Harry Potter Morning Light

Chapter 29 The Shrieking House (Part 2)


The moment Pomona put the mandrake back into the pot and took off the earmuffs, she heard someone outside the greenhouse saying that she was looking out of the dusty window that hadn't been cleaned for many years. Two adult wizards, with Two Slytherin students, escorting a house elf, were walking this way.

After Hogwarts closed the school gate, outsiders were not allowed to enter without the permission of the headmaster, not to mention the two adult wizards were not very good people at first glance.

Based on Badger's intuition, Pomona believed that it was not a good time to go out at this time. In desperation, she hid in the preparation room. The moment she closed the door, the door of the greenhouse opened, and the house elf staggered to death. He was pushed in, and then the four wizards also came in. They closed the door tightly and closed all the windows.

Pomona smelled the rancid smell again, the same smell she smelled in Madam Malkin's clothing store that day. She suppressed her nausea and looked through the crack of the door to see what the people inside were doing. The man walked up to the two Slytherin boys and said arrogantly, "Look, satisfied, this place is far away from the castle, no one will hear you."

The two Slytherin boys were still on edge when another, shorter man said, "Don't worry, it's just a house-elf and you won't get into trouble."

"How is that possible?" The slightly fatter student said anxiously, "If there is one person missing, someone will definitely find out."

"Human? It's not human at all." The tall man's face was full of disgust. "The house imp is born inferior. Who would make the pure-blooded nobles take the blame for it?"

"Get out your wand." The short man took out his own wand and said to the two, "Hurry up."

The two Slytherin boys hesitated, but took out their wands anyway.

"Let these two little guys learn a lot, Evan." The tall man walked aside and sat on a table, and the short man called Evan walked to the middle of the aisle, grinning grinningly at the shivering domestic Elf.

"Heartbreaking!" A green light flew out of his wand, hitting the house-elf directly, and it screamed in pain.

"Look, that's how the Unforgivable Curse works." Evan turned his head and said to the two Slytherin boys, "Which of you two will come first?"

The two looked at each other, and finally the fatter boy stood in front, pointing his wand at the house-elf.


He yelled, and the elf instinctively reached out to cover his face, but the Slytherin boy's wand didn't glow green.

"No!" The man sitting on the table yelled, "Using the Unforgivable Curse requires determination, you were still hesitating just now!"

"I didn't!" the boy said quickly.

"Do as I do!" Evan walked to the side of the fat boy, and raised his wand again, "Piercing!"

A green light hit the house-elf again, and this time it rolled on the floor in pain.

Now Pomona understood what they were doing. These two adults were using house-elves as practice subjects, teaching two minors the Unforgivable Curse.

They are indifferent to life and enjoy the pleasure of torturing others. Although the house elves are not human beings, if the two teenagers follow suit, evil will take root in their hearts like seeds, and a new generation of villains will be born. .

The fat boy was still hesitating, but the thinner boy was already eager to try. He took out his wand and performed a piercing attack on the house elf. A small green light hit it, and the elf only let out a scream .

"That's right, that's it. Be more determined." Evan said loudly, "You are not kidding. If you really want to serve the Dark Lord, you must go all out."

They are Death Eaters.

Pomona was stiff. How could there be a Death Eater in the school?

"Do like Avery, Mooresible." The man at the table said to the two of them. "Your father will cry if he knows you are so useless."

Mooresible wiped the sweat from his brow, pointed his wand at the house-elf.

"Please, young master," said the elf weakly, "Robbie can't stand it."

However, in the face of its entreaties, the Slytherin boy still responded with the Unforgivable Curse.

Pomona doesn't know how many times a person can bear this kind of injury. The house elves are stronger than humans, but their servility makes them have no strength but dare not resist. With the Unforgivable Curse cast on it by two little Death Eaters More and more, its wailing and screaming became lower and lower, corresponding to the expressions on the faces of the two teenagers.

They become crazy and evil and have nothing to do with elegance.

Pomona remembered Pete's reminder that Hufflepuff should stay away from Slytherin, especially after the Quidditch game this year, the behavior of the boys was almost tantamount to declaring war on Slytherin. Mulciber and Avery didn't dare do anything to Pomona, but torturing her wasn't unusual in the eyes of those two adults, and she'd bet they'd tortured Muggle adults.

Invocation of the Guardian requires happy memories, and the Unforgivable Curse requires the determination to hurt people. People who keep this kind of evil will become more and more evil. They don't feel any pain. impossible.

When wizards oppress other races because of their strength, have you ever thought that other races will resist one day and trample the once mighty strong under their feet?

Goblins rebelled in the 17th century. That's what Professor Binns said yesterday. They used Hogsmeade's tavern as their headquarters. Although Binns didn't explain the process in detail, the result is obvious. The pavilion is now under the control of goblins.

If you want to negotiate peace, you must negotiate conditions. The money of the wizards is now controlled by the goblins. How will the wizards and nobles survive without money?

You have to fight for power by yourself, which is why goblins have a higher status in the magic world than other races. The same is true for centaurs. Wizards call them barbarians but dare not touch them, at least not like the domesticated one on the ground. Like elves.

Food is not happiness, power is happiness, and for the first time in her life Pomona wished she had power.

A thousand years ago, it was Helga Hufflepuff who brought the house-elf to Hogwarts, where magical creatures who were persecuted in the war could stay. Sorted into Hufflepuff House, a Hufflepuff is supposed to keep a low profile, but we are badgers and have to show our teeth when necessary, and Hufflepuff is going to do the right thing because it is right.

Pomona put on the earmuffs, took out her wand, and aimed it at the mandrake flower pot opposite.

Professor Feliway told her that when casting a spell, you need to wave your wand, cast a spell, and concentrate, but now she is in a small space and cannot wave a wand, and she dare not chant aloud. There are four people on the other side. If she herself If she is exposed, not only will the house-elf not be saved, but she herself will suffer bad luck.

God of magic bless, please let me succeed.

Pomona prayed secretly in her heart, and softly recited the incantation that the Hufflepuff seniors had repeated countless times last night, "Torn apart."

She was aiming at the flower pot, but in the end she missed it a little and hit the table. With a crisp "snap", one leg of the table broke, and the rotten wood could not bear the weight of an adult. It shattered immediately, and then all the flower pots on the table fell to the ground, and more than a dozen pots of Mandrakes began to cry together.

"Oh, damn it! Cover your ears!" The Death Eaters exclaimed. If it was a healthy mandrake, one pot could kill them. Unfortunately, they are malnourished now, and they still cry with more than a dozen pots together. can escape.

When they were all gone, Pomona ran out from her hiding place and picked up the house-elf, who was extremely light and skinny, but they were the ones who had prepared the luxurious banquet at Hogwarts.

"Wake up." Pomona patted its face, the elf could still move, but it rolled its eyes, looking extremely weak.

So Pomona hid it in her robe and rushed to the infirmary with it.

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