Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 2908 Water and Dream (11) Repair

Pomona sprayed the bedroom with water mist mixed with insecticide.

Some time ago, two velvets sneaked in. If fleas and other insects really came in, they would probably be carrying them.

When Newt Scamander came to New York, he had to go through an inspection when he disembarked. Fortunately, his suitcase was prepared with two modes, otherwise he would not be able to enter the country at all.

Then he went to the bank to exchange currency used during his travels in the United States, where he met Jacob and Tina, although Muggle federal agents did not show up in New York, but Macusa's headquarters were there, as "Ex-Auror" Tina took advantage of lunch time to monitor Second Salem.

She could have sat down and had a decent meal in a restaurant, but instead she ate a hot dog, not to mention spending a few hours eating "gracefully" with full table manners, and her lunch break was only so point.

Wizards don't care about Muggle Prohibition, in fact American wizards made a lot of money at that time, especially "giggle water" (giggle water), as long as it is strong, people drink it, although drinking it will Can't help laughing, but Muggles can't get poisoned if they drink it.

This "water" contains potion ingredients, and the brandy brought back by Dumbledore contains "natural ingredients" that make people laugh...

All in all, although the law and order in New York is not very good, it is still much better than Chicago. So when the animals in Scamander left their suitcases and caused an "explosion" in Jacob's apartment, non-magical folks were quick to believe it was caused by a gas leak, just as the rest of the community believed it was caused by Silence The damage caused by the attackers was also caused by the gas leak.

The Muggles did not have this cognition because of macusa's memory modification. They were investigating the real culprit who caused the destruction of New York.

As long as they could check Scamander's immigration records, they would find that when he arrived in New York, the "Fantastic Beasts" incident had been going on for some time, and it was impossible for his animals to cause it.

But Tina was eager to save her own career, or other considerations. In short, she brought Scamander back to the headquarters, and she almost died because of it. In the end, she was rescued by Newt who was "almost framed by her" in the death chamber.

In 1920, Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for the Democratic vice president. He wrote to Blaine in 1922, the year the Democrats defeated the Republicans and won 13 seats in the state. The Democratic Party had not held a party convention in New York since 1868, so Democrats in New York State fought hard to host the 1924 convention.

At that time, there were still many southerners in the Democratic Party. Because his deputy was involved in the Teapot Mountain scandal, in order to reduce the heat, he agreed to change the venue of the congress to New York. But "some up-and-coming idiot" won the convention siting issue, but missed out on the center stage, and then they came up with the idea of ​​repealing the Eighteenth Amendment. The two factions that support abolition and those that do not support abolition are evenly matched and incompatible, so this New York congress has become the "most chaotic and longest" in the history of the Democratic Party.

So Pomona couldn't figure it out even more, why Henry Shaw Jr. used alcohol prohibition as the topic at the fundraising dinner in 1926, and the host also said that he would become the president of the United States in the future.

Pomona didn't smell the insecticide because of the head curse, but just as she was about to exit, she heard movement in the room.

She walked quietly following the sound, and slowly raised her wand.

The sound came from her closet. She was about to open it, but the closet door opened by itself, and Pomona only saw an afterimage rushing towards her.

"All imprisoned!" Pomona yelled subconsciously.

The instant the thing rushing towards it stopped, her bedroom door opened and Severus stood in the doorway.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I found this." Pomona picked up a velvet off the ground, and she couldn't figure out how they got into her bedroom.

"Is that what it's doing?" Severus asked.

"Shut the door!" Pomona said. "This room is full of insecticide."

Then she left the room with the "culprit".

When she was outside the bedroom, Pomona lifted the head-soaking spell, and the pungent smell made her feel uncomfortable, let alone the small animals.

It was coughing and sneezing continuously, looking sickly.

"Is there an antidote?" Pomona asked Severus.

"The inhaled dose is not large enough to be toxic," Severus said.

But Pomona looked at the cattail and still felt sorry for it, so he had to comb its fur with his hands.

That experience was fraught for most New Yorkers, eager to forget.

But for Jacob, who was going through the trough of his life, it brought joy and hope. The rain mixed with the venom of the squirrel called by the Thunderbird did not work on him.

What's more, this water will not only be inhaled, but also enter New York's water supply system. According to the habit of drinking raw water at that time, these "venom" will also be drunk by them.

"I had a tortoise because it lived a long life and was easy to keep," Pomona said gloomily. "But I don't like pets. Does that mean I'm a heartless person?"

"Who told you that?" Severus asked.

"You're telling me to be normal," Pomona said accusingly.

He looks like he's about to laugh.

"Be serious!" she said seriously.

"You want to keep this velvet?" Severus said "seriously".

"Here you are." Pomona handed the velvet to him.

But he didn't answer.

"I don't keep pets." He said coldly, "All the pets I keep don't end well."

"It's not for you to raise it, but to see if it recovers?" Pomona said.

He suddenly leaned over and pushed the hair around her ears away.

"What are you doing!" She hurriedly covered her ears.

"See if your ears are not clean, Pu Rongrong really eats earwax?"

"That's what it says in the book." She said, covering her ears tightly.

"I'll ask for proof." He said confidently.

"You can try raising one yourself," Pomona said.

"I don't have pets." Severus looked at the velvet on her leg. "This one looks very unfriendly."

Pomona actually felt that the velvet wanted to attack Severus, as if it knew who was responsible for making it so hard.

"Let me take a look," he went on.

"No!" She continued to refuse, "What if you see my ears are full of earwax?"

"I want to see it." He said forcefully.


He directly grabbed her wrist, and Pu Rongrong escaped while struggling.

At last seeing him so sympathetic, Pomona put her hands down.

"Look, look!" She closed her eyes, "Don't think I'm dirty."

There was no movement for a long time, she secretly opened her eyes.

"Why should I think you are dirty?" He asked seriously.

She didn't know where to start.

"Look at me." He whispered, reaching out to touch her ear.

"You should wear earrings." He said, looking at her earlobes.

She felt her face was red and hot, and even her ears were hot.

He may have sensed the temperature change, and his gaze turned to her face.

"When was the last time you picked out earwax?" she said dryly.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a slight smile.

"I'll help you, and you'll help me," Pomona said.

He was silent, and Pomona took him for acquiescence, turned a quill into an ear pick, and sat down on the sofa.

"Come here," she told him.

Severus walked over consciously, sat down next to her, and then lay down straight down, resting his head on her lap.

"Is this sofa too short?" She looked at him curled up on the sofa and asked.

"Go on." He said lightly.

Pomona pushed back his greasy hair and checked his ears, which were cleaner than she'd expected.

"Do you know how Hamlet's father died?" she said grimly. "He was sleeping in the garden one day, and poison was poured into his ear."

"Are you going to poison me?" He asked with a smile.

"I just remind you not to fall asleep." She said angrily, picking his ear with an ear pick.

"Sounds like thunder," Severus said.

"Only you can hear the rumble," said Pomona softly. "I can't hear anything."

"Stay like this," he said comfortably, and lay down in a more comfortable position.

Somehow she remembered Bill's earring, which was the fourth leaf of clover.

Then she deliberately blew on Severus' ear.

"What?" he said quietly.

"Blow away the earwax." She replied with a smile, "Don't move."

He was really obedient and motionless, and soon both of his ears were clean.

"It's your turn." He said after sitting up straight.

"That's it." She blushed and said, "I won't lie down anymore."

He didn't insist, took the ear pick, and sat down to help her clean her ears.

He may have deliberately pulled her earlobe for revenge, causing her a little pain, or he may have been trying to see clearly. In short, the ear was in someone else's hands, and Pomona did not dare to move it.

"There is a legend that the land was once floated on the sea by several big tortoises." Severus said, "I thought you raised the tortoise for this reason."

"Why do you think that?" she asked in surprise.

He put the earpick into his ear, and she suddenly heard a sound like thunder.

Thunder is often followed by rain, which falls to the ground and seeps into the interior of the earth. According to Bruno, the water element partly soaked in the earth has more power than the earth soaked in water. Everyone can see that the water is falling in the desert, and soon the desert will be green.

"Your head is always full of fantasy," Severus said.

She closed her eyes, like a blind man whose hearing becomes sharper.

"What are you doing?" he asked in a low voice.

"Listen to you." She said uncontrollably as if drunk.

But he didn't say any more, she only heard his breathing.

"Thank you for taking me home yesterday."

"You're drunk," he said quietly.

"What about your mean words?" Pomona asked. "Like, 'I can't let a drunk sleep on the street'?"

"What about your sympathy? You don't think Rita Kiester turned to journalism because she saw too much evil?" Severus said.

"That was her choice, abandoning the original principle."

"What principles does she have?" Severus asked.

"Documenting the truth, even if that truth will make a world-shattering difference," Pomona said calmly.

"I thought you were going to speak for the unspoken," Severus said.

"Don't be naive, Severus." She put her ear close to his face and let him continue to serve her.

Some people feel depressed and melancholy on rainy days, while others feel that rainy days are very relaxing and they sleep very sweetly.

This may be due to the restrictions on going out in the rain, and those who want to go out can't go out and can only stay at home.

Now Pomona is feeling sleepy listening to "Thunder."

An economist once put forward the trickle-down theory. Like Bruno, he believed that "water" would seep deep into the ground, and the best relief was to do nothing. As long as the total wealth was increased, the poor would also benefit.

But the top is too "thirsty", and there is nothing "trickle down" at the bottom. The establishment of Second Salem is not unrelated to the private charity Hoover emphasized. It took in many homeless children, including Credence.

"This side is fine, switch to the other," Severus said.

"Come here." She regained consciousness and pointed to the other side of the sofa.

He doesn't move at all.

"You sit a little over, I'll go over," Pomona said.

He still doesn't move.

"How about you lie down?" He said as if discussing, "Or what are you worried about?"

"It's unseemly," Pomona said.

"It's just the two of us here, and I won't tell anyone else," Severus said.

She looked at the cunning Slytherin.

Not removing earwax from one ear is not like putting on half of the face with makeup.

"I'm going to catch that cattail." She stood up and went to get the pet bait.

He was a little angry, but Pomona didn't let him get away with it. It's human nature to ask for something.

When she caught the velvet hiding in the corner, Severus didn't leave, and he was flipping through her bookshelves again.

She wanted to tell him that this is not your place, but she still didn't have the guts.

"Where's your Hamlet?" he asked.

"I borrowed it from the library," Pomona said.

He looks at her.

"The important thing about knowledge is not the book, who said I don't have it?" Pomona asked.

"Maybe I will forget." His hand stroked the spines of those books, "Sometimes I will take them out and review them."

"Then go to the library to borrow it." Pomona said coldly.

"Maybe I can have one of my own," he told her, smiling, showing his yellow teeth. "You don't have to be shy about expressing what you really think."

She looked at him coldly.

"I hope you feel comfortable." He said provocatively, "If it were me, I could hear clearly in one ear, but it would be very uncomfortable if I couldn't hear clearly all the time."

Then he left her office with a mysterious smile.

It's okay if he doesn't mention it, but she also finds it a bit annoying when he mentions it.

But she glanced at the plush in her arms, and she couldn't imagine it eating earwax with its tongue, which reminded her of anteaters and ants.

"What kind of strange association is this." She muttered, taking Pu Rongrong to the medical wing together.

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