came, followed by Hagrid who came to pick them up. When Hagrid found Harry from the ruins, he did not find Voldemort's body.

Sirius Black, you troublemaker.

Pomona thought to herself, but she couldn't help agreeing that Sirius' heart was burning with a sense of justice. He would indeed not be sorted into Slytherin House, and the Sorting Hat hadn't made a mistake.

Justice always comes late, whether it was the last battle between Marlene McKinnon or the Department of Mysteries, the Order of the Phoenix was behind Voldemort, and all of this was caused by communication.

The Dark Mark on the Death Eater's arm is very convenient, and now it is also a symbol of others' identification and discrimination.

Later, the Order of the Phoenix had fake Galleons, which was inspired by Hermione, and enhanced by Arthur, who has researched Muggle things, and now Muggle communication technology is very advanced, but Muggle communication is Originating from electricity, wizards communicate by magic.

Muggle things are useless in the wizarding world and will be destroyed soon. The Order of the Phoenix is ​​slowly making progress, especially the battle of the seven Potters. The Order of the Phoenix led the Death Eaters by the nose. The Death Eater was confused, like someone good at the Confusion Charm.

This spell can confuse items. He can sneak into the Ministry of Magic first, cast the Imperius Curse on the guard, let him let Harry Potter in, and then report to the Dark Lord, telling him that Harry Potter has entered the Ministry of Magic. The Dark Lord asked him to stay behind. He did not stay with the Death Eaters, but returned to Hogwarts. The fact that the headmaster's office is not open to Umbridge does not mean that it is not open to him. Dumbledore trusted him, and he passed Phileas' portrait tells Sirius that Harry is at the Ministry of Magic.

As for how he got in touch with Moody, it may be because of some kind of connection between them, like the blood oath between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, the contract between the strong and the strong. Mad-Eye never believed Severus Snape, and after Dumbledore's death he used a choke charm to ensure that Severus could not reveal the location of Grimmauld Place, where Pomona was It's strange why everyone was immediately convinced that Harry Potter had arrived at the Ministry of Magic, and that's how it turned out.

He made Harry do whatever he wanted, which is what every doting parent does, and if there's nothing wrong with being doting, what's wrong with what Severus did?

It's just that the price Harry paid was the loss of Sirius. Draco Malfoy was also spoiled, and he had a brand on his arm that could never be washed off. He paid a painful price. Other spoiled kids didn't see any immediate punishment and went on to do whatever they wanted, like Harry's Muggle cousin Dudley.

Boys never grow up without setbacks.

If Seaver stops Harry, then in Harry's eyes he is a traitor to the Order of the Phoenix who is loyal to the Death Eaters and prevents him from saving Sirius Black. What's the big deal.

This is the real evil, wearing a mask of hypocrisy, it looks like a good person, but in fact it is behind the scenes to achieve its own goals.

This was learned from Dumbledore, but the old fool was guiding the members of the Order of the Phoenix to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the majority, while Severus was sacrificing the interests of others to get what he wanted.

Everyone gets knocked out and I'll have the last laugh, which is very, very "human".

One is a handsome and handsome rebellious nobleman with a sense of justice, but he doesn't put friends and family first.

One is a down-and-out aristocrat who is not so upright and not so good-looking, but he values ​​his family very much and relies on his own efforts to achieve success.

Pomona chose the latter, Sirius is dead, and she will lose the one who continues to cling to the loss, Harry Potter's fifth grade Severus is very unhappy, and Dumbledore is uncharacteristically Work with the Ministry of Magic to accept Umbridge as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts.

After Voldemort's fall, Umbridge was sentenced to life in prison for torturing Muggles and Muggle-born wizards. But she was back six years later, and she continued to strut around the black-bricked atrium of the Ministry of Magic in her pink dress.

Doris is a survivor. She has worked in the Department of Magic Enforcement for many years, knows the terms and loopholes of the law, and has practiced the ability to adapt to the wind. When the three of Harry Potter drank Polyjuice Potion and mixed into the Ministry of Magic Afterwards, Hermione, who pretended to be Mafalda Hopkirk, participated in the trial of the Muggle-born Registration Committee and released a large number of innocent Muggle-born wizards. Hermione could leave directly, but Mafalda could not. She was finally discovered by the guards of the Ministry of Magic with Albert Trancowan. She was an assistant in the Office of Prohibition of Misuse of Magic, and her boss was Trevor. When the furious Trevor planned to interrogate Umbridge protected her when she was there.

Harry Potter becomes Albert Tran Cowan, who is from the Department of Magical Sports and Sports. His old boss, Ludo Bagman, is an international batsman and also runs a gambling business. During the First Wizarding War, when Ludo's Quidditch career was in full swing, he was accused of providing information to August Rookwood, his father's old friend, and became what Rookwood thought was a seamless intelligence network. one of the. During the interrogation, Ludo confessed to the fact that he provided information to others, but he claimed that he did not realize that Lukewood was Voldemort's subordinate at that time. He also admitted that his motivation for joining the so-called organization against Voldemort was not so pure, because Luke Wood tricked him into finding him a job in the Ministry of Magic after he retired from the Quidditch team. Many were acquitted.

He had a bad habit of gambling, and it was this habit that led to his eventual bankruptcy. He even borrowed money from goblins to fill the financial hole and wanted to make a comeback. When the bets were lost, he used the money to pay the winners, including the Weasley twins, and sometimes he used goblin gold to pay off little ones who had lent him money that he never paid back. goblins. For a period of time after the end of the World Cup, he disappeared for a while, still afraid to face those angry creditors. Among them were Fred and George, who spent most of their school years in 1994 and 1995 collecting debts from Ludo. Ludo's last bet was on the Triwizard Tournament. That time he bet on Harry Potter, who was clearly underdog. Later, he took advantage of his special position in the game, abused his power without professional ethics, and wanted to influence the outcome of the game. But when the game ended in a tie, Ludo had no face to face the goblin creditors, so he could only leave in despair and continue to live a life of avoiding debts. Bagman's deceitful behavior had extremely bad effects. The goblin creditors not only have to swallow the bitter fruit of Ludo's non-payment of debts alone, but also have doubts about whether the Ministry of Magic will protect Ludo. Because of the growing anti-wizard sentiment among goblins, Bill's original plan to get goblins to support the Order of the Phoenix was thwarted. It was Albert Trancowan who continued to run the department while the director was in hiding. Paid the huge debt left by Bagman, and also tried to make the goblins lean towards the Death Eaters. Even the Death Eaters have to give the goblins face. Now Albert Trancowan is the head of the Department of Magical Sports Director, the goblins trust him more than Cormac McLaggen, the director of the Goblin Liaison Office. He and Doris are old friends. After many negotiations, Doris returned to the Ministry of Magic. She used to work in the Pest Advisory Office. Now she's been transferred to the werewolf office and is starting to get hot again.

"Oh, my God." Pomona supported Hermione, afraid that she would faint. "How much do George and Fred owe?"

"I don't know!" Hermione roared. "They don't drink the aging potion for fun, but to influence the outcome of the game. This is part of Bagman's plan."

"How do you know this?"

"Hannah told me. It caused quite a scandal in the social world. How come you don't know?"

"Hahaha." Pomona laughed dryly. What was she doing in 1994 and 1995? She wanted to cast an all-seeing effect on herself, and never forget it.

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked concerned.

"I'm fine, hahaha." Pomona couldn't help laughing and said, "Look at me, I'm so happy!"

She'd forgotten that Severus Snape was a rational lunatic, that's what he was, and Harry was really lucky to have survived the Battle of the Department of Mysteries!

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